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Effective healthcare integration is underpinned by clinical information transfer that is timely, legible and relevant. The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate a method for best practice information exchange. This was achieved based on the generic Mater integration methodology. Using this model the Mater Health Services have increased effective community fax discharge from 34% in 1999 to 86% in 2002. These results were predicated on applied information technology excellence involving the development of the Mater Electronic Health Referral Summary and effective change management methodology, which included addressing issues around patient consent, engaging clinicians, provision of timely and appropriate education and training, executive leadership and commitment and adequate resourcing. The challenge in achieving best practice information transfer is not solely in the technology but also in implementing the change process and engaging clinicians. General practitioners valued the intervention highly. Hospital and community providers now have an inexpensive, effective product for critical information exchange in a timely and relevant manner, enhancing the quality and safety of patient care.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the behavior of premature newborns in the first year of chronological age. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study, bound to a longitudinal study titled: Comparison of visual behavior on the first quarter of year of life of premature nursling born at two maternities of Recife/PE. The sample was composed by 52 premature newborns selected from June, 2007 to June, 2008 from the Maternity of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Biological, socioeconomic and demographic data was collected through medical records and interviews with progeny. Newborns were evaluated by the Assessment Guide of Visual Ability in Infants. RESULTS: Most of the newborns were male at a gestational period between 33 weeks and 36 weeks and 6 days, showed a good visual behavior development for the age researched, and most of the families showed good socioeconomical and demographic profile. Besides, it was possible to detect ocular signs in 19% of sample, that were referred to an Ophthalmology Service. CONCLUSION: This study results point out the method like an important key in the early detection and visual screening for premature nursling since the first month of life and it led us to believe that clinical view for occupational therapy intervention must be focused not only on biological risks but also at the influence environment in newborn performance.
The aim of this study was to estimate the additional cost of treatment of a group of nosocomial infections in a tertiary public hospital. A retrospective observational cohort study was conducted by means of analyzing the medical records of 34 patients with infection after total knee arthroplasty, diagnosed in 2006 and 2007, who met the criteria for nosocomial infection according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To estimate the direct costs of treatment for these patients, the following data were gathered: length of hospital stay, laboratory tests, imaging examinations, and surgical procedures performed. Their costs were estimated from the minimum values according to the Brazilian Medical Association. The estimated cost of the antibiotics used was also obtained. The total length of stay in the ward was 976 days, at a cost of US$ 18,994.63, and, in the intensive care unit, it was 34 days at a cost of US$ 5,031.37. Forty-two debridement procedures were performed, at a cost of US$ 5,798.06, and 1965 tests (laboratory and imaging) were also performed, at a cost of US$ 15,359.25. US$ 20,845.01 was spent on antibiotics and US$ 1,735.16 on vacuum assisted closure therapy, microsurgical flaps, implant removal, spacer use, and surgical revision. The total additional cost of these cases of hospital infection in 2006 and 2007 was of US$ 91,843.75. Based on that, we demonstrate that the high cost of treatment for hospital infections emphasizes the importance of taking measures to prevent and control hospital infection.
OBJETIVO: A doença de Kawasaki é uma vasculite sistêmica aguda de etiologia desconhecida. Seu diagnóstico baseia-se em critérios clínicos. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os casos de pacientes com doença de Kawasaki internados no Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo entre janeiro/2000 e junho/2008. MÉTODOS: Dentre todos os pacientes internados na Enfermaria de Pediatria no período acima, foram selecionados aqueles cujo CID de alta foi doença de Kawasaki. Realizou-se estudo descritivo por meio da análise dos prontuários dessas crianças. RESULTADOS: Foram encontrados 18 casos. A média de internações foi de 2,1 casos/ano. A idade variou de três meses a nove anos. A proporção meninos:meninas foi 1:1,25. Receberam outros diagnósticos prévios 17 pacientes, sendo escarlatina em 2/3 dos casos. O tempo de febre antes do diagnóstico variou de cinco a 11 dias. Nove crianças apresentaram quatro sinais sugestivos de doença de Kawasaki; oito apresentaram cinco sinais e uma apresentou dois sinais, o que foi considerado doença de Kawasaki incompleta. Receberam gamaglobulina 15 crianças (entre o sexto e o décimo dias de evolução) e 11 (73%) ficaram afebris após infusão da medicação. Os demais tiveram febre até 24 horas após a administração. Todos os pacientes realizaram ecocardiograma e três apresentaram aneurisma leve da coronária. CONCLUSÕES: A doença de Kawasaki é habitualmente confundida com outras doenças, o que causa retardo no tratamento e aumento no risco de complicações cardíacas.
O objetivo de nosso estudo foi realizar tipagem molecular de 25 amostras clínicas de Candida spp, isoladas de crianças com candidemia, internadas na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal de um Hospital Universitário entre 1998 a 2006. Dados demográficos e clínicos foram obtidos de prontuários para conhecimento dos aspectos clínicos e epidemiológicos. Identificação das leveduras foi feita por método convencional e a susceptibilidade antifúngica por método de microdiluição. O perfil genético foi determinado pela técnica de RAPD-PCR. Candida albicans (11; 44%) e Candida parapsilosis (10; 40%) foram as mais isoladas. Dezessete (68%) dos recém-nascidos tinham peso inferior a 1.500g. Prematuridade (92%), uso de cateter venoso central (100%), foram as condições de risco mais associados. Dezenove (76%) pacientes foram a óbito. Apenas uma cepa de Candida parapsilosis, mostrou ser sensível dose dependente ao fluconazol. Na análise molecular, foram observados 11 padrões genéticos distintos. Somente em dois casos foi observada relação epidemiológica, sugerindo mesma fonte de infecção.
Background This study aimed to evaluate the association between the total suspended particles (TSP) generated from burning sugar cane plantations and the incidence of hospital admissions from hypertension in the city of Araraquara. Methods The study was an ecological time-series study. Total daily records of hypertension (ICD 10th I10-15) were obtained from admitted patients of all ages in a hospital in Araraquara, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 23 March 2003 to 27 July 2004. The daily concentration of TSP (mu g/m(3)) was obtained using a Handi-Vol sampler placed in downtown Araraquara. The local airport provided daily measures of temperature and humidity. In generalised linear Poisson regression models, the daily number of hospital admissions for hypertension was considered to be the dependent variable and the daily TSP concentration the independent variable. Results TSP presented a lagged effect on hypertension admissions, which was first observed 1 day after a TSP increase and remained almost unchanged for the following 2 days. A 10 mu g/m(3) increase in the TSP 3 day moving average lagged in 1 day led to an increase in hypertension-related hospital admissions during the harvest period (12.5%, 95% CI 5.6% to 19.9%) that was almost 30% higher than during non-harvest periods (9.0%, 95% CI 4.0% to 14.3%). Conclusions Increases in TSP concentrations were associated with hypertension-related hospital admissions. Despite the benefits of reduced air pollution in urban cities achieved by using ethanol produced from sugar cane to power automobiles, areas where the sugar cane is produced and harvested were found to have increased public health risk.
Objective: to identify risk factors associated with neonatal transfers from a free-standing birth centre to a hospital. Design: epidemiological case-control study. Setting: midwifery-led free-standing birth centre in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Participants: 96 newborns were selected from 2840 births between September 1998 and August 2005. Cases were defined as all new borns transferred from the birth centre to a hospital (n = 32), and controls were defined as new borns delivered at the same birth centre, during the same time period, and who had not been transferred to a hospital (n = 64). Measurements and findings: data were collected from medical records available at the birth centre. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression. The multivariate analysis included outcomes with p<0.25, specifically: smoking during pregnancy, prenatal care appointments, labour complications, weight in relation to gestational age, and one-minute Apgar score. Of the foregoing outcomes, those that remained in the full regression model as a risk factor associated with neonatal transfer were: smoking during pregnancy [p = 0.009, odds ratio (OR) = 4.1,95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-16.33], labour complications (p<0.001, OR = 5.5, 95% CI 1.06-28.26) and one-minute Apgar score <= 7 (p<0.001, OR = 7.8,95% CI 1.62-37.03). Key conclusions and implications for practice: smoking during pregnancy, labour complications and one-minute Apgar score <= 7 were confirmed as risk factors for neonatal transfer from the birth centre to a hospital. The identified risk factors can help to improve institutional protocols and formulate hypotheses for other studies. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose Adverse drug events (ADEs) are harmful and occur with alarming frequency in critically ill patients. Complex pharmacotherapy with multiple medications increases the probability of a drug interaction (DI) and ADEs in patients in intensive care units (ICUs). The objective of the study is to determine the frequency of ADEs among patients in the ICU of a university hospital and the drugs implicated. Also, factors associated with ADEs are investigated. Methods This cross-sectional study investigated 299 medical records of patients hospitalized for 5 or more days in an ICU. ADEs were identified through intensive monitoring adopted in hospital pharmacovigilance and also ADE triggers. Adverse drug reactions (ADR) causality was classified using the Naranjo algorithm. Data were analyzed through descriptive analysis, and through univariate and multiple logistic regression. Results The most frequent ADEs were ADRs type A, of possible causality and moderate severity. The most frequent ADR was drug-induced acute kidney injury. Patients with ADEs related to DIs corresponded to 7% of the sample. The multiple logistic regression showed that length of hospitalization (OR = 1.06) and administration of cardiovascular drugs (OR = 2.2) were associated with the occurrence of ADEs. Conclusion Adverse drug reactions of clinical significance were the most frequent ADEs in the ICU studied, which reduces patient safety. The number of ADEs related to drug interactions was small, suggesting that clinical manifestations of drug interactions that harm patients are not frequent in ICUs.
Introduction: Pediatric percutaneous renal biopsy (Bx) is a routine procedure in pediatric nephrology to obtain renal tissues for histological study. We evaluated the safety, efficacy, indications and renal findings of this procedure at a tertiary care pediatric university hospital and compared our findings with the literature. Methods: Retrospective study based on medical records from January 1993 to June 2006. Results: In the study period, 305 Bx were performed in 262 patients, 127 (48.5%) male, aged 9.8 +/- 4.2 years. A 16-gauge needle was utilized in 56/305 Bx, an 18-gauge needle in 252/305 Bx (82.6%). 56.1% Bx were performed under sedation plus local anesthesia, 43.9% under general anesthesia. The number of punctures per Bx was 3.1 +/- 1.3. Minor complications occurred in 8.6% procedures. The 16-gauge needle caused a higher frequency of renal hematomas (p = 0.05). The number of glomeruli per puncture was >= 5 in 96.7% and >= 7 in 92%. Glomeruli number per puncture and frequency of complications were not different according to the type of anesthesia used. A renal pathology diagnosis was achieved in 93.1% Bx. The main indications of Bx were nephrotic syndrome (NS), lupus nephritis (LN) and hematuria (HE). The diagnosis of minimal change disease (MCD) (61.3%), class V (35.6%) and IgA nephropathy (26.3%) predominated in NS, LN and HE patients, respectively. Conclusion: Pediatric real-time ultrasound-guided percutaneous renal biopsy was safe and effective. The main clinical indications for Bx were NS and LN, the predominant renal pathology diagnoses were MCD and class V LN.
Background Disease management programs (DMPs) are developed to address the high morbi-mortality and costs of congestive heart failure (CHF). Most studies have focused on intensive programs in academic centers. Washington County Hospital (WCH) in Hagerstown, MD, the primary reference to a semirural county, established a CHF DMP in 2001 with standardized documentation of screening and participation. Linkage to electronic records and state vital statistics enabled examination of the CHF population including individuals participating and those ineligible for the program. Methods All WCH inpatients with CHF International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision code in any position of the hospital list discharged alive. Results Of 4,545 consecutive CHF admissions, only 10% enrolled and of those only 52.2% made a call. Enrollment in the program was related to: age (OR 0.64 per decade older, 95% CI 0.58-0.70), CHF as the main reason for admission (OR 3.58, 95% CI 2.4-4.8), previous admission for CHF (OR 1.14, 95% CI 1.09-1.2), and shorter hospital stay (OR 0.94 per day longer, 95% CI 0.87-0.99). Among DMP participants mortality rates were lowest in the first month (80/1000 person-years) and increased subsequently. The opposite mortality trend occurred in nonenrolled groups with mortality in the first month of 814 per 1000 person-years in refusers and even higher in ineligible (1569/1000 person-years). This difference remained significant after adjustment. Re-admission rates were lower among participants who called consistently (adjusted incidence rate ratio 0.62, 95% CI 0.52-0.77). Conclusion Only a small and highly select group participated in a low-intensity DMP for CHF in a community-based hospital. Design of DMPs should incorporate these strong selective factors to maximize program impact. (Am Heart J 2009; 15 8:459-66.)
Objective To review complications in both diagnostic and operative laparoscopic procedures at a university-affiliated major teaching hospital and to assess possible risk factors for complications. Design and setting A retrospective review of all laparoscopic procedures at the Royal Women's Hospital Brisbane, Australia, from 1990 to 1997 inclusive. A non-medical or nursing independent assessor reviewed charts. Data were collected on a standard form. Incomplete charts were excluded from analysis. Results There was a total of 1505 procedures. Analysis was based on 1435 complete data records. The overall complication rate was 2.86% with infection (1.3%) being the most common. The rate of gastrointestinal injury was 0.14%. Compared with women who had diagnostic laparoscopies, a higher rate of complication was found in women who had undergone operative laparoscopic procedures. However, this difference did not reach statistical significance. The complication rate was unrelated to seniority of the surgeon. Conclusion Complications can occur in any laparoscopic procedure. Regular reviews, especially in teaching hospitals, will provide feedback to clinicians to improve quality of care.
The objective of this study was to determine the mortality rate and the functional outcomes of stroke patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and to identify predictors of poor outcome in this population. The records of all patients admitted to the ICU with the diagnosis of stroke between January 1994 and December 1999 were reviewed. Patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage were excluded. Data were collected on clinical and biological variables, risk factors for stroke and the presence of comorbidities. Mortality (ICU, in-hospital and three-month) and functional outcome were used as end-points. In the six-year-period, 61 patients were admitted to the ICU with either haemorrhagic or ischaemic stroke. Medical records were available for only 58 patients. There were 23 ischaemic and 35 haemorrhagic strokes. The ICU, in-hospital and three-month mortality rates were 36%, 47% and 52% respectively. There were no significant differences in the prevalence of premorbid risk factors between survivors and non-survivors. The mean Barthel score was significantly different between the independent and dependent survivors (94 +/- 6 vs 45 +/- 26, P < 0.001). A substantial number of patients with good functional outcomes had lower Rankin scores (92% vs 11%, P < 0.001). Only 46% of those who were alive at three months were functionally independent. Intensive care admission was associated with a high mortality rate and a high likelihood of dependent lifestyle after hospital discharge. Haemorrhagic stroke, fixed dilated pupil(s) and GCS < 10 during assessment were associated with increased mortality and poor functional outcome.
Caracteriza e analisa a população do Educandário, com as informações provenientes de uma fonte de dados documental e histórica contida nos dois livros de registros do Educandário e seus arquivos fotográficos. As informações sobre as 3.432 pessoas compõem um banco de dados que foi construído durante a realização desta pesquisa e as fotografias foram digitalizadas. O Educandário Alzira Bley, localiza-se na BR 101 - km 9, bairro de Itanhenga - Cariacica/ES. No estudo foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com funcionários e ex-internos do Educandário, que deram vida e movimento às análises dos gráficos e tabelas elaborados a partir do banco de dados. Para o embasamento teórico do estudo da população são empregados conceitos pertinentes à transição demográfica e à transição epidemiológica, às migrações forçadas, às redes migratórias e às características da população (sexo, idade, cor, origem e suas variações) que forneceram os elementos para a análise do estado da população em diferentes momentos históricos. A Geografia Histórica completa os referenciais teóricos desta investigação, pois muitas características geográficas requerem estudos históricos para uma explicação satisfatória de como chegaram ao que são hoje. As fotografias, os depoimentos e livros de registros do Educandário propiciaram a caracterização da população que passou e/ou viveu no Educandário Alzira Bley ao longo do período das internações compulsórias no Hospital Colônia Pedro Fontes (1937-1979). Com a realização desta investigação chegamos às seguintes conclusões: a) cada geração é vítima do conhecimento científico do seu tempo; b) a transição demográfica encontrava-se em sua primeira fase nos meados do século XX, e os índices elevados de mortalidade e de fecundidade eram observados na população estudada; c) a transição epidemiológica, também em curso no Espírito Santo era caracterizada por elevada incidência das doenças infectocontagiosas, dentre as quais a hanseníase era ainda uma doença sem cura. d) o isolamento dos hansenianos em hospitais colônias, bem como seus filhos em preventórios foram movimentos de migração forçada; e) a internação compulsória dos hansenianos em hospitais colônias desencadeava uma migração em rede de familiares e demais parentes e amigos que pudessem estar com a doença.