843 resultados para Historic conscience. Country of Mossoró . Memory. Spatiality.
Drak2 est un membre de la famille des protines associes la mort et cest une srine/thronine kinase. Chez les souris mutantes nulles Drak2, les cellules T ne prsentent aucune dfectuosit apparente en apoptose induite par activation, aprs stimulation avec anti-CD3 et anti-CD28, mais ont un seuil de stimulation rduit, compares aux cellules T de type sauvage (TS). Dans notre tude, lanalyse dhybridation in situ a rvl que lexpression de Drak2 est ubiquiste au stade de la mi-gestation chez les embryons, suivie dune expression plus focale dans les divers organes pendant la priode prinatale et lge adulte, notamment dans le thymus, la rate, les ganglions lymphatiques, le cervelet, les noyaux suprachiasmatiques, la glande pituitaire, les lobes olfactifs, la mdullaire surrnale, lestomac, la peau et les testicules. Nous avons cr des souris transgniques (Tg) Drak2 en utilisant le promoteur humain beta-actine. Ces souris Tg montraient des ratios normaux entre cellules T versus B et entre cellules CD4 versus CD8, mais leur cellularit et leur poids splniques taient infrieurs compar aux souris de type sauvage. Aprs activation TCR, la rponse prolifrative des cellules T Tg Drak2 tait normale, mme si leur production dinterleukine (IL)-2 et IL-4 mais non dinterfron-r tait augmente. Les cellules T Tg Drak2 actives ont dmontr une apoptose significativement accrue en prsence dIL-2 exogne. Au niveau molculaire, les cellules T Tg Drak2 ont manifest une augmentation moins leve des facteurs anti-apoptotiques durant lactivation; un tel changement a probablement rendu les cellules vulnrables aux attaques subsquentes dIL-2. Lapoptose compromise dans les cellulesT Tg Drak2 a t associe un nombre rduit de cellules T ayant le phnotype des cellules mmoires (CD62Llo) et avec des ractions secondaires rprimes des cellules T dans lhypersensibilit de type diffr. Ces rsultats dmontrent que Drak2 sexprime dans le compartiment des cellules T mais nest pas spcifique aux cellules T; et aussi quil joue des rles dterminants dans lapoptose des cellules T et dans le dveloppement des cellules mmoires T. En outre, nous avons recherch le rle de Drak2 dans la survie des cellules beta et le diabte. LARNm et la protine Drak2 ont t rapidement induits dans les cellules beta de llot aprs stimulation exogne par les cytokines inflammatoires ou les acides gras libres et qui est prsente de faon endogne dans le diabte, quil soit de type 1 ou de type 2. La rgulation positive de Drak2 a t accompagne dune apoptose accrue des cellules beta. Lapoptose des cellules beta provoque par les stimuli en question a t inhibe par la chute de Drak2 en utilisant petit ARNi. Inversement, la surexpression de Drak2 Tg a men lapoptose aggrave des cellules beta dclenche par les stimuli. La surexpression de Drak2 dans les lots a compromis laugmentation des facteurs anti-apoptotiques, tels que Bcl-2, Bcl-xL et Flip, sur stimulation par la cytokine et les acides gras libres. De plus, les expriences in vivo ont dmontr que les souris Tg Drak2 taient sujettes au diabte de type 1 dans un modle de diabte provoqu par de petites doses multiples de streptozotocine et quelles taient aussi sujettes au diabte de type 2 dans un modle dobsit induite par la dite. Nos donnes montrent que Drak2 est dfavorable la survie des cellules beta. Nous avons aussi tudi la voie de transmission de Drak2. Nous avons trouv que Drak2 purifie pouvait phosphoryler p70S6 kinase dans une analyse kinase in vitro. Lasurexpression de Drak2 dans les cellules NIT-1 a entran laugmentation de la phosphorylasation p70S6 kinase tandis que labaissement de Drak2 dans ces cellules a rduit la phosphorylation. Ces recherches mcanistes ont prouv que p70S6 kinase tait vritablement un substrat de Drak2 in vitro et in vivo. Cette tude a dcouvert les fonctions importantes de Drak2 dans lhomostasie des cellules T et le diabte. Nous avons prouv que p70S6 kinase tait un substrat de Drak2. Nos rsultats ont approfondi nos connaissances de Drak2 lintrieur des systmes immunitaire et endocrinien. Certaines de nos conclusions, comme les rles de Drak2 dans le dveloppement des cellules mmoires T et la survie des cellules beta pourraient tre explores pour des applications cliniques dans les domaines de la transplantation et du diabte.
La prsente thse examine les liens entre le sommeil, la mmoire pisodique et les rves. Dans une premire tude, nous utilisons les technologies de la ralit virtuelle (RV) en liaison avec un paradigme de privation de sommeil paradoxal et de collecte de rve en vue d'examiner l'hypothse que le sommeil paradoxal et le rve sont impliqus dans la consolidation de la mmoire pisodique. Le sommeil paradoxal a t associ au rappel des aspects spatiaux des lments motionnels de la tche RV. De la mme faon, l'incorporation de la tche RV dans les rves a t associe au rappel des aspects spatiaux de la tche. De plus, le rappel des aspects factuels et perceptuels de la mmoire pisodique, form lors de la tche VR, a t associ au sommeil aux ondes lentes. Une deuxime tude examine l'hypothse selon laquelle une fonction possible du rve pourrait tre de crer de nouvelles associations entre les lments de divers souvenirs pisodiques. Un participant a t rveill 43 fois lors de l'endormissement pour fournir des rapports dtaills de rves. Les rsultats suggrent qu'un seul rve peut comporter, dans un mme contexte spatiotemporel, divers lments appartenant aux multiples souvenirs pisodiques. Une troisime tude aborde la question de la cognition lors du sommeil paradoxal, notamment comment les aspects bizarres des rves, qui sont forms grce aux nouvelles combinaisons d'lments de la mmoire pisodique, sont perus par le rveur. Les rsultats dmontrent une dissociation dans les capacits cognitives en sommeil paradoxal caractrise par un dficit slectif dans l'apprciation des lments bizarres des rves. Les rsultats des quatre tudes suggrent que le sommeil aux ondes lentes et le sommeil paradoxal sont diffremment impliqus dans le traitement de la mmoire pisodique. Le sommeil aux ondes lentes pourrait tre implique dans la consolidation de la mmoire pisodique, et le sommeil paradoxal, par l'entremise du rve, pourrais avoir le rle d'introduire de la flexibilit dans ce systme mnmonique.
Desde que Hitch (1978) public el primer estudio sobre el rol de la memoria de trabajo en el clculo han ido aumentando las investigaciones en este campo. Muchos trabajos han estudiado un nico subsistema, pero nuestro objetivo es identificar qu subsistema de la memoria de trabajo (bucle fonolgico, agenda viso-espacial o ejecutivo central) est ms implicado en el clculo mental. Para ello hemos realizado un estudio correlacional en el que hemos administrado dos pruebas aritmticas y nueve pruebas de la Bateria de Test de Memria de Treball de Pickering, Baqus y Gathercole (1999) a una muestra de 94 nios espaoles de 7-8 aos. Nuestros resultados indican que el bucle fonolgico y sobretodo el ejecutivo central inciden de forma estadsticamente significativa en el rendimiento aritmtico
Semantic memory has been studied from various fields. The first models emerged from cognitive psychology from the hand of the division proposed by Tulving between semantic and episodic memory. Over the past thirty years there have been parallel developments in the fields of psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology and cognitive neuropsychology. The present work is to review the contributions that have emerged within the neuropsychology to the study of semantic memory and to present an updated overview of the points of consensus. First, it is defined the term "semantics" conceptually within the field of neuropsychology. Then, there is a dichotomy that passes through both psychological and neuropsychological models on semantic memory: the existence of modals versus amodal representations. Third, there are developed the main theoretical models in neuropsychology that emerged in an attempt to explain categoryspecific semantic deficits. Finally, more robust contributions and points that still generate some discussion are reviewed.
This article contributes to the study of cinema audiences in Europe by analyzing the actual behavior of Spanish moviegoers and their level of satisfaction. We modeled moviegoers choice of film by country of origin (U.S.A., Spain, and other countries) according to a set of determinants: (1) consumers interpretation of several sources of information, (2) motivations and (3) choice rules. We found three clear consumer stereotypes related to each type of film: (1) U.S.A. films were preferred by almost everyone (especially families and younger audiences); (2) Spanish films had audiences composed of middle-age and middle-class moviegoers; and (3) European productions were preferred by a social or intellectual elite. U.S.A. films dominate the Spanish market for the reason that they provide most of what moviegoers prefer, namely, familiar, reliable entertainment in Spanish; three characteristics that are not satisfied by Spanish and European films. Additionally, we discuss the implications for the European cultural policy
Considering the principles of the National Museum Policy, created in 2003, the Brazilian Museums Institute Ibram supports and encourages the development of museum practices and processes aimed at rewriting the history of social groups which were deprived of the right to narrate and exhibit their memories and their heritage. As effective action, in 2008, the Department of Museums and Cultural Centres (Demu/Iphan) which gave rise to Ibram in January 2009 started the Memory Hotspots Programme, with the main goal of fostering wide popular participation in matters related to social memory and museums. The Memory Hotspots Programme was inspired in and directly influenced by the Ministry of Culture/MinC, which created the National Programme for Culture, Education and Citizenship (Living Culture). The purpose of this Programme is to contribute to make society conquer spaces, exchange experiences and develop initiatives that foster culture and citizenship, in a proactive manner. The partnership struck between civil society and the state power gave rise to Culture Hotspots, inspired in the anthropological do-in concept, idealized by the then Minster Gilberto Gil.
The euro area summit has managed to surprise the markets once again. By moving banking supervision of the eurozone to the European Central Bank, a huge step towards a more federal banking model has been taken, explains CEPS CEO Karel Lannoo in this new Commentary. But will this move be enough to re-establish confidence, bolster the euro interbank market and further financial integration?
Many models of immediate memory predict the presence or absence of various effects, but none have been tested to see whether they predict an appropriate distribution of effect sizes. The authors show that the feature model (J. S. Nairne, 1990) produces appropriate distributions of effect sizes for both the phonological confusion effect and the word-length effect. The model produces the appropriate number of reversals, when participants are more accurate with similar items or long items, and also correctly predicts that participants performing less well overall demonstrate smaller and less reliable phonological similarity and word-length effects and are more likely to show reversals. These patterns appear within the model without the need to assume a change in encoding or rehearsal strategy or the deployment of a different storage buffer. The implications of these results and the wider applicability of the distributionmodeling approach are discussed.
The effect of long-term knowledge upon performance in short-term memory tasks was examined for children from 5 to 10 years of age. The emergence of a lexicality effect, in which familiar words were recalled more accurately than unfamiliar words, was found to depend upon the nature of the memory task. Lexicality effects were interpreted as reflecting the use of redintegration, or reconstruction processes, in short-term memory. Redintegration increased with age for tasks requiring spoken item recall and decreased with age when position information but not naming was required. In a second experiment, redintegration was found in a recognition task when some of the foils rhymed with the target. Older children were able to profit from a rhyming foil, whereas younger children were confused by it, suggesting that the older children make use of sublexical phonological information in reconstructing the target. It was proposed that redintegrative processes in their mature form support the reconstruction of detailed phonological knowledge of words.
Decoding emotional prosody is crucial for successful social interactions, and continuous monitoring of emotional intent via prosody requires working memory. It has been proposed by Ross and others that emotional prosody cognitions in the right hemisphere are organized in an analogous fashion to propositional language functions in the left hemisphere. This study aimed to test the applicability of this model in the context of prefrontal cortex working memory functions. BOLD response data were therefore collected during performance of two emotional working memory tasks by participants undergoing fMRI. In the prosody task, participants identified the emotion conveyed in pre-recorded sentences, and working memory load was manipulated in the style of an N-back task. In the matched lexico-semantic task, participants identified the emotion conveyed by sentence content. Block-design neuroimaging data were analyzed parametrically with SPM5. At first, working memory for emotional prosody appeared to be right-lateralized in the PFC, however, further analyses revealed that it shared much bilateral prefrontal functional neuroanatomy with working memory for lexico-semantic emotion. Supplementary separate analyses of males and females suggested that these language functions were less bilateral in females, but their inclusion did not alter the direction of laterality. It is concluded that Ross et al.'s model is not applicable to prefrontal cortex working memory functions, that evidence that working memory cannot be subdivided in prefrontal cortex according to material type is increased, and that incidental working memory demands may explain the frontal lobe involvement in emotional prosody comprehension as revealed by neuroimaging studies. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to compare performance on different versions of the running span task, and to examine the relationship between task performance and tests of episodic memory and executive function. We found that the average capacity of the running span was approximately 4 digits, and at long sequence lengths, performance was no longer affected by varying the running span window. Both episodic and executive function measures correlated with short and long running spans. suggesting that a simple dissociation between immediate memory and executive processes in short and long running digit span tasks may not be warranted.