180 resultados para Hatha Yoga


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La présente recherche se focalise sur la production littéraire de trois auteurs francophones modernes : Éric Baret (1953-), Pierre Feuga (1942-2008) et Daniel Odier (1945-). En tant que figures de la néo-spiritualité, ces auteurs ont d'abord interprété le shivaïsme cachemirien non duel dans la zone francophone avant d'étendre leur activité à d'autres pays d'Europe et d'Amérique du Nord. Leur démarche s'inscrit dans un contexte culturel francophone qui jouit d'une longue tradition d'investigation de certaines formes philosophiques du yoga et d'études philosophiques du bouddhisme. Peu connu du public occidental, le shivaïsme cachemirien non duel est en train de devenir une pensée de référence dans les milieux de la néo-spiritualité, notamment grâce à l'interprétation donnée par les auteurs susmentionnés. Les trois auteurs se réfèrent aux mêmes traductions et commentaires écrits en français du shivaïsme cachemirien non duel, à savoir les travaux de la sanskritiste française Lilian Silburn qui a entre autres travaillé avec Lakshman Ji, grand érudit du Cachemire. Ils pratiquent et enseignent une technique corporelle (yoga, tai chi ou danse tandavà), ont voyagé en Asie, notamment en Inde et ont un ou plusieurs maîtres. Le présent travail se limite à une période historique précise de l'histoire des religions, à savoir les années 60 du 20e siècle jusqu'au milieu des années 10 du 21e siècle. Cette période suscite un regain d'intérêt et d'interrogation dans le paysage du religieux. Sur cette scène de la néo¬spiritualité, nous avons analysé les passerelles entre des sagesses orientales et des pensées occidentales et avons mis en avant la manière dont elles se sont greffées sur les enjeux liés au parcours personnel des trois auteurs. Le shivaïsme cachemirien non duel est une mystique et une philosophie qui relève de la pensée tantrique. Nous avons développé la question de la réception du tantrisme sur sol occidental depuis le début du 20e siècle puis montré les particularités tantriques issues du shivaïsme cachemirien non duel que les auteurs retenus ont développées. Nous avons choisi trois thèmes dans la production des auteurs pour parler de leur interprétation du shivaïsme cachemirien non duel. Il s'agit du voyage, du rêve et de la référence au Grand Oeuvre alchimique en tant que symbole de transformation de soi. Ces thèmes ont permis de faire ressortir quatre problématiques qui traversent la production littéraire et l'enseignement des auteurs, à savoir le féminin, la non-dualité, l'éveil et la question de l'union des deux principes, masculin et féminin. En reliant thèmes et problématiques, nous sommes parvenue à l'énoncé suivant : Le voyage ou la quête du féminin et de l'éveil Le rêve ou la quête de la non-dualité - Grand Oeuvre alchimique et tantrisme ou la quête de la non-dualité et l'union des deux principes. Nous sommes arrivées à la conclusion que les trois auteurs sont devenus des figures incontournables dans la recomposition du paysage de la néo-spiritualité en Occident, notamment en francophonie, et qu'ils ont grandement contribué à faire connaître la pensée tantrique du shivaïsme cachemirien non duel.


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The historical pole of this research distinguishes differing historical and cultural contexts in which the scholar al-Bïrûnî evolved. Between the years 973 and 1017, he lived in Khwarezm (Kät and JürjänTya), Ray, and Jürjän. He also dwelt in Kabul and Ghazna, both situated on a passage between Persia and India, and travelled to some parts of early medieval India between the years 1017 and 1030. Evidence pointing to him having made actual direct observations beyond the abode of Islam remains scanty. According to his writings, only five locales emerge as having been visited by him, all situated in today's Afghanistan and Pakistan. When al-BTrunl visited these places, he encountered the society of the Indian Shähis, who followed a form of Brahmanism. Al-Bïrûnï's knowledge of Sanskrit was the result of a long process that lasted at least 30 years (1000-1030). In order to reach the level of Sanskrit that enabled him to translate several works from Sanskrit into Arabic, he needed to work with literate people well-versed in Sanskrit, who may also have had some comprehension of Arabic, and/or Persian. The textual pole of this dissertation examines the question of the relationship between al- Bïrûnï's Arabic Kitab Sank and Kitäb Pätangal - two works related to Sämkhya-Yoga - and their possible Sanskrit sources. A philological survey based on these Arabic translations and on Sämkhya-Yoga Sanskrit literature highlights that al-Bïrûnï's translations, both, are related to the classical phase in the development of these two Indian philosophical systems. Despite the early spread of Yoga and Sämkhya ideas through Sanskrit literature, it seems that between the early 11th and 16th centuries they lost vitality amongst Indian scholars. Therefore, al-Bïrûnï's translation of works related to these specific Indian philosophies in the early 11th century CE deserves attention. The second pole of this study also demonstrates that al-BTrünl's hermeneutics played an important part in his transmission of these two Indian schools of thought, as he highly transformed his source in both form and substance. This dissertation considers the question of the relationship between al-Bïrûnï's Arabic translations and their possible Sanskrit sources from the viewpoint of Translation Studies; which makes it possible to point out potential candidates for being al-Bïrûnï's original Sanskrit sources with some confidence. Overall, the Kitäb Sank and the Kitäb Pätangal represent original works of Sämkhya and Yoga, as viewed and transmitted by a Perso-Muslim scholar, rather than pure translations of Sanskrit work.


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Tutkielman aiheena on astangajoogan kotikaupunki Mysore Intiassa ja siellä sijaitseva Krishna Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute -joogakoulu (KPJAYI). Mysorella on erityinen asema astangajoogan kontekstissa ja sadat astangajoogaajat ympäri maailmaa matkustavat Mysoreen joogamaan useiden kuukausien ajaksi. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää miksi Mysoreen matkustetaan, miksi Mysorella on erityinen asema ja miten tuota asemaa pidetään yllä. Olen koostanut tutkielman aineiston kolmen kuukauden etnografisen kenttätyön aikana Mysoressa. Aineistoa ovat yhdeksän suomalaisen astangajoogaajan haastattelut ja kenttäpäiväkirja, joka rajautuu varsinaisen analyysin ulkopuolelle. Aineiston olen analysoinut sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Tutkijan position paikantajana ja itsereflektion keinona olen käyttänyt autoetnografiaa, sillä olen itsekin astangajoogaaja. Tutkielman keskeiset teoreettiset käsitteet ovat pyhiinvaellus ja uskonnollinen matka, tila ja paikka sekä autenttisuus. Olen hyödyntänyt Victor ja Edith Turnerin kulttuuriantropologisia huomioita pyhiinvaelluksesta ja tuonut sen rinnalle kulttuurimaantieteilijä Doreen Masseyn näkemykset tilan ja paikan sosiaalisesta ja muuttuvasta luonteesta. Lisäksi peilaan aineistoa uskontotieteilijä Thomas Tweedin teoriaan uskontojen risteyksistä ja rajojen ylittämisistä: Tweedin mukaan uskonnoissa on kyse sekä maantieteellisten, sosiaalisten, henkilökohtaisten että yliluonnollisten rajojen ylittämisistä. Autenttisuus taas liittyy käsitykseen aidosta joogasta, sen harjoittelusta ja alkuperästä. Joogaajilla on Mysoreen matkustamiseen useita eri syitä, kuten irtiotto arjesta, harjoitukseen syventyminen ja halu olla Intian kaltaisessa ympäristössä. Mysoren erityinen asema taasen rakentuu KPJAYI:n opettajien, astangatradition ja joogasalin erityisen luonteen varaan. Yksinkertaisesti todettuna Mysore on rajaamista. Mysoren erityistä asemaa pidetään yllä rajaamalla astangajoogaajien Mysorea erilleen muista paikoista esimerkiksi korostamalla Mysoren tasa-arvoistavaa luonnetta ja joogasalin erityisyyttä. Mysoren voi todeta olevan astangajoogan sydän, sillä aineiston perusteella Mysore edustaa aitoa, syvää, puhdasta ja säilyvää (astanga)joogaa, jossa olennaista on traditioon sitoutuminen, parampara.


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Tutkielman aiheena on astangajoogan kotikaupunki Mysore Intiassa ja siellä sijaitseva Krishna Pattabhi Jois Ashtanga Yoga Institute -joogakoulu (KPJAYI). Mysorella on erityinen asema astangajoogan kontekstissa ja sadat astangajoogaajat ympäri maailmaa matkustavat Mysoreen joogamaan useiden kuukausien ajaksi. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää miksi Mysoreen matkustetaan, miksi Mysorella on erityinen asema ja miten tuota asemaa pidetään yllä. Olen koostanut tutkielman aineiston kolmen kuukauden etnografisen kenttätyön aikana Mysoressa. Aineistoa ovat yhdeksän suomalaisen astangajoogaajan haastattelut ja kenttäpäiväkirja, joka rajautuu varsinaisen analyysin ulkopuolelle. Aineiston olen analysoinut sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Tutkijan position paikantajana ja itsereflektion keinona olen käyttänyt autoetnografiaa, sillä olen itsekin astangajoogaaja. Tutkielman keskeiset teoreettiset käsitteet ovat pyhiinvaellus ja uskonnollinen matka, tila ja paikka sekä autenttisuus. Olen hyödyntänyt Victor ja Edith Turnerin kulttuuriantropologisia huomioita pyhiinvaelluksesta ja tuonut sen rinnalle kulttuurimaantieteilijä Doreen Masseyn näkemykset tilan ja paikan sosiaalisesta ja muuttuvasta luonteesta. Lisäksi peilaan aineistoa uskontotieteilijä Thomas Tweedin teoriaan uskontojen risteyksistä ja rajojen ylittämisistä: Tweedin mukaan uskonnoissa on kyse sekä maantieteellisten, sosiaalisten, henkilökohtaisten että yliluonnollisten rajojen ylittämisistä. Autenttisuus taas liittyy käsitykseen aidosta joogasta, sen harjoittelusta ja alkuperästä. Joogaajilla on Mysoreen matkustamiseen useita eri syitä, kuten irtiotto arjesta, harjoitukseen syventyminen ja halu olla Intian kaltaisessa ympäristössä. Mysoren erityinen asema taasen rakentuu KPJAYI:n opettajien, astangatradition ja joogasalin erityisen luonteen varaan. Yksinkertaisesti todettuna Mysore on rajaamista. Mysoren erityistä asemaa pidetään yllä rajaamalla astangajoogaajien Mysorea erilleen muista paikoista esimerkiksi korostamalla Mysoren tasa-arvoistavaa luonnetta ja joogasalin erityisyyttä. Mysoren voi todeta olevan astangajoogan sydän, sillä aineiston perusteella Mysore edustaa aitoa, syvää, puhdasta ja säilyvää (astanga)joogaa, jossa olennaista on traditioon sitoutuminen, parampara.


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The current study examined the effect of two types of acute exercise (resistance and mind-body yoga) on state body image attitudes, to see which, was most effective at reducing body image concerns. I t was hypothesized that both types of exercise would lead to improvements in body image, with yoga showing the biggest benefits. Collegeaged female non/infrequent exercisers (n = 40) completed state measures of body satisfaction, social physique anxiety (SPA), and appearance orientation prior to and following participation in a single yoga and resistance class. Participation in the yoga class was associated with decreases in SPA and increases in body satisfaction. However, participation in the resistance class was associated with no changes in any of the study variables. These findings indicate participation in a single yoga class may have positive effects on body image attitudes, which may encourage non-exercisers to become more active.


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Le cancer du sein est la forme de cancer la plus souvent diagnostiquée chez les femmes. Elles doivent vivre avec des séquelles qui nuisent à leur qualité de vie. Plusieurs études ont montré les bienfaits de l’activité physique (AP) sur les composantes physiques et psychologiques des patientes. Toutefois, elles réduisent souvent leur pratique d'AP suite aux traitements en raison de la détérioration de leur condition physique. Or, le maintien à long terme de la pratique d’AP est essentiel pour en conserver les bénéfices. La première section du mémoire présente une recension des écrits sur les bienfaits de l’AP auprès des femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein et la seconde rend compte d'une étude expérimentale ayant pour objectif d'évaluer l’impact d’un programme d’AP sur le sentiment d’efficacité personnel et sur le plaisir associé à la pratique d'AP. Une enquête de suivi a été menée trois mois après la fin du programme afin d’évaluer le maintien à long terme de la pratique d'AP. L'étude a été réalisée auprès de 18 patientes en cours de traitement. Le groupe expérimental a suivi un programme supervisé d’AP combiné à des séances de counseling sur une période de 16 semaines. Le groupe témoin avait la possibilité de suivre un programme de yoga. Nos résultats indiquent une amélioration statistiquement significative des trois composantes mesurées, soit le sentiment d'efficacité personnelle, le plaisir à faire de l'AP et le maintien de la pratique après la participation au programme.


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To assess the prevalence of faecal coliform bacteria and multiple drug resistance among Escherichia coli and Salmonella serotypes from Vembanadu Lake. Study design: Systematic microbiological testing. Methods: Monthly collection of water samples were made from ten stations on the southern and northern parts of a salt water regulator constructed in Vembanadu Lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. Density of faecal colifrom bacteria was estimated. E. coli and Salmonella were isolated and their different serotypes were identified. Antibiotic resistance analysis of E. coli and Salmonella serotypes was done and the MAR index of individual isolates was calculated. Results: Density of faecal coliform bacteria ranged from mean MPN value 2900 -7100/100ml. Results showed multiple drug resistance pattern among the bacterial isolates. E. coli showed more than 50% resistance to amickacin, oxytetracycline, streptomycin, tetracycline and kanamycin while Salmonella showed high resistance to oxytetracycline, streptomycin, tetracycline and ampicillin. The MAR indexing of the isolates showed that they have originated from high risk source such as humans, poultry and dairy cows. Conclusions: The high density of faecal coliform bacteria and prevalence of multi drug resistant E. coli and Salmonella serotypes in the lake may pose severe public health risk through related water borne and food borne outbreaks


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The objective of the study was to evaluate the survival response of multi-drug resistant enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella paratyphi to the salinity fluctuations induced by a saltwater barrier constructed in Vembanadu lake, which separates the lake into a freshwater dominated southern and brackish water dominated northern part. Therefore, microcosms containing freshwater, brackish water and microcosms with different saline concentrations (5, 10, 15, 20, 25 ppt) inoculated with E. coli/S. paratyphi were monitored up to 34 days at 20 and 30 WC. E. coli and S. paratyphi exhibited significantly higher (p <0.05) survival at 20 WC compared to 30 WC in all microcosms. Despite fresh/brackish water, E. coli and S. paratyphi showed prolonged survival up to 34 days at both temperatures. They also demonstrated better survival potential at all tested saline concentrations except 25 ppt where a significantly higher (p<0.0001) decay was observed. Therefore, enhanced survival exhibited by the multi-drug resistant enteropathogenic E. coli and S. paratyphi over a wide range of salinity levels suggest that they are able to remain viable for a very long time at higher densities in all seasons of the year in Vembanadu lake irrespective of saline concentrations, and may pose potential public health risks during recreational activities


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Microcosm studies were performed to evaluate the survival of Escherichia coli, Salmonella paratyphi and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in water and sediment collected from the freshwater region of Vembanad Lake (9 35◦N 76 25◦E) along the south west coast of India. All three test microorganisms showed significantly (p < 0.01) higher survival in sediment compared to overlying water. The survival in different sediment types with different particle size and organic carbon content revealed that sediment with small particle size and high organic carbon content could enhance their extended survival (p < 0.05). The results indicate that sediments of the Lake could act as a reservoir of pathogenic bacteria and exhibit a potential health hazard from possible resuspension and subsequent ingestion during recreational activities. Therefore, the assessment of bacterial concentration in freshwater Lake sediments used for contact and non contact recreation has of considerable significance for the proper assessment of microbial pollution of the overlying water, and for the management and protection of related health risk at specific recreational sites. Besides, assessment of the bacterial concentration in sediments can be used as a relatively stable indicator of long term mean bacterial concentration in the water column above


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Eight hundred and eighty-¢ve strains of bacterial isolates fromvarious samples associatedwith the natural habitat ofMacrobrachiumrosenbergii were screened for their probiotic potential. Two putative probionts namely Bacillus NL110 and Vibrio NE17 isolated from the larvae and egg samples, respectively, were selected for experimental studies and were introduced to the juveniles of M. rosenbergii (0.080 0.001g) through di¡erent modes such as through feed, water and both. The probiotic potential of the above bacteria in terms of improvements inwater quality, growth, survival, speci¢c growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio and immune parameters was evaluated. The treatment groups showed a signi¢cant improvement in SGR and weight gain (Po0.001). Survival among di¡erent treatment groups was better than that in the control group. There were also signi¢cant improvements in the water quality parameters such as the concentration of nitrate and ammonia in the treatment groups (Po0.05). Improvements in immune parameters such as the total haemocyte count (Po0.05), phenoloxidase activity and respiratory burst were also signi¢cant (Po0.001). It is concluded that screening of the natural micro£ora of cultured ¢sh and shell¢sh for putative probionts might yield probiotic strains of bacteria that could be utilized for an environment-friendly and organic mode of aquaculture.


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Considering the extent of warming in the artic region and the resultant changes in the dynamic marine enviornments there is a need to monitor the bacterial diversity in the fjord enviornments especially in terms of cultivable bacteria. The present study reports the diversity of cultivable hetrotrophic bacteria from the water and sediment samples of kongsfjord their growth responses to important enviornmental variables and ability to produce industrially important hydrolytic enzymes.


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Prevalence of faecal indicator bacteria, Escherichia coli and pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio cholerae, Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella were analysed in Vembanadu lake (98350N 768250E), along south west coast of India for a period of one year from ten stations on the southern and northern sides of a salt water regulator constructed in Vembanadu Lake in order to prevent incursion of seawater during certain periods of the year. While the northern side of the lake has a connection to the sea, the southern side is enclosed when the salt water regulator is closed. The results revealed the water body is polluted with high faecal coliform bacteria with mean MPN value ranging from 1718-7706/100 ml. E. coli, V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus and Salmonella serotypes such as S. paratyphi A, B, C and S. newport were isolated and this is the first report on the isolation of these Salmonella serovars from this lake. E. coli showed highest percentage of incidence (85.6–86.7%) followed by Salmonella (42–57%), V. choleare (40–45%) and V. parahaemolyticus (31.5–32%). The increased prevalence of indicator and pathogenic bacteria in the enclosed southern part of Vembanadu Lake may be resulting from the altered flow patterns due to the salt water regulator.


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A total of 34 yeast isolates were characterized from 4 water samples collected from Kongsfjord at Ny Alseund region of Norwegion Artic during the Indian Artic summer expedition of 2009.They were studied for the effect of tempereture and salt concentration on growth as well as for their ability to produce various hydrolytic enzymes at two different temperatures. Result showed that 5 out of 8 genera were common to all the stations. Cryptococcus was the predominant genera folowed by Trichosporan and Rhodotorula 82% of the yeast isolates were oxidative in nature and except filobasidium all the isolates used nitrate as a nitrogen source for growth. Yeast isolates from all the ststions showed growth at 4 and 20 degree centigarade. These temperatures were chosen as most of the bacterial and yeast isolates showed psychrotrop[hic nature. 94% of the yeast isolates showed growth at 2.0M and lipolytic activity were marginally less than 4.None of the isolates produced amylase enzymes when incubated at 4 and 20. The present study highlights the wide tolerence of the psychrotrophic yeast isolates to temperature and salinity as well as their potential in biotechnology


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A yearlong (September 2009–August 2010) study was undertaken to find out possible reasons for occasional occurrence of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) outbreak in the traditional prawn farms adjoining Cochin backwaters. Physicochemical and bacteriological parameters of water and sediment from feeder canal and four shrimp farms were monitored on a fortnightly basis. The physicochemical parameters showed variation during the two production cycles and between the farms studied. Dissolved oxygen (DO) content of water fromfeeder canal showed low oxygen levels (as low as 0.8mg/L) throughout the study period. There was no disease outbreak in the perennial ponds. Poor water exchange coupled with nutrient loading from adjacent houses resulted in phytoplankton bloom in shallow seasonal ponds which led to hypoxic conditions in early morning and supersaturation of DO in the afternoon besides considerably high alkaline pH. Ammonia levels were found to be very high in these ponds.WSSV outbreak was encountered twice during the study leading to mass mortalities in the seasonal ponds. The hypoxia and high ammonia content in water and abrupt fluctuations in temperature, salinity and pH might lead to considerable stress in the shrimps triggeringWSSV infection in these traditional ponds


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Emergence of antibiotic resistance among aquaculture pathogens has made it necessary to look into environment friendly, effective and sustainable methods such as probiotic and immunostimulants among others.. In the present study, LAB were isolated from the gut of fish species namely Rastrelliger kanagurta and analyzed for their antibacterial activity against various fish, shrimp and human pathogens. Different LAB species such as Lactobacillus plantarum, L. bulgaricus, L. brevis and L. viridiscens were encountered in the gut of R. kanagurta. Several strains showed good activity against fish, shrimp and human pathogens. LAB from the gut of such marine species may be developed as possible probiont for environment friendly health management of fresh water, estuarine and marine species currently exploited in aquaculture