971 resultados para Hormone-Related Cancer, Endometrial, SNP, MMP


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Tissue destruction associated with the periodontal disease progression is caused by a cascade of host and microbial factors and proteolytic enzymes. Aberrant laminin-332 (Ln-332), human beta defensin (hBD), and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) functions have been found in oral inflammatory diseases. The null-allele mouse model appears as the next step in oral disease research. The MMP-8 knock-out mouse model allowed us to clarify the involvement of MMP-8 in vivo in oral and related inflammatory diseases where MMP-8 is suggested to play a key role in tissue destruction. The cleaved Ln-332 γ2-chain species has been implicated in the apical migration of sulcular epithelial cells during the formation of periodontal pockets. We demonstrated that increased Ln-332 fragment levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) are strongly associated with the severity of inflammation in periodontitis. Porphyromonas gingivalis trypsin-like proteinase can cleave an intact Ln-332 γ2-chain into smaller fragments and eventually promote the formation of periodontal pockets. hBDs are components of an innate mucosal defense against pathogenic microbes. Our results suggest that P. gingivalis trypsin-like proteinase can degrade hBD and thus reduce the innate immune response. Elevated levels and the increased activity of MMPs have been detected in several pathological tissue-destructive conditions where MMPs are shown to cleave extracellular matrix (ECM) and basement membrane (BM) molecules and to facilitate tissue destruction. Elevated levels of MMP-8 have been reported in many inflammatory diseases. In periodontitis, MMP-8 levels in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and in peri-implant sulcular fluid (PISF) are elevated at sites of active inflammation, and the increased levels of MMP-8 are mainly responsible for collagenase activity, which leads to tissue destruction. MMP-25, expressed by neutrophils, is involved in inflammatory diseases and in ECM turnover. MMP-26 can degrade ECM components and serve as an activator of other MMP enzymes. We further confirmed that increased levels and activation of MMP-8, -25, and -26 in GCF, PISF, and inflamed gingival tissue are associated with the severity of periodontal/peri-implant inflammation. We evaluated the role of MMP-8 in P. gingivalis-induced periodontitis by comparing MMP-8 knock-out (MMP8-/-) and wild-type mice. Surprisingly, MMP-8 significantly attenuated P. gingivalis-induced site-specific alveolar bone loss. We also evaluated systemic changes in serum immunoglobulin and lipoprotein profiles among these mouse groups. P. gingivalis infection increased HDL/VLDL particle size in the MMP-8-/- mice, which is an indicator of lipoprotein responses during systemic inflammation. Serum total LPS and IgG antibody levels were enhanced in both mice groups. P. gingivalis-induced periodontitis, especially in MMP-8-/- mice, is associated with severe alveolar bone loss and with systemic inflammatory and lipoprotein changes that are likely to be involved in early atherosclerosis.


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We examined the co-occurrence of migraine and endometriosis within the largest known collection of families containing multiple women with surgically confirmed endometriosis and in an independent sample of 815 monozygotic and 457 dizygotic female twin pairs. Within the endometriosis families, a significantly increased risk of migrainous headache was observed in women with endometriosis compared to women without endometriosis (odds ratio [OR] 1.57, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.12-2.21, P=0.009). Bivariate heritability analyses indicated no evidence for common environmental factors influencing either migraine or endometriosis but significant genetic components for both traits, with heritability estimates of 69 and 49%, respectively. Importantly, a significant additive genetic correlation (r(G) = 0.27, 95% CI: 0.06-0.47) and bivariate heritability (h(2)=0.17, 95% CI: 0.08-0.27) was observed between migraine and endometriosis. Controlling for the personality trait neuroticism made little impact on this association. These results confirm the previously reported comorbidity between migraine and endometriosis and indicate common genetic influences completely explain their co-occurrence within individuals. Given pharmacological treatments for endometriosis typically target hormonal pathways and a number of findings provide support for a relationship between hormonal variations and migraine, hormone-related genes and pathways are highly plausible candidates for both migraine and endometriosis. Therefore, taking into account the status of both migraine and endometriosis may provide a novel opportunity to identify the genes underlying them. Finally, we propose that the analysis of such genetically correlated comorbid traits can increase power to detect genetic risk loci through the use of more specific, homogenous and heritable phenotypes.


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Bone is a mineralized tissue that enables multiple mechanical and metabolic functions to be carried out in the skeleton. Bone contains distinct cell types: osteoblasts (bone-forming cells), osteocytes (mature osteoblast that embedded in mineralized bone matrix) and the osteoclasts (bone-resorbing cells). Remodelling of bone begins early in foetal life, and once the skeleton is fully formed in young adults, almost all of the metabolic activity is in this form. Bone is constantly destroyed or resorbed by osteoclasts and then replaced by osteoblasts. Many bone diseases, i.e. osteoporosis, also known as bone loss, typically reflect an imbalance in skeletal turnover. The cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) are second messengers involved in a variety of cellular responses to such extracellular agents as hormones and neurotransmitters. In the hormonal regulation of bone metabolism, i.e. via parathyroid hormone (PTH), parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrp) and prostaglandin E2 signal via cAMP. cAMP and cGMP are formed by adenylate and guanylate cyclases and are degraded by phosphodiesterases (PDEs). PDEs determine the amplitudes of cyclic nucleotide-mediated hormonal responses and modulate the duration of the signal. The activities of the PDEs are regulated by multiple inputs from other signalling systems and are crucial points of cross-talk between the pathways. Food-derived bioactive peptides are reported to express a variety of functions in vivo. The angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACEs) are involved in the regulation of the specific maturation or degradation of a number of mammalian bioactive peptides. The bioactive peptides offer also a nutriceutical and a nutrigenomic aspect to bone cell biology. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of PDEs and bioactive peptides on the activation and the differentiation of human osteoblast cells. The profile of PDEs in human osteoblast-like cells and the effect of glucocorticoids on the function of cAMP PDEs, were investigated at the mRNA and enzyme levels. The effects of PDEs on bone formation and osteoblast gene expression were determined with chemical inhibitors and siRNAs (short interfering RNAs). The influence of bioactive peptides on osteoblast gene expression and proliferation was studied at the mRNA and cellular levels. This work provides information on how PDEs are involved in the function and the differentiation of osteoblasts. The findings illustrate that gene-specific silencing with an RNA interference (RNAi) method is useful in inhibiting, the gene expression of specific PDEs and further, PDE7 inhibition upregulates several osteogenic genes and increases bALP activity and mineralization in human mesenchymal stem cells-derived osteoblasts. PDEs appear to be involved in a mechanism by which glucocorticoids affect cAMP signaling. This may provide a potential route in the formation of glucocorticoid-induced bone loss, involving the down-regulation of cAMP-PDE. PDEs may play an important role in the regulation of osteoblastic differentiation. Isoleucine-proline-proline (IPP), a bioactive peptide, possesses the potential to increase osteoblast proliferation, differentiation and signalling.


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Recently there emerged more and more researhes concerning about sex hormone-related cognitive ability and behaviours. Few were carried out in pre- to early adolescent children., and the objective of the current study is to investigate whether there are covariance between sex hormones, intelligence and personality in 232 pre- to early adolescent boys, including 62 gifted boys. Indexes of sex hormone levels were salivary testosterone and estradiol concentrations, the 2D:4D digit ratio ( a reliable pointer of prenatal sex hormone concentraions). The Cattell Culture Fair Intelligence Test and a Chinese version of Children’s Personality Questionaire was applied in the current study. The main findings are: 1) salivary sex hormone concentrations significantly positively correlated with intelligence performance in 10-year-old boys; 2) salivary testosterone negatively related to intelligence performance in 12-year-old boys; 3) gifted boys bears lower testosterone concentrations in both prenatal period and pre- to early adolescence; 4) for personality, higher salivary estradiol was related to extraversion and digit ratios correlated with several personality factors in 8-year-old boys. In conclusion, results in the current study suggested that for male early maturers, intelligence may be negatively influenced by early coming androgen surge. In contrast, male late matures may benefit from their lately and moderately increasing hormone. Besides, the results suggested that the relationship between 2D:4D digit ratio and personality may also be paid attention to.


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Objective. The use of glucocorticoids (GCs) in the treatment of RA is a frequent cause of bone loss. In vitro, however, this same class of steroids has been shown to promote the recruitment and/or maturation of primitive osteogenic precursors present in the colony forming unit-fibroblastic (CFU-F) fraction of human bone and marrow. In an effort to reconcile these conflicting observations, we investigated the effects of the synthetic GC dexamethasone (Dx) on parameters of growth and osteogenic differentiation in cultures of bone marrow stromal cells derived from a large cohort of adult human donors (n=30). Methods. Marrow suspensions were cultured in the absence and presence of Dx at concentrations between 10 pm and 1 µm. After 28 days we determined the number and diameter of colonies formed, the total number of cells, the surface expression of receptors for selected growth factors and extracellular matrix proteins and, based on the expression of the developmental markers alkaline phosphatase (AP) and the antigen recognized by the STRO-1 monoclonal antibody, the proportion of cells undergoing osteogenic differentiation and their extent of maturation. Results. At a physiologically equivalent concentration, Dx had no effect on the adhesion of CFU-F or on their subsequent proliferation, but did promote their osteogenic differentiation and further maturation. These effects were independent of changes in the expression of the receptors for fibroblast growth factors, insulin-like growth factor 1, nerve growth factor, platelet-derived growth factors and parathyroid hormone/parathyroid hormone-related protein, but were associated with changes in the number of cells expressing the 2 and 4, but not ß1, integrin subunits. At supraphysiological concentrations, the effects of Dx on the osteogenic recruitment and maturation of CFU-F and their progeny were maintained but at the expense of a decrease in cell number. Conclusions. A decrease in the proliferation of osteogenic precursors, but not in their differentiation or maturation, is likely to be a key factor in the genesis of GC-induced bone loss.


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The matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are endopeptidases which break down the extracellular matrix and regulate cytokine and growth factor activity. Several MMPs have been implicated in the promotion of invasion and metastasis in a broad range of tumours including urothelial carcinoma. In this study, RNA from 132 normal bladder and urothelial carcinoma specimens was profiled for each of the 24 human MMPs, the four endogenous tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) and several key growth factors and their receptors using quantitative real time RT-PCR. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) of RNA from 22 tumour and 11 normal frozen sections was performed allowing accurate RNA extraction from either stromal or epithelial compartments. This study confirms the over expression in bladder tumour tissue of well-documented MMPs and highlights a range of MMPs which have not previously been implicated in the development of urothelial cancer. In summary, MMP-2, MT1-MMP and the previously unreported MMP-28 were very highly expressed in tumour samples while MMPs 1, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19 and 23 were highly expressed. There was a significant positive correlation between transcript expression and tumour grade for MMPs 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 28 (P < 0.001). At the same confidence interval, TIMP-1 and TIMP-3 also correlated with increasing tumour grade. LCM revealed that most highly expressed MMPs are located primarily within the stromal compartment except MMP-13 which localised to the epithelial compartment. This work forms the basis for further functional studies, which will help to confirm the MMPs as potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets in early bladder cancer.


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Whole animal studies have indicated that Ca2+ uptake by the gastrointestinal tract is regulated by the action of parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) in teleost fish. We have characterised PTH receptors (PTHR) in piscine enterocytes and established, by using aminoterminal PTHrP peptides, the amino acid residues important for receptor activation and for stabilising the ligand/receptor complex. Ligand binding of 125I-(1–35tyr) PTHrP to the membrane fraction of isolated sea bream enterocytes revealed the existence of a single saturable high-affinity receptor (KD=2.59 nM; Bmax=71 fmol/mg protein). Reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction with specific primers for sea bream PTH1R and PTH3R confirmed the mRNA expression of only the later receptor. Fugu (1–34) PTHrP increased cAMP levels in enterocytes but had no effect on total inositol phosphate accumulation. The aminoterminal peptides (2–34)PTHrP, (3–34)PTHrP and (7–34) PTHrP bound efficiently to the receptor but were severely defective in stimulating cAMP in enterocyte cells indicating that the first six residues of piscine (1–34)PTHrP, although not important for receptor binding, are essential for activation of the adenylate cyclase/phosphokinase A (AC-PKA)-receptor-coupled intracellular signalling pathway. Therefore, PTHrP in teleosts acts on the gastrointestinal tract through PTH3R and the AC-PKA intracellular signalling pathway and might regulate Ca2+ uptake at this site. Ligand-receptor binding and activity throughout the vertebrates appears to be allocated to the same amino acid residues of the amino-terminal domain of the PTHrP molecule.


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Prostate cancer (PCa), a leading cause of cancer-related morbidity and mortality, arises through the acquisition of genetic and epigenetic alterations. Deregulation of histone methyltransferases (HMTs) or demethylases (HDMs) has been associated with PCa development and progression. However, the precise influence of altered HMTs or HDMs expression and respective histone marks in PCa onset and progression remains largely unknown. To clarify the role of HMTs and HDMs in prostate carcinogenesis, expression levels of 37 HMTs and 20 HDMs were assessed in normal prostate and PCa tissue samples by RT-qPCR. SMYD3, SUV39H2, PRMT6, KDM5A, and KDM6A were upregulated, whereas KMT2A-E (MLL1-5) and KDM4B were downregulated in PCa, compared with normal prostate tissues. Remarkably, PRMT6 was the histone modifier that best discriminated normal from tumorous tissue samples. Interestingly, EZH2 and SMYD3 expression levels significantly correlated with less differentiated and more aggressive tumors. Remarkably, SMYD3 expression levels were of independent prognostic value for the prediction of disease-specific survival of PCa patients with clinically localized disease submitted to radical prostatectomy. We concluded that expression profiling of HMTs and HDMs, especially SMYD3, might be of clinical usefulness for the assessment of PCa patients and assist in pre-therapeutic decision-making.


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La signalisation par l’estrogène a longtemps été considérée comme jouant un rôle critique dans le développement et la progression des cancers hormono-dépendants tel que le cancer du sein. Deux tiers des cancers du sein expriment le récepteur des estrogènes (ER) qui constitue un élément indiscutable dans cette pathologie. L’acquisition d’une résistance endocrinienne est cependant un obstacle majeur au traitement de cette forme de cancer. L’émergence de cancers hormono-indépendants peut est produite par l’activation de ER en absence d’estrogène, l’hypersensibilité du récepteur aux faibles concentrations plasmique d’estrogène ainsi que l’activation de ER par des modulateurs sélectifs. L’activité du ER est fortement influencée par l’environnement cellulaire tel que l’activation de voie de signalisation des facteurs de croissances, la disponibilité de protéines co-régulatrices et des séquences promotrices ciblées. Présentement, les études ont principalement considérées le rôle de ERα, cependant avec la découverte de ERβ, notre compréhension de la diversité des mécanismes potentiels impliquant des réponses ER-dépendantes s’est améliorée. L’activation des voies des kinases par les facteurs de croissance entraîne le développement d’un phénotype tumoral résistant aux traitements actuels. Nos connaissances des voies impliquées dans l’activation de ER sont restreintes. ERα est considéré comme le sous-type dominant et corrèle avec la plupart des facteurs de pronostic dans le cancer du sein. Le rôle de ERβ reste imprécis. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse ont pour objectif de mieux comprendre l’implication de ERβ dans la prolifération cellulaire par l’étude du comportement de ERβ et ERα suite à l’activation des voies de signalisation par les facteurs de croissance. Nous démontrons que l’activation des récepteurs de surfaces de la famille ErbB, spécifiquement ErbB2/ErbB3, inhibe l’activité transcriptionnelle de ERβ, malgré la présence du coactivateur CBP, tout en activant ERα. De plus, l’inhibition de ERβ est attribuée à un résidu sérine (Ser-255) situé dans la région charnière, absente dans ERα. Des études supplémentaires de ErbB2/ErbB3 ont révélé qu’ils activent la voie PI3K/Akt ciblant à son tour la Ser-255. En effet, cette phosphorylation de ERβ par PI3K/Akt induit une augmentation de l’ubiquitination du récepteur qui promeut sa dégradation par le système ubiquitine-protéasome. Cette dégradation est spécifique pour ERβ. De façon intéressante, la dégradation par le protéasome requiert la présence du coactivateur CBP normalement requis pour l’activité transcriptionnelle des récepteurs nucléaires. Malgré le fait que l’activation de la voie PI3K/Akt corrèle avec une diminution de l’expression des gènes sous le contrôle de ERβ, on observe une augmentation de la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses. L’inhibition de la dégradation de ERβ réduit cette prolifération excessive causée par le traitement avec Hrgβ1, un ligand de ErbB3. Un nombre croissant d’évidences indique que les voies de signalisations des facteurs de croissance peuvent sélectivement réguler l’activité transcriptionnelle de sous-types de ER. De plus, le ratio ERα/ERβ dans les cancers du sein devient un outil de diagnostique populaire afin de déterminer la sévérité d’une tumeur. En conclusion, la caractérisation moléculaire du couplage entre la signalisation des facteurs de croissance et la fonction des ERs permettra le développement de nouveaux traitements afin de limiter l’apparition de cellules tumorales résistantes aux thérapies endocriniennes actuelles.


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Le développement et l'homéostasie des os requièrent l'orchestration spatio-temporelle d'un grand nombre de signaux moléculaires. Ces signaux entraînent l'activation ou l'inhibition de différents facteurs de transcription, lesquels sont en mesure de contrôler la prolifération et la différenciation des ostéoblastes et des chondrocytes. L'intégrité de ces différents mécanismes se doit d'être maintenu tout au long de la vie. Ainsi, une anomalie dans l'un de ces mécanismes conduit à l'apparition de pathologies osseuses et métaboliques telles qu’une hypophosphatémie, l'ostéoporose ou l'ostéoarthrite (OA). Afin d'en apprendre davantage sur la biologie osseuse, le projet décrit dans cette thèse a pour objectif de caractériser de nouveaux mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle pour deux gènes importants dans le développement des os et le maintien de leur intégrité. Il s’agit du Paired-like Homeodomain Transcription Factor 1 (PITX1) et du Phosphate-regulating gene with homology to endopeptidase on the X chromosome (PHEX). Le premier mécanisme présenté dans cette thèse concerne la régulation transcriptionnelle du gène PITX1, un facteur de transcription à homéodomaine nécessaire, notamment, au développement des os des membres inférieurs et au maintien de l'intégrité du cartilage articulaire chez l'adulte. Ainsi, dans les chondrocytes articulaires, on note que l'expression de PITX1 est assurée par le recrutement du facteur de transcription E2F1 à deux éléments de réponse présents dans la région proximale du promoteur de PITX1. Aussi, dans les chondrocytes articulaires de patients souffrant d'OA, dans lesquels l'expression de PITX1 est fortement diminuée, un mécanisme de répression transcriptionnelle, lequel implique la protéine multifonctionnelle Prohibitin (PHB1), semble être activé. En effet, dans ces chondroytes, on note une forte accumulation nucléaire de PHB1 comparativement aux chondrocytes articulaires de sujets sains. Le second mécanisme présenté dans cette thèse concerne la répression transcriptionnelle de PHEX, la peptidase mutée dans le syndrome d'hypophosphatémie lié au chromosome X (X-Linked Hypophosphatemia, XLH), lequel se caractérise par une hypophosphatémie et une ostéomalacie. Le traitement d'ostéoblastes à la Parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) permet d’observer la répression de PHEX. Afin de caractériser le mécanisme responsable de cette répression, des expériences de gènes rapporteurs ont révélé la présence de deux éléments de réponse pour le répresseur transcriptionnel E4BP4 dans le promoteur de PHEX. La suppression de l'expression d'E4BP4 par l'utilisation d'ARN d'interférence a permis de valider que ce facteur de transcription est responsable de la répression de PHEX suite au traitement d'ostéoblastes à la PTHrP. En somme ces nouveaux mécanismes de régulation transcriptionnelle permettent de mieux comprendre la régulation de l'expression de PITX1 et de PHEX. Aussi, cette nouvelle implication de PHB1 dans la pathogenèse de l'OA offre de nouvelles possibilités de traitement et pourrait servir pour le diagnostic précoce de cette pathologie. Enfin, la caractérisation d'E4BP4 en tant que médiateur pour la répression de PHEX par la PTHrP suggère que ce répresseur transcriptionnel pourrait être impliqué dans le contrôle de la minéralisation des os et des niveaux de phosphate sanguin.


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Molecular and behavioural evidence points to an association between sex-steroid hormones and autism spectrum conditions (ASC) and/or autistic traits. Prenatal androgen levels are associated with autistic traits, and several genes involved in steroidogenesis are associated with autism, Asperger Syndrome and/or autistic traits. Furthermore, higher rates of androgen-related conditions (such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, hirsutism, acne and hormone-related cancers) are reported in women with autism spectrum conditions. A key question therefore is if serum levels of gonadal and adrenal sex-steroids (particularly testosterone, estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and androstenedione) are elevated in individuals with ASC. This was tested in a total sample of n=166 participants. The final eligible sample for hormone analysis comprised n=128 participants, n=58 of whom had a diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism (33 males and 25 females) and n=70 of whom were age- and IQ-matched typical controls (39 males and 31 females). ASC diagnosis (without any interaction with sex) strongly predicted androstenedione levels (p<0.01), and serum androstenedione levels were significantly elevated in the ASC group (Mann-Whitney W=2677, p=0.002), a result confirmed by permutation testing in females (permutation-corrected p=0.02). This result is discussed in terms of androstenedione being the immediate precursor of, and being converted into, testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, or estrogens in hormone-sensitive tissues and organs.


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In this study, we have investigated the ability of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) to inhibit HIV long terminal repeat (LTR)-driven gene expression. Using COS 7 cells cotransfected with tat and an HIV LTR linked to a chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter, we observed that physiological levels of IGF-I (10-9 M) significantly inhibited CAT expression in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. IGF-I did not inhibit C AT expression in COS 7 cells transfected with pSVCAT, and did not affect CAT expression in the absence of cotransfection with tat . Transfection of HIV-1 proviral DNA into COS 7 cells +/- IGF-I resulted in a significant decrease ( p 0.05) in infectious virion production. Both IGF-I and Ro24-7429 inhibited LTR-driven C AT expression, while TNF- alpha -enhanced CAT expression was not affected by IGF-I. On the other hand, a plasmid encoding parathyroid hormone-related peptide exhibited dramatic additivity of inhibition of CAT expression in COS 7 cells. Finally, we show that in Jurkat or U937 cells cotransfected with HIVLTRCAT/tat, IGF-I significantly inhibited CAT expression. Further, interleukin 4 showed in U937 cells inhibition of CAT expression that was not additive to IGF-I induced inhibition. Our data demonstrate that IGF-I can specifically inhibit HIVLTRCAT expression. This inhibition may occur at the level of the tat /TAR interaction. Finally, this IGF-I effect is seen in target cell lines and similar paths of inhibition may be involved in the various cell types employed.


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Tumor intrinsic and extrinsic factors are thought to contribute to bone metastasis but little is known about how they cooperate to promote breast cancer spread to bone. We used the bone-metastatic 4T1BM2 mammary carcinoma model to investigate the cooperative interactions between tumor LM-511 and bone-derived soluble factors in vitro. We show that bone conditioned medium cooperates with LM-511 to enhance 4T1BM2 cell migration and invasion and is sufficient alone to promote survival in the absence of serum. These responses were associated with increased secretion of MMP-9 and activation of ERK and AKT signaling pathways and were partially blocked by pharmacological inhibitors of MMP-9, AKT-1/2 or MEK. Importantly, pre-treatment of 4T1BM2 cells with an AKT-1/2 inhibitor significantly reduced experimental metastasis to bone in vivo. Promotion of survival and invasive responses by bone-derived soluble factors and tumor-derived LM-511 are likely to contribute to the metastatic spread of breast tumors to bone.


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The renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the seventh most common malignancy, accounting for more than 3% of cancer incidence in the United States. RCC is more common in males, occurring primarily in the 5 th to 7 th decades of life. At the time of presentation one third of the patients have advanced disease and about 50% of the patients that underwent radical nephrectomy have recurrence. With the mainstream implementation of imaging modalities, such as ultrasound, the incidental detection of RCC has dramatically increased in recent years. Patients with metastatic RCC without treatment have na average survival of 6 to 10 months, and only 10 to 20% can be expected to survive 2 years. Treatment for patients with advanced disease remains unsatisfactory and the metastatic renal cancer continue to present a therapeutic challenge systemic therapies employed in patients with this tumor include chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and immunotherapy. The authors review the treatment strategies of the metastatic renal cell carcinoma (RCC).


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB