990 resultados para Heterogeneous technology


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A methodology, fluorescence-intensity distribution analysis, has been developed for confocal microscopy studies in which the fluorescence intensity of a sample with a heterogeneous brightness profile is monitored. An adjustable formula, modeling the spatial brightness distribution, and the technique of generating functions for calculation of theoretical photon count number distributions serve as the two cornerstones of the methodology. The method permits the simultaneous determination of concentrations and specific brightness values of a number of individual fluorescent species in solution. Accordingly, we present an extremely sensitive tool to monitor the interaction of fluorescently labeled molecules or other microparticles with their respective biological counterparts that should find a wide application in life sciences, medicine, and drug discovery. Its potential is demonstrated by studying the hybridization of 5′-(6-carboxytetramethylrhodamine)-labeled and nonlabeled complementary oligonucleotides and the subsequent cleavage of the DNA hybrids by restriction enzymes.


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We develop a dynamic general-equilibrium framework in which growth is driven by skill-biased technology diffusion. The model incorporates leisure–labor decisions and human capital accumulation through education. We are able to reproduce the trends in income inequality and labor and skills supplies observed in the United States between 1969 and 1996. The paper also provides an explanation for why more individuals invest in human capital when the investment premium is going down, and why the skill-premium goes up when the skills supply is increasing.


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Against the background of the current discussion about the EU’s common agricultural policy (CAP) after 2013, the question of the impact of government support on land prices is crucially important. Validation of the CAP’s success also hinges on a proper assessment of a choice of policy instruments. This study therefore has the objective of investigating on a theoretical basis the effects of different government support measures on land rental prices and land allocation. The different measures under consideration are the price support, area payments and decoupled single farm payments (SFPs) of the CAP. Our approach evaluates the potential impact of each measure based on a Ricardian land rent model with heterogeneous land quality and multiple land uses. We start with a simple model of one output and two inputs, where a Cobb-Douglas production technology is assumed between the two factors of land and non-land inputs. In a second step, an outside option is introduced. This outside option, as opposed to land use of the Ricardian type, is independent of land quality. The results show that area payments and SFPs become fully capitalised into land rents, whereas in a price support scheme the capitalisation depends on per-acreage productivity. Moreover, in a price support scheme and a historical model, the capitalisation is positively influenced by land quality. Both area payments and price supports influence land allocation across different uses compared with no subsidies, where the shift tends to be larger in an area payment scheme than in a price support scheme. By contrast, SFPs do not influence land allocation.


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Prepared under Contract AT(04-3)-165 for the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, San Francisco Operations Office.


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This paper investigates the simultaneous causal relationship between investments in information and communication technology (ICT) and flows of foreign direct investment (FDI), with reference to its implications on economic growth. For the empirical analysis we use data from 23 major countries with heterogeneous economic development for the period 1976-99. Our causality test results suggest that there is a causal relationship from ICT to FDI in developed countries, which means that a higher level of ICT investment leads to an increase inflow of FDI. ICT may contribute to economic growth indirectly by attracting more FDI. Contrarily, we could not find significant causality from ICT to FDI in developing countries. Instead, we have partial evidence of opposite causality relationship: the inflow of FDI causes further increases in ICT investment and production capacity. © United Nations University 2006.


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Existing wireless systems are normally regulated by a fixed spectrum assignment strategy. This policy leads to an undesirable situation that some systems may only use the allocated spectrum to a limited extent while others have very serious spectrum insufficiency situation. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) is emerging as a promising technology to address this issue such that the unused licensed spectrum can be opportunistically accessed by the unlicensed users. To enable DSA, the unlicensed user shall have the capability of detecting the unoccupied spectrum, controlling its spectrum access in an adaptive manner, and coexisting with other unlicensed users automatically. In this article, we propose a radio system Transmission Opportunity-based spectrum access control protocol with the aim to improve spectrum access fairness and ensure safe coexistence of multiple heterogeneous unlicensed radio systems. In the scheme, multiple radio systems will coexist and dynamically use available free spectrum without interfering with licensed users. Simulation is carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme with respect to spectrum utilisation, fairness and scalability. Comparing with the existed studies, our strategy is able to achieve higher scalability and controllability without degrading spectrum utilisation and fairness performance.


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The first demonstration of heterogeneous catalysis within an oscillatory baffled flow reactor (OBR) is reported, exemplified by the solid acid catalysed esterification of organic acids, an important prototypical reaction for fine chemicals and biofuel synthesis. Suspension of a PrSOH-SBA-15 catalyst powder is readily achieved within the OBR under an oscillatory flow, facilitating the continuous esterification of hexanoic acid. Excellent semi-quantitative agreement is obtained between OBR and conventional stirred batch reaction kinetics, demonstrating efficient mixing, and highlighting the potential of OBRs for continuous, heterogeneously catalysed liquid phase transformations. Kinetic analysis highlights acid chain length (i.e. steric factors) as a key predictor of activity. Continuous esterification offers improved ester yields compared with batch operation, due to the removal of water by-product from the catalyst, evidencing the versatility of the OBR for heterogeneous flow chemistry and potential role as a new clean catalytic technology. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013.


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Dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change are driving the utilisation of renewable feedstocks as alternative, sustainable fuel sources. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy efficient, selective molecular transformations, and contributes to 90% of current chemical manufacturing processes. In a post-petroleum era, catalysis will be pivotal in overcoming the scientific and engineering barriers to economically feasible bio-fuels. This perspective highlights some recent developments in heterogeneous catalysts for the synthesis of biodiesel from renewable resources, derived from plant and aquatic oil sources. Particular attention will be paid to the importance of catalyst pore architecture, surface polarity and acid and base properties, in meeting the challenge of transforming highly polar and viscous bio-based reactants. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The combination of dwindling oil reserves and growing concerns over carbon dioxide emissions and associated climate change is driving the urgent development of routes to utilise renewable feedstocks as sustainable sources of fuel and chemicals. Catalysis has a rich history of facilitating energy-efficient selective molecular transformations and contributes to 90% of chemical manufacturing processes and to more than 20% of all industrial products. In a post-petroleum era, catalysis will be central to overcoming the engineering and scientific barriers to economically feasible routes to biofuels and chemicals. This chapter will highlight some of the recent developments in heterogeneous catalytic technology for the synthesis of fuels and chemicals from renewable resources, derived from plant and aquatic oil sources as well as lignocellulosic feedstocks. Particular attention will be paid to the challenges faced when developing new catalysts and importance of considering the design of pore architectures and effect of tuning surface polarity to improve catalyst compatibility with highly polar bio-based substrates.


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This paper investigates the role of entrepreneurs' general and specific human capital on the performance of UK new technology based firms using a resource based approach to the entrepreneurship theory. The effect of entrepreneurial human capital on the performance of NTBFs is investigated using data derived from a survey of 412 firms operating in both high-tech manufacturing and the services sectors. According to the resource based theory it is found that specific human capital is more important for the performance of NTBFs in relation to general. More specifically individual entrepreneurs or entrepreneurial teams with high levels of formal business education, commercial, managerial or same sector experience are found to have created better performing NTBFs. Finally it is found that the performance of a NTBF can improve through the combination of heterogeneous but complementary skills, including, for example, technical education and commercial experience or managerial technical and managerial commercial experience. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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Before and after its accession to the WTO in 2001, China has undergone a far-reaching investment liberalisation. As part of this, existing restrictions on foreign ownership structure and mandatory export and technology transfer requirements imposed on foreign firms have been lifted in a number of industries. Against this background we identify the causal effects of foreign acquisitions on export market entry and technology take-off and evaluate whether the level of foreign ownership plays a role in stimulating these changes. Using doubly robust propensity score reweighted bivariate probit regressions to control for the selection bias associated with firm level foreign acquisition incidences, we uncover strong but heterogeneous positive effects on export activity for all types of foreign ownership structure. We also find that minority foreign owned acquisition targets experience higher likelihood of R&D, providing evidence that joint ventures can contribute positively to China's "science and technology take-off".


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It is important to help researchers find valuable papers from a large literature collection. To this end, many graph-based ranking algorithms have been proposed. However, most of these algorithms suffer from the problem of ranking bias. Ranking bias hurts the usefulness of a ranking algorithm because it returns a ranking list with an undesirable time distribution. This paper is a focused study on how to alleviate ranking bias by leveraging the heterogeneous network structure of the literature collection. We propose a new graph-based ranking algorithm, MutualRank, that integrates mutual reinforcement relationships among networks of papers, researchers, and venues to achieve a more synthetic, accurate, and less-biased ranking than previous methods. MutualRank provides a unified model that involves both intra- and inter-network information for ranking papers, researchers, and venues simultaneously. We use the ACL Anthology Network as the benchmark data set and construct the gold standard from computer linguistics course websites of well-known universities and two well-known textbooks. The experimental results show that MutualRank greatly outperforms the state-of-the-art competitors, including PageRank, HITS, CoRank, Future Rank, and P-Rank, in ranking papers in both improving ranking effectiveness and alleviating ranking bias. Rankings of researchers and venues by MutualRank are also quite reasonable.


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Today, databases have become an integral part of information systems. In the past two decades, we have seen different database systems being developed independently and used in different applications domains. Today's interconnected networks and advanced applications, such as data warehousing, data mining & knowledge discovery and intelligent data access to information on the Web, have created a need for integrated access to such heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed database systems. Heterogeneous/multidatabase research has focused on this issue resulting in many different approaches. However, a single, generally accepted methodology in academia or industry has not emerged providing ubiquitous intelligent data access from heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed information sources. ^ This thesis describes a heterogeneous database system being developed at High-performance Database Research Center (HPDRC). A major impediment to ubiquitous deployment of multidatabase technology is the difficulty in resolving semantic heterogeneity. That is, identifying related information sources for integration and querying purposes. Our approach considers the semantics of the meta-data constructs in resolving this issue. The major contributions of the thesis work include: (i) providing a scalable, easy-to-implement architecture for developing a heterogeneous multidatabase system, utilizing Semantic Binary Object-oriented Data Model (Sem-ODM) and Semantic SQL query language to capture the semantics of the data sources being integrated and to provide an easy-to-use query facility; (ii) a methodology for semantic heterogeneity resolution by investigating into the extents of the meta-data constructs of component schemas. This methodology is shown to be correct, complete and unambiguous; (iii) a semi-automated technique for identifying semantic relations, which is the basis of semantic knowledge for integration and querying, using shared ontologies for context-mediation; (iv) resolutions for schematic conflicts and a language for defining global views from a set of component Sem-ODM schemas; (v) design of a knowledge base for storing and manipulating meta-data and knowledge acquired during the integration process. This knowledge base acts as the interface between integration and query processing modules; (vi) techniques for Semantic SQL query processing and optimization based on semantic knowledge in a heterogeneous database environment; and (vii) a framework for intelligent computing and communication on the Internet applying the concepts of our work. ^