976 resultados para High Crash Locations
Focusing of four hemoglobins with concurrent electrophoretic mobilization was studied by computer simulation. A dynamic electrophoresis simulator was first used to provide a detailed description of focusing in a 100-carrier component, pH 6-8 gradient using phosphoric acid as anolyte and NaOH as catholyte. These results are compared to an identical simulation except that the catholyte contained both NaOH and NaCl. A stationary, steady-state distribution of carrier components and hemoglobins is produced in the first configuration. In the second, the chloride ion migrates into and through the separation space. It is shown that even under these conditions of chloride ion flux a pH gradient forms. All amphoteric species acquire a slight positive charge upon focusing and the whole pattern is mobilized towards the cathode. The cathodic gradient end is stable whereas the anodic end is gradually degrading due to the continuous accumulation of chloride. The data illustrate that the mobilization is a cationic isotachophoretic process with the sodium ion being the leading cation. The peak height of the hemoglobin zones decreases somewhat upon mobilization, but the zones retain a relatively sharp profile, thus facilitating detection. The electropherograms that would be produced by whole column imaging and by a single detector placed at different locations along the focusing column are presented and show that focusing can be commenced with NaCl present in the catholyte at the beginning of the experiment. However, this may require detector placement on the cathodic side of the catholyte/sample mixture interface.
The dissertation titled "Driver Safety in Far-side and Far-oblique Crashes" presents a novel approach to assessing vehicle cockpit safety by integrating Human Factors and Applied Mechanics. The methodology of this approach is aimed at improving safety in compact mobile workspaces such as patrol vehicle cockpits. A statistical analysis performed using Michigan state's traffic crash data to assess various contributing factors that affect the risk of severe driver injuries showed that the risk was greater for unrestrained drivers (OR=3.38, p<0.0001) and for incidents involving front and far-side crashes without seatbelts (OR=8.0 and 23.0 respectively, p<0.005). Statistics also showed that near-side and far-side crashes pose similar threat to driver injury severity. A Human Factor survey was conducted to assess various Human-Machine/Human-Computer Interaction aspects in patrol vehicle cockpits. Results showed that tasks requiring manual operation, especially the usage of laptop, would require more attention and potentially cause more distraction. A vehicle survey conducted to evaluate ergonomics-related issues revealed that some of the equipment was in airbag deployment zones. In addition, experiments were conducted to assess the effects on driver distraction caused by changing the position of in-car accessories. A driving simulator study was conducted to mimic HMI/HCI in a patrol vehicle cockpit (20 subjects, average driving experience = 5.35 years, s.d. = 1.8). It was found that the mounting locations of manual tasks did not result in a significant change in response times. Visual displays resulted in response times less than 1.5sec. It can also be concluded that the manual task was equally distracting regardless of mounting positions (average response time was 15 secs). Average speeds and lane deviations did not show any significant results. Data from 13 full-scale sled tests conducted to simulate far-side impacts at 70 PDOF and 40 PDOF was used to analyze head injuries and HIC/AIS values. It was found that accelerations generated by the vehicle deceleration alone were high enough to cause AIS 3 - AIS 6 injuries. Pretensioners could mitigated injuries only in 40 PDOF (oblique) impacts but are useless in 70 PDOF impacts. Seat belts were ineffective in protecting the driver's head from injuries. Head would come in contact with the laptop during a far-oblique (40 PDOF) crash and far-side door for an angle-type crash (70 PDOF). Finite Element analysis head-laptop impact interaction showed that the contact velocity was the most crucial factor in causing a severe (and potentially fatal) head injury. Results indicate that no equipment may be mounted in driver trajectory envelopes. A very narrow band of space is left in patrol vehicles for installation of manual-task equipment to be both safe and ergonomic. In case of a contact, the material stiffness and damping properties play a very significant role in determining the injury outcome. Future work may be done on improving the interiors' material properties to better absorb and dissipate kinetic energy of the head. The design of seat belts and pretensioners may also be seen as an essential aspect to be further improved.
Cationic and anionic electrophoretic mobilization for focusing of hemoglobins (Hb's) in the presence of 100 carrier ampholytes covering a pI range of 6.00-7.98 was studied by computer simulation at a constant current density of 300 A/m(2). Electropherograms that would be produced by whole column imaging and by single detectors placed at different locations along the focusing column are presented. Upon mobilization, peak heights of the Hb zones decrease, but the zones retain a relatively sharp constant profile and are migrating at a constant velocity. A further peak decrease occurs during readjustment at the locations of the original buffer/column interfaces, indicating that detection sensitivity is the lowest at these locations. An anionic carrier ampholyte mobility smaller than that of its cationic species produces a cathodic drift which is smaller than the transport rate used for electrophoretic mobilization. Compared to the case with equal mobilities of carrier ampholyte species, a small increase (decrease) is predicted for the cationic (anionic) mobilization rate within the focusing column. Simulation data suggest that electrophoretic mobilization after focusing and focusing with concurrent electrophoretic mobilization are comparable isotachophoretic processes that occur when there is an uninterrupted flux of an ion through the focusing column. Cathodic drift caused by unequal mobilities of the species of carrier ampholytes, electrophoretic mobilization, and decomposition occurring at the pH gradient edges are related electrophoretic processes.
OBJECTIVE: Understanding of articular cartilage physiology, remodelling mechanisms, and evaluation of tissue engineering repair methods requires reference information regarding normal structural organization. Our goals were to examine the variation of cartilage cell and matrix morphology in different topographical areas of the adult human knee joint. METHODS: Osteochondral explants were acquired from seven distinct anatomical locations of the knee joints of deceased persons aged 20-40 years and prepared for analysis of cell, matrix and tissue morphology using confocal microscopy and unbiased stereological methods. Differences between locations were identified by statistical analysis. RESULTS: Medial femoral condyle cartilage had relatively high cell surface area per unit tissue volume in the superficial zone. In the transitional zone, meniscus-covered lateral tibia cartilage showed elevated chondrocyte densities compared to the rest of the knee while lateral femoral condyle cartilage exhibited particularly large chondrocytes. Statistical analyses indicated highly uniform morphology throughout the radial zone (lower 80% of cartilage thickness) in the knee, and strong similarities in cell and matrix morphologies among cartilage from the femoral condyles and also in the mediocentral tibial plateau. Throughout the adult human knee, the mean matrix volume per chondron was remarkably constant at approximately 224,000 microm(3), corresponding to approximately 4.6 x 10(6) chondrons per cm(3). CONCLUSIONS: The uniformity of matrix volume per chondron throughout the adult human knee suggests that cell-scale biophysical and metabolic constraints may place limitations on cartilage thickness, mechanical properties, and remodelling mechanisms. Data may also aid the evaluation of cartilage tissue engineering treatments in a site-specific manner. Results indicate that joint locations which perform similar biomechanical functions have similar cell and matrix morphologies; findings may therefore also provide clues to understanding conditions under which focal lesions leading to osteoarthritis may occur.
This review of late-Holocene palaeoclimatology represents the results from a PAGES/CLIVAR Intersection Panel meeting that took place in June 2006. The review is in three parts: the principal high-resolution proxy disciplines (trees, corals, ice cores and documentary evidence), emphasizing current issues in their use for climate reconstruction; the various approaches that have been adopted to combine multiple climate proxy records to provide estimates of past annual-to-decadal timescale Northern Hemisphere surface temperatures and other climate variables, such as large-scale circulation indices; and the forcing histories used in climate model simulations of the past millennium. We discuss the need to develop a framework through which current and new approaches to interpreting these proxy data may be rigorously assessed using pseudo-proxies derived from climate model runs, where the `answer' is known. The article concludes with a list of recommendations. First, more raw proxy data are required from the diverse disciplines and from more locations, as well as replication, for all proxy sources, of the basic raw measurements to improve absolute dating, and to better distinguish the proxy climate signal from noise. Second, more effort is required to improve the understanding of what individual proxies respond to, supported by more site measurements and process studies. These activities should also be mindful of the correlation structure of instrumental data, indicating which adjacent proxy records ought to be in agreement and which not. Third, large-scale climate reconstructions should be attempted using a wide variety of techniques, emphasizing those for which quantified errors can be estimated at specified timescales. Fourth, a greater use of climate model simulations is needed to guide the choice of reconstruction techniques (the pseudo-proxy concept) and possibly help determine where, given limited resources, future sampling should be concentrated.
Thin and ultrathin cryosections of mouse cornea were labeled with affinity-purified antibodies directed against either laminin, its central segments (domain 1), the end of its long arm (domain 3), the end of one of its short arms (domain 4), nidogen, or low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan. All basement membrane proteins are detected by indirect immunofluorescence exclusively in the epithelial basement membrane, in Descemet's membrane, and in small amorphous plaques located in the stroma. Immunoelectron microscopy using the protein A-gold technique demonstrated laminin domain 1 and nidogen in a narrow segment of the lamina densa at the junction to the lamina lucida within the epithelial basement membrane. Domain 3 shows three preferred locations at both the cellular and stromal boundaries of the epithelial basement membrane and in its center. Domain 4 is located predominantly in the lamina lucida and the adjacent half of the lamina densa. The low density heparan sulfate proteoglycan is found all across the basement membrane showing a similar uniform distribution as with antibodies against the whole laminin molecule. In Descemet's membrane an even distribution was found with all these antibodies. It is concluded that within the epithelial basement membrane the center of the laminin molecule is located near the lamina densa/lamina lucida junction and that its long arm favors three major orientations. One is close to the cell surface indicating binding to a cell receptor, while the other two are directed to internal matrix structures. The apparent codistribution of laminin domain 1 and nidogen agrees with biochemical evidence that nidogen binds to this domain.
The impact of initial sample distribution on separation and focusing of analytes in a pH 3–11 gradient formed by 101 biprotic carrier ampholytes under concomitant electroosmotic displacement was studied by dynamic high-resolution computer simulation. Data obtained with application of the analytes mixed with the carrier ampholytes (as is customarily done), as a short zone within the initial carrier ampholyte zone, sandwiched between zones of carrier ampholytes, or introduced before or after the initial carrier ampholyte zone were compared. With sampling as a short zone within or adjacent to the carrier ampholytes, separation and focusing of analytes is shown to proceed as a cationic, anionic, or mixed process and separation of the analytes is predicted to be much faster than the separation of the carrier components. Thus, after the initial separation, analytes continue to separate and eventually reach their focusing locations. This is different to the double-peak approach to equilibrium that takes place when analytes and carrier ampholytes are applied as a homogenous mixture. Simulation data reveal that sample application between two zones of carrier ampholytes results in the formation of a pH gradient disturbance as the concentration of the carrier ampholytes within the fluid element initially occupied by the sample will be lower compared to the other parts of the gradient. As a consequence thereof, the properties of this region are sample matrix dependent, the pH gradient is flatter, and the region is likely to represent a conductance gap (hot spot). Simulation data suggest that sample placed at the anodic side or at the anodic end of the initial carrier ampholyte zone are the favorable configurations for capillary isoelectric focusing with electroosmotic zone mobilization.
Rapid industrialization and urbanization in developing countries has led to an increase in air pollution, along a similar trajectory to that previously experienced by the developed nations. In China, particulate pollution is a serious environmental problem that is influencing air quality, regional and global climates, and human health. In response to the extremely severe and persistent haze pollution experienced by about 800 million people during the first quarter of 2013 (refs 4, 5), the Chinese State Council announced its aim to reduce concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5micrometres) by up to 25 per cent relative to 2012 levels by 2017 (ref. 6). Such efforts however require elucidation of the factors governing the abundance and composition of PM2.5, which remain poorly constrained in China. Here we combine a comprehensive set of novel and state-of-the-art offline analytical approaches and statistical techniques to investigate the chemical nature and sources of particulate matter at urban locations in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Xi'an during January 2013. We find that the severe haze pollution event was driven to a large extent by secondary aerosol formation, which contributed 30-77 per cent and 44-71 per cent (average for all four cities) of PM2.5 and of organic aerosol, respectively. On average, the contribution of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and secondary inorganic aerosol (SIA) are found to be of similar importance (SOA/SIA ratios range from 0.6 to 1.4). Our results suggest that, in addition to mitigating primary particulate emissions, reducing the emissions of secondary aerosol precursors from, for example, fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning is likely to be important for controlling China's PM2.5 levels and for reducing the environmental, economic and health impacts resulting from particulate pollution.
A three-level satellite to ground monitoring scheme for conservation easement monitoring has been implemented in which high-resolution imagery serves as an intermediate step for inspecting high priority sites. A digital vertical aerial camera system was developed to fulfill the need for an economical source of imagery for this intermediate step. A method for attaching the camera system to small aircraft was designed, and the camera system was calibrated and tested. To ensure that the images obtained were of suitable quality for use in Level 2 inspections, rectified imagery was required to provide positional accuracy of 5 meters or less to be comparable to current commercially available high-resolution satellite imagery. Focal length calibration was performed to discover the infinity focal length at two lens settings (24mm and 35mm) with a precision of O.1mm. Known focal length is required for creation of navigation points representing locations to be photographed (waypoints). Photographing an object of known size at distances on a test range allowed estimates of focal lengths of 25.lmm and 35.4mm for the 24mm and 35mm lens settings, respectively. Constants required for distortion removal procedures were obtained using analytical plumb-line calibration procedures for both lens settings, with mild distortion at the 24mm setting and virtually no distortion found at the 35mm setting. The system was designed to operate in a series of stages: mission planning, mission execution, and post-mission processing. During mission planning, waypoints were created using custom tools in geographic information system (GIs) software. During mission execution, the camera is connected to a laptop computer with a global positioning system (GPS) receiver attached. Customized mobile GIs software accepts position information from the GPS receiver, provides information for navigation, and automatically triggers the camera upon reaching the desired location. Post-mission processing (rectification) of imagery for removal of lens distortion effects, correction of imagery for horizontal displacement due to terrain variations (relief displacement), and relating the images to ground coordinates were performed with no more than a second-order polynomial warping function. Accuracy testing was performed to verify the positional accuracy capabilities of the system in an ideal-case scenario as well as a real-world case. Using many welldistributed and highly accurate control points on flat terrain, the rectified images yielded median positional accuracy of 0.3 meters. Imagery captured over commercial forestland with varying terrain in eastern Maine, rectified to digital orthophoto quadrangles, yielded median positional accuracies of 2.3 meters with accuracies of 3.1 meters or better in 75 percent of measurements made. These accuracies were well within performance requirements. The images from the digital camera system are of high quality, displaying significant detail at common flying heights. At common flying heights the ground resolution of the camera system ranges between 0.07 meters and 0.67 meters per pixel, satisfying the requirement that imagery be of comparable resolution to current highresolution satellite imagery. Due to the high resolution of the imagery, the positional accuracy attainable, and the convenience with which it is operated, the digital aerial camera system developed is a potentially cost-effective solution for use in the intermediate step of a satellite to ground conservation easement monitoring scheme.
Due to its strong gradient in salinity and small temperature gradient the Mediterranean provides an ideal setting to study the impact of salinity on the incorporation of Mg into foraminiferal tests. We have investigated tests of Globorotalia inflata and Globigerina bulloides in plankton tow and core top samples from the Western Mediterranean using ICP-OES for bulk analyses and LA-ICP-MS for analyses of individual chambers in single specimens. Mg/Ca observed in G. inflata are consistent with existing calibrations, whereas G. bulloides had significantly higher Mg/Ca than predicted, particularly in core top samples from the easterly stations. Scanning Electron Microscopy and Laser Ablation ICP-MS revealed secondary overgrowths on some tests, which could explain the observed high core top Mg/Ca. We suggest that the Mediterranean intermediate and deep water supersaturated with respect to calcite cause these overgrowths and therefore increased bulk Mg/Ca. However, the different species are influenced by diagenesis to different degrees probably due to different test morphologies. Our results provide new perspectives on reported anomalously high Mg/Ca in sedimentary foraminifera and the applicability of the Mg/Ca paleothermometry in high salinity settings, by showing that (1) part of the signal is generated by precipitation of inorganic calcite on the foraminifer test due to increased calcite saturation state of the water and (2) species with high surface-to-volume shell surfaces are potentially more affected by secondary Mg-rich calcite encrustation.
Geological storage of CO2 that has been captured at large, point source emitters represents a key potential method for reduction of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. However, this technology will only be viable if it can be guaranteed that injected CO2 will remain trapped in the subsurface for thousands of years or more. A signi?cant issue for storage security is the geomechanical response of the reservoir. Concerns have been raised that geomechanical deformation induced by CO2 injection will create or reactivate fracture networks in the sealing caprocks, providing a pathway for CO2 leakage. In this paper, we examine three large-scale sites where CO2 is injected at rates of ab. 1 megatonne/y or more: Sleipner, Weyburn, and In Salah. We compare and contrast the observed geomechanical behavior of each site, with particular focus on the risks to storage security posed by geomechanical deformation. At Sleipner, the large, high-permeability storage aquifer has experienced little pore pressure increase over 15 y of injection, implying little possibility of geomechanical deformation. At Weyburn, 45 y of oil production has depleted pore pressures before increases associated with CO2 injection. The long history of the ?eld has led to complicated, sometimes nonintuitive geomechanical deformation. At In Salah, injection into the water leg of a gas reservoir has increased pore pressures, leading to uplift and substantial microseismic activity. The differences in the geomechanical responses of these sites emphasize the need for systematic geomechanical appraisal before injection in any potential storage site.
We report well-dated Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary precessional climatic cycles, recorded by rhythmic carbonate maxima and minima in South Atlantic deep sea sites. Spectral analyses of digitized sediment color, a suitable carbonate proxy, show prominent regularities in the spacing marl-carbonate beds. Magnetostratigraphic dating over a number of magnetic chrons constrains the duration of the cycles, which can be detected over at least 20 Myr of sedimentation at 7 coring locations. Their mean absolute period of 23.5 +/- 4.4kyr agrees closely with the predicted late Cretaceous precessional period of 20.8 kyr. Because they can be matched to a physical forcing mechanism with a known repeat time, the cycles offer a new high-resolution tool to measure rates of climate change before and after the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K/T) boundary. From counts of carbonate cycles, we derive the position of the K/T boundary within C29R at 350 kyr after the base of the reversal. The constancy of cycle thickness (linearly related to sedimentation rate) and amplitude up to the "boundary clay" does not give evidence for climate instability preceding the boundary. Orbital chronometry records a step-function decrease in sediment accumulation rate at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary that is consistent with a geologically instantaneous event.