198 resultados para Harconia speciosa
Il numero di nuove sostanze psicoattive (NSP) acquistabile in internet e le informazioni relative alla loro modalit di assunzione a scopi curativi, ricreazionali e spirituali, stanno aumentando costantemente. Nomi come legal highs, herbal highs e etno-drugs, inducono i consumatori a credere che questi prodotti siano sicuri e naturali, sottostimandone o volutamente trascurandone le loro potenzialit farmaco-tossicologiche. Oltre a questo, limpiego di sostanze naturali tradizionalmente impiegate allinterno di un rituale ben definito in etnie specifiche, in nuovi contesti ricreativi, porta spesso allabuso delle stesse sostanze (Marti, 2013; 2015). Infatti, mentre luso tradizionale/etnico di queste sostanze naturali, non sembra essere associato a dipendenza, intossicazioni o problemi legati alla salute, una volta raggiunto il mercato mondiale, si assiste invece ad una escalation di problematiche ed intossicazioni. Queste derivano soprattutto dal fatto che uscendo da un contesto tradizionale per accedere in uno prettamente ricreazionale, cambiano numerosi fattori fondamentali tra cui: la via di somministrazione, la quantit assunta, lassunzione di sostanze pure e la co-somministrazione con altre sostanze psicoattive.
Hancornia speciosa Gomes uma espcie conhecida popularmente no Brasil como mangabeira, cujo fruto apresenta alto valor nutricional. O conhecimento sobre a sua fisiologia ainda escasso, principalmente no que se refere ao desenvolvimento inicial. Dessa forma, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes nveis de dficit hdrico sobre o padro de crescimento, fluorescncia de clorofila e relaes hdricas em mudas de mangabeira. Foi utilizado um esquema fatorial (tratamentos x poca de avaliao) com quatro tratamentos hdricos com base na capacidade de campo (CC) (80%, 60%, 40% e 20%), com cinco repeties. Foram avaliados a altura das plantas, nmero de folhas, dimetro do caule, produo e partio de biomassa, eficincia quntica do fotossistema II (PSII), potencial hdrico (?w), teor relativo de gua (TRA) e teor de carboidratos, protenas e prolina. O dficit hdrico severo (20% CC) levou a uma reduo no crescimento e alterou o padro de partio de biomassa nas mudas. No entanto, as relaes hdricas no foram significativamente afetadas, pois as mudas mantiveram altos valores de ?w e TRA, sem acmulos significativos nos teores de solutos orgnicos quando cultivadas com 20%CC. Alm do mais, a eficincia quntica do PSII no foi afetada pelos diferentes regimes hdricos, sugerindo que no houve fotoinibio devido ao estresse hdrico. A mudana no padro de crescimento, com um incremento no aprofundamento das razes e reduo no crescimento da parte area parece ser a principal estratgia das mudas de H. speciosa para a manuteno da hidratao dos tecidos durante perodos de dficit hdrico.
Considering the importance of water content for the conservation and storage of seeds, and the involvement of soluble carbohydrates and lipids for embryo development, a comparative study was carried out among the seeds of Inga vera (ing), Eugenia uniflora (pitanga), both classified as recalcitrant, and Caesalpinia echinata (brazilwood) and Erythrina speciosa (mulungu), considered as orthodox seeds. Low concentrations of cyclitols (0.3-0.5%), raffinose family oligosaccharides (ca. 0.05%) and unsaturated fatty acids (0-19%) were found in the seeds of ing and pitanga, while larger amounts of cyclitols (2-3%) and raffinose (4.6-13%) were found in brazilwood and mulungu, respectively. These results, in addition to higher proportions of unsaturated fatty acids (53-71%) in orthodox seeds, suggested that sugars and lipids played important role in water movement, protecting the embryo cell membranes against injuries during dehydration.
Mimetic seeds simulate the appearance of fleshy fruits and arilled seeds without producing nutritive tissues as a reward for seed dispersers. In this strategy of seed dispersal, seeds may remain attached to the mother plant for long periods after maturity, increasing their availability to naive seed dispersers. The hypothesis that seed coat impermeability in many tropical Fabaceae with mimetic seeds serves as an exaptation to protect the seeds from deterioration and rotting while awaiting dispersal was investigated. Seed coat impermeability was evaluated in five mimetic-seeded species of tropical Fabaceae in south-eastern Brazil (Abarema langsdorffii, Abrus precatorius, Adenanthera pavonina, Erythrina velutina and Ormosia arborea) and in Erythrina speciosa, a `basal` species in its genus, which has monochromatic brown seeds and no mimetic displays. Seed hardness was evaluated as a defence against accelerated ageing (humid chamber at 41 degrees C for 144 h). Seed development and physiological potential of O. arborea was evaluated and the effect of holding mature seeds in pods on the mother plant in the field for a period of 1 year under humid tropical conditions was compared with seeds stored under controlled conditions (15 degrees C and 40 % relative air humidity). All five mimetic-seeded species, and E. speciosa, showed strong coat impermeability, which protected the seeds against deterioration in accelerated ageing. Most O. arborea seeds only became dormant 2 months after pod dehiscence. Germination of seeds after 1 year on the plant in a humid tropical climate was 56 %, compared with 80 % for seeds stored in controlled conditions (15 degrees C, 45 % relative humidity). Seedling shoot length after 1 year did not differ between seed sources. Dormancy acts in mimetic-seeded species as an exaptation to reduce seed deterioration, allowing an increase in their effective dispersal period and mitigating the losses incurred by low removal rates by naive avian frugivores.
This study used for the first time LC-MS/MS for the analysis of mitragynine (MIT), a mu-opioid agonist with antinociceptive and antitussive properties, in rat plasma. Mitragynine and the internal standard (amitriptyline) were extracted from plasma with hexane-isoamyl alcohol and resolved on a Lichrospher (R) RP-SelectB column (9.80 and 12.90 min, respectively). The quantification limit was 0.2 ng/mL within a linear range of 0.2-1000 ng/mL The method was applied to quantify mitragynine in plasma samples of rats (n = 8 per sampling time) treated with a single oral dose of 20 mg/kg. The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained (mean): maximum plasma concentration: 424 ng/mL; time to reach maximum plasma concentration: 1.26 h; elimination half-life: 3.85 h, apparent total clearance: 6.35 L/h/kg, and apparent volume of distribution: 37.90 L/kg. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The phylogeny of the Australian legume genus Daviesia was estimated using sequences of the internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Partial congruence was found with previous analyses using morphology, including strong support for monophyly of the genus and for a sister group relationship between the clade D. pachyloma and the rest of the genus. A previously unplaced bird-pollinated species, anceps + D. D. epiphyllum, was well supported as sister to the only other bird-pollinated species in the genus, D. speciosa, indicating a single origin of bird pollination in their common ancestor. Other morphological groups within Daviesia were not supported and require reassessment. A strong and previously unreported sister clade of Daviesia consists of the two monotypic genera Erichsenia and Viminaria. These share phyllode-like leaves and indehiscent fruits. The evolutionary history of cord roots, which have anomalous secondary thickening, was explored using parsimony. Cord roots are limited to three separate clades but have a complex history involving a small number of gains (most likely 0-3) and losses (0-5). The anomalous structure of cord roots ( adventitious vascular strands embedded in a parenchymatous matrix) may facilitate nutrient storage, and the roots may be contractile. Both functions may be related to a postfire resprouting adaptation. Alternatively, cord roots may be an adaptation to the low-nutrient lateritic soils of Western Australia. However, tests for association between root type, soil type, and growth habit were equivocal, depending on whether the variables were treated as phylogenetically dependent (insignificant) or independent ( significant).
INTRODUCTION: This study analyzed the occurrence and the contamination of triatomines by trypanosomatids in Orbignya speciosa (babassu) specimens in the State of Rondnia, Brazil, in two different environments (pasture and woods). METHODS: Capture of triatomines on babassus and microscopic search for trypanosomatids in their digestive tube were carried out. RESULTS: Four hundred ninety-four (494) specimens were captured (Rhodnius prolixus and R.robustus), of which 35.6% of the triatomines were positive for trypanosomatids. CONCLUSIONS: The high index of natural infection along with the abundance of triatomines points out to the necessity to create an epidemiological surveillance system to monitor vector-borne transmission and deepen the studies on the ecology of such vectors in the Amazon.
Introduction: This study reports for the first time the infection of Rhodnius montenegrensis by Trypanosoma rangeli. Methods: The triatomines were manually collected in Attalea speciosa in the municipality of Buritis, Rondônia. The identification of the trypanosomatid species was confirmed by multiplex PCR. Results: All of the collected triatomines were R. montenegrensis. The analysis confirmed that all of the adults were infected with the epimastigote form of T. rangeli. Conclusions: This report of a new vector of T. rangeli raises a warning for the State of Rondônia because the simultaneous presence of T. rangeli with T. cruzi in the same geographic region enables the occurrence of mixed infections in hosts and vectors, which complicates the differential diagnosis.
RESUMOO presente trabalho prope a identificao de atividade antimicrobiana em leos essenciais de plantas odorferas da regio amaznica. As plantas que foram selecionadas, quatorze ao todo, so usadas em banhos aromticos e como desinfetantes de roupas e armrios. Entre nove bactrias patognicas utilizadas para os ensaios, os leos de Piper hispidinervium, Abina rosaeodora e Alpinia speciosa apresentaram atividade antibacteriana contra cinco destas bactrias, pelo menos. Separao e purificao dos componentes volteis de P. hispidinervium e A. rosaeodora levaram a identificao de safrol e linalol, respectivamente, como sendo os responsveis por esta atividade antimicrobiana. Quanto ao leo de A. speciosa, face a multiplicidade de constituintes na mistura, mesmo tendo-se conhecimento de sua composio qumica, no foi possvel relacion-los atividade antibacteriana observada.
Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar a dinâmica florestal, sobretudo da regeneração natural, em um fragmento de floresta tropical primária, entre 1998 c 1999, em Peixe-Boi (PA). Foram demarcadas três parcelas permanentes (1 ha cada) onde todos os indivíduos com DAP ≥ 10 cm foram registrados; os indivíduos com 10cm ≥ DAP ≥ 5cm foram amostrados em 6.000 m2, aqueles entre 5cm ≥ DAP ≥ 2cm em 2.400 m2 e com DAP ≤ 2cm em 240 m2. Foram estimados 143.000 indivíduos, desde plântulas até árvores pertencentes a 337 espécies e 76 famílias. Mimosaceae foi a família de maior riqueza (44 espécies); 14 famílias ocorreram com uma única espécie sendo que metade delas apresentaram também um único indivíduo. Independentemente da classe diamétrica verificou-se o egresso de 56 espécies versus o ingresso de 68, gerando um ganho líquido de 12 espécies. A dinâmica da composição e da abundância da regeneração natural foi muito intensa. Observou-se a saída de uma família face ao ingresso de outras 14, aumentando cm quase 30% o número de espécies. A maior mortalidade foi verificada em Bauhinia cf. rutilans e Mabea aff. speciosa (300 e 21 indivíduos). Rinorea negleta e Leçythis idatimon recrutaram 171 e 89 espécimes. A razão recrutamento/ mortalidade foi, em quaisquer das classes diamétricas, sempre superior a unidade. O estoque de mudas para se obter uma árvore, uma arvoreta e uma vara foi, respectivamente de 297, 160 e 48 mudas. O número de espécies e a abundância aumentaram no período, assim como a área basal e a biomassa.
A palmeira babau (Attalea speciosa C.Martius, Arecaceae) tem grande importncia socioeconmica e ecolgica em grande parte da rea tropical brasileira, especialmente em reas degradadas por queimadas freqentes na Amaznia. No entanto, ainda pouco se sabe sobre as caractersticas ecolgicas desta espcie-chave. Este estudo investiga a alometria do babau com o objetivo de estabelecer uma metodologia eficiente na estimativa da biomassa area de palmeiras juvenis e adultas e para um melhor entendimento da sua arquitetura. A biomassa de palmeiras juvenis pode ser estimada facilmente e com preciso com o dimetro mnimo das rquis das folhas a 30 cm de extenso. A biomassa de palmeiras adultas pode ser estimada com base na altura do tronco lenhoso, tambm relativamente de fcil medio em campo. A biomassa foliar das palmeiras adultas foi em media 31,7% da biomassa area, porm houve uma alta variao e, portanto, somente pode ser estimada indiretamente atravs da relao entre a razo madeira:folha e biomassa area total. Os teores de carbono no babau apresentaram baixa variao, sem diferenas sistemticas em relao ao tamanho ou estgio de crescimento, o que aponta aplicabilidade geral dos valores 42.5% C para troncos, 39.8% C para folhas. Em conseqncia do limitado crescimento secundrio do dimetro inerente de palmeiras, no houve relao do dimetro de tronco com a altura e a biomassa das palmeiras adultas. Observou-se que o afilamento do caule diminui com o aumento da altura das palmeiras, o que parcialmente compensado pelo incremento da densidade de madeira em troncos quase-cilndricos. No entanto, a altura mxima do babau, de cerca de 30 metros, aparentemente est definida por limitaes na estabilidade mecnica. Todas as relaes alomtricas aqui descritas so independentes da idade da vegetao, indicando a aplicabilidade geral das relaes encontradas.
Schefflera morototoni fruits are important food source for neotropical frugivorous birds. The objectives of the present study were to record bird species that consumed fruits of S. morototoni in a forest in the transition Cerrado-Amazon Forest, Mato Grosso, Brazil and evaluate the potential of these bird species as seed dispersers of this plant species. During 31 observation hours, from November 1 to 5, 2011, 23 bird species were recorded consuming S. morototoni fruits. Out of these, 20 bird species were considered potential seed dispersers, as they swallow the fruits whole. The species consuming the greatest number of fruits were Aburria cujubi (24% of total consumed fruits), Pteroglossus castanotis (18%), Tangara palmarum (12%), Patagioenas speciosa (11%), Ramphastos toco (8%), and Dacnis lineata (5%). The species T. palmarum showed the highest visit frequency (VF = 1.51), followed by P. castanotis (VF = 0.80), and D. lineata (VF = 0.77). All bird species employed picking foraging method for removal of fruits and in 11 species (48%) this method was the only one used. Agonistic interactions represented 13% of the total number of visits. Dacnis lineata received the highest number of attacks and P. castanotis and Pitangus sulphuratus were the more aggressive species. The high bird richness and the great number of consumed fruits indicated that the fruits of S. morototoni may be an important food resource for birds in the Cerrado-Amazon Forest transition
During two consecutive years, from January 1985 to December 1986, a comparative study of mosquitoes preferences for breeding habitat was carried out in the Atlantic Forest of the Serra do Mar, Paran State, Brazil. To achieve it, 1875 bamboo internodes aligned vertically in live green, bamboo plants Merostachys speciosa Munro and Merostachys sp. were used, in which metabolic water was exuded from the plant itself, and presenting different size/pattern holes at their lateral walls, bored by the local sylvan fauna. Another group of 1200 individual internode traps was used as comparative element, carved out with a transversal cut by a saw, filled with local stream water and held in branches at different heights in the vegetal strata nearby. At both microhabitat types, a total of 17 culicid species was registered. Culex (Microculex) neglectus Lutz, 1904, Cx. (Carrollia) soperi Antunes & Lane, 1937, Sabethes (Sabethes) batesi Lane & Cerqueira, 1942 and Sa. (Sabethinus) melanonymphe (Dyar, 1924)colonized exclusively live plant internodes, while Culex (Microculex) elongatus Rozeboom & Lane, 1950, Cx. (Carrollia) iridescens (Lutz, 1905), Cx. (Carrollia) kompi Valencia,1973and Trichoprosopon (Trichoprosopon) soaresi Dyar & Knab, 1907 bred only in internode traps. The remaining nine species colonized both habitats indistinctly. Quantitatively, was detected the abundance of 60.1% at live green internodes, against 39.9% for internode traps. Concerning the different patterns of bored live internode holes, 40.3% of the total computed specimens were collected in square or rectangular holes, 31.9% in two hole internodes, one minute circular, the other wider, and the remaining 28.8% of specimens distributed in other pattern type internodes. The mosquitoes breeding at these microhabitats fall in the culicid entomofauna specialized at locating and detecting peculiar and propitious mesogen conditions for breeding purposes.