176 resultados para Hells Angels


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Summer Sprite for Orchestra was completed in December, 2004. The piece originated from a singular encounter with little angels at Chang-Kyung Palace, which is the oldest and the most beautiful palace in Korea, and where the kings of the Chosun Dynasty (1393-1897) lived. This encounter was in the summer of 2002. I certainly could not prove that those angels I met were real. Possibly they were the reflection of drops of water after a sudden shower on that summer day. However, I definitely remember that short, unforgettable, and mysterious moment and the angels' beautiful dance-like celebration. Summer Sprite is based on these special memories and the encounter with the little angels that summer. Summer Sprite consists of 3 movements: "Greeting," "Encounter," and "Celebration." These follow the course of my encounter with the little angels. In Summer Sprite, I wished to describe the image of the angels as well as the progression of greeting, encounter, and celebration with them. The moods that follow in Summer Sprite are by turns lyrical, poetic, fantastic, mysterious, and dream-like. In each movement, I describe the meeting of angels and composer through the use of the soloists -- violin (sometimes viola) and cello. As suggested by the subtitle of the first movement, "Greeting" portrays the moment when a surprised I met the angels. It begins with tam-tam, marimba, harp, and piano and sets a mysterious and dark mood. The second movement, "Encounter," is shorter than the first movement. This movement provides a more tranquil mood as well as more unique timbres resulting from the use of mutes and special instruments (English horn, harp, crotales, suspended cymbal, and celesta). The delicate expression of the percussion is particularly important in establishing the static mood of this movement . The last movement, °?Celebration,°± is bright and energetic. It is also the longest. Here, I require the most delicate changes of dynamics and tempo, the most vigorous harmonies, and the fastest rhythmic figures, as well as the most independent, lyrical, and poetic melodies. For bright orchestral tone color, I used various kinds of percussion such as timpani, xylophone, marimba, vibraphone, cymbals, side drum, tambourine, triangle, and bass drum. This last movement is divided rondo-like into five sections: The first (mm.1-3), second (mm.4 - rehearsal number 1), third (rehearsal numbers 2-4), fourth (rehearsal numbers 5-7), and fifth, (rehearsal numbers 8 -18). To sum up, Summer Sprite describes an unforgettable and mysterious moment in a my life. My intention was to portray this through a concerto-like framework. A model for this would be Brahms°Ø °?Double Concerto°± in A minor, op.102, in which the solo cello stands for my angel and the solo violin (sometimes solo viola) for me.


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Versican is a hyaluronan-binding, extracellular chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan produced by several tumor types, including malignant melanoma, which exists as four different splice variants. The short V3 isoform contains the G1 and G3 terminal domains of versican that may potentially interact directly or indirectly with the hyaluronan receptor CD44 and the EGFR, respectively. We have previously described that overexpression of V3 in MeWo human melanoma cells markedly reduces tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo. In this study we have investigated the signaling mechanism of V3 by silencing the expression of CD44 in control and V3-expressing melanoma cells. Suppression of CD44 had the same effects on cell proliferation and cell migration than those provoked by V3 expression, suggesting that V3 acts through a CD44-mediated mechanism. Furthermore, CD44-dependent hyaluronan internalization was blocked by V3 expression and CD44 silencing, leading to an accumulation of this glycosaminoglycan in the pericellular matrix and to changes in cell migration on hyaluronan. Furthermore, ERK1/2 and p38 activation after EGF treatment were decreased in V3-expressing cells suggesting that V3 may also interact with the EGFR through its G3 domain. The existence of a EGFR/ErbB2 receptor complex able to interact with CD44 was identified in MeWo melanoma cells. V3 overexpression resulted in a reduced interaction between EGFR/ErbB2 and CD44 in response to EGF treatment. Our results indicate that the V3 isoform of versican interferes with CD44 and the CD44-EGFR/ErbB2 interaction, altering the signaling pathways, such as ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK, that regulate cell proliferation and migration.


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Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Neurologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2015


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Nous entendons, dans ce mémoire, préciser le sens d'actus essendi par l’analyse de l’emploi du terme par Thomas d’Aquin. Bien que la notion d’acte d’être soit sousjacente à nombre de développements philosophiques et théologiques de l’Aquinate, elle n’est considérée pour elle-même dans aucun texte du corpus thomasien. En exposant le cadre théorique des onze unités textuelles dans lesquelles on retrouve nommément l’expression, nous explicitons les distinctions qu’opère Thomas entre l’acte d’être et les notions ontologiques corrélatives (étant, quiddité, être du jugement prédicatif et être commun). Si « actus essendi » désigne en premier lieu un principe constitutif de l’étant, il peut encore désigner le terme abstrait correspondant à cette perfection de l’étant. L’acte d’être est ainsi ce par quoi l’étant est étant; il est cependant, au plan ontologique, propre à chaque étant singulier tandis que, au plan conceptuel, le même terme exprime ce qui est commun à tous les étants. Une traduction des extraits du Scriptum super Sententiis, des Quæstiones de quolibet, de la Summa Theologiæ, des Quæstiones disputatæ De potentia, de l’Expositio libri De hebdomadibus et de la Expositio libri Metaphysicæ a été produite pour les fins de cette étude.


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Ce mémoire entend présenter les formes de connaissance de soi développées par Thomas d’Aquin: la reditio incompleta, la réfraction sur les phantasmes, la conscience préréflexive, la réflexion par réfluence, l’analyse abstraite, le jugement critique et la reditio completa. L’âme humaine ne pouvant se connaître directement, elle a accès à son essence par le biais de tous ses actes ou actes de conscience. Notre analyse se concentre sur la connaissance habituelle, habitus de toutes les connaissances, qui est la racine de l’image trinitaire en l’homme et garantit la vérité des intellections humaines. Pour ce faire, nous avons procédé à la traduction des questions 87 à 89 de la Somme théologique, dans lesquelles Thomas présente la connaissance humaine des substances séparées et le statut de l’âme séparée, montrant en quoi l’esprit de l’homme partage un certain commun avec les autres esprits de son univers.


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Maximizing Accessibility in Software - by Denis's Angels


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Poster describing the text tutorial on accessibility, created by Denis's Angels for INFO2009.


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List of references in Harvard format for the accessibility text tutorial created by Denis's Angels.


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Collection of resource, reference list and poster on Accessibility, for team Denis's Angels.


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Kant argued that humans possess a priori knowledge of space; although his argument focused on a physics of bodies, it also has implications for a psychology of beings. Many human cultures organize stars in the night sky into constellations (i.e., impose structure); attribute properties, behaviors, and abilities to objects in the celestial realm (i.e., impose meaning); and use perceived regularity in the celestial realms in development of calendars, long-range navigation, agriculture, and astrology (i.e., seek predictability and control). The physical inaccessibility of the celestial realm allows a potent source of metaphor, and also allows projection of myths regarding origin and ascension, places of power, and dwelling places of gods, immortals, and other souls. Developments in astronomy and cosmology influenced views of human nature and the place of humanity in the universe, and these changes parallel declines in egocentrism with human development. Views regarding alleged beings (e.g., angels, extraterrestrials) from the celestial realm (and to how communicate with such beings) are anthropocentric and ignore evolutionary factors in physical and cognitive development. It is suggested that in considering views and uses of the celestial realm, we learn not just about the universe, but also about ourselves. 


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Este documento es el primero de una colección de dos volúmenes. El volumen I trata la orientación tutorial y el II se compone de anexos con documentos de trabajo. El material pretende dar pautas para la orientación de los tutores con alumnos de 12 a 18 años. Se pretende que la orientación y la tutoría formen parte del currículum del alumno, sin aislarse de la sotras actividades educativas. Este material agrupado de fuentes diferentes sirve de pauta indicativa de las experiencias que se pueden realizar en las tutorías y ofrece herramientas a los tutores. Se trata la tutoría y la orientación en el ámbito personal, académico y profesional. Además se añaden ejemplos de planes de acción tutorial y un cuestionario de evaluación del módulo de tutoría y orientación.


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Comprobar la influencia del origen social en el nivel del lenguaje escrito. Comprobar la influencia del origen social en la percepción ambiental y en la percepción del logro por parte del sujeto. La muestra representativa estaba compuesta por 60 niños y niñas de séptimo de EGB, de edades comprendidas entre los 12 y 13 años, de origen socio-económico concreto (determinado en función de la profesión de los padres), y alumnos de los siguientes centros escolares (situados en Barcelona u Hospitalet de Llobregat): Milá i Fontanals, Escuela San Isidro, Casal dels Angels, Colegio Balmes de las Escuelas Pías, La Salle Bonanova y Lestonnac. Para ver si la clase social condiciona el nivel de lenguaje se consideraron dos grupos: niños de clase obrera y niños de clase media, cada grupo estaba compuesto por tres grupos de 10 alumnos. Se realizaron 2 redacciones de 30' según el modelo de Lawton, y 3 descripciones de las láminas 1, 2 y 6 del TAT. Para el análisis de las redacciones se consideraron los siguientes índices: longitud del ensayo, vocabulario, adjetivos, adverbios, pronombres, voz pasiva y oraciones subordinadas. Test de inteligencia general de matrices progresivas de J.C. Raven. Subtest de vocabulario de Wechsler. Láminas número 1, 2 y 6 VH del TAT. Análisis de contenido del texto. El análisis permite observar: A/ Mayor producción en los niños de clase media. B/ Mayor uso de las palabras más frecuentes por parte de los niños de clase obrera. C/ Adjetivación más variada en los niños de clase media. D/ Uso adverbial más variado en los niños de clase media. E/ Uso verbal similar en ambos grupos. E/ Mayor y más correcto uso de la subordinación en los niños de clase media. Existen diferencias significativas en el lenguaje en función del origen socio-económico.


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Fecha tomada del área de publicación


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Aplicación sobre Windows que requiere tablilla sensible y tarjeta de sonido. Trabaja los artículos y su pronunciación combinada con palabras que aparecen en los dibujos de la tablilla. El alumno debe establecer la secuencia artículo-objeto, y si es correcta, el programa lo hace evidente pronunciando la combinación. Orientada a trabajar diferentes aspectos de lecto-escritura a partir de las palabras que se trabajen en clase. Incluye manual con ejemplos.