988 resultados para Hartree Fock scheme correlation errors


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The magnetically induced currents in organic monoring and multiring molecules, in Möbius shaped molecules and in inorganic all-metal molecules have been investigated by means of the Gauge-including magnetically induced currents (GIMIC) method. With the GIMIC method, the ring-current strengths and the ring-current density distributions can be calculated. For open-shell molecules, also the spin current can be obtained. The ring-current pathways and ring-current strengths can be used to understand the magnetic resonance properties of the molecules, to indirectly identify the effect of non-bonded interactions on NMR chemical shifts, to design new molecules with tailored properties and to discuss molecular aromaticity. In the thesis, the magnetic criterion for aromaticity has been adopted. According to this, a molecule which has a net diatropic ring current might be aromatic. Similarly, a molecule which has a net paratropic current might be antiaromatic. If the net current is zero, the molecule is nonaromatic. The electronic structure of the investigated molecules has been resolved by quantum chemical methods. The magnetically induced currents have been calculated with the GIMIC method at the density-functional theory (DFT) level, as well as at the self-consistent field Hartree-Fock (SCF-HF), at the Møller-Plesset perturbation theory of the second order (MP2) and at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) levels of theory. For closed-shell molecules, accurate ring-current strengths can be obtained with a reasonable computational cost at the DFT level and with rather small basis sets. For open-shell molecules, it is shown that correlated methods such as MP2 and CCSD might be needed to obtain reliable charge and spin currents. The basis set convergence has to be checked for open-shell molecules by performing calculations with large enough basis sets. The results discussed in the thesis have been published in eight papers. In addition, some previously unpublished results on the ring currents in the endohedral fullerene Sc3C2@C80 and in coronene are presented. It is shown that dynamical effects should be taken into account when modelling magnetic resonance parameters of endohedral metallofullerenes such as Sc3C2@C80. The ring-current strengths in a series of nano-sized hydrocarbon rings are related to static polarizabilities and to H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shieldings. In a case study on the possible aromaticity of a Möbius-shaped [16]annulene we found that, according to the magnetic criterion, the molecule is nonaromatic. The applicability of the GIMIC method to assign the aromatic character of molecules was confirmed in a study on the ring currents in simple monocylic aromatic, homoaromatic, antiaromatic, and nonaromatic hydrocarbons. Case studies on nanorings, hexaphyrins and [n]cycloparaphenylenes show that explicit calculations are needed to unravel the ring-current delocalization pathways in complex multiring molecules. The open-shell implementation of GIMIC was applied in studies on the charge currents and the spin currents in single-ring and bi-ring molecules with open shells. The aromaticity predictions that are made based on the GIMIC results are compared to other aromaticity criteria such as H-1 NMR shieldings and shifts, electric polarizabilities, bond-length alternation, as well as to predictions provided by the traditional Hückel (4n+2) rule and its more recent extensions that account for Möbius twisted molecules and for molecules with open shells.


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Both semiempirical and ab initio calculations are reported for conformational studies of a series of alpha-substituted acetones CH3COCH2XCH3 where X = CH2, O or S and of phenacyl sulfide PhCOCH2SCH3. For conformational studies in the lowest triplet state of these molecules, the MINDO/3 method was employed in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock frame. Results reveal that rotation around a bond alpha to the carbonyl group is more favourable than that around the beta bond. The preferred conformations in the lowest triplet state are nearly the same as in the ground state.


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Ab initio computations Predict a minimum for a carbon-carbon quadruple bond in C2. While the computed C-C separation, 1.128 angstrom, fits Pauling's bond order-bond length relationship well, this result is an artifact of the restricted Hartree Fock theory.


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We obtain metal-insulator phase diagrams at half-filling for the five-band extended Hubbard model of the square-planar CuO2 lattice treated within a Hartree-Fock mean-field approximation, allowing for spiral spin-density waves. We indicate the existence of an insulating phase (covalent insulator) characterized by strong covalency effects, not identified in the earlier Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen phase diagram. While the insulating phase is always antiferromagnetic, we also obtain an antiferromagnetic metallic phase for a certain range of interaction parameters. Performing a nonperturbative calculation of J(eff), the in-plane antiferromagnetic interaction is presented as a function of the parameters in the model. We also calculate the band gap and magnetic moments at various sites and discuss critically the contrasting interpretation of the electronic structure of high-T(c) materials arising from photoemission and neutron-scattering experiments.


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The BEBO (bond energy-bond order) model of Johnston and Parr is examined with the results of ab initio MO calculations on a series of metathetic reactions which involve hydrogen transfer. Energies are calculated at the 6-31G**/PMP2 = full//6-31G** level while the bond orders are estimated using the 6-31G** basis set with the geometry optimisation at the single configuration unrestricted Hartree-Fock frame. Our analysis reveals that the bond-order exponent in the BEBO theory is greater than unity for the reaction series and the entropy term becomes implicitly present in the BEBO model.


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The charge-transfer complexes of I-2 with the n-donors diethyl ether and diethyl sulfide were studied at the Hartree-Fock and MP2 levels. The structures were fully optimized using the 3-21G((*)) basis set as well as with effective core potentials. The calculations consistently yield a C-2v structure for the ether-I-2 complex, but an unsymmetrical form for the sulfide-I-2 complex. A natural bond orbital analysis and the BSSE-corrected complexation energies reveal stronger interactions in the sulfide complex. The computed orbital energies of the monomers and complexes reproduce the trends in experimentally observed vertical ionization potentials.


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Intramolecular gamma-hydrogen abstraction reactions were examined in pentane-2-one and 2-methyl-1-pentene in their lowest triplet states using the AM1 semi-empirical molecular orbital method with the complete geometry optimization in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock frame. The results reveal that the oxygen atom of the carbonyl group and the end carbon atom of the olefinic bond acquire high free valence and spin density indices in their respective lowest triplet states, leading to abstraction of hydrogen from the gamma-position relative to the carbonyl and olefinic bonds. The theoretical energy profiles fit with a polynomial and the probability of tunneling of hydrogen was estimated by the WKB (Wentzel, Kramer and Brillouin) method. The results, after thermal averaging of the rate constants, reveal that tunneling of hydrogen is significant at room temperature.


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The Norrish type II processes of methyl-2,2-dimethyl- cyclopropyl ketone, alpha-alkoxy acetones and alkyl pyruvates have been examined using the AM1 semi-empirical molecular orbital method with complete geometry optimization at the partial configuration interaction level in the restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) frame. The results reveal that the methyl-substituted cyclopropyl ketone has a constrained geometry favourable for hydrogen abstraction from the gamma-position relative to the carbonyl group in the excited singlet state. The presence of the ether oxygen atom in the beta-position relative to the carbonyl group in alkoxy acetones and alkyl pyruvates leads to increased reactivity relative to alkyl monoketones and diketones respectively. The cyclization of 1:4 biradicals has been studied in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) frame, and the results reveal that the 1:4 biradical derived from alkoxy acetones readily cyclizes to form oxetanols. On the other hand, in the 1:4 biradicals derived from methyl-substituted cyclopropyl ketone, the three-membered ring breaks readily to form an enol intermediate. Delocalization of an odd electron in 1:4 biradicals derived from alkyl pyruvates is thought to make cyclization difficult.


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We use the extended Hubbard model to investigate the properties of the charge- and spin-density-wave phases in the presence of a nearest-neighbors repulsion term in the framework of the slave-boson technique. We show that, contrary to Hartree-Fock results, an instablity may occur for sufficiently high values of the Hubbard repulsion, both in the spin- and charge-density-wave phase, which makes the system discontinuously jump to a phase with a smaller or zero wave amplitude. The limits of applicability of our approach are discussed and our results are compared with previous numerical analysis. The phase diagram of the model at half-filling is determined.


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We show that the third Goldstone mode, which emerges in binary condensates at phase separation, persists to higher interspecies interaction for density profiles where one component is surrounded on both sides by the other component. This is not the case with symmetry-broken density profiles where one species is entirely to the left and the other is entirely to the right. We, then, use Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov theory with Popov approximation to examine the mode evolution at T not equal 0 and demonstrate the existence of mode bifurcation near the critical temperature. The Kohn mode, however, exhibits deviation from the natural frequency at finite temperatures after the phase separation. This is due to the exclusion of the noncondensate atoms in the dynamics.


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A real-space high order finite difference method is used to analyze the effect of spherical domain size on the Hartree-Fock (and density functional theory) virtual eigenstates. We show the domain size dependence of both positive and negative virtual eigenvalues of the Hartree-Fock equations for small molecules. We demonstrate that positive states behave like a particle in spherical well and show how they approach zero. For the negative eigenstates, we show that large domains are needed to get the correct eigenvalues. We compare our results to those of Gaussian basis sets and draw some conclusions for real-space, basis-sets, and plane-waves calculations. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This dissertation presents the results of studies of several rotationally- resolved resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) processes in some simple molecular systems. The objective of these studies is to quantitatively identify the underlying dynamics of this highly state-specific process which utilizes the narrow bandwidth radiation of a laser to ionize a molecule by first preparing an excited state via multiphoton absorption and subsequently ionizing that state before it can decay. Coupled with high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy, REMPI is clearly an important probe of molecular excited states and their photoioniza tion dynamics.

A key feature of our studies is that they are carried out using accurate Hartree-Fock orbitals to describe the photoelectron orbitals of the molecular ions. The use of such photoelectron orbitals is important in rotationally-resolved studies where the angular momentum coupling in the photoelectron orbital plays a significant role in the photoionization dynamics. In these studies the Hartree-Fock molecular molecular photoelectron orbitals are obtained by numerical solution of a Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation.

Studies reported here include investigations of (i) ionic rotational branching ratios and their energy dependence for REMPI via the A^2Σ^+(3sσ) and D^2Σ^+(3pσ)states of NO, (ii) the influence of angular momentum constraints on branching ratios at low photoelectron energies for REMPI via low-J levels of the resonant intermediate state, (iii) the strong dependence of photoelectron angular distributions on final ionic rotational state and on the alignment in REMPI of the A^2Σ^+ state of NO, (iv) vibrational state dependence of ionic rotational branching ratios arising from rapid orbital evolution in resonant states (E'^2Σ^+(3pσ) of CH), (v) the influence of rovibronic interactions on the rotational branching ratios seen in REMPI via the D^2Σ^+(3pσ) state of NO, and (vi) effects of laser intensity on the photoionization dynamics of REMPI.


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We generalize the standard many-body expansion technique that is used to approximate the total energy of a molecular system to enable the treatment of chemical reactions by quantum chemical techniques. By considering all possible assignments of atoms to monomer units of the many-body expansion and associating suitable weights with each, we construct a potential energy surface that is a smooth function of the nuclear positions. We derive expressions for this reactive many-body expansion energy and describe an algorithm for its evaluation, which scales polynomially with system size, and therefore will make the method feasible for future condensed phase simulations. We demonstrate the accuracy and smoothness of the resulting potential energy surface on a molecular dynamics trajectory of the protonated water hexamer, using the Hartree-Fock method for the many-body term and Møller-Plesset theory for the low order terms of the many-body expansion.


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The electron density response of a uniform two-dimensional (2D) electron gas is investigated in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI). It is found that, within the Hartree-Fock approximation, a charge density excitation mode below the cyclotron resonance frequency shows a mode softening behavior, when the spin-orbit coupling strength falls into a certain interval. This mode softening indicates that the ground state of an interacting uniform 2D electron gas may be driven by the Rashba SOI to undergo a phase transition to a nonuniform charge density wave state.