763 resultados para Hochschild, Arlie Russell
Brief note from Samuel Russell to Treasurer Ebenezer Storer requesting delivery of the sloop's mainsail and jibb to the new owner.
Half-page letter from Samuel Russell to Treasurer Ebenezer Storer informing him that the sloop Cyrus has been sold and requesting a bill of sale.
One letter briefly describing Russell’s studies at the home of Rev. Dr. McClintock in Greenland, N.H., where he was staying during a nine-month suspension from Harvard for theft of college property. Tudor, who was also found to be involved, was suspended for six months. Russell also inquires about fellow classmates, some of whom participated in the theft.
Four letters relaying information about Russell’s travels and social activities, including her observations on the manners of Southerners she had encountered.
The work of Russell Dalton has undoubtedly played a seminal role in the study of the relation between political sophistication and partisan dealignment. We furthermore acknowledge the presence of a consensus on the occurrence of lower levels of partisanship in Germany. Using panel data as well as pooled cross-sectional observations, however, it is clear that generational replacement is not the sole driving force of partisan dealignment, but that period effects should also be taken into account. While on an aggregate level rising levels of political sophistication have occurred simultaneously with decreasing partisanship, individual level analysis suggests clearly that the least sophisticated are most likely to feel alienated from the party system. We close with some very specific suggestion on how to address the democratic consequences of declining levels of partisanship.
F only available in microfiche.