949 resultados para Herpes simplex virus 1


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Herpes simplex is a virus that can be transmitted sexually and is potentially associated with vertical transmission. This study evaluated the prevalence of genital infection by herpes simplex virus (HSV) types 1 and 2 in pregnant and nonpregnant care in the city of Natal / RN, including a total of 222 women, 92 pregnant and 130 nonpregnant. The participants answered a questionnaire to obtain data and socio-demographic characteristics, as well as potential risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases. After the interview, we collected two cervical specimens, one for the Pap test and the other for DNA extraction and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect both virus serotypes. Then the women underwent a clinical examination by colposcopy. For statistical analysis, we used the chi-square and logistic regression by SSPS 17.0 Statistic. Most women were up to 30 years of age, nonwhite ethnicity, married, elementary education, family income below the poverty level; initiated sexual activity with age up to 18 years; had more than one sexual partner lifelong and was not pregnant, but has had at least one child. The HSV-1 showed a prevalence of 26.1% among pregnant women and 30.0% in non-pregnant women. While HSV-2 prevalence was found with 10.9% and 19.2% in pregnant and nonpregnant women, respectively. The largest proportion of morphological changes of the uterine cervix was detected among nonpregnant women, both in cytology and in colposcopy. The women were nonwhite ethnicity, married, became pregnant aged less than or equal to 18 years and who had one to two pregnancies had a lower risk of acquiring genital HSV infection. There was a high prevalence of genital HSV infection, HSV-1 is more prevalent than HSV-2. No association was found between morphological changes of the uterine cervix and the presence of the virus in pregnant and nonpregnant women, nor between genital HSV infection and the classic risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases


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Due to lack of effective therapy, primary brain tumors are the focus of intense investigation of novel experimental approaches that use vectors and recombinant viruses. Therapeutic approaches have been both indirect, whereby vectors are used, or direct to allow for direct cell killing by the introduced virus. Genetically engineered herpes simplex viruses are currently being evaluated as an experimental approach to eradicate malignant human gliomas. Initial studies with gamma (1)34.5 mutants, R3616 (from which both copies of the gamma (1)34.5 gene have been deleted) and R4009 (a construct with two stop codons inserted into the gamma (1)34.5 gene), have been assessed. In a syngeneic scid mouse intracranial tumor model, recombinant herpes simplex virus can be experimentally used for the treatment of brain tumors. These viruses and additional engineered viruses were subsequently tested in human glioma cells both in vitro and in vivo. Using a xenogeneic scid mouse intracranial glioma model, R4009 therapy of established tumors significantly prolonged survival. Most importantly, long-term survival was achieved, with histologic evidence that R4009 eradicated intracranial tumors in this model. Furthermore, the opportunity to evaluate gamma (1)34.5 mutants that have enhanced oncolytic activity, e.g., R8309 where the carboxyl terminus of the gamma (1)34.5 gene has been replaced by the murine homologue, MyD116, are considered.


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Le virus de l’Herpès simplex de type 1 (HSV-1) est le pathogène humain responsable des lésions herpétiques labiales, plus communément appelé « feux sauvages ». Annuellement, il est responsable de plusieurs cas d’encéphalites et d’infections de l’appareil visuel qui sont la principale cause de cécité en Amérique du Nord. Bien qu’il existe quelques traitements antiviraux, aucun vaccin ou médicament ne permet de prévenir ou de guérir les infections causées par ce virus. Aujourd’hui, les infections produites par l’HSV-1 sont présentes partout sur la planète. Récemment, une étude en protéomique effectuée sur les virus matures extracellulaires a permis d’identifier la présence d’ubiquitines libres et d’enzymes reliées à la machinerie d’ubiquitination dans le virus. De plus, le virus exploite cette machinerie au cours de l’infection. Il est connu que certaines protéines virales sont ubiquitinées durant une infection et que le virus imite même certaines enzymes d’ubiquitination. Nous avons donc entrepris des recherches afin d’identifier des protéines virales ubiquitinées qui pourraient être présentes dans les virus matures ainsi que leurs rôles potentiels. La protéine majeure de la capside, VP5, un constituant très important du virus, a été identifiée. Nos recherches nous ont permis de caractériser le type d’ubiquitination, une monoubiquitination sur les lysines K810 et/ou K1275 de VP5. Le rôle que pourrait jouer l’ubiquitination de VP5 dans le cycle de réplication virale et dans les virus matures n’est toutefois pas encore connu.


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A study of the association of Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 exposure to early atherosclerosis using high C-reactive protein level as a marker was carried out in US born, non-pregnant, 20-49 year olds participating in a national survey between 1999 and 2004. Participants were required to have valid results for Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 and C-Reactive Protein for inclusion. Cases were those found to have a high C-reactive protein level of 0.3-1 mg/dL, while controls had low to normal values (0.01-0.29 mg/dL). Overall, there were 1211 cases and 2870 controls. Mexican American and non-Hispanic black women were much more likely to fall into the high cardiac risk group than the other sex race groups with proportions of 44% and 39%, respectively. ^ Herpesvirus exposure was categorized such that Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 exposure could be studied simultaneously within the same individual and models. The HSV 1+, HSV 2- category included the highest percentage (45.63%) of participants, followed by HSV 1-, HSV 2- (30.16%); HSV 1+, HSV 2+ (15.09%); and HSV 1-, HSV 2+ (9.12%) respectively. The proportion of participants in the HSV 1+, HSV 2- category was substantially higher in Mexican Americans (63%-66%). Further, the proportion in the HSV 1+, HSV 2+ category was notably higher in the non-Hispanic black participants (23%-44%). Non-Hispanic black women also had the highest percentage of HSV 1-, HSV 2+ exposure of all the sex race groups at 17%. ^ Overall, the unadjusted odds ratios for atherosclerotic disease defined by C-reactive protein with HSV 1-, HSV 2- as the referent group was 1.62 (95% CI 1.23-2.14) for HSV 1 +, HSV 2+; 1.3 (95% CI 1.10-1.69 for HSV 1+, HSV 2-; and 1.52 (95% CI 1.14-2.01). When the study was stratified into sex-race groups, only HSV 1+, HSV 2- in the Non-Hispanic white men remained significant (OR=1.6; 95% CI 1.06-2.43). Adjustment for selected covariates was made in the multivariate model for both the overall and sex-race stratified studies. High C-reactive protein values were not associated with any of the Herpesvirus exposure levels in either the overall or stratified analyses. ^


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Currently, there are nine known human herpesviruses and these viruses appear to have been a very common companion of humans throughout the millenia. Of human herpesviruses, herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2 (HSV-1, HSV-2), causative agents of herpes labialis and genital herpes, and varicella-zoster virus (VZV), causative agent of chicken pox, are also common causes of central nervous system (CNS) infections. In addition, human cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and human herpesviruses 6A, 6B, and 7 (HHV-6A, HHV-6B, HHV-7), all members of the herpesvirus family, can also be associated with encephalitis and meningitis. Accurate diagnostics and fast treatment are essential for patient recovery in CNS infections and therefore sensitive and effective diagnostic methods are needed. The aim of this thesis was to develop new potential detection methods for diagnosing of human herpesvirus infections, especially in immunocompetent patients, using the microarray technique. Therefore, methods based on microarrays were developed for simultaneous detection of HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, CMV, EBV, HHV-6A, HHV-6B, and HHV-7 nucleic acids, and for HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, and CMV antibodies from various clinical samples. The microarray methods developed showed potential for efficiently and accurately detecting human herpesvirus DNAs, especially in CNS infections, and for simultaneous detection of DNAs or antibodies for multiple different human herpesviruses from clinical samples. In fact, the microarray method revealed several previously unrecognized co-infections. The microarray methods developed were sensitive and provided rapid detection of human herpesvirus DNA, and therefore the method could be applied to routine diagnostics. The microarrays might also be considered as an economical tool for diagnosing human herpesvirus infections.


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The objective of this study was to assess the utility of two subjective facial grading systems, to evaluate the etiologic role of human herpesviruses in peripheral facial palsy (FP), and to explore characteristics of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome (MRS). Intrarater repeatability and interrater agreement were assessed for Sunnybrook (SFGS) and House-Brackmann facial grading systems (H-B FGS). Eight video-recorded FP patients were graded in two sittings by 26 doctors. Repeatability for SFGS was from good to excellent and agreement between doctors from moderate to excellent by intraclass correlation coefficient and coefficient of repeatability. For H-B FGS, repeatability was from fair to good and agreement from poor to fair by agreement percentage and kappa coefficients. Because SFGS was at least as good in repeatability as H-B FGS and showed more reliable results in agreement between doctors, we encourage the use of SFGS over H-B FGS. Etiologic role of human herpesviruses in peripheral FP was studied by searching DNA of herpes simplex virus (HSV) -1 and -2, varicella-zoster virus (VZV), human herpesvirus (HHV) -6A, -6B, and -7, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and cytomegalovirus (CMV) by PCR/microarray methods in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 33 peripheral FP patients and 36 controls. Three patients and five controls had HHV-6 or -7 DNA in CSF. No DNA of HSV-1 or -2, VZV, EBV, or CMV was found. Detecting HHV-7 and dual HHV-6A and -6B DNA in CSF of FP patients is intriguing, but does not allow etiologic conclusions as such. These DNA findings in association with FP and the other diseases that they accompanied require further exploration. MRS is classically defined as a triad of recurrent labial or oro-facial edema, recurrent peripheral FP, and plicated tongue. All three signs are present in the minority of patients. Edema-dominated forms are more common in the literature, while MRS with FP has received little attention. The etiology and true incidence of MRS are unknown. Characteristics of MRS were evaluated at the Departments of Otorhinolaryngology and Dermatology focusing on patients with FP. There were 35 MRS patients, 20 with FP and they were mailed a questionnaire (17 answered) and were clinically examined (14 patients). At the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, every MRS patient had FP and half had the triad form of MRS. Two patients, whose tissue biopsies were taken during an acute edema episode, revealed nonnecrotizing granulomatous findings typical for MRS, the other without persisting edema and with symptoms for less than a year. A peripheral blood DNA was searched for gene mutations leading to UNC-93B protein deficiency predisposing to HSV-1 infections; no gene mutations were found. Edema in most MRS FP patients did not dominate the clinical picture, and no progression of the disease was observed, contrary to existing knowledge. At the Department of Dermatology, two patients had triad MRS and 15 had monosymptomatic granulomatous cheilitis with frequent or persistent edema and typical MRS tissue histology. The clinical picture of MRS varied according to the department where the patient was treated. More studies from otorhinolaryngology departments and on patients with FP would clarify the actual incidence and clinical picture of the syndrome.


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Fusion process is known to be the initial step of viral infection and hence targeting the entry process is a promising strategy to design antiviral therapy. The self-inhibitory peptides derived from the enveloped (E) proteins function to inhibit the proteinprotein interactions in the membrane fusion step mediated by the viral E protein. Thus, they have the potential to be developed into effective antiviral therapy. Herein, we have developed a Monte Carlo-based computational method with the aim to identify and optimize potential peptide hits from the E proteins. The stability of the peptides, which indicates their potential to bind in situ to the E proteins, was evaluated by two different scoring functions, dipolar distance-scaled, finite, ideal-gas reference state and residue-specific all-atom probability discriminatory function. The method was applied to a-helical Class I HIV-1 gp41, beta-sheet Class II Dengue virus (DENV) type 2 E proteins, as well as Class III Herpes Simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein, a E protein with a mixture of a-helix and beta-sheet structural fold. The peptide hits identified are in line with the druggable regions where the self-inhibitory peptide inhibitors for the three classes of viral fusion proteins were derived. Several novel peptides were identified from either the hydrophobic regions or the functionally important regions on Class II DENV-2 E protein and Class III HSV-1 gB. They have potential to disrupt the proteinprotein interaction in the fusion process and may serve as starting points for the development of novel inhibitors for viral E proteins. 


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Résumé : Les progrès techniques de la spectrométrie de masse (MS) ont contribué au récent développement de la protéomique. Cette technique peut actuellement détecter, identifier et quantifier des milliers de protéines. Toutefois, elle n'est pas encore assez puissante pour fournir une analyse complète des modifications du protéome corrélées à des phénomènes biologiques. Notre objectif était le développement d'une nouvelle stratégie pour la détection spécifique et la quantification des variations du protéome, basée sur la mesure de la synthèse des protéines plutôt que sur celle de la quantité de protéines totale. Pour cela, nous volions associer le marquage pulsé des protéines par des isotopes stables avec une méthode d'acquisition MS basée sur le balayage des ions précurseurs (precursor ion scan, ou PIS), afin de détecter spécifiquement les protéines ayant intégré les isotopes et d'estimer leur abondance par rapport aux protéines non marquées. Une telle approche peut identifier les protéines avec les plus hauts taux de synthèse dans une période de temps donnée, y compris les protéines dont l'expression augmente spécifiquement suite à un événement précis. Nous avons tout d'abord testé différents acides aminés marqués en combinaison avec des méthodes PIS spécifiques. Ces essais ont permis la détection spécifique des protéines marquées. Cependant, en raison des limitations instrumentales du spectromètre de masse utilisé pour les méthodes PIS, la sensibilité de cette approche s'est révélée être inférieure à une analyse non ciblée réalisée sur un instrument plus récent (Chapitre 2.1). Toutefois, pour l'analyse différentielle de deux milieux de culture conditionnés par des cellules cancéreuses humaines, nous avons utilisé le marquage métabolique pour distinguer les protéines d'origine cellulaire des protéines non marquées du sérum présentes dans les milieux de culture (Chapitre 2.2). Parallèlement, nous avons développé une nouvelle méthode de quantification nommée IBIS, qui utilise des paires d'isotopes stables d'acides aminés capables de produire des ions spécifiques qui peuvent être utilisés pour la quantification relative. La méthode IBIS a été appliquée à l'analyse de deux lignées cellulaires cancéreuses complètement marquées, mais de manière différenciée, par des paires d'acides aminés (Chapitre 2.3). Ensuite, conformément à l'objectif initial de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé une variante pulsée de l'IBIS pour détecter des modifications du protéome dans des cellules HeLa infectée par le virus humain Herpes Simplex-1 (Chapitre 2.4). Ce virus réprime la synthèse des protéines des cellules hôtes afin d'exploiter leur mécanisme de traduction pour la production massive de virions. Comme prévu, de hauts taux de synthèse ont été mesurés pour les protéines virales détectées, attestant de leur haut niveau d'expression. Nous avons de plus identifié un certain nombre de protéines humaines dont le rapport de synthèse et de dégradation (S/D) a été modifié par l'infection virale, ce qui peut donner des indications sur les stratégies utilisées par les virus pour détourner la machinerie cellulaire. En conclusion, nous avons montré dans ce travail que le marquage métabolique peut être employé de façon non conventionnelle pour étudier des dimensions peu explorées en protéomique. Summary : In recent years major technical advancements greatly supported the development of mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics. Currently, this technique can efficiently detect, identify and quantify thousands of proteins. However, it is not yet sufficiently powerful to provide a comprehensive analysis of the proteome changes correlated with biological phenomena. The aim of our project was the development of ~a new strategy for the specific detection and quantification of proteomé variations based on measurements of protein synthesis rather than total protein amounts. The rationale for this approach was that changes in protein synthesis more closely reflect dynamic cellular responses than changes in total protein concentrations. Our starting idea was to couple "pulsed" stable-isotope labeling of proteins with a specific MS acquisition method based on precursor ion scan (PIS), to specifically detect proteins that incorporated the label and to simultaneously estimate their abundance, relative to the unlabeled protein isoform. Such approach could highlight proteins with the highest synthesis rate in a given time frame, including proteins specifically up-regulated by a given biological stimulus. As a first step, we tested different isotope-labeled amino acids in combination with dedicated PIS methods and showed that this leads to specific detection of labeled proteins. Sensitivity, however, turned out to be lower than an untargeted analysis run on a more recent instrument, due to MS hardware limitations (Chapter 2.1). We next used metabolic labeling to distinguish the proteins of cellular origin from a high background of unlabeled (serum) proteins, for the differential analysis of two serum-containing culture media conditioned by labeled human cancer cells (Chapter 2.2). As a parallel project we developed a new quantification method (named ISIS), which uses pairs of stable-isotope labeled amino acids able to produce specific reporter ions, which can be used for relative quantification. The ISIS method was applied to the analysis of two fully, yet differentially labeled cancer cell lines, as described in Chapter 2.3. Next, in line with the original purpose of this thesis, we used a "pulsed" variant of ISIS to detect proteome changes in HeLa cells after the infection with human Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (Chapter 2.4). This virus is known to repress the synthesis of host cell proteins to exploit the translation machinery for the massive production of virions. As expected, high synthesis rates were measured for the detected viral proteins, confirming their up-regulation. Moreover, we identified a number of human proteins whose synthesis/degradation ratio (S/D) was affected by the viral infection and which could provide clues on the strategies used by the virus to hijack the cellular machinery. Overall, in this work, we showed that metabolic labeling can be employed in alternative ways to investigate poorly explored dimensions in proteomics.


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Membrane nanotubes (MNTs) are newly discovered cellular extensions that are either blind-ended or can connect widely separated cells. They have predominantly been investigated in cultured isolated cells, however, previously we were the first group to demonstrate the existence of these structures in vivo in intact mammalian tissues. We previously demonstrated the frequency of both cell–cell or bridging MNTs and blind-ended MNTs was greatest between major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II+ cells during corneal injury or TLR ligand-mediated inflammation. The present study aimed to further explore the dynamics of MNT formation and their size, presence in another tissue, the dura mater, and response to stress factors and an active local viral infection of the murine cornea. Confocal live cell imaging of myeloid-derived cells in inflamed corneal explants from Cx3cr1GFP and CD11ceYFP transgenic mice revealed that MNTs form de novo at a rate of 15.5 μm/min. This observation contrasts with previous studies that demonstrated that in vitro these structures originate from cell–cell contacts. Conditions that promote formation of MNTs include inflammation in vivo and cell stress due to serum starvation ex vivo. Herpes simplex virus-1 infection did not cause a significant increase in MNT numbers in myeloid cells in the cornea above that observed in injury controls, confirming that corneal epithelium injury alone elicits MNT formation in vivo. These novel observations extend the currently limited understanding of MNTs in live mammalian tissues.


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A total of 24 extracts from 14 plant species collected at the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, and belonging to five botanical families (Annonaceae, Apocynaceae, Ochnaceae, Polygonaceae and Vitaceae) was screened for cytotoxicity in cultured Vero cells and for antiviral activity against human herpes virus type 1 (HSV-1), vaccinia virus (VACV) and murine encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). The highest cytotoxicity (CC 50 < 10 μg/mL) was observed for the ethanol extracts from Annona coriacea fruits and seeds. Extracts from Hancornia speciosa, Ouratea castaneafolia and O. semisrrata were the only ones that have shown activity against all the three viruses assayed. Extracts from Polygonum spectabile, Hancornia speciosa, Himatanthus phagedaenica, Ouratea spectabilis and O. semiserrata were the most active against HSV-1 (EC 50 < 50 mg/mL), with favorable SI values (8.0 to 10.0). Hancornia speciosa and Anaxagorea dolichocarpa were the most active against EMCV (EC 50 50 - 100 μg/mL), with reasonable SI values (5.2 to 6.1), while moderate to low activity (EC 50 > 100 μg/mL) was observed for Ouratea spectabilis and O. semiserrata. A total of 7 plant species, Ouratea semiserrata, O. spectabilis, O. castanaeafolia, Rollinia laurifolia, Cissus erosa, Polygonum spectabile, and Hancornia speciosa, were active against VACV, disclosing EC50 < 50 μg/mL and SI values ranging from 6.6 to 67.3. In total, 10 out of the 14 species were selected from a literature survey on plants used to treat viral diseases in Brazil; these species were responsible for 70% of the positive results.


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We are developing quantitative assays to repeatedly and noninvasively image expression of reporter genes in living animals, using positron emission tomography (PET). We synthesized positron-emitting 8-[18F]fluoroganciclovir (FGCV) and demonstrated that this compound is a substrate for the herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase enzyme (HSV1-TK). Using positron-emitting FGCV as a PET reporter probe, we imaged adenovirus-directed hepatic expression of the HSV1-tk reporter gene in living mice. There is a significant positive correlation between the percent injected dose of FGCV retained per gram of liver and the levels of hepatic HSV1-tk reporter gene expression (r2 > 0.80). Over a similar range of HSV1-tk expression in vivo, the percent injected dose retained per gram of liver was 0–23% for ganciclovir and 0–3% for FGCV. Repeated, noninvasive, and quantitative imaging of PET reporter gene expression should be a valuable tool for studies of human gene therapy, of organ/cell transplantation, and of both environmental and behavioral modulation of gene expression in transgenic mice.


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Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) promotes proliferation of neuroprogenitor cells in culture and is up-regulated within brain after injury. Using mice genetically deficient in FGF-2 (FGF-2−/− mice), we addressed the importance of endogenously generated FGF-2 on neurogenesis within the hippocampus, a structure involved in spatial, declarative, and contextual memory, after seizures or ischemic injury. BrdUrd incorporation was used to mark dividing neuroprogenitor cells and NeuN expression to monitor their differentiation into neurons. In the wild-type strain, hippocampal FGF-2 increased after either kainic acid injection or middle cerebral artery occlusion, and the numbers of BrdUrd/NeuN-positive cells significantly increased on days 9 and 16 as compared with the controls. In FGF-2−/− mice, BrdUrd labeling was attenuated after kainic acid or middle cerebral artery occlusion, as was the number of neural cells colabeled with both BrdUrd and NeuN. After FGF-2−/− mice were injected intraventricularly with a herpes simplex virus-1 amplicon vector carrying FGF-2 gene, the number of BrdUrd-labeled cells increased significantly to values equivalent to wild-type littermates after kainate seizures. These results indicate that endogenously synthesized FGF-2 is necessary and sufficient to stimulate proliferation and differentiation of neuroprogenitor cells in the adult hippocampus after brain insult.


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The gastric mucosa of mammalian stomach contains several differentiated cell types specialized for the secretion of acid, digestive enzymes, mucus, and hormones. Understanding whether each of these cell lineages is derived from a common stem cell has been a challenging problem. We have used a genetic approach to analyze the ontogeny of progenitor cells within mouse stomach. Herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase was targeted to parietal cells within the gastric mucosa of transgenic mice, and parietal cells were ablated by treatment of animals with the antiherpetic drug ganciclovir. Ganciclovir treatment produced complete ablation of parietal cells, dissolution of gastric glands, and loss of chief and mucus-producing cells. Termination of drug treatment led to the reemergence of all major gastric epithelial cell types and restoration of glandular architecture. Our results imply the existence of a pluripotent stem cell for the gastric mucosa. Parietal cell ablation should provide a model for analyzing cell lineage relationships within the stomach as well as mechanisms underlying gastric injury and repair.


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Detection of point mutations or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is important in relation to disease susceptibility or detection in pathogens of mutations determining drug resistance or host range. There is an emergent need for rapid detection methods amenable to point-of-care applications. The purpose of this study was to reduce to practice a novel method for SNP detection and to demonstrate that this technology can be used downstream of nucleic acid amplification. The authors used a model system to develop an oligonucleotide-based SNP detection system on nitrocellulose lateral flow strips. To optimize the assay they used cloned sequences of the herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) DNA polymerase gene into which they introduced a point mutation. The assay system uses chimeric polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers that incorporate hexameric repeat tags ("hexapet tags"). The chimeric sequences allow capture of amplified products to predefined positions on a lateral flow strip. These "hexapet" sequences have minimal cross-reactivity and allow specific hybridization-based capture of the PCR products at room temperature onto lateral flow strips that have been striped with complementary hexapet tags. The allele-specific amplification was carried out with both mutant and wild-type primer sets present in the PCR mix ("competitive" format). The resulting PCR products carried a hexapet tag that corresponded with either a wild-type or mutant sequence. The lateral flow strips are dropped into the PCR reaction tube, and mutant sequence and wild-type sequences diffuse along the strip and are captured at the corresponding position on the strip. A red line indicative of a positive reaction is visible after 1 minute. Unlike other systems that require separate reactions and strips for each target sequence, this system allows multiplex PCR reactions and multiplex detection on a single strip or other suitable substrates. Unambiguous visual discrimination of a point mutation under room temperature hybridization conditions was achieved with this model system in 10 minutes after PCR. The authors have developed a capture-based hybridization method for the detection and discrimination of HSV-1 DNA polymerase genes that contain a single nucleotide change. It has been demonstrated that the hexapet oligonucleotides can be adapted for hybridization on the lateral flow strip platform for discrimination of SNPs. This is the first step in demonstrating SNP detection on lateral flow using the hexapet oligonucleotide capture system. It is anticipated that this novel system can be widely used in point-of-care settings.