896 resultados para High-dimensional data visualization
In questa tesi vengono studiate alcune caratteristiche dei network a multiplex; in particolare l'analisi verte sulla quantificazione delle differenze fra i layer del multiplex. Le dissimilarita sono valutate sia osservando le connessioni di singoli nodi in layer diversi, sia stimando le diverse partizioni dei layer. Sono quindi introdotte alcune importanti misure per la caratterizzazione dei multiplex, che vengono poi usate per la costruzione di metodi di community detection . La quantificazione delle differenze tra le partizioni di due layer viene stimata utilizzando una misura di mutua informazione. Viene inoltre approfondito l'uso del test dell'ipergeometrica per la determinazione di nodi sovra-rappresentati in un layer, mostrando l'efficacia del test in funzione della similarita dei layer. Questi metodi per la caratterizzazione delle proprieta dei network a multiplex vengono applicati a dati biologici reali. I dati utilizzati sono stati raccolti dallo studio DILGOM con l'obiettivo di determinare le implicazioni genetiche, trascrittomiche e metaboliche dell'obesita e della sindrome metabolica. Questi dati sono utilizzati dal progetto Mimomics per la determinazione di relazioni fra diverse omiche. Nella tesi sono analizzati i dati metabolici utilizzando un approccio a multiplex network per verificare la presenza di differenze fra le relazioni di composti sanguigni di persone obese e normopeso.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a popular method for dimension reduction that can be used in many fields including data compression, image processing, exploratory data analysis, etc. However, traditional PCA method has several drawbacks, since the traditional PCA method is not efficient for dealing with high dimensional data and cannot be effectively applied to compute accurate enough principal components when handling relatively large portion of missing data. In this report, we propose to use EM-PCA method for dimension reduction of power system measurement with missing data, and provide a comparative study of traditional PCA and EM-PCA methods. Our extensive experimental results show that EM-PCA method is more effective and more accurate for dimension reduction of power system measurement data than traditional PCA method when dealing with large portion of missing data set.
Let P be a probability distribution on q -dimensional space. The so-called Diaconis-Freedman effect means that for a fixed dimension d<
Brain tumor is one of the most aggressive types of cancer in humans, with an estimated median survival time of 12 months and only 4% of the patients surviving more than 5 years after disease diagnosis. Until recently, brain tumor prognosis has been based only on clinical information such as tumor grade and patient age, but there are reports indicating that molecular profiling of gliomas can reveal subgroups of patients with distinct survival rates. We hypothesize that coupling molecular profiling of brain tumors with clinical information might improve predictions of patient survival time and, consequently, better guide future treatment decisions. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, the general goal of this research is to build models for survival prediction of glioma patients using DNA molecular profiles (U133 Affymetrix gene expression microarrays) along with clinical information. First, a predictive Random Forest model is built for binary outcomes (i.e. short vs. long-term survival) and a small subset of genes whose expression values can be used to predict survival time is selected. Following, a new statistical methodology is developed for predicting time-to-death outcomes using Bayesian ensemble trees. Due to a large heterogeneity observed within prognostic classes obtained by the Random Forest model, prediction can be improved by relating time-to-death with gene expression profile directly. We propose a Bayesian ensemble model for survival prediction which is appropriate for high-dimensional data such as gene expression data. Our approach is based on the ensemble "sum-of-trees" model which is flexible to incorporate additive and interaction effects between genes. We specify a fully Bayesian hierarchical approach and illustrate our methodology for the CPH, Weibull, and AFT survival models. We overcome the lack of conjugacy using a latent variable formulation to model the covariate effects which decreases computation time for model fitting. Also, our proposed models provides a model-free way to select important predictive prognostic markers based on controlling false discovery rates. We compare the performance of our methods with baseline reference survival methods and apply our methodology to an unpublished data set of brain tumor survival times and gene expression data, selecting genes potentially related to the development of the disease under study. A closing discussion compares results obtained by Random Forest and Bayesian ensemble methods under the biological/clinical perspectives and highlights the statistical advantages and disadvantages of the new methodology in the context of DNA microarray data analysis.
Next-generation DNA sequencing platforms can effectively detect the entire spectrum of genomic variation and is emerging to be a major tool for systematic exploration of the universe of variants and interactions in the entire genome. However, the data produced by next-generation sequencing technologies will suffer from three basic problems: sequence errors, assembly errors, and missing data. Current statistical methods for genetic analysis are well suited for detecting the association of common variants, but are less suitable to rare variants. This raises great challenge for sequence-based genetic studies of complex diseases.^ This research dissertation utilized genome continuum model as a general principle, and stochastic calculus and functional data analysis as tools for developing novel and powerful statistical methods for next generation of association studies of both qualitative and quantitative traits in the context of sequencing data, which finally lead to shifting the paradigm of association analysis from the current locus-by-locus analysis to collectively analyzing genome regions.^ In this project, the functional principal component (FPC) methods coupled with high-dimensional data reduction techniques will be used to develop novel and powerful methods for testing the associations of the entire spectrum of genetic variation within a segment of genome or a gene regardless of whether the variants are common or rare.^ The classical quantitative genetics suffer from high type I error rates and low power for rare variants. To overcome these limitations for resequencing data, this project used functional linear models with scalar response to develop statistics for identifying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for both common and rare variants. To illustrate their applications, the functional linear models were applied to five quantitative traits in Framingham heart studies. ^ This project proposed a novel concept of gene-gene co-association in which a gene or a genomic region is taken as a unit of association analysis and used stochastic calculus to develop a unified framework for testing the association of multiple genes or genomic regions for both common and rare alleles. The proposed methods were applied to gene-gene co-association analysis of psoriasis in two independent GWAS datasets which led to discovery of networks significantly associated with psoriasis.^
Virtual reality (VR) techniques to understand and obtain conclusions of data in an easy way are being used by the scientific community. However, these techniques are not used frequently for analyzing large amounts of data in life sciences, particularly in genomics, due to the high complexity of data (curse of dimensionality). Nevertheless, new approaches that allow to bring out the real important data characteristics, arise the possibility of constructing VR spaces to visually understand the intrinsic nature of data. It is well known the benefits of representing high dimensional data in tridimensional spaces by means of dimensionality reduction and transformation techniques, complemented with a strong component of interaction methods. Thus, a novel framework, designed for helping to visualize and interact with data about diseases, is presented. In this paper, the framework is applied to the Van't Veer breast cancer dataset is used, while oncologists from La Paz Hospital (Madrid) are interacting with the obtained results. That is to say a first attempt to generate a visually tangible model of breast cancer disease in order to support the experience of oncologists is presented.
Multi-dimensional classification (MDC) is the supervised learning problem where an instance is associated with multiple classes, rather than with a single class, as in traditional classification problems. Since these classes are often strongly correlated, modeling the dependencies between them allows MDC methods to improve their performance – at the expense of an increased computational cost. In this paper we focus on the classifier chains (CC) approach for modeling dependencies, one of the most popular and highest-performing methods for multi-label classification (MLC), a particular case of MDC which involves only binary classes (i.e., labels). The original CC algorithm makes a greedy approximation, and is fast but tends to propagate errors along the chain. Here we present novel Monte Carlo schemes, both for finding a good chain sequence and performing efficient inference. Our algorithms remain tractable for high-dimensional data sets and obtain the best predictive performance across several real data sets.
Quantile computation has many applications including data mining and financial data analysis. It has been shown that an is an element of-approximate summary can be maintained so that, given a quantile query d (phi, is an element of), the data item at rank [phi N] may be approximately obtained within the rank error precision is an element of N over all N data items in a data stream or in a sliding window. However, scalable online processing of massive continuous quantile queries with different phi and is an element of poses a new challenge because the summary is continuously updated with new arrivals of data items. In this paper, first we aim to dramatically reduce the number of distinct query results by grouping a set of different queries into a cluster so that they can be processed virtually as a single query while the precision requirements from users can be retained. Second, we aim to minimize the total query processing costs. Efficient algorithms are developed to minimize the total number of times for reprocessing clusters and to produce the minimum number of clusters, respectively. The techniques are extended to maintain near-optimal clustering when queries are registered and removed in an arbitrary fashion against whole data streams or sliding windows. In addition to theoretical analysis, our performance study indicates that the proposed techniques are indeed scalable with respect to the number of input queries as well as the number of items and the item arrival rate in a data stream.