996 resultados para Hernia de disco


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OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the role of fibrillar extracellular matrix components in the pathogenesis of inguinal hernias. METHODS: samples of the transverse fascia and of the anterior sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle were collected from 40 men aged between 20 and 60 years with type II and IIIA Nyhus inguinal hernia and from 10 fresh male cadavers (controls) without hernia in the same age range. The staining technique was immunohistochemistry for collagen I, collagen III and elastic fibers; quantification of fibrillar components was performed with an image analysis processing software. RESULTS: no statistically significant differences were found in the amount of elastic fibers, collagen I and collagen III, and the ratio of collagen I / III among patients with inguinal hernia when compared with subjects without hernia. CONCLUSION: the amount of fibrillar extracellular matrix components did not change in patients with and without inguinal hernia.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of subcostal incisional hernia repair using polypropylene mesh, the technical aspects of musculo-aponeurotic reconstruction, routine fixation of supra-aponeurotic mesh and follow-up for five years.METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study that assessed 24 patients undergoing subcostal incisional hernia repair with use of polypropylene mesh; 15 patients (62.5%) were female; ages ranged from 33 to 82, and 79.1% had comorbidities.RESULTS: Early complications: three cases (12.5%) of wound infection, three cases (12.5%) of seroma, one case (4.1%) of hematoma; and one case (4.1%) of wound dehiscence. Late complications occurred in one case (4.1%) of hernia recurrence attributed to technical failure in the fixation of the mesh and in one case (4.1%) of chronic pain. There were no cases of exposure or rejection of the mesh.CONCLUSION: The subcostal incisional hernia, though not very relevant, requires adequate surgical treatment. Its surgical correction involves rebuilding the muscle-aponeurotic defect, supra-aponeurotic fixation of polypropylene mesh, with less complexity and lower rates of complications and recurrences.


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OBJECTIVE: To standardize a technique for ventilating rat fetuses with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) using a volume-controlled ventilator.METHODS: Pregnant rats were divided into the following groups: a) control (C); b) exposed to nitrofen with CDH (CDH); and c) exposed to nitrofen without CDH (N-). Fetuses of the three groups were randomly divided into the subgroups ventilated (V) and non-ventilated (N-V). Fetuses were collected on day 21.5 of gestation, weighed and ventilated for 30 minutes using a volume-controlled ventilator. Then the lungs were collected for histological study. We evaluated: body weight (BW), total lung weight (TLW), left lung weight (LLW), ratios TLW / BW and LLW / BW, morphological histology of the airways and causes of failures of ventilation.RESULTS: BW, TLW, LLW, TLW / BW and LLW / BW were higher in C compared with N- (p <0.05) and CDH (p <0.05), but no differences were found between the subgroups V and N-V (p> 0.05). The morphology of the pulmonary airways showed hypoplasia in groups N- and CDH, with no difference between V and N-V (p <0.05). The C and N- groups could be successfully ventilated using a tidal volume of 75 ìl, but the failure of ventilation in the CDH group decreased only when ventilated with 50 ìl.CONCLUSION: Volume ventilation is possible in rats with CDH for a short period and does not alter fetal or lung morphology.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar cães com doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) cervical atendidos no Hospital Veterinário Universitário (HVU) da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM) entre janeiro de 2003 e outubro de 2008 e obter informações a respeito de raça, sexo, idade, sinais neurológicos, resposta ao tratamento cirúrgico, complicações, tempo de recuperação funcional após a cirurgia e ocorrência de recidiva. Hiperestesia cervical foi observada em todos os cães (n=28). Quanto ao grau de disfunção neurológica foram verificados: grau I (8/28[28,5%]), grau II (3/28 [10,7%]), grau III (5/28[17,8%]) e grau V (12/2 [42,8%]). A duração dos sinais neurológicos antes da cirurgia em sete cães (25%) permaneceu por até 15 dias, em 14 cães (50%) entre 15 e 30 dias e nos outros sete cães (25%) por mais de 30 dias. A recuperação satisfatória e sem recidiva foi observada em todos os cães submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico e que sobreviveram (n=21). Pode-se concluir que a DDIV cervical em nossa rotina acomete principalmente cães adultos, machos, de raças condrodistróficas e não condrodistróficas, incluindo as de grande porte; a hiperestesia cervical é a principal manifestação clínica; a técnica de fenda ventral promove recuperação funcional satisfatória e sem recidiva; as principais complicações trans-operatórias são a hemorragia do plexo venoso, a bradicardia e a hipotensão; e a duração dos sinais clínicos não interfere no tempo de recuperação pós-operatória dos cães.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a recuperação funcional de 37 cães com diagnóstico de doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) toracolombar, sem percepção da dor profunda superior a 48 horas e não submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico. Os dados identificados foram: raça, idade, sexo, localização da lesão, perda da percepção da dor profunda, duração dos sinais clínicos, recuperação funcional, retorno da percepção da dor profunda, recidivas, eutanásias ou morte. Foi observada recuperação funcional em 11 cães (55%), sendo seis deles entre 30 e 60 dias após o início dos sinais clínicos. Dos onze cães que tiveram recuperação funcional satisfatória, dois (18%) não tiveram retorno da percepção à dor profunda. Pode-se concluir que cães com diagnóstico de DDIV sem percepção à dor profunda superior a 48 horas e não submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico podem apresentar recuperação funcional satisfatória e são necessários, no mínimo, 30 dias do início dos sinais clínicos para estabelecer um prognóstico quanto ao retorno dos movimentos voluntários.


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O objetivo deste estudo retrospectivo foi avaliar a recuperação funcional de cães paraplégicos sem percepção à dor profunda (PDP) com doença do disco intervertebral (DDIV) toracolombar submetidos à hemilaminectomia dorsolateral. Foram incluídos somente cães com DDIV entre os segmentos da medula espinhal T3 e L3, que estavam paraplégicos sem PDP submetidos à cirurgia descompressiva. Foi observada recuperação funcional satisfatória em 73,3% dos cães (n=11), sendo um, aos cinco dias, sete entre 15 e 30 dias e três acima de 30 dias do procedimento cirúrgico. A duração da perda da PDP antes da cirurgia em cinco cães recuperados foi entre 12 e 48 horas e, em seis cães, acima de 48 horas. Cães paraplégicos sem PDP em decorrência da DDIV toracolombar podem apresentar recuperação funcional satisfatória quando submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico mesmo sem percepção a dor profunda com tempo superior a 48 horas. Futuras pesquisas serão necessárias para avaliar a eficiência do tratamento cirúrgico, principalmente para aqueles que perderam a PDP acima de 48 horas.


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Changes in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in pulmonary vessels have been described in congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) and may contribute to the development of pulmonary hypoplasia and hypertension; however, how the expression of VEGF receptors changes during fetal lung development in CDH is not understood. The aim of this study was to compare morphological evolution with expression of VEGF receptors, VEGFR1 (Flt-1) and VEGFR2 (Flk-1), in pseudoglandular, canalicular, and saccular stages of lung development in normal rat fetuses and in fetuses with CDH. Pregnant rats were divided into four groups (n=20 fetuses each) of four different gestational days (GD) 18.5, 19.5, 20.5, 21.5: external control (EC), exposed to olive oil (OO), exposed to 100 mg nitrofen, by gavage, without CDH (N-), and exposed to nitrofen with CDH (CDH) on GD 9.5 (term=22 days). The morphological variables studied were: body weight (BW), total lung weight (TLW), left lung weight, TLW/BW ratio, total lung volume, and left lung volume. The histometric variables studied were: left lung parenchymal area density and left lung parenchymal volume. VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 expression were determined by Western blotting. The data were analyzed using analysis of variance with the Tukey-Kramer post hoc test. CDH frequency was 37% (80/216). All the morphological and histometric variables were reduced in the N- and CDH groups compared with the controls, and reductions were more pronounced in the CDH group (P<0.05) and more evident on GD 20.5 and GD 21.5. Similar results were observed for VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 expression. We conclude that N- and CDH fetuses showed primary pulmonary hypoplasia, with a decrease in VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 expression.


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This study aimed to demonstrate that congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) results in vascular abnormalities that are directly associated with the severity of pulmonary hypoplasia and hypertension. These events increase right ventricle (RV) afterload and may adversely affect disease management and patient survival. Our objective was to investigate cardiac function, specifically right ventricular changes, immediately after birth and relate them to myocardial histological findings in a CDH model. Pregnant New Zealand rabbits underwent the surgical procedure at 25 days of gestation (n=14). CDH was created in one fetus per horn (n=16), and the other fetuses were used as controls (n=20). At term (30 days), fetuses were removed, immediately dried and weighed before undergoing four-parameter echocardiography. The lungs and the heart were removed, weighed, and histologically analyzed. CDH animals had smaller total lung weight (P<0.005), left lung weight (P<0.005), and lung-to-body ratio (P<0.005). Echocardiography revealed a smaller left-to-right ventricle ratio (LV/RV, P<0.005) and larger diastolic right ventricle size (DRVS, P<0.007). Histologic analysis revealed a larger number of myocytes undergoing mitotic division (186 vs 132, P<0.05) in CDH hearts. Immediate RV dilation of CDH hearts is related to myocyte mitosis increase. This information may aid the design of future strategies to address pulmonary hypertension in CDH.


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The aim of this study was to explore the clinical efficacy of a novel retrograde puncture approach to establish a preperitoneal space for laparoscopic direct inguinal hernia repair with inguinal ring suturing. Forty-two patients who underwent laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair with retrograde puncture for preperitoneal space establishment as well as inguinal ring suturing between August 2013 and March 2014 at our hospital were enrolled. Preperitoneal space was successfully established in all patients, with a mean establishment time of 6 min. Laparoscopic repairs were successful in all patients, with a mean surgical time of 26±15.1 min. Mean postoperative hospitalization duration was 3.0±0.7 days. Two patients suffered from postoperative local hematomas, which were relieved after puncturing and drainage. Four patients had short-term local pain. There were no cases of chronic pain. Patients were followed up for 6 months to 1 year, and no recurrence was observed. Our results demonstrate that preperitoneal space established by the retrograde puncture technique can be successfully used in adult laparoscopic hernioplasty to avoid intraoperative mesh fixation, and thus reduce medical costs.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Mecánica) U.A.N.L. Fac. de Ingeniería Mecánica y Eléctrica, 1987.


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“Más allá de la noticia” es una pieza de audio en formato reportaje, que se ocupa de tratar temas relacionados con la realidad colombiana, pero no como simples proveedores de información, sino como generadores de análisis que ponen en el estrado a los diferentes protagonistas de una problemática para obtener, no solo un panorama completo de una situación, sino también para proveer posibles soluciones de la misma e ir, como su nombre lo indica, “Más allá de la noticia”.


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El disco-forum es usado como estrategia educativa para, a través de las canciones y los mensajes que éstas transmiten, facilitar la expresión y el análisis de conceptos dentro de un grupo. En esta experiencia se aplica el disco-forum a canciones que tratan temas relacionados con la función docente. Se pretende hacer comprender el valor del lenguaje musical, mostrar los valores inmersos en la tarea educativa, favorecer el espíritu crítico e incrementar las habilidades sociales y la convivencia. Se incluyen tanto las canciones elegidas como las preguntas utilizadas para suscitar el debate. Los pasos que se han de seguir contemplan en primer lugar una adecuada selección del tema y del material musical u otros recursos. Después comienza la fase de audición. Tras ella, la dinámica de grupo se centra en analizar y valorar los diferentes aspectos de la función docente.


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La música grabada en discos de vinilo se asemeja cada vez más a la lectura, ya que es el individuo quien la elige, y además le permite escapar del ruido, de los contenidos vulgares de la radio etc. Por tanto se ensalza el valor de la música como elemento didáctico, que cada vez cobra más importancia en la intimidad de muchos hogares, gracias a los avances técnicos. Esto viene además a dar una cierta solución al pobre panorama de los conciertos, tanto en repertorio como en estrenos. Por otro lado, la grabación sonora permite cuidar en extremo los detalles de la realización técnica de cada obra, y con ello la música gana en perfección y en belleza estilística. Pero también se señalan una serie de inconvenientes de la música grabada: el peligro de sustituir totalmente al concierto, y la gran pérdida cultural que ello supondría. Por tanto nos encontramos ante un capítulo más del problema de integrar desarrollo técnico y vida humana.