974 resultados para Hip hop culture


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Este artigo relata duas experiências de projetos realizados em escolas de ensino fundamental, cuja temática foi o trabalho com a diversidade cultural, a valorização de outras culturas e reflexões sobre a própria cultura. O trabalho foi realizado em duas escolas: uma no estado de São Paulo, na cidade de Rio Claro, onde a temática trabalhada foi o Hip-Hop e as manifestações culturais locais brasileiras; a segunda, na capital de uma província Argentina, na cidade de Paraná, onde se trabalhou o contato e a relação entre as manifestações culturais do Brasil e da Argentina. O objetivo central desse trabalho foi pensar caminhos que pudessem levar à construção de uma escola que considerasse as diferenças e a aprendizagem que acontece quando estas (as diferenças) estão em relação.


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Direct descendant of the music of the Black Atlantic, hip hop became the spokesman of excluded minorities, for example setting up of the reunification that is geographically separated through communication. The hip hop appropriated new forms of mass communication, allowing the reworking of the story through a counter-hegemonic discourse that seeks self-knowledge and appreciation of the roots of black people. The street culture is the narrative of disenfranchised youth, generating narrative of inclusion, which gave a space of enunciation periphery enabling them to intersubjective recognition. This project aims to discuss the role of hip hop as an agent conscientizing youth peripherals in order to bring to the debate the form of identity construction around the peripheral street culture since, as an intervention that acts as a symbolic system guiding cultural practices and attitudes of these young people. Methodologically, we analyzed specific bibliographical about hip hop and literature originating from the periphery itself. Selected discography of some rap groups. They are Racionais Mc's, 509-E and DJ Hum and Thaíde that constitute the vanguard of hip hop in Brazil. We use music from rapper Emicida this while some contemporary exponents of rap, with national and international. State of São Paulo in order to demonstrate that there is similarity between the questions proposed by the hip hop and the interior of the capital, the group selected Survey. We have used also press material, raising the issue in research on the internet, periodicals include the Rolling Stones and Caros Amigos


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Research Background - Young people with negative experiences of mainstream education often display low levels of traditional academic achievement. These young people tend to display considerable cultural and social resources developed through their repeated experiences of adversity. Education research has a duty to provide these young people with opportunities to showcase, assess and translate their social and cultural resources into symbolic forms of capital. This creative work addresses the following research question. How can educators develop disengaged teenager's social and cultural capital through live music performances? Research Contribution - These live music performances afford the young participants opportunities to display their artistic, technical, social and cultural resources through a popular cultural format. In doing so they require education institutions to provide venues that demonstrate the skills these young people acquire through flexible learning environments. The new knowledge derived from this research focuses on the academic and self confidence benefits for disengaged young people using festival performances as authentic learning activities. Research Significance - This research is significant because it aims to maximise the number of tangible outcomes related to a school-based arts project. The young participants gained technical, artistic, social and commercial skills during this project. This performance led to more recording and opportunities to perform at other youth festivals in SE QLD. Individual performances were distributed and downloaded via creative commons licences at the Australian Creative Resource Archive. It also contributed to their certified qualifications and acted as pilot research data for two competitively funded ARC grants (DP0209421 & LP0883643)


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Research Background - Young people with negative experiences of mainstream education often display low levels of traditional academic achievement. These young people tend to display considerable cultural and social resources developed through their repeated experiences of adversity. Education research has a duty to provide these young people with opportunities to showcase, assess and translate their social and cultural resources into symbolic forms of capital. This creative work addresses the research question, how can educators maximise the social and cultural capital they help young people acquire through live music performances and studio recordings? Research Contribution - This live music performance, built on existing artistic reputations of the artists, saw the lads support one of their local heroes from Brisbane Hip Hop music scene. In doing so they showcased what their three years of concerted musical engagement can achieve within supportive flexible learning environments. The new knowledge derived from this research focuses on the academic and self confidence benefits for disengaged young people using festival performances as authentic learning activities. Research Significance - This research is significant because it aims to maximise the number of tangible outcomes related to a school-based arts project. The young participants gained technical, artistic, social and commercial status during this project. Individual performances were distributed and downloaded via creative commons licences at the Australian Creative Resource Archive. This performance also contributed to their certified qualifications and acted as pilot research data for two competitively funded ARC grants (DP0209421 & LP0883643)


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How does a digitally mediated environment work towards the ongoing support of the Hip Hop landscape present in the work of Jonzi D productions UK National Tour of "Markus the Sadist"


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Background Family child care homes (FCCHs) provide child care to 1.9 million children in the U.S., but many do not meet established child care standards for healthy eating and physical activity. Purpose To determine the effects of a community-based train-the-trainer intervention on FCCHs policies and practices related to healthy eating and physical activity. Design Quasi-experimental design with replication in three independent cohorts of FCCHs. Setting/participants Registered FCCHs from 15 counties across Kansas participated in the Healthy Kansas Kids (HKK) program. Resource and referral agencies (RRAs) in each county recruited and enrolled between five and 15 child care providers in their service delivery area to participate in the program. The number of registered FCCHs participating in HKK in Years 1 (2006-2007); 2 (2007-2008); and 3 (2008-2009) of the program were 85, 64, and 87, respectively. A stratified random sample of registered FCCHs operating in Kansas (n=297) served as a normative comparison group. Interventions Child care trainers from each RRA completed a series of train-the-trainer workshops related to promotion of healthy eating and physical activity. FCCHs were subsequently guided through a four-step iterative process consisting of (1) self-evaluation; (2) goal setting; (3) developing an action plan; and (4) evaluating progress toward meeting goals. FCCHs also received U. S. Department of Agriculture resources related to healthy eating and physical activity. Main outcome measures Nutrition and Physical Activity Self-Assessment for Child Care (NAP SACC) self-assessment instrument (NAP SACC-SA). Analyses of outcome measures were conducted between 2008 and 2010. Results Healthy Kansas Kids FCCHs exhibited significant improvements in healthy eating (Delta=6.9%-7.1%) and physical activity (Delta=15.4%-19.2%) scores (p<0.05). Within each cohort, pre-intervention scores were not significantly different from the state average, whereas post-intervention scores were significantly higher than the state average. Conclusions Community-based train-the-trainer interventions to promote healthy eating and physical activity in FCCHs are feasible, sustainable, and effective.


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Tutkimus tarkastelee monikielisyyttä teini-ikäisten helsinkiläistyttöjen vuorovaikutuksessa. Työ kuuluu vuorovaikutuksellisen sosiolingvistiikan alaan ja keskittyy kielen leksikaaliseen tasoon. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia monikielisiä resursseja monietnisessä nuorten tyttöjen ystäväpiirissä hyödynnetään ja millaisia funktioita niillä ryhmänsisäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa on. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty etnografista tutkimusotetta ja osallistuvaa havainnointia hyödyntäen eräällä itähelsinkiläisellä nuorisotalolla ja koululla alkuvuodesta 2009. Aineisto koostuu vapaamuotoisissa tilanteissa tehdyistä nauhoituksista, haastatteluista ja kenttämuistiinpanoista. Tutkimuksen kohteena on kuuden yhdeksäsluokkalaisen tytön kiinteä ystäväpiiri, jonka jäsenistä neljällä on maahanmuuttajatausta, kaksi on etniseltä taustaltaan suomalaisia. Työn aluksi esittelen tutkimuksen kannalta keskeisiä tieteellisiä viitekehyksiä ja termejä. Työ asettuu sosiolingvistiikan ja keskustelunanalyysin risteyskohtaan sekä kaksi- ja monikielisyystutkimuksen läheisyyteen. Lyhyesti käsittelen myös Helsingin puhekielen tutkimusta sekä tyylin ja identiteetin kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastelen aineistossa esiintyvää monenlaista monikielisyyttä ryhmänsisäisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Näistä keskeisimpinä käsittelen maahanmuuttajien äidinkielisiä sanoja ja ilmauksia, afroamerikkalaiseen nuorisokulttuuriin ja erityisesti hip hopiin viittaavaa englannin kielen käyttöä sekä muslimityttöjen jakamana uskonnon kielenä toimivaa arabian kieltä. Kysyn myös, tulisiko tutkittavia nimittää natiivi- vai toisen kielen puhujiksi, ja miksi. Valotan väitteitäni esimerkeillä tutkittavien erilaisista suomen kielen käyttötilanteista ja rekistereistä. Työ perehtyy myös siihen, miksi monikielisiä resursseja ylipäänsä käytetään. Keskeinen monikielisiä valintoja selittävä syy on sosiaalinen orientaatio. Erityisesti nuorisokulttuurit kuten hip hop tuntuvat vaikuttavan nuorten tekemiin kielellisiin valintoihin. Ne rakentavat ja tuovat ilmi puhujan identiteettiä samaan tapaan kuin se, kuinka pukeudutaan, millaista musiikkia kuunnellaan ja kuinka aikaa vietetään. Monikieliset ainekset toimivat myös tutkitun ryhmän sisäistä kiinteyttä rakentavana keinona: ystävän äidinkielisiä ilmauksia käytetään ryhmässä taajaan. Vieraalla kielellä kiroilu toimii paitsi me-koodina keskustelussa myös tarjoaa mahdollisuuden kiltin tytön roolin rajojen koetteluun. Tyypillisesti monikielisiä resursseja hyödynnetään aineistossa silloin, kun tutkittavat viettävät aikaansa isolla porukalla musiikkia kuunnellen, vitsaillen ja tanssien. Usein näissä tilanteissa on läsnä muitakin kuin ryhmään kuuluvia nuoria; erityisesti tyttöjen ja poikien välinen vuorovaikutus kutsuu puheeseen monikielisiä aineksia. Tällaisissa tilanteissa huumorilla on taipumus ketjuuntua liioittelujaksoiksi, joissa hyödynnetään ahkeraan myös muiden kuin suomen kielen varantoja. Tutkimus osoittaa, että kielen vaihtaminen yhden tai useamman vuoron mittaiseksi ajaksi liittyy usein keskustelun osallistumiskehikon rakentamiseen ja muokkaamiseen. Selkeimpänä esimerkkinä tästä on koodinvaihto kahden kielen välillä silloin, kun vain puhuja ja puhuteltavat puhuvat molempia kieliä. Tutkitut nuoret suhtautuvat uusien kielten oppimiseen ja niiden puhumiseen mutkattomasti ja hyväksyvästi. Jo muutaman sanan kokoisella kielitaidolla voidaan rakentaa yhteistä maaperää ja ilmaista solidaarisuutta muita kohtaan. Tutkimassani monietnisessä ja -kielisessä ystäväporukassa vallitseekin selkeä sosiaalinen orientaatio monikielisyyteen.


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O presente trabalho busca, numa forma bastante pessoal de pesquisa participativa, fazer a genealogia do hip-hop no Rio de Janeiro, priorizando o elemento rap. Procura mostrar o impacto das novas tecnologias de comunicação e informação entre os que vivenciam o hip-hop, seja produzindo, baixando músicas, participando das redes temáticas, etc... Como as novas tecnologias fazem parte da história e da vida do hip-hop, aliadas ao trabalho cooperativo e colaborativo dos produtores dessa arte, é algo pensado com base nas teorias do trabalho imaterial


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar, a partir do recorte de um dado discurso musical (rap), como os jovens das periferias urbanas brasileiras têm representado discursivamente o social. Sob esse aspecto, a representação dos atores sociais no discurso é o principal foco analítico, tendo como perspectivas teóricas de estudo a Análise Crítica do Discurso (doravante ACD), e a lingüística funcional sistêmica (doravante LFS) no que diz respeito a questões de linguagem. O trabalho apresenta uma introdução na qual são apontadas características de grupos musicais diretamente afetados por conflitos sociais, destacando-se como corpus de trabalho o discurso musical dos Racionais MCs e seguindo-se de uma contextualização histórica do grupo e do movimento hip- hop. Em seguida, apresentam-se, no capítulo teórico, as matérias ligadas diretamente ao objeto de estudo (discurso, ideologia e tipos de significado), ao mesmo tempo em que é feita uma apresentação da linha teórica utilizada e da orientação assumida pelos autores de referência para o trabalho (Fairclough e Halliday). Logo depois, no capítulo metodológico, são descritas as etapas de construção da pesquisa, observando-se os seguintes aspectos: 1) apresentação dos critérios de constituição do corpus, destacando o interesse pelo estilo rap, através de suas principais características, até delimitar as músicas do grupo Racionais MCs para análise; 2) descrição do corpus, a partir de uma característica particular (gangstar rap), com posterior explicação da metodologia criada aqui para sua análise; 3) explicação da categoria analítica utilizada (a representação dos atores sociais), através de exemplos dados pelo seu autor (van Leeuwen, 1996) e outros encontrados no próprio corpus. A análise volta-se, inicialmente, para a observação do significado representacional enfocando as estratégias de representação dos atores sociais utilizadas pelo discurso rap; e, num segundo momento, revela uma prática de polarização, a partir da qual se traça a identidade discursiva do grupo Racionais MCs e sua alteridade (significado identificacional). Com os resultados obtidos, foi possível refletir sobre uma forma de representar o mundo, realizada atualmente por alguns jovens oriundos de comunidades periféricas. Dessa forma, foi possível perceber como os sentidos produzidos por eles podem revelar aspectos significativos de uma nova ordem social brasileira


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Since remote times, certain sectors of society have been exposed to inequality and vulnerability, where adequate intervention processes have become conspicuous because of their absence. Nowadays, current societies have the responsibility of contributing, based on their experience and knowledge, with more efficient policies and programs that improve the life quality of the most disadvantaged. It is here where art and its different tools play a very important role, not only on a physical level, but also as an education tool that allows the development of emotional, mental and communicative skills. The aim of this paper is to make clear the potential of art as an instrument of social and educational intervention. It starts by showing worldwide-collected experience related to education and arts, and then, it acquaints the reader with two parallel intervention projects that worked with youths under social vulnerability conditions. These interventions were developed based on a qualitative research (Grounded theory), using as methodology “The Artistic Mediation” with emphasis on body language. This methodology helped researchers to get close to the participants and to know their experiences and emotions. At the same time, it was possible to evidence the positive effects of educative interventions through art. These workshops were based on an artistic methodology especially focused on body language. Data in this work is qualitative, and as such, it permits a special approach to the personal and emotional experiences of the participants; clearly showing the positive effects of the referenced practice on them.


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SOEX será una organización bogotana que desarrolla y ubica en el mercado música fusión basada en aires andinos colombianos. Se orientará a ofrecer al consumidor productos que amplían la oferta cultural que hasta la fecha se ha desarrollado en el país, al vincular de una manera innovadora iniciativas musicales basadas en el ensamble de géneros tradicionales andinos colombianos, con ritmos electrónicos, rock, hip hop, entre otros; para llegar a posicionar la música con aires andinos en mercados nacionales e internacionales como ha sucedido con los aires Caribeños y de la región Pacífica.


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La tesis devela la connotación sistemática y multicausal de lo que a través de la investigación se denomina como "Procesos de Territorialización de la Inseguridad Ciudadana". Mediante un estudio de caso, se pone en evidencia la apropiación y captura sostenida en el tiempo de fenómenos como la inseguridad y la criminalidad, sobre determinadas zonas o barrios urbanos que por sus características socioeconómicas, políticas, geográficas, culturales, laborales y de mercado de quienes los habitan o frecuentan, se consideran como sectores "críticos y/o vulnerables".


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Cuatro cuentos tradicionales contados de una forma distinta a ritmos rap y hip-hop.Se puede utilizar para diferentes grupos de edad y en todo el currículo nacional. Las notas para el profesor proporcionan ejemplos y actividades independientes para los alumnos dentro y fuera de la hora de lectura.


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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. El CD anejo incluye el tema musical '¿Qué hacer con los conflictos?'


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Mención honorífica en la convocatoria de Premios Nacionales a la innovación educativa 2003