1000 resultados para Helianthus annuus L
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Nitrogen is the most required nutrient by plants for exerting important functions in the vegetable metabolism. In sunflower crop, its efficiency causes nutritional disorder, being the nutrient that most limits the yield. Besides, high doses may increase the incidence of pests and diseases, affecting the yield. Hereafter, this experiment was carried out with the aim of evaluating the response of the irrigated sunflower crop (Helianthus annuus L.) submitted to different doses of side dressing nitrogen fertilization applied uncovered nitrogen in small parts. A randomized complete block design, with four replications was used. The constituted by four doses of nitrogen (0, 20, 40, and 80 kg ha(-1)), as urea. Side dressing nitrogen fertilization provides increase in all characteristics studied, and the dose of N of maxim suitable technical efficiency to have a good yield is of 55 kg ha(-1) of N for the cultivation of the sunflower irrigated in the region of Cassilandia, Mato Grosso do Sul State.
The effects of nitrogen availability on growth and photosynthesis were followed in plants of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L., var. CATISSOL-01) grown in the greenhouse under natural photoperiod. The sunflower plants were grown in vermiculite under two contrasting nitrogen supply, with nitrogen supplied as ammonium nitrate. Higher nitrogen concentration resulted in higher shoot dry matter production per plant and the effect was apparent from 29 days after sowing (DAS). The difference in dry matter production was mainly attributed to the effect of nitrogen on leaf production and on individual leaf dry matter. The specific leaf weight (SLW) was not affected by the nitrogen supply. The photosynthetic CO2 assimilation (A) of the target leaves was remarkably improved by high nitrogen nutrition. However, irrespective of nitrogen supply, the decline in photosynthetic CO2 assimilation occurred before the end of leaf growth. Although nitrogen did not change significantly stomatal conductance (gs), high-N grown plants had lower intercellular CO2 concentration (C-i) when compared with low-N grown plants. Transpiration rate (E) was increased in high-N grown plants only at the beginning of leaf growth. However, this not resulted in lower intrinsic water use efficiency (WUE). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
It is known that the head office world energetics is leaning in the fossil fuels. However, the world panorama is changing quickly, for linked reasons to three of the humanity's great concerns in that century beginning: environment, global economy and energy. The biodiesel production is based on the transesterificação of vegetable oils or animal fats, using catalysts homogeneous or heterogeneous. The process of heterogeneous transesterificação presents lower conversions in comparison with the homogeneous, however, it doesn't present corrosion problems and it reduces to the occurrence of parallel reactions as saponification. In this sense, this work has for purpose the synthesis of a heterogeneous catalyst, KNO3/Al2O3, that soon afterwards was used in the reaction of transesterificação of the oil of the Helianthus annuus L. (sunflower). The solid materials (it supports and catalyst) they were analyzed by diffraction of ray-X (XRD) and electronic microscope of sweeping (MEV). After the analysis of Al2O3, a structure monophase amorphous tetragonal was verified, with characteristic patterns of that material, what could not be visualized in the difratograma of the catalyst. The biodiesel obtained with 4% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was what obtained a better cinematic viscosity 8,3 mm2/s, comparing with the norms of ANP, and it also presented the best conversion tax in ethyl ésteres, in accordance with the quantitative measure starting from TG, that was of 60%. While the biodiesel with 6% wt. and with 8% wt. of KNO3/Al2O3 it was it that no transesterificou, because it was observed in the analysis termogravimétrica of those two materials, a single thermal event, that it corresponds the decomposition or volatilization of the triglycerides
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effects and interaction of drought and UV-B radiation were studied in sunflower plants (Helianthus annuus L. var. Catissol-01), growing in a greenhouse under natural photoperiod conditions. The plants received approximately 1.7 W m(-2) (controls) or 8.6 W m(-2) (+UV-B) of UV-B radiation for 7 h per day. The UV-B and water stress treatments started 18 days after sowing. After a period of 12 days of stress, half of the water-stressed plants (including both UV-B irradiated or non-irradiated) were rehydrated. Both drought and UV-B radiation treatments resulted in lower shoot dry matter per plant, but there was no significant interaction between the two treatments. Water stress and UV-B radiation reduced photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and transpiration. However, the amplitude of the effects of both stressors was dependent on the interactions. This resulted in alleviation of the negative effect of drought on photosynthesis and transpiration by UV-B radiation as the water stress intensified. Intercelluar CO(2) concentration was initially reduced in all treatments compared to control plants but it increased with time. Photosynthetic pigments were not affected by UV-B radiation. Water stress reduced photosynthetic pigments only under high UV-B radiation. The decrease was more accentuated for chlorophyll a than for chlorophyll b. As a measure for the maximum efficiency of photosystem II in darkness F (v)/F (m) was used, which was not affected by drought stress but initially reduced by UV-B radiation. Independent of water supply, UV-B radiation increased the activity of pirogalol peroxidase and did not increase the level of malondialdehyde. on the other hand, water stress did not alter the activity of pirogalol peroxidase and caused membrane damage as assessed by lipid peroxidation. The application of UV-B radiation together with drought seemed to have a protective effect by lowering the intensity of lipid peroxidation caused by water stress. The content of proline was not affected by UV-B radiation but was increased by water stress under both low and high UV-B radiation. After 24 h of rehydration, most of the parameters analyzed recovered to the same level as the unstressed plants.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Foi conduzido, em casa de vegetação, um experimento em solução nutritiva de Steimberg modificada, cultivando-se o girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), cv. Anhandy, com cinco níveis de cálcio e cinco de boro combinados, em esquema fatorial completo 5 x 5, visando-se induzir sintomas tardios, no início do florescimento, de deficiência desses elementos. A deficiência isolada de cálcio induziu o sintoma de colapso do capítulo quando o nível inicial de cálcio na solução foi tal (15,24 ppm de Ca) que permitiu a manifestação do sintoma no início do florescimento. A deficiência de boro manifestou-se antes do florescimento, para todos os níveis iniciais do micronutriente em solução, e isto impediu sua avaliação, em relação ao capítulo.
Com o objetivo de determinar a provável causa do aparecimento de anormalidades em um campo de produção de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.), uma vez que a possibilidade de doenças parasíticas fora eliminada, realizou-se um ensaio de diagnose por subtração, no qual foram omitidos os nutrientes: N, K, S, B, Mo, Cu, Mn e Zn. Foi empregado solo da lavoura onde o problema havia sido detectado, um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro fase arenosa. Nos tratamentos -N, -K, -S e -B foram observados sintomas de deficiência, nos quais, exceto no tratamento -S, ocorreu também significativa redução no peso da matéria seca total das plantas em relação ao tratamento completo. Não se observou exata reprodução da sintomatologia existente no campo; no entanto, deve-se considerar que, naquelas condições, havia uma interação entre os quatro elementos, bem como efeito das condições ambientais.
Este experimento foi realizado em Jaboticabal, SP, como objetivo de se avaliar o comportamento de dois genótipos de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) no tocante à composição mineral e teor de óleo. Utilizou-se o híbrido Contissol 812 e a cuttivar IAC-Anhandy com 80cm entre linhas e cinco plantas por metro linear, em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em cinco datas de semeadura: 20.1; 20.2; 5.3; 20.3 e 5.4. O atraso das datas de semeadura exerceu efeito depressivo e significativo sobre a absorção (N-total 86,4 e 19,1; P = 8,3 e 1,6; K = 77,0 e 17,5; Ca =52,1 e 6,8 e Mg = 10,3 e 1,7) e a exportação (N-total = 89,6 e 27,3; P = 9,1 e 2,5; K = 30,1 e 8,8; Ca = 7,0 e 2.1 e Mg =9,7 e 2,8) de nutrientes, expressos em kg/ha, para a primeira e última data, respectivamente, nos dois genótipos que mantiveram constante (40%) o teor de óleo. Concluiu-se que os dois genótipos se comportaram de forma semelhante e que as semeaduras realizadas até o final de fevereiro foram as melhores, e nas efetuadas posteriormente a absorção total em kg/ha dos diversos nutrientes foi afetada negativamente, pelo fato de a produção de aquênios ter sido obtida em níveis indesejáveis.
Helivypolide G was isolated from leaves of Helianthus annuus L. cv. Stella. In the course of our ongoing research for new allelochemicals from Helianthus annuus, a novel dimeric bioactive sesquiterpene lactone, helivypolide G has been isolated and characterized from the medium polar active fractions of the leaves of cultivar variety Stella. The monomers are connected through carbons C-15 of each unit and an oxygen bridge, forming an enolic oxane ring. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In mature and young leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L. cv. Catissol-01) plants grown in the greenhouse, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, and transpiration rate declined during water stress independently of leaf age and recovered after 24-h rehydration. The intercellular CO 2 concentration, chlorophyll (Chl) content, and photochemical activity were not affected by water stress. However, non-photochemical quenching increased in mature stressed leaves. Rehydration recovered the levels of non-photochemical quenching and increased the F v/F m in young leaves. Drought did not alter the total Chl content. However, the accumulation of proline under drought was dependent on leaf age: higher content of proline was found in young leaves. After 24 h of rehydration the content of proline returned to the same contents as in control plants.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)