596 resultados para Harlan, Veit


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Coming Into Focus presents a needs assessment related to Iowans with brain injury, and a state action plan to improve Iowa’s ability to meet those needs. Support for this project came from a grant from the Office of Maternal and Child Health to the Iowa Department of Public Health, Iowa’s lead agency for brain injury. The report is a description of the needs of people with brain injuries in Iowa, the status of services to meet those needs and a plan for improving Iowa’s system of supports. Brain injury can result from a skull fracture or penetration of the brain, a disease process such as tumor or infection, or a closed head injury, such as shaken baby syndrome. Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of death and disability in children and young adults (Fick, 1997). In the United States there are as many as 2 million brain injuries per year, with 300,000 severe enough to require hospitalization. Some 50,000 lives are lost every year to TBI. Eighty to 90 thousand people have moderate to acute brain injuries that result in disabling conditions which can last a lifetime. These conditions can include physical impairments, memory defects, limited concentration, communication deficits, emotional problems and deficits in social abilities. In addition to the personal pain and challenges to survivors and their families, the financial cost of brain injuries is enormous. With traumatic brain injuries, it is estimated that in 1995 Iowa hospitals charged some $38 million for acute care for injured persons. National estimates offer a lifetime cost of $4 million for one person with brain injury (Schootman and Harlan, 1997). With this estimate, new injuries in 1995 could eventually cost over $7 billion dollars. Dramatic improvements in medicine, and the development of emergency response systems, means that more people sustaining brain injuries are being saved. How can we insure that supports are available to this emerging population? We have called the report Coming into Focus, because, despite the prevalence and the personal and financial costs to society, brain injury is poorly understood. The Iowa Department of Public Health, the Iowa Advisory Council on Head Injuries State Plan Task Force, the Brain Injury Association of Iowa and the Iowa University Affiliated Program have worked together to begin answering this question. A great deal of good information already existed. This project brought this information together, gathered new information where it was needed, and carried out a process for identifying what needs to be done in Iowa, and what the priorities will be.


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Pieces of Iowa’s Past, published by the Iowa State Capitol Tour Guides weekly during the legislative session, features historical facts about Iowa, the Capitol, and the early workings of state government. All historical publications are reproduced here with the actual spelling, punctuation, and grammar retained. January 16, 2013 THIS WEEK: Iowa Senator James Harlan Becomes U.S. Senator BACKGROUND: Fifth Iowa General Assembly The Fifth Iowa General Assembly convened December 4, 1854, and adjourned January 26, 1855, a 54-day session. The Democrats numbered 17 members in the Senate and 31 members in the House. The Whigs held 14 seats in the Senate and 40 seats in the House—a total of 102 members. Iowa’s population at the 1850 census was 192,214. Iowa’s President of the Senate was Maturin Fisher and the Speaker of the House of Representatives was Rueben Noble. During the Fifth General Assembly, Stephen P. Hempstead finished his term as Governor and James W. Grimes was sworn in as Iowa’s third governor.


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Disposal of used tires has been a problem throughout the United States. The 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) requires the use of recycled rubber in asphalt concrete starting in FY94. A moratorium has delayed this requirement until FY95. The Iowa DOT has researched six projects using crumb rubber modifier in asphalt concrete using the wet process. This process involves using a blender-reactor to blend the asphalt cement and crumb rubber. Using the wet process the asphalt cement has to reach a hotter temperature, than is normally required, for reaction to occur. The wet process is also much more expensive than conventional asphalt. This research deals with using a dry process to incorporate crumb rubber into the asphalt concrete mix. The project was constructed by Western Engineering of Harlan, Iowa, on IA 37 between Earling, Iowa and US 59. It was completed in September 1993. Western Engineering used a double drum mixer to produce the crumb rubber modified asphalt concrete by the dry process. The production and construction went well with minor difficulty and the dry process is a less expensive procedure for producing crumb rubber modified asphalt concrete.


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The distribution and status of Iowa's fishes were last extensively described in Iowa Fish and Fishing (Harlan et al. 1987). Since then, numerous fish collections have been made in Iowa's interior and bordering rivers and streams. Excluding non-native species, there have been three documented accounts of new fish species distributional records in Iowa since 1987. In this paper, I describe new collections of Crystal Darter (Crystallaria asprella) and Bluntnose Darter (Etheostoma chlorosomum) from the Mississippi River. The first documented specimen of C. asprella in Iowa was collected in Pool 11 of the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) in 1995. One specimen of E. chlorosomum was collected in Pool 13 of the UMR in 1998, and another was collected in 1999. The bluntnose darter had not been collected since 1975 and was generally thought to be extirpated in Iowa.


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BACKGROUND: Yellow fever vaccine (17DV) has been investigated incompletely in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients, and adequate immunogenicity and safety are of concern in this population. METHODS: In the Swiss HIV Cohort Study, we identified 102 patients who received 17DV while they were HIV infected. We analyzed neutralization titers (NTs) after 17DV administration using the plaque reduction neutralization test. NTs of 1:>or=10 were defined as reactive, and those of 1:<10 were defined as nonreactive, which was considered to be nonprotective. The results were compared with data for HIV-uninfected individuals. Serious adverse events were defined as hospitalization or death within 6 weeks after receipt of 17DV. RESULTS: At the time of 17DV administration, the median CD4 cell count was 537 cells/mm(3) (range, 11-1730 cells/mm(3)), and the HIV RNA level was undetectable in 41 of 102 HIV-infected patients. During the first year after vaccination, fewer HIV-infected patients (65 [83%] of 78; P = .01) than HIV-uninfected patients revealed reactive NTs, and their NTs were significantly lower (P < .001) than in HIV-uninfected individuals. Eleven patients with initially reactive NTs lost these reactive NTs <or= 5 years after vaccination. Higher NTs during the first year after vaccination were associated with undetectable HIV RNA levels, increasing CD4 cell count, and female sex. We found no serious adverse events after 17DV administration among HIV-infected patients. CONCLUSION: Compared with HIV-uninfected individuals, HIV-infected patients respond to 17DV with lower reactive NTs, more often demonstrate nonprotective NTs, and may experience a more rapid decline in NTs during follow-up. Vaccination with 17DV appears to be safe in HIV-infected individuals who have high CD4 cell counts, although rate of serious adverse events of up to 3% cannot be excluded.


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In this research work we searched for open source libraries which supports graph drawing and visualisation and can run in a browser. Subsequent these libraries were evaluated to find out which one is the best for this task. The result was the d3.js is that library which has the greatest functionality, flexibility and customisability. Afterwards we developed an open source software tool where d3.js was included and which was written in JavaScript so that it can run browser-based.


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RESUMO O caquizeiro é uma planta muito complexa na questão de sua biologia floral, já que pode apresentar três tipos de flor (feminina, masculina ou hermafrodita) ou apenas flores femininas, como no caso das cultivares comerciais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o período de florescimento, os tipos de flores e estimar a viabilidade dos grãos de pólen em nove cultivares de D. kaki e em D. virginiana. As cultivares Pomelo e Rama Forte foram precoces para o início do florescimento. A cultivar Pomelo e a espécie D. virginiana apresentaram produção de flores masculinas, com pólen viável. As nove cultivares de D. kakiestudadas apresentaram produção de flores femininas (também masculinas em Pomelo) como esperado em cultivares comerciais. Porém a cultivar Mikado apresentou, ao final do florescimento, flores com produção de pólen viável, o que ainda não havia sido relatado. A viabilidade dos grãos de pólen, em geral, foi acima de 90% para as cultivares Pomelo e Mikado, e para D. virginiana.


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Neste trabalho avaliou-se a eficiência de diferentes agentes coagulantes no processo de coagulação/floculação no tratamento de efluente de uma indústria de galvanoplastia. Foram avaliados coagulantes do tipo inorgânico (cloreto férrico e sulfato de alumínio) e orgânico (quitosana e sementes de moringa, Tanfloc SG e Acquapol C1). Os parâmetros avaliados foram cor e turbidez. Os testes foram realizados em Jar-Test, utilizando uma velocidade de 120 rpm e um tempo de 1,5 min para a mistura rápida e 20 rpm e 15 min para a mistura lenta. O agente coagulante quitosana apresentou-se como mais promissor para a remoção de cor e turbidez em efluentes de galvanoplastia, removendo 97,76% de cor e 98,06% de turbidez, para a concentração de 7 ppm e tempo de sedimentação de 20 min.


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Devido à grande diversidade de tamanhos amostrais empregados em avaliações de desempenho de mecanismos dosadores de sementes, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tamanho de amostra para experimentos em laboratório, com dosadores de sementes tipo disco alveolado horizontal e pneumático, e estudar o efeito dos tratamentos na regularidade de distribuição de sementes da cultura do milho. Para isso, foi conduzido experimento em condições de laboratório, conforme a norma ISO 7256/1. Os tratamentos compreenderam a combinação de quatro mecanismos dosadores (dois pneumáticos e dois de disco alveolado horizontal), com três velocidades de semeadura, de 0,7; 1,4 e 2,1 m s-1. Foram utilizados os métodos de determinação do tamanho de amostra, intensidade de amostragem e bootstrap adaptado. Quanto à distribuição de sementes, os mecanismos dosadores estudados não apresentam diferenças na regularidade de distribuição, cuja regularidade caiu com aumento da velocidade de deslocamento na média dos dosadores. No que se refere ao tamanho da amostra, é possível reduzir, para a cultura do milho, para 103 espaçamentos entre sementes com nível de erro de 5% da média amostral, independentemente da velocidade de semeadura e mecanismo dosador utilizado.


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A paratuberculose ou doença de Johne é uma enterite granulomatosa causada por Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Descrevem-se os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínico-patológicos e laboratoriais da paratuberculose em rebanho bovino leiteiro no município de Rio Claro, região Sul do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. No período de 2006 a 2009, oito vacas adultas da raça Girolanda apresentaram diarreia crônico-intermitente e perda progressiva de peso. À necropsia, observaram-se linfonodos mesentéricos aumentados de volume e úmidos ao corte, vasos linfáticos subserosos das alças intestinais proeminentes, serosa do intestino com aspecto anelado e cerebroide e a mucosa espessada, pregueada e com aspecto microgranular. À microscopia havia, desde o duodeno até o reto, inflamação granulomatosa difusa, marcada dilatação dos vasos linfáticos no ápice das vilosidades, linfangiectasia e linfangite granulomatosa na submucosa, muscular e serosa. A inflamação granulomatosa também foi vista nos linfonodos mesentéricos. A coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen revelou variável quantidade de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes no interior de macrófagos, de células gigantes de Langhans e livres na mucosa e submucosa dos intestinos delgado e grosso e em linfonodos mesentéricos. Em alguns animais, a lâmina própria da mucosa, principalmente do jejuno e íleo exibia acentuada hipertrofia. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis foi isolado em cultivo bacteriano de Herrold com micobactina, a partir de amostras de fezes, de raspado de mucosa intestinal e de leite e identificado pela técnica de PCR IS900. Através da avaliação sorológica semestral, foram analisadas 298 vacas do mesmo rebanho a partir de três anos de idade, observou-se cerca de 40% de animais reagentes ao teste ELISA indireto no período estudado. O diagnóstico da paratuberculose foi baseado nos dados clínico-patológicos, na sorologia, no isolamento e identificação do agente através de cultivo bacteriano e PCR IS900. Após implementação de medidas de controle, tais como eliminação de animais doentes, abate seletivo dos animais soropositivos, separação dos bezerros ao nascer e utilização de banco de colostro, observou-se, nos três anos de estudo, diminuição da ocorrência de casos clínicos no rebanho, de seis casos por ano para cerca de um caso por ano.


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Chronic kidney disease is characterized by a progressive reduction of glomerular filtration rate and/or the appearance of proteinuria, and subsequently the progressive retention of organic waste compounds called uremic toxins (UT). Over the last decades, a large number of such compounds have been identified and their effects on organs and tissues, especially the cardiovascular system, has been demonstrated. In this review, we present the current classification of UT, as proposed by the EUTox Group, and the effects of some of the probably most important UTs, such as phosphate, FGF-23, PTH, AGEs, indoxyl sulfate and para-cresyl sulfate. We provide an overview on therapeutic approaches aimed to increase their extracorporeal removal via convective and/or adsorptive strategies and to lower their intestinal production/ absorption via dietetic and pharmacological interventions. The recognition that multiple toxins contribute to the uremia supports the need for new therapeutic targets, with a potentially positive impact on CKD progression and survival.


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Introduction: Experimental studies have suggested that indoxyl sulfate (IS), a protein-bound uremic toxin, may be involved in the development of renal osteodystrophy. Objective: evaluate the association between IS levels and biochemical parameters related to mineral metabolism and bone histomorphometry in a cohort of pre-dialysis chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. Methods: This is a post-hoc analysis of an observational study evaluating the association between coronary calcification and bone biopsy findings in 49 patients (age: 52 ± 10 years; 67% male; estimated glomerular filtration rate: 36 ± 17 ml/min). Serum levels of IS were measured. Results: Patients at CKD stages 2 and 3 presented remarkably low bone formation rate. Patients at CKD stages 4 and 5 presented significantly higher osteoid volume, osteoblast and osteoclast surface, bone fibrosis volume and bone formation rate and a lower mineralization lag time than CKD stage 2 and 3 patients. We observed a positive association between IS levels on one hand and the bone formation rate, osteoid volume, osteoblast surface and bone fibrosis volume on the other. Multivariate regression models confirmed that the associations between IS levels and osteoblast surface and bone fibrosis volume were both independent of demographic and biochemical characteristics of the study population. A similar trend was observed for the bone formation rate. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that IS is positively associated with bone formation rate in pre-dialysis CKD patients.