997 resultados para Herder, Johann Gottfried, 1744-1803.


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This article shows in which way the so-called climate theories, which have been developed since Antiquity, change over the course of time and influence the different theories on the origin of language. Via Montesquieu and Rousseau, the “climate theories” have influenced Johann Gottfried Herder, who bases on the romantic concept of Volk. By this means, a lot of ideas come into being which are fundamental for the foundation and development of the national philologies in Europe.


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O estilo de época Sturm und Drang, o primeiro movimento literário genuinamente alemão, surgido na segunda metade do século XVIII, possibilitou a emancipação literária da Alemanha e introduziu naquele país o conceito de gênio original. A partir da descoberta da obra do gênio inglês Shakespeare (possibilitada pelas traduções de Christoph Martin Wieland), os alemães se depararam com o modelo de revolução literária que necessitavam para instituir as bases da originalidade literária alemã. Pautando-se na estrutura dramática shakespeariana, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe e Friedrich Schiller elaboraram seus dramas de estreia, obras foco da presente pesquisa: Götz von Berlichingen e Os bandoleiros, respectivamente. O presente estudo propõe-se, por conseguinte, a analisar as obras supracitadas à luz da temática do gênio original. Mas, primeiramente, são observados os fatores (como a ascenção do romance inglês) e escritores (como Gothold Ephraim Lessing, Johann Jakob Bodmer, Johann Jakob Breitinger, Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock, Johann Joachim Winckelmann, Wieland e Johann Gottfried von Herder) que colaboraram para a instituição da era genial na Alemanha


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a construção da identidade nos discursos literários de José de Alencar e Mário de Andrade em que o recurso à literatura oral aparece como elemento central. O foco da análise são os textos críticos e teóricos desses autores, tomando-se especialmente em consideração questões da teoria de Johann Gottfried Herder sobre a poesia popular enquanto poesia natural, que deveria servir de matéria prima para a literatura erudita


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This volume provides a new perspective on the emergence of the modern study of antiquity, Altertumswissenschaft, in eighteenth-century Germany through an exploration of debates that arose over the work of the art historian Johann Joachim Winckelmann between his death in 1768 and the end of the century. This period has long been recognised as particularly formative for the development of modern classical studies, and over the past few decades has received increased attention from historians of scholarship and of ideas. Winckelmann's eloquent articulation of the cultural and aesthetic value of studying the ancient Greeks, his adumbration of a new method for studying ancient artworks, and his provision of a model of cultural-historical development in terms of a succession of period styles, influenced both the public and intra-disciplinary self-image of classics long into the twentieth century. Yet this area of Winckelmann's Nachleben has received relatively little attention compared with the proliferation of studies concerning his importance for late eighteenth-century German art and literature, for historians of sexuality, and his traditional status as a 'founder figure' within the academic disciplines of classical archaeology and the history of art. Harloe restores the figure of Winckelmann to classicists' understanding of the history of their own discipline and uses debates between important figures, such as Christian Gottlob Heyne, Friedrich August Wolf, and Johann Gottfried Herder, to cast fresh light upon the emergence of the modern paradigm of classics as Altertumswissenschaft: the multi-disciplinary, comprehensive, and historicizing study of the ancient world.


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u.a.: Kritik an Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel; Leibnitzianismus; Kollationierung 1. und 5. Ausgabe der "Kritik der reinen Vernunft"; Preisschrift von Immanuel Kant über die Fortschritte der Methaphysik von 1804; Platon; Geschenk einer Kant Handschrift von dem Maler Moses Siegfried Lowe (Löwe); Kant-Gemälde in der Wohnung Schopenhauers; Briefe von Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi und Johann Gottfried Herder; Vergleich einzelner Kant-Gemälden der Künstler Johann Heinrich Lips, Johann Friedrich Bause, A.G. Thilo und Johann Meno Haas; Berkleyischer Idealismus; Zusammenfassung der Philosophie von Kant durch Ludwig Friedrich Otto Baumgarten-Crusius; Hübners Zeitungslexikon; Kritik an der Rezension von Henry Brougham; Subjektiver Wille; kritische Meinungsäußerung über Thaddäus Anselm Rixner; Erwähnung der Kant Bearbeitung durch Schopenhauer im 1812 erschienen "Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie" von Wilhelm Gottlieb Tennemann;


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nach älteren Quellen (v. Moltke, Heinrich Kiepert, Brit. Admiralitätskarten, v. d. Goltz, v. Diest u.a.) und eigenen Aufnahmen im Jahre 1900 gezeichnet von Rudolf Fitzner ; Hof. Stdr. v. J. G. Tiedmann Nachf.


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"Erfurt, gedruckt bey Johann Friedrich Nonne, dem Juengern"--Colophon.


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Glossarium sive intepretatio terminorim technicorum, in hac Nosologia Occurrentium ..., en segunda secuencia de pag. con portadilla propia.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.