222 resultados para Homicide.


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Many things can hamper an investigation. For example, the crime may be a truly random occurrence without links between the victim and the offender, evidence may not be acknowledged or properly collected, and the crime type itself may influence solvability. In other cases still, offenders actively seek to hamper the police investigation in an effort to avoid being caught and going to prison. In fact, the literature on homicide notes that it is not uncommon in many cases of this type for the offender to engage in precautionary acts (Turvey, 2007)...


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The over-representation of vulnerable populations within the criminal justice system, and the role of police in perpetuating this, has long been a topic of discussion in criminology. What is less discussed is the way in which non-criminal investigations by police, in areas like a death investigation, may similarly disadvantage and discriminate against vulnerable populations. In Australia, as elsewhere, it is police who are responsible for investigating both suspicious and violent deaths like homicide as well as non-suspicious, violent deaths like accidents and suicides. Police are also the agents tasked with investigating deaths which are neither violent nor suspicious but occur outside hospitals and other care facilities. This paper, part of a larger funded Australian research project focusing on the ways in which cultural and religious differences are dealt with during the death investigation process, reports on how police describe – or are described by others – during their role in a non-suspicious death investigation, and the challenges that such investigations raise for police and policing. The employment of police liaison officers is discussed as one response to the difficulty of policing cultural and religious difference with variable results.


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Although the majority of people with mental illness are not violent, scientific studies over the last decades show that certain psychiatric disorders increase the risk of violent behavior, including homicide. This thesis examined crime scene behaviors and offender background characteristics among mentally ill Finnish homicide offenders. Previously, homicide crime scene behaviors have been investigated in relation to offender demographic characteristics, whereas this study compares the behaviors of offenders with various mental illnesses. The study design was a retrospective chart review of the forensic psychiatric statements of Finnish homicide offenders. The work consists of four substudies. The aims of the study were as follows: To describe differences in the childhood and family backgrounds as well as in the adolescent and adult adjustment of Finnish homicide offenders belonging to different diagnostic categories (schizophrenia, personality disorder, alcoholism, drug addiction or no diagnosis). Further, the study examined associations between the crime scene behaviors and mental status of these offenders. Also, the distinguishing characteristics between two groups of offenders with schizophrenia were examined: early starters, who present antisocial behavior before the onset of schizophrenia, and late starters, who first offend after the onset of mental disorder. Finally, it was investigated how the use of excessive violence is associated with clinical and circumstantial variables as well as offender background characteristics among homicide offenders with schizophrenia. The main findings of the study can be summarized as follows. First, offenders with personality disorder or drug addiction had experienced multiple difficulties in their early environments: both family and individual problems were typical. Offenders with schizophrenia were relatively well-adjusted in childhood compared to the other groups. However, in adolescence and adulthood, social isolation, withdrawal and other difficulties attributable to these offenders illness became evident. In several aspects, offenders with alcohol dependency resembled offenders with no diagnosis in that these offenders had less problematic backgrounds compared to other groups. Second, the results showed that crime scene behaviors, victim gender and the victim-offender relationship differ between the groups. In particular, offenders with a diagnosis of schizophrenia or drug addiction have some unique features in their crime scene behaviors and choice of victims. Offenders with schizophrenia were more likely to kill a blood relative, to use a sharp weapon and to injure the victim s face. Drug addiction was associated with stealing from the victim and trying to cover up the body. Third, the results suggest that the offense characteristics of early- and late-start offenders with schizophrenia differ only modestly. However, several significant differences between the groups were found in characteristics of offenders: early starters had experienced a multitude of problems in their childhood surroundings and also later in life. Fourth, violent acts where the offender did not commit the offense alone or had previous homicidal history were predictive of excessive violence among offenders with schizophrenia. Positive psychotic symptoms did not predict the use of excessive violence. Nearly one third of the cases in the sample involved multiple and severe violence, including features such as sadism, mutilation, sexual components or extreme stabbing. In sum, mentally disordered homicide offenders are heterogeneous in their offense characteristics as well as their background characteristics. Empirically based information on how the offender s mental state is associated with specific crime scene behaviors can be utilized within the police force in developing methods of prioritizing suspects in unsolved homicide cases. Also, these results emphasise the importance of early interventions for problem families and children at risk of antisocial behavior. They may also contribute to the development of effective treatment for violent offenders.


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There have been sweeping changes in policy and practice on violence against intimate partners over the past several decades. New laws, policies, programs, and research funding have shaped the literature on this topic as well as the contours of violence itself. A substantial portion of the contemporary research literature is devoted to the policies and interventions that affect intimate partner violence. This chapter will first review key policy changes that have shaped interventions in violence against intimate partners. Second, it will map major areas of research on policy and intervention in violence and abuse. Finally, it will propose directions for future research.


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Satanism in the Finnish Youth Culture of the 1990s The aim of this study was to investigate Satanism among Finnish youth in the 1990s. Thematic interviews of young Finnish Satanists are the basic material of this study. The research employs a theoretical framework derived from narrative psychology and the role-theoretical thinking of Dan P. McAdams. The young Satanists in Finland have been divided into two different groups: the criminal and drug using "devil-worshipping gangs"; and the more educated and philosophically oriented "Satanists" (Heino 1993). What can we say about this division? In the 1990s around Finland, there were young people calling themselves as devil- worshippers (either singular or in groups). They were strongly committed to a mythical devilish and cosmic battle, which they believed was going on in this world. They had problems with their mental health, also in their family socialization and peer groups. In their personal attitudes they were either active fighters or passive tramps. There were also rationally oriented young Satanists, that were ritually active and mainly atheistic. They strongly expressed their personal experiences of being individual and of being different than others. In their personal attitudes they were critical fighters and active survivors. They saw their lives through the satanistic 'finding-oneself experience'. They understood themselves as a "postmodern tribe" (Michel Maffesoli's sosiocultural concept): their sense of themselves was that of a dynamic collectivity which is social, dynamic, nonlocal and mythically historical. Death and black metal culture in the 1990s formed a common space for youth culture, where young individuals could work out their feelings and express their attitudes to life using dark satanic themes and symbols. The sense of "otherness" (also other than satanic) and collective demands for authenticity were essential tools that were used for identity work here. Personal disengagement from satanic/satanistic groups were observed to be gradual or quite rapid. Religious conversions back-and-forth also accured. At the end of the 1990s all off satanism in Finland bore a negative devil-worshipping stigma. Ritual homicide in South-Finland (Kerava/Hyvinkää) was connected to Satanism, which then became unpopular both in the personal life stories and alternative youth cultural circles at the beginning of the 2000s.


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Este trabalho consiste de uma análise exploratória sobre municípios do Sudeste com população acima de 100mil habitantes abordando dois problemas: a violência e a educação. Na violência abordaremos índices de homicídios na adolescência trabalhando com a faixa de adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos. Na educação trabalharemos com o Índice de Desenvolvimento Educacionail Brasileiro referenciado ao último ano do ensino fundamental. Trabalhando com os indicadores citados, abordaremos esses problemas gerando um Índice de Saúde social do Adolescente utilizando a lógica Fuzzy, conjunto nebuloso. Classificando os municípios do Sudeste visando identificar municípios com qualidade de vida melhor para esses adolescentes, expectativa de vida e melhoria na educação. Baixos índices de homicídios e altos índices educacionais desenvolvendo uma ferramenta útil para auxiliar na tomada de decisões no tocante a políticas públicas nos Municípios e Estados gerando um indicador de municípios com qualidade de vida para os adolescentes! Trabalhamos com dados do ano de 2007 tanto para o homicídio quanto para a educação, os valores apresentados nos índices foram divididos em quintis, processados via o software MATLAB utilizando lógica nebulosa (fuzzy), classificados e apresentados nas formas de valores alfanuméricos em tabelas espaciais com o software Quantum Gis através de mapas temáticos das regiões estudadas.


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Uma das instâncias de representação do mundo é a linguagem. Por meio da língua representamos dados de nossa experiência física e psíquica, ou seja, representamos a realidade que nos cerca. Investigar como o homem representa essa realidade é uma questão inesgotável. Desse modo, é necessário selecionar um aspecto dessa realidade, i.e., fazer um recorte. Para tratar de como o homem representa o mundo, foi escolhido como objeto de pesquisa uma das mais recorrentes representações feitas pela humanidade, a saber, deus. Os questionamentos em torno do personagem deus podem ser considerados uma das questões ontológicas do homem. No âmbito dos estudos da linguagem, a Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional mostra-se como suporte teórico ideal, pois entende que a linguagem possui a habilidade de representar a realidade. O propósito da linguagem de representar ideias e expressar experiências remete à Metafunção Ideacional que tem como ferramenta de análise o Sistema de Transitividade. Sendo assim, nosso objetivo é investigar, por meio do Sistema de Transitividade da LSF, que representações de deus José Saramago nos mostra em seu último romance, Caim, e responder às seguintes perguntas: Qual a representação do personagem Deus em Caim a partir da investigação dos enunciados do narrador, do personagem Caim e do próprio personagem Deus? A análise linguística corrobora ou não o posicionamento de Saramago expresso por meio de um narrador que se coloca contra Deus? Como a análise linguística pode corroborar e sustentar uma análise literária? O conceito de religião e a relação homem-deus têm uma presença constante na obra de Saramago e, em Caim, o autor desconstrói uma tradição judaico-cristã, através das próprias narrativas bíblicas do Velho Testamento. Por meio dos processos analisados é possível observar que o divino, na obra em questão, é revestido de características humanas, é vingativo, rancoroso e demonstra pouquíssima compaixão por suas criaturas. Para Saramago, o Deus cristão faz dos seres humanos suas marionetes, por exemplo, quando induz Caim ao primeiro homicídio da historia cristã. Desse modo, o autor desconstrói a concepção judaico-cristã do Deus justo, onipotente, onisciente e bondoso. Para o autor, Deus é egoísta, vingativo e se deixa levar pela ira


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O presente estudo trata, a partir de uma abordagem crítica do debate no campo dos Direitos Humanos, da análise do extermínio de crianças e adolescentes no Rio de Janeiro, tendo em perspectiva que esses homicídios retratam a criminalização da pobreza como principal mecanismo de ação do Estado diante do agravamento da questão social e suas expressões. Inicialmente, a apresentação do arcabouço conceitual referencia as particularidades das violações dos direitos de crianças e adolescentes no contexto da formação sociohistórica brasileira, trazendo o debate na constituição do mito das classes perigosas. Em seguida procuramos compreender o contexto da crise capitalista contemporânea e a trajetória da consecução de direitos para crianças e adolescentes, circunscritos entre os avanços legais e o adensamento do processo de criminalização da infância e juventude pauperizada. Concluímos com a análise dos índices de homicídios da Região Metropolitana, a partir dos anos 90, abordando-os como resultado de um processo sistemático de extermínio de crianças e adolescentes, a culminância da violência cotidiana a qual estão submetidas, em contraposição a doutrina da proteção integral e da universalização de direitos.


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Nas últimas três décadas, o Brasil produziu mais de um milhão de mortos por homicídios, alcançando assim a triste posição de 18 país com maior taxa de mortes violentas no mundo (GENEVADECLARATIONON ARMED VIOLENCE AND DEVELOPMENT, 2011). Para solucionar tal problema, diversos esforços privados e públicos foram feitos, tendo sido o Estatuto de Desarmamento um dos esforços de maior destaque. No entanto, apesar de decorridos mais de dez anos após a promulgação desta legislação, a literatura econômica sobre o crime ainda não é unânime acerca dos efeitos das armas de fogo sobre os crimes violentos. Com a intenção de analisar estes efeitos, esta dissertação investiga as diferentes abordagens da Teoria Econômica do Crime e elabora um modelo teórico capaz de respaldar a análise empírica. Esta análise, por sua vez, avalia as relações entre armas de fogo e homicídios por perfuração de arma de fogo no Brasil e no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, por meio de Vetores Auto Regressivos em painel. Dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que os efeitos entre armas e homicídios variam de acordo com as heterogeneidades locais, não sendo possível extrapolar os mesmos.


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Scholarly consensus holds that a law quoted in Demosthenes (23.53) permitted one to kill a highway robber who had lain in ambush and attacked one on a road. But the relevant phrase says nothing explicit about ambush. Modern interpretation derives from Harpocration and other ancient authorities. It is argued here that they were mistaken and that the phrase referred to those who inadvertently killed a fellow traveler while overtaking on a road.' The new interpretation may offer another way to think about the encounter between Oedipus and Laius.


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Geophysics may assist scent dogs and divers in the search of water bodies for human and animal remains, contraband, weapons and explosives by surveying large areas rapidly and identifying targets or environmental hazards. The most commonly applied methods are described and evaluated for forensic searches. Seismic reflection or refraction and CHIRPS are useful for deep, openwater bodies and identifying large targets, yet limited in streams and ponds. The use of ground penetrating radar (GPR) onwater(WPR) is of limited use in deepwaters (over 20 m) but is advantageous in the search for non-metallic targets in small ditches and ponds. Largemetal or metal-bearing targets can be successfully imaged in deep waters by using towfish magnetometers: in shallow waters such a towfish cannot be used, so a non-metalliferous boat can carry a terrestrial magnetometer. Each device has its uses, depending on the target and location: unknown target make-up (e.g. a homicide victimwith or without a metal object) may be best located using a range ofmethods (the multi-proxy approach), depending on water depth. Geophysics may not definitively find the target, but can provide areas for elimination and detailed search by dogs and divers, saving time and effort.


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Green’s (2007, 2008, 2009) recent comparative work on child-on-child homicides in England and Norway has drawn attention to political-cultural explanations to account for differences in levels of state punitiveness. His work finds support for the distinction made by Arend Lijphart (1999) between consensus and majoritarian democracy, through his argument that English majoritarian political culture created powerful incentives to exploit the homicide of James Bulger in ways that were not present in Norway. Drawing on comparative research in Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand, this article joins with Green in enlisting political culture as an important explanatory variable yet challenges the usefulness of Lijphart’s typology in explaining penal difference.


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The burial of objects (human remains, explosives, weapons) below or behind concrete, brick, plaster or tiling may be associated with serious crime and are difficult locations to search. These are quite common forensic search scenarios but little has been published on them to-date. Most documented discoveries are accidental or from suspect/witness testimony. The problem in locating such hidden objects means a random or chance-based approach is not advisable. A preliminary strategy is presented here, based on previous studies, augmented by primary research where new technology or applications are required. This blend allows a rudimentary search workflow, from remote desktop study, to non-destructive investigation through to recommendations as to how the above may inform excavation, demonstrated here with a case study from a homicide investigation. Published case studies on the search for human remains demonstrate the problems encountered when trying to find and recover sealed-in and sealed over locations. Established methods include desktop study, photography, geophysics and search dogs:these are integrated with new technology (LiDAR and laser scanning; photographic rectification; close quarter aerial imagery; ground-penetrating radar on walls and gamma-ray/neutron activation radiography) to propose this possible search strategy.


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Euthanasia, especially the active one, has always been an extremely discussed subject, which goes further pure dogmatics and transcends the strictly legal field. A reflection about such issue makes us re-think on what it implies for all the involved without ever loosing sight of the fact that admitting a legalization is, in a legal system as ours, to admit the lack of punishment of an homicide act or an assistance to suicide. However, burying in mind the foreign experiences, isn’t there a possibility of working on a path that respects both the basis of our legal system and the rest of the interests involved? And what interests would those be? How to admit such a path? Based on what assumptions? The present study proposes a discovery of paths and not the search for dead ends, creating definitive answers. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the existing structure of the Portuguese legal system on these matters, in a path that is until now mostly in favour of punishment, based on homicide or assisted suicide crimes. Along with the Portuguese dynamic, we want to analyse legal systems that opted by decriminalization and, based on those experiences, shared with our legal culture, scan the viability of a decriminalization procedure. What paths would be viable for such a decriminalization in Portuguese criminal territory? The scope is only to open the eyes of who always wanted to keep them shut, or to who just never tried to open them, because at the end of the day it will always be a discussion that we want to keep light up, since that what we are here discussing is life. We want discussion, not imposition.