887 resultados para Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC)
La greffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques est parfois le seul traitement efficace contre les cancers hématologiques ainsi que plusieurs autres désordres reliés au système hématopoïétique. La greffe autologue est souvent le traitement de choix pour les patients atteints de lymphome ou de myélome. Dans ce cas, les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH) du patient sont récoltées et congelées. Le patient subit ensuite des traitements de chimiothérapie et/ou radiothérapie qui éliminent les cellules malignes, mais détruisent aussi son système hématopoïétique. Ce dernier sera ensuite reconstitué par la greffe de CSH. Ces traitements ont pour conséquence de plonger le patient en état d’aplasie pour une période variant de 2 à 4 semaines. La thrombocytopénie (faible taux de plaquettes) est une complication majeure nécessitant des transfusions plaquettaires répétées et associée à une augmentation de la mortalité hémorragique post-transplantation. Il serait particulièrement intéressant de développer une thérapie accélérant la reconstitution des mégacaryocytes (MK), ce qui aurait pour effet de raccourcir la période de thrombopénie et donc de diminuer les besoins transfusionnels en plaquettes et potentiellement augmenter la survie. HOXB4 est un facteur de transcription qui a déjà démontré sa capacité à expandre les CSH et les progéniteurs multipotents (CFU-GEMM) donnant naissance aux MK. Il est donc un bon candidat pour l’expansion des progéniteurs MK. Comme la protéine HoxB4 a par contre une courte demi-vie (~1.1h), des protéines HoxB4 de deuxième génération avec une plus grande stabilité intracellulaire ont été créées (1423 (HoxB4L7A), 1426 (HoxB4Y23A) et 1427 (HoxB4Y28A)). Nous avons donc étudié la capacité d’HoxB4 sauvage et de deuxième génération à expandre les CSH, ainsi que les MK donnant naissance aux plaquettes. La surexpression rétrovirale de ces protéines HoxB4Y23A et HoxB4Y28A conduit à une expansion des progéniteurs MK murins in vitro supérieure à HoxB4-wt, 1423 et au contrôle GFP. La reconstitution plaquettaire in vivo dans un modèle murin a ensuite été évaluée par des transplantations primaires et secondaires. Les résultats révèlent que la surexpression rétrovirale des différents HoxB4 n’apporte pas de bénéfice significatif à la reconstitution plaquettaire des souris. Lorsque cultivées dans un milieu favorisant la différenciation mégacaryocytaire, le traitement de cellules CD34+ dérivées du sang de cordon ombilical avec les protéines recombinantes TATHoxB4WT ou de seconde génération n’a pas augmenté la production plaquettaire. Par contre, de manière intéressante, les cellules CD34+ provenant de sang mobilisé de patients atteints de myélome et mises en culture dans un milieu favorisant l’expansion des CSH ont montré des différences significatives dans la différenciation des progéniteurs MK en présence de la protéine recombinante TATHoxB4. La protéine HOXB4 possède donc un avenir prometteur quant à une amélioration de l’état thrombocytopénique chez les patients.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Specialized microenvironments have been known to strongly influence stem cell fate in hematopoiesis. The interplay between osteolineage cells, specifically the mature osteoblast, and the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) niche have been of particular note. Recently, preliminary unpublished data obtained in the Scadden laboratory suggests the critical role of the osteoblast in regulating T cells. The goal of this project was to initially determine whether stimulating the osteoblast in the HSC niche leads to increased immune reconstitution after hematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT). These results indicated that while bone manipulation pre-transplant may have a positive effect on T and B lymphocyte cell recovery, bone manipulation post-transplant seems to have a suppressing effect. Additionally, stimulation of the osteoblast may have an inhibitory effect on the regeneration of GR1+ myeloid cells. Based on these results, we then sought to determine how osteoprotection pre-HSCT modifies the kinetics of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and impacts the regeneration of immune cells. The data from this phase of my experiment suggests a possible immediate benefit in stimulation of the osteoblast in response to GVHD prior to HSCT. The overall results from my thesis project demonstrate a promising relationship between pre-HSCT stimulation of the osteoblast and lymphocyte recovery post-HSCT. ¿
Mammalian hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) commitment and differentiation into lymphoid lineage cells proceed through a series of developmentally restricted progenitor compartments. A complete understanding of this process, and how it differs from HSC commitment and differentiation into cells of the myeloid/erythroid lineages, requires the development of model systems that support HSC commitment to the lymphoid lineages. We now describe a human bone marrow stromal cell culture that preferentially supports commitment and differentiation of human HSC to CD19+ B-lineage cells. Fluorescence activated cell sorterpurified CD34++/lineage-cells were isolated from fetal bone marrow and cultured on human fetal bone marrow stromal cells in serum-free conditions containing no exogenous cytokines. Over a period of 3 weeks, CD34++/lineage- cells underwent commitment, differentiation, and expansion into the B lineage. Progressive changes included: loss of CD34, acquisition of and graded increases in the level of cell surface CD19, and appearance of immature B cells expressing mu/kappa or mu/lambda cell surface Ig receptors. The tempo and phenotype of B-cell development was not influenced by the addition of IL-7 (10 ng/ml), or by the addition of goat anti-IL-7 neutralizing antibody. These results indicate a profound difference between mouse and human in the requirement for IL-7 in normal B-cell development, and provide an experimental system to identify and characterize human bone marrow stromal cell-derived molecules crucial for human B lymphopoiesis.
Les leucémies aigues sont la conséquence d’une prolifération clonale et maligne des cellules hématopoïétiques. Elles surviennent suite à un évènement oncogénique qui se produit dans une cellule souche hématopoïétique (CSH) ou progénitrice. Cela lui confère une certaine instabilité qui engendre l’accumulation d’autres évènements génétiques et/ou épigénétiques responsables du développement clinique de la maladie. Les leucémies MLL représentent environ 10% des leucémies aigues et aujourd’hui, plus de 70 gènes de fusion ont été caractérisés. Les sangs de cordon sont une source importante de CSH et progénitrices. La purification de ces cellules et leur transformation en cellules leucémiques à l’aide de gènes de fusion MLL nous permettent de générer des leucémies aigues humaines dans des souris immunodéficientes NSG et ainsi étudier le potentiel leucémique de différents gènes de fusion MLL. Dans un premier temps, 4 gènes de fusion MLL ont été étudiés : MLL-AF9, MLL-AF4, MLL-ENL et MLL-ELL. In vitro, nous sommes capables de transformer des CSH en cellules leucémiques capables de proliférer rapidement. Les résultats in vivo nous montrent qu’il est possible de générer des leucémies avec les oncogènes MLL-AF9 et MLL-ENL. Pour les fusions MLL-ELL et MLL-AF4, bien que quelques leucémies ont pu être obtenues, plusieurs problèmes techniques nous empêchent aujourd’hui de disposer d’un modèle adéquat permettant l’étude complète de ces oncogènes. Dans un second temps, les leucémies aigues MLL-AF9 ont été étudiées dans un modèle contrôlé où les cellules souches proviennent d’un donneur unique. Grâce à ce modèle, nous avons pu démontrer que l’oncogène MLL-AF9 est suffisant pour induire le développement de la maladie. En effet aucune nouvelle mutation n’a pu être identifiée au cours du développement de la leucémie. Parmi les leucémies myéloïdes aigues (LMA) MLL-AF9 issues de ce modèle, certains gènes non mutés, dont RET, ont été identifiés comme étant de potentiels biomarqueurs de ce sous-groupe de leucémie.
BACKGROUND: Earlier we reported that an oral administration of two mannose-specific dietary lectins, banana lectin (BL) and garlic lectin (GL), led to an enhancement of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) pool in mice. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Cord blood–derived CD34+ HSPCs were incubated with BL, GL, Dolichos lectin (DL), or artocarpin lectin (AL) for various time periods in a serum- and growth factor–free medium and were subjected to various functional assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were detected by using DCHFDA method. Cell fractionation was carried out using lectin-coupled paramagnetic beads. RESULTS: CD34+ cells incubated with the lectins for 10 days gave rise to a significantly higher number of colonies compared to the controls, indicating that all four lectins possessed the capacity to protect HSPCs in vitro. Comparative analyses showed that the protective ability of BL and GL was better than AL and DL and, therefore, further experiments were carried out with them. The output of long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) and extended LTC-IC assays indicated that both BL and GL protected primitive stem cells up to 30 days. The cells incubated with BL or GL showed a substantial reduction in the ROS levels, indicating that these lectins protect the HSPCs via antioxidant mechanisms. The mononuclear cell fraction isolated by lectin-coupled beads got enriched for primitive HSPCs, as reflected in the output of phenotypic and functional assays. CONCLUSION: The data show that both BL and GL protect the primitive HSPCs in vitro and may also serve as cost-effective HSPC enrichment tools.
BACKGROUND: Earlier we reported that an oral administration of two mannose-specific dietary lectins, banana lectin (BL) and garlic lectin (GL), led to an enhancement of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) pool in mice. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Cord blood derived CD34+ HSPCs were incubated with BL, GL, Dolichos lectin (DL), or artocarpin lectin (AL) for various time periods in a serum- and growth factor free medium and were subjected to various functional assays. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels were detected by using DCHFDA method. Cell fractionation was carried out using lectin-coupled paramagnetic beads. RESULTS: CD34+ cells incubated with the lectins for 10 days gave rise to a significantly higher number of colonies compared to the controls, indicating that all four lectins possessed the capacity to protect HSPCs in vitro. Comparative analyses showed that the protective ability of BL and GL was better than AL and DL and, therefore, further experiments were carried out with them. The output of long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) and extended LTC-IC assays indicated that both BL and GL protected primitive stem cells up to 30 days. The cells incubated with BL or GL showed a substantial reduction in the ROS levels, indicating that these lectins protect the HSPCs via antioxidant mechanisms. The mononuclear cell fraction isolated by lectin-coupled beads got enriched for primitive HSPCs, as reflected in the output of phenotypic and functional assays.CONCLUSION: The data show that both BL and GL protect the primitive HSPCs in vitro and may also serve as cost-effective HSPC enrichment tools.
The reciprocal interaction between cancer cells and the tissue-specific stroma is critical for primary and metastatic tumor growth progression. Prostate cancer cells colonize preferentially bone (osteotropism), where they alter the physiological balance between osteoblast-mediated bone formation and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and elicit prevalently an osteoblastic response (osteoinduction). The molecular cues provided by osteoblasts for the survival and growth of bone metastatic prostate cancer cells are largely unknown. We exploited the sufficient divergence between human and mouse RNA sequences together with redefinition of highly species-specific gene arrays by computer-aided and experimental exclusion of cross-hybridizing oligonucleotide probes. This strategy allowed the dissection of the stroma (mouse) from the cancer cell (human) transcriptome in bone metastasis xenograft models of human osteoinductive prostate cancer cells (VCaP and C4-2B). As a result, we generated the osteoblastic bone metastasis-associated stroma transcriptome (OB-BMST). Subtraction of genes shared by inflammation, wound healing and desmoplastic responses, and by the tissue type-independent stroma responses to a variety of non-osteotropic and osteotropic primary cancers generated a curated gene signature ("Core" OB-BMST) putatively representing the bone marrow/bone-specific stroma response to prostate cancer-induced, osteoblastic bone metastasis. The expression pattern of three representative Core OB-BMST genes (PTN, EPHA3 and FSCN1) seems to confirm the bone specificity of this response. A robust induction of genes involved in osteogenesis and angiogenesis dominates both the OB-BMST and Core OB-BMST. This translates in an amplification of hematopoietic and, remarkably, prostate epithelial stem cell niche components that may function as a self-reinforcing bone metastatic niche providing a growth support specific for osteoinductive prostate cancer cells. The induction of this combinatorial stem cell niche is a novel mechanism that may also explain cancer cell osteotropism and local interference with hematopoiesis (myelophthisis). Accordingly, these stem cell niche components may represent innovative therapeutic targets and/or serum biomarkers in osteoblastic bone metastasis.
Afin d’effectuer des études fonctionnelles sur le génome de la souris, notre laboratoire a généré une bibliothèque de clones de cellules souches embryonnaires (ESC) présentant des suppressions chromosomiques chevauchantes aléatoires – la bibliothèque DELES. Cette bibliothèque contient des délétions couvrant environ 25% du génome murin. Dans le laboratoire, nous comptons identifier de nouveaux déterminants du destin des cellules hématopoïétiques en utilisant cet outil. Un crible primaire utilisant la benzidine pour démontrer la présence d'hémoglobine dans des corps embryoïdes (EBS) a permis d’identifier plusieurs clones délétés présentant un phénotype hématopoïétique anormal. Comme cet essai ne vérifie que la présence d'hémoglobine, le but de mon projet est d'établir un essai in vitro de différenciation des ESC permettant de mesurer le potentiel hématopoïétique de clones DELES. Mon hypothèse est que l’essai de différenciation hématopoïétique publié par le Dr Keller peut être importé dans notre laboratoire et utilisé pour étudier l'engagement hématopoïétique des clones DELES. À l’aide d’essais de RT-QPCR et de FACS, j’ai pu contrôler la cinétique de différenciation hématopoïétique en suivant l’expression des gènes hématopoïétiques et des marqueurs de surface comme CD41, c-kit, RUNX1, GATA2, CD45, β-globine 1 et TER-119. Cet essai sera utilisé pour valider le potentiel hématopoïétique des clones DELES candidats identifiés dans le crible principal. Mon projet secondaire vise à utiliser la même stratégie rétro-virale a base de Cre-loxP utilisée pour générer la bibliothèque DELES pour générer une bibliothèque de cellules KBM-7 contenant des suppressions chromosomiques chevauchantes. Mon but ici est de tester si la lignée cellulaire leuémique humaine presque haploïde KBM-7 peut être exploitée en utilisant l'approche DELES pour créer cette bibliothèque. La bibliothèque de clones KBM-7 servira à définir les activités moléculaires de drogues anti-leucémiques potentielless que nous avons identifiées dans le laboratoire parce qu’elles inhibent la croissance cellulaire dans plusieurs échantillons de leucémie myéloïde aiguë dérivés de patients. Elle me permettra également d'identifier les voies de signalisation moléculaires qui, lorsque génétiquement perturbées, peuvent conférer une résistance à ces drogues.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Steady-state hematopoiesis and hematopoietic transplantation rely on the unique potential of stem cells to undergo both self-renewal and multilineage differentiation. Fetal liver (FL) represents a promising alternative source of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), but limited by the total cell number obtained in a typical harvest. We reported that human FL nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) repopulating cells (SRCs) could be expanded under simple stroma-free culture conditions. Here, we sought to further characterize FL HSC/SRCs phenotypically and functionally before and following culture. Unexpanded or cultured FL cell suspensions were separated into various subpopulations. These were tested for long-term culture potential and for in vivo repopulating function following transplantation into NOD/SCID mice. We found that upon culture of human FL cells, a tight association between classical stem cell phenotypes, such as CD34(+) /CD38(-) and/or side population, and NOD/SCID repopulating function was lost, as observed with other sources. Although SRC activity before and following culture consistently correlated with the presence of a CD34(+) cell population, we provide evidence that, contrary to umbilical cord blood and adult sources, stem cells present in both CD34(+) and CD34(-) FL populations can sustain long-term hematopoietic cultures. Furthermore, upon additional culture, CD34-depleted cell suspensions, devoid of SRCs, regenerated a population of CD34(+) cells possessing SRC function. Our studies suggest that compared to neonatal and adult sources, the phenotypical characteristics of putative human FL HSCs may be less strictly defined, and reinforce the accumulated evidence that human FL represents a unique, valuable alternative and highly proliferative source of HSCs for clinical applications.
The reciprocal interaction between cancer cells and the tissue-specific stroma is critical for primary and metastatic tumor growth progression. Prostate cancer cells colonize preferentially bone (osteotropism), where they alter the physiological balance between osteoblast-mediated bone formation and osteoclast-mediated bone resorption, and elicit prevalently an osteoblastic response (osteoinduction). The molecular cues provided by osteoblasts for the survival and growth of bone metastatic prostate cancer cells are largely unknown. We exploited the sufficient divergence between human and mouse RNA sequences together with redefinition of highly species-specific gene arrays by computer-aided and experimental exclusion of cross-hybridizing oligonucleotide probes. This strategy allowed the dissection of the stroma (mouse) from the cancer cell (human) transcriptome in bone metastasis xenograft models of human osteoinductive prostate cancer cells (VCaP and C4-2B). As a result, we generated the osteoblastic bone metastasis-associated stroma transcriptome (OB-BMST). Subtraction of genes shared by inflammation, wound healing and desmoplastic responses, and by the tissue type-independent stroma responses to a variety of non-osteotropic and osteotropic primary cancers generated a curated gene signature ("Core" OB-BMST) putatively representing the bone marrow/bone-specific stroma response to prostate cancer-induced, osteoblastic bone metastasis. The expression pattern of three representative Core OB-BMST genes (PTN, EPHA3 and FSCN1) seems to confirm the bone specificity of this response. A robust induction of genes involved in osteogenesis and angiogenesis dominates both the OB-BMST and Core OB-BMST. This translates in an amplification of hematopoietic and, remarkably, prostate epithelial stem cell niche components that may function as a self-reinforcing bone metastatic niche providing a growth support specific for osteoinductive prostate cancer cells. The induction of this combinatorial stem cell niche is a novel mechanism that may also explain cancer cell osteotropism and local interference with hematopoiesis (myelophthisis). Accordingly, these stem cell niche components may represent innovative therapeutic targets and/or serum biomarkers in osteoblastic bone metastasis.
The stimulation by Flk2-ligand (FL) of blast colony formation by murine bone marrow cells was selectively potentiated by the addition of regulators sharing in common the gp130 signaling receptor–leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), oncostatin M, interleukin 11, or interleukin 6. Recloning of blast colony cells indicated that the majority were progenitor cells committed exclusively to macrophage formation and responding selectively to proliferative stimulation by macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Reculture of blast colony cells initiated by FL plus LIF in cultures containing granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor plus tumor necrosis factor α indicated that at least some of the cells were capable of maturation to dendritic cells. The cells forming blast colonies in response to FL plus LIF were unrelated to those forming blast colonies in response to stimulation by stem cell factor and appear to be a distinct subset of mature hematopoietic stem cells.
Gene transduction of pluripotent human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is necessary for successful gene therapy of genetic disorders involving hematolymphoid cells. Evidence for transduction of pluripotent HSCs can be deduced from the demonstration of a retroviral vector integrated into the same cellular chromosomal DNA site in myeloid and lymphoid cells descended from a common HSC precursor. CD34+ progenitors from human bone marrow and mobilized peripheral blood were transduced by retroviral vectors and used for long-term engraftment in immune-deficient (beige/nude/XIS) mice. Human lymphoid and myeloid populations were recovered from the marrow of the mice after 7-11 months, and individual human granulocyte-macrophage and T-cell clones were isolated and expanded ex vivo. Inverse PCR from the retroviral long terminal repeat into the flanking genomic DNA was performed on each sorted cell population. The recovered cellular DNA segments that flanked proviral integrants were sequenced to confirm identity. Three mice were found (of 24 informative mice) to contain human lymphoid and myeloid populations with identical proviral integration sites, confirming that pluripotent human HSCs had been transduced.