980 resultados para Heme Oxygenase-1


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Oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen, wie 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxoguanin (8-oxoG), werden endogen in allen Zellen gebildet. Die beobachtbaren Spiegel ergeben sich aus dem Gleichgewicht zwischen der Bildung durch reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (ROS), sowie der gleichzeitigen Reparatur der DNA-Schäden. Durch ihr hohes mutagenes Potential, tragen oxidative DNA-Basenmodifikationen zur spontanen Mutationsrate bei. Der Ausfall wichtiger DNA-Reparaturmechanismen führt in Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Knockout-Mäusen zu einem Anstieg von 8 oxoG und der spontanen Mutationsrate.rnIn dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, ob die basalen Spiegel an oxidativen Basenmodifikationen und die spontanen Mutationsraten in vivo durch die orale Gabe von Resveratrol moduliert werden können. Resveratrol ist ein Pflanzeninhaltsstoff (u.a. aus Rotwein) mit einer Vielzahl von Wirkungen, der bereits in zahlreichen Studien ein chemopräventives Potential gezeigt hat und antioxidativ wirkt.rnAn verschiedenen Mausgenotypen wurden zum einen eine Kurzzeit-Behandlung (7 Tage mit 100 mg/kg per Gavage) und zum anderen eine Langzeit-Behandlung (3-9 Monate mit 0,04% ad libitum) mit Resveratrol durchgeführt. Die oxidativen DNA Schäden wurden in primären Maushepatozyten mit Hilfe einer modifizierten Alkalischen Elution, mit der bakteriellen Formamidopyrimidin-DNA Glykosylase als Sonde, bestimmt. Zur Analyse der Mutationsrate wurde der BigBlue® Mutationsassay mit anschließender Sequenzierung der Mutationen verwendet.rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kurzzeit- und die Langzeit-Behandlung mit Resveratrol die basalen Spiegel oxidativer DNA-Basenmodifikationen senken. Die Reduktion ist jeweils wesentlich ausgeprägter in den reparaturdefizienten Ogg1(-/-)Csb(-/-)-Mäusen zu erkennen. Auch die spontane Mutationsrate wird durch eine mehrmonatige Behandlung mit Resveratrol um ungefähr 20-30% reduziert.rnAnschließende mechanistische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass dieser Schutz wahrscheinlich auf einer Induktion der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen begründet ist. So wurde gefunden, dass primäre Hepatozyten aus mit Resveratrol behandelten Mäusen wesentlich besser gegen exogen herbeigeführten oxidativen Stress geschützt sind, als Hepatozyten von unbehandelten Tieren. Ein weiterer Hinweis ist die Hochregulation der mRNA-Spiegel von verschiedenen antioxidativen Schutzenzymen, wie Superoxiddismutase 1 / 2, Hämoxygenase 1, Glutathionperoxidase 1, nach der Gabe von Resveratrol in Mäuselebern. Außerdem sind die oxidativen Markermutationen (GC->TA-Transversionen) stärker von der Reduktion der spontanen Mutationsrate betroffen, als andere Mutationen (z.B. GC->AT-Transitionen).rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass spontane Mutationen in vivo durch Fremdstoffe in der Nahrung reduziert werden können. Im Falle von Resveratrol wird diese Reduktion wahrscheinlich durch eine Stimulation der antioxidativen Schutzmechanismen ausgelöst.rn


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Pentaerithrityltetranitrat (PETN) ist ein organisches Nitrat und wird in der Klinik zur Behandlung der Angina Pectoris eingesetzt. PETN hat, wenn direkt verabreicht, kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck. Diese Arbeit wurde konzipiert, um einen potentiellen „perinatalen Programmierung“-Effekt von PETN in spontan-hypertensiven Ratten (SHR), einem Rattenmodel der genetischen Hypertonie, zu testen. Die F0-Elterntiere wurden mit PETN (50 mg/kg/Tag) während der Schwangerschaft und der Laktation behandelt; die F1-Nachkommen bekamen nach der Ablaktation normales Haltungsfutter. Der Blutdruck wurde an den Nachkommen vom 3. Monat bis zum 8. Monat nach der Geburt gemessen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung hatte kaum Wirkung auf den Blutdruck in den männlichen SHR-Nachkommen. Dagegen zeigten die weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Behandlungsgruppe eine persistente Reduktion des Blutdrucks. Der systolische Blutdruck war in den weiblichen Nachkommen in der PETN-Gruppe etwa 13 mmHg niedriger im 4. Monat und etwa 10 mmHg niedriger im 8. Monat als in den Kontrolltieren. Dieser lang-anhaltende Effekt ging mit einer substanziellen Änderung der Genexpression einher, die auch beim 8. Monat noch nachzuweisen war. In den Aorten der weiblichen F1-Nachkommen wurde Veränderungen an Genexpression der α-adrenergen Rezeptoren sowie Endothelin-Rezeptoren festgestellt, die aber funktionell von minimaler Bedeutung für die PETN-Wirkung waren. Hingegen war eine klare Rolle des StickstoffmoNOXid (NO) zu sehen. Maternale PETN-Behandlung führte zur Heraufregulation der endothelialen NO-Synthase (eNOS) und der GTP-Cyclohydrolase I (GCH-1). GCH-1 ist für die Biosynthese des Tetrahydrobiopterins, eines essentiellen eNOS-Kofaktors, entscheidend, und dadurch auch für die eNOS-Funktionalität. Zusätzlich wurden auch anti-oxidative Enzyme wie die mitochondriale Superoxid-Dismutase (SOD2), die Glutathion-Peroxidase 1 (GPx1) und die Hem-Oxygenase 1 (HO-1) heraufreguliert, und die Superoxid-produzierende NADPH-Oxidase NOX1 herunterreguliert. Dies kann zur Verminderung vom oxidativen Stress und Erhöhung der NO-Bioverfügbarkeit führen. Letztlich wurde auch ~ 74 ~ die Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) durch maternale PETN-Behandlung heraufreguliert, die auch zur Heraufregulation der SOD2, GPx1 und eNOS beitragen kann. Im Organbad-Experiment wurde die Acetylcholin-induzierte, Endothel-abhängige Vasodilatation in der Aorta der weiblichen Nachkommen der PETN-Gruppe verstärkt. Diese verbesserte Endothelfunktion, was vermutlich aus der Genexpressionsänderung resultiert, stellt sehr wahrscheinlich einen Schlüsselmechanismus der Blutdrucksenkung in den Nachkommen der PETN-behandelten F0-Tiere dar.


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Background Predominantly, studies of nanoparticle (NPs) toxicology in vitro are based upon the exposure of submerged cell cultures to particle suspensions. Such an approach however, does not reflect particle inhalation. As a more realistic simulation of such a scenario, efforts were made towards direct delivery of aerosols to air-liquid-interface cultivated cell cultures by the use of aerosol exposure systems. This study aims to provide a direct comparison of the effects of zinc oxide (ZnO) NPs when delivered as either an aerosol, or in suspension to a triple cell co-culture model of the epithelial airway barrier. To ensure dose–equivalence, ZnO-deposition was determined in each exposure scenario by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Biological endpoints being investigated after 4 or 24h incubation include cytotoxicity, total reduced glutathione, induction of antioxidative genes such as heme-oxygenase 1 (HO–1) as well as the release of the (pro)-inflammatory cytokine TNFα. Results Off-gases released as by-product of flame ZnO synthesis caused a significant decrease of total reduced GSH and induced further the release of the cytokine TNFα, demonstrating the influence of the gas phase on aerosol toxicology. No direct effects could be attributed to ZnO particles. By performing suspension exposure to avoid the factor “flame-gases”, particle specific effects become apparent. Other parameters such as LDH and HO–1 were not influenced by gaseous compounds: Following aerosol exposure, LDH levels appeared elevated at both timepoints and the HO–1 transcript correlated positively with deposited ZnO-dose. Under submerged conditions, the HO–1 induction scheme deviated for 4 and 24h and increased extracellular LDH was found following 24h exposure. Conclusion In the current study, aerosol and suspension-exposure has been compared by exposing cell cultures to equivalent amounts of ZnO. Both exposure strategies differ fundamentally in their dose–response pattern. Additional differences can be found for the factor time: In the aerosol scenario, parameters tend to their maximum already after 4h of exposure, whereas under submerged conditions, effects appear most pronounced mainly after 24h. Aerosol exposure provides information about the synergistic interplay of gaseous and particulate phase of an aerosol in the context of inhalation toxicology. Exposure to suspensions represents a valuable complementary method and allows investigations on particle-associated toxicity by excluding all gas–derived effects.


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Accumulation of iron probably predisposes the aging brain to progressive neuronal loss. We examined various markers of oxidative stress and damage in the brain and liver of 3- and 24-month-old rats following supplementation with the lipophilic iron derivative [(3,5,5-trimethylhexanoyl)ferrocene] (TMHF), which is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier. At both ages, iron concentration increased markedly in the liver but failed to increase in the brain. In the liver of TMHF-treated young rats, levels of alpha- and gamma-tocopherols and glutathione (GSH) were also higher. In contrast, the brain displayed unaltered levels of the tocopherols and GSH. Malondialdehyde (MDA) level was also higher in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the liver but not in the brain. In old rats, the absence of an increase in iron concentration in the brain was reflected by unaltered concentrations of GSH, tocopherols, and MDA as compared to that in untreated rats. In the aging liver, concentrations of GSH and MDA increased with TMHF treatment. Morphological studies revealed unaltered levels of iron, ferritin, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), nitrotyrosine (NT), or MDA in the brains of both young and old rats treated with TMHF. In contrast, TMHF treatment increased the level of HO-1 in Kupffer cells, NT in hepatic endothelial cells, and MDA and ferritin in hepatocytes. Although these results demonstrated an increase in the biochemical markers of oxidative stress and damage in response to increasing concentrations of iron in the liver, they also demonstrated that the brain is well protected against dietary iron overload by using iron in a lipid-soluble formulation.


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Motility responses of the small intestine of iNOS deficient mice (iNOS −/−) and their wildtype littermates (iNOS+/+) to the inflammatory challenge of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were investigated. LPS administration failed to attenuate intestinal transit in iNOS−/− mice but depressed transit in their iNOS+/+ littermates. Supporting an inhibitory role for sustained nitric oxide (NO) synthesis in the regulation of intestinal motility during inflammation, iNOS immunoreactivity was upregulated in all regions of the small intestine of iNOS+/+ mice. In contrast, neuronal NOS was barely affected. Cyclooxygenase activation was determined by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentration. Following LPS challenge, PGE2 levels were elevated in all intestinal segments in both animal groups. Moreover, COX-1 and COX-2 protein levels were elevated in iNOS+/+ mice in response to LPS, while COX-2 levels were similarly increased in iNOS −/− intestine. However, no apparent relationship was observed between increased prostaglandin concentrations and attenuated intestinal transit. The presence of heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) in the murine small intestine was also investigated. In both animal groups HO-1 immunoreactivity in the proximal intestine increased in response to treatment, while the constitutive protein levels detected in the middle and distal intestine were unresponsive to LPS administration. No apparent correlation of HO-1 to the suppression of small intestinal motility induced by LPS administration was detected. The presence of S-nitrosylated contractile proteins in the small intestine was determined. γ-smooth muscle actin was basally nitrosylated as well as in response to LPS, but myosin light chain kinase and myosin regulatory chain (MLC20) were not. In conclusion, in a model of acute intestinal inflammation, iNOS-produced NO plays a significant role in suppressing small intestinal motility while nNOS, COX-1, COX-2 and HO-1 do not participate in this event. S-nitrosylation of γ-smooth muscle actin is associated with elevated levels of nitric oxide in the smooth muscle of murine small intestine. ^


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Biologia Celular e Molecular), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2016


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Ischaemia-reperfusion and toxic injury are leading causes of acute renal failure (ARF). Both of these injury initiators use secondary mediators of damage in oxygen-derived free radicals. Several recent publications about ischaemia-reperfusion and toxin-induced ARF have indicated that plasma membrane structures called caveolae, and their proteins, the caveolins, are potential participants in protecting or repairing renal tissues. Caveolae and caveolins have previously been ascribed many functions, a number of which may mediate cell death or survival of injured renal cells. This review proposes possible pathophysiological mechanisms by which altered caveolin-1 expression and localization may affect renal cell survival following oxidative stress.


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Clark 1 (diphenylarsine chloride) and Clark 2 ( diphenylarsine cyanide) were used as chemical weapon agents (CWA), and the soil contamination by these CWA and their degraded products, diphenyl and phenyl arsenicals, has been one of the most serious environmental issues. In a series of comparisons in toxicity between trivalent and pentavalent arsenicals we investigated differences in the accumulation and toxicity of phenylarsine oxide (PAO(3+)) and phenylarsonic acid (PAA(5+)) in rat heart microvascular endothelial cells. Both the cellular association and toxicity of PAO(3+) were much higher than those of PAA(5+), and LC50 values of PAO(3+) and PAA(5+) were calculated to be 0.295 muM and 1.93 mM, respectively. Buthionine sulfoximine, a glutathione depleter, enhanced the cytotoxicity of both PAO(3+) and PAA(5+). N-Acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) reduced the cytotoxicity and induction of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) mRNA in PAO(3+)-exposed cells, while NAC affected neither the cytotoxicity nor the HO-1 mRNA level in PAA(5+)-exposed cells. The effect of NAC may be due to a strong affinity of PAO(3+) to thiol groups because both NAC and GSH inhibited the cellular accumulation of PAO(3+), but PAA(3+) increased tyrosine phosphorylation levels of cellular proteins. These results indicate that the inhibition of protein phosphatases as well as the high affinity to cellular components may confer PAO(3+) the high toxicity.


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One classical feature of cancer cells is their metabolic acquisition of a highly glycolytic phenotype. Carbon monoxide (CO), one of the products of the cytoprotective molecule heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) in cancer cells, has been implicated in carcinogenesis and therapeutic resistance. However, the functional contributions of CO and HO-1 to these processes are poorly defined. In human prostate cancers, we found that HO-1 was nuclear localized in malignant cells, with low enzymatic activity in moderately differentiated tumors correlating with relatively worse clinical outcomes. Exposure to CO sensitized prostate cancer cells but not normal cells to chemotherapy, with growth arrest and apoptosis induced in vivo in part throughmitotic catastrophe. CO targeted mitochondria activity in cancer cells as evidenced by higher oxygen consumption, free radical generation, and mitochondrial collapse. Collectively, our findings indicated that CO transiently induces an anti-Warburg effect by rapidly fueling cancer cell bioenergetics, ultimately resulting in metabolic exhaustion. ©2013 AACR.


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The incidence of preeclampsia is reduced by a third in smokers, but not in snuff users. Soluble Flt-1 (sFlt-1) and soluble endoglin (sEng) are increased prior to the clinical onset of preeclampsia. Animals exposed to high circulating levels of sFlt-1 and sEng elicit severe preeclampsia-like symptoms. Smokers have reduced circulating sFlt-1 and cigarette smoke extract decreases sFlt-1 release from placental villous explants. An anti-inflammatory enzyme, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and its metabolite carbon monoxide (CO), inhibit sFlt-1 and sEng release. Women with preeclampsia exhale less CO than women with normal pregnancies and HO expression decreases as the severity of preeclampsia increases. In contrast, sFlt-1 levels increase with increasing severity. More importantly, chorionic villous sampling from women at eleven weeks gestation shows that HO-1 mRNA expression is decreased in women who go on to develop preeclampsia. Collectively, these facts provide compelling evidence to support the proposition that the pathogenesis of preeclampsia is largely due to loss of HO activity. This results in an increase in inflammation and excessive elevation of the two key anti-angiogenic factors responsible for the clinical signs of preeclampsia. These findings provide strong evidence for a protective role of HO-1 in pregnancy and identify HO as a target for the treatment of preeclampsia. The cardiovascular drugs, statins, stimulate HO-1 expression and inhibit sFlt-1 release in vivo and in vitro, thus, they have the potential to ameliorate early onset preeclampsia. The StAmP trial is underway to address this and if positive, its outcome will lead to the very first therapeutic intervention to prolong affected pregnancies.


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Life's perfect partnership starts with the placenta. If we get this right, we have the best chance of healthy life. In preeclampsia, we have a failing placenta. Preeclampsia kills one pregnant woman every minute and the life expectancy of those who survive is greatly reduced. Preeclampsia is treated roughly the same way it was when Thomas Edison was making the first silent movie. Globally, millions of women risk death to give birth each year and almost 300,000 lose their lives in this process. Over half a million babies around the world die each year as a consequence of preeclampsia. Despite decades of research, we lack pharmacological agents to treat it. Maternal endothelial dysfunction is a central phenomenon responsible for the clinical signs of preeclampsia. In the late nineties, we discovered that vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) stimulated nitric oxide release. This led us to suggest that preeclampsia arises due to the loss of VEGF activity, possibly due to a rise in soluble Flt-1 (sFlt-1), the natural antagonist of VEGF. Researchers have shown that high sFlt-1 elicits preeclampsia-like signs in pregnant rats and sFlt-1 increases before the clinical signs of preeclampsia in pregnant women. We demonstrated that removing or reducing this culprit protein from preeclamptic placenta restored the angiogenic balance. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1 or Hmox1) that generates carbon monoxide (CO), biliverdin (rapidly converted to bilirubin) and iron is cytoprotective. We showed that the Hmox1/CO pathway prevents human placental injury caused by pro-inflammatory cytokines and suppresses sFlt-1 and soluble endoglin release, factors responsible for preeclampsia phenotypes. The other key enzyme we identified is the hydrogen sulfide generating cystathionine-gamma-lyase (CSE or Cth). These are the only two enzyme systems shown to suppress sFlt-1 and to act as protective pathways against preeclampsia phenotypes in animal models. We also showed that when hydrogen sulfide restores placental vasculature, it also improves lagging fetal growth. These molecules act as the inhibitor systems in pregnancy and when they fail, this triggers preeclampsia. Discovering that statins induce these enzymes led us to an RCT to develop a low-cost therapy (StAmP Trial) to prevent or treat preeclampsia. If you think of pregnancy as a car then preeclampsia is an accelerator–brake defect disorder. Inflammation, oxidative stress and an imbalance in the angiogenic milieu fuel the ‘accelerator’. It is the failure in the braking systems (the endogenous protective pathway) that results in the ‘accelerator’ going out of control until the system crashes, manifesting itself as preeclampsia.


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This study examined developmental toxicity of different mercury compounds, including some used in traditional medicines. Medaka (Oryzias latipes) embryos were exposed to 0.001-10 µM concentrations of MeHg, HgCl2, α-HgS (Zhu Sha), and β-HgS (Zuotai) from stage 10 (6-7 hpf) to 10 days post fertilization (dpf). Of the forms of mercury in this study, the organic form (MeHg) proved the most toxic followed by inorganic mercury (HgCl2), both producing embryo developmental toxicity. Altered phenotypes included pericardial edema with elongated or tube heart, reduction of eye pigmentation, and failure of swim bladder inflation. Both α-HgS and β-HgS were less toxic than MeHg and HgCl2. Total RNA was extracted from survivors three days after exposure to MeHg (0.1 µM), HgCl2 (1 µM), α-HgS (10 µM), or β-HgS (10 µM) to examine toxicity-related gene expression. MeHg and HgCl2 markedly induced metallothionein (MT) and heme oxygenase-1 (Ho-1), while α-HgS and β-HgS failed to induce either gene. Chemical forms of mercury compounds proved to be a major determinant in their developmental toxicity.


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We previously identified heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1) as a specific target of miR-155, and inhibition of HO-1 activity restored the capacity of miR-155-/- CD4+ T cells to promote antigendriven inflammation after adoptive transfer in antigen-expressing recipients. Protoporphyrins are molecules recognized for their modulatory effect on HO-1 expression and function. In the present study, we investigated the effect of protoporphyrin treatment on the development of autoimmunity in miR-155-deficient mice. MiR-155-mediated control of HO-1 expression in promoting T cell-driven chronic autoimmunity was confirmed since HO-1 inhibition restored susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in miR-155- deficient mice. The increased severity of the disease was accompanied by an enhanced T cell infiltration into the brain. Taken together, these results underline the importance of miR- 155-mediated control of HO-1 expression in regulating the function of chronically-stimulated T cells in EAE.


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Earlier studies in this laboratory had implicated heme to function as a positive modulator of phenobarbitonemediated activation of CYPIIB1/B2 gene transcription in rat liver. However, recent reports have indicated that succinylacetone, a specific inhibitor of δ-aminolevulinate dehydrase, does not affect this process. The present studies indicate that succinylacetone does inhibit the phenobarbitone-mediated increase in CYPIIB1/B2 mRNAs and their transcription in rat liver at early time points (45 min to 3 h), but the inhibition is not pronounced at later time points (16 h). Succinylacetone is a weaker inhibitor of heme biosynthesis than CoCl2, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, or thioacetamide used earlier in this laboratory. Succinylacetone induces δ-aminolevulinate synthase, whereas the other compounds depress the levels of the enzyme. There is a good correlation between the amount of freshly synthesized nuclear heme pool and the activation of CYPIIB1/B2 transcription by phenobarbitone. A model implicating a nuclear heme pool regulating the transcription of δ-aminolevulinate synthase, CYPIIB1/ B2, and heme oxygenase genes is proposed.