977 resultados para Hall, S. C. (Samuel Carter), 1800-1889.
Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito de inseticidas em insetos predadores em cultura de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum L.), instalaram-se, em 1993-1994, dois experimentos, um no campo, e outro, em laboratório. No experimento realizado no campo, os tratamentos foram: Fipronil 200 SC (75 g/ha de i.a.); Fipronil 800 WDG (64, 80 e 100 g/ha de i.a.); Endosulfan 350 CE (700 g/ha de i.a.); e testemunha. em laboratório, além das formulações à base de Fipronil foi utilizado o Paration metílico 600 CE (480 g/ha de i.a.). Fipronil foi seletivo para os artrópodes predadores (Scymnus sp., Geocoris ventralis, Cycloneda sanguinea e Doru lineare) no campo, e a Cycloneda sanguinea (L.), em laboratório, e pode ser recomendado em programas de manejo integrado de pragas na cultura do algodoeiro para o controle de Alabama argillacea (Rueb.), e Anthonomus grandis Boh. Endosulfan foi seletivo em relação a Scymnus sp., Geocoris ventralis Thomazini e Doru lineare (Eschs) no campo, com uma redução dos insetos inferior a 30%, e o Paration metílico não foi seletivo para C. sanguinea em laboratório.
Zircon samples from the Cenozoic So Paulo and Taubaté Basins and Mantiqueira Mountain Range (southeast Brazil) were concomitantly dated by zircon Fission Track Method (FTM) and in situ U-Pb dating method. While FTM detrital-zircon data are ideally used to provide low-temperature information, U-Pb single detrital grain ages record the time of zircon formation in igneous or high grade metamorphic environments. This methodology may be used to study the possible sources of the basins sediments. The results suggest that the So Paulo Basin is composed of sediments from just one source, the Mantiqueira Mountain Range. On the other hand, the Taubaté Basin presents further sediment sources besides the Mantiqueira Mountain Range. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A idéia central desenvolvida neste trabalho é que os estudos realizados sobre o deslocamento compulsrio provocado pela construção de barragens, embora mencionem a dimenso do sofrimento social, não a submetem à análise. E, portanto, contornam ou deslocam o sentido subjetivo expresso no lamento e na dor, que é constitutivo deste processo social. Partindo do princpio de que os fatos analisados so socialmente compartilhados e construídos, portanto, portam sentidos mais ou menos duradouros ou mais ou menos perceptíveis - de todo modo, publicizados - que, por vezes, entre si interagem sob a forma de conflito, busco realizar uma análise do modo pelo qual esses sentidos se conformam em três situações sociais distintas e interligadas. Na primeira, a arena pública, examino a controvérsia sobre as principais categorias de classificação do processo de deslocamento compulsrio, seus contextos e principais atores, tentando evidenciar os fundamentos de construção das retóricas, na disputa para fazer prevalecer uma determinada avaliação política e social deste processo. Nessa análise, destaco o conteúdo que se estabiliza e a intervenção de um ator o Banco Mundial e o seu papel na conformação de uma expertise sobre o tema. Na segunda situação social, o universo acadêmico, busco evidenciar o atual estágio dos estudos sobre o deslocamento compulsrio, situando os principais eixos teóricos, de modo a salientar a relação entre campo disciplinar e interpretação, sobretudo, a hegemonia de temas disciplinares, nos quais não se inclui a análise do sofrimento. Por outro lado, ressalvo que, graças ao rigor desses estudos (muitos de cunho etnográfico), pode-se encontrar a referência ao sofrimento social vivido pelos grupos submetidos ao processo de deslocamento compulsrio, permitindo-me fundamentar a hipótese advinda de minha própria investigação. Na terceira, analiso o processo de deslocamento compulsrio, a partir de pesquisa realizada em Tucuruí (Pará Amazônia Brasil), evidenciando os sentidos do sofrimento social evocados por atores que o vivenciaram, destacando: a) a ausncia de parâmetros para avaliar as conseqüências do processo vivido, tanto porque é uma situação inusitada quanto porque o próprio empreendimento desencadeia outras transformações locais e regionais que não so dadas a priori; b) a incessante busca de reposição de uma situação perdida ou almejada, que pode ser vista nos fóruns públicos (assembléias, reuniões, encontros), aqui considerados como fóruns de lamento, porque so, concomitantemente, lugar da reivindicação pública e espaços de encontro com a própria história e, por conseqüência, espaços de recordação e enunciação das perdas; c) o caráter de irreversibilidade, que reveste a construção social do sofrimento. Por fim, tento mostrar os constrangimentos, sobretudo econômicos, que se verificam na passagem da dimenso do sofrimento para a arena pública.
This panel session explores how the dynamics of race and gender within university settings influence Asian women’s experiences in graduate psychology programs.
We extend and provide a vector-valued version of some results of C. Samuel about the geometric relations between the spaces of nuclear operators N(E, F) and spaces of compact operators K(E, F), where E and F are Banach spaces C(K) of all continuous functions defined on the countable compact metric spaces K equipped with the supremum norm. First we continue Samuel's work by proving that N(C(K-1), C(K-2)) contains no subspace isomorphic to K(C(K-3), C(K-4)) whenever K-1, K-2, K-3 and K-4 are arbitrary infinite countable compact metric spaces. Then we show that it is relatively consistent with ZFC that the above result and the main results of Samuel can be extended to C(K-1, X), C(K-2,Y), C(K-3, X) and C(K-4, Y) spaces, where K-1, K-2, K-3 and K-4 are arbitrary infinite totally ordered compact spaces; X comprises certain Banach spaces such that X* are isomorphic to subspaces of l(1); and Y comprises arbitrary subspaces of l(p), with 1 < p < infinity. Our results cover the cases of some non-classical Banach spaces X constructed by Alspach, by Alspach and Benyamini, by Benyamini and Lindenstrauss, by Bourgain and Delbaen and also by Argyros and Haydon.
Back Cover Text This collection covers how success and well-being relate to each other in early career development in the domains of employment and education. It gives a conceptual overview of success and well-being as established in the psychological research tradition, complemented by educational and sociological approaches. The volume presents articles on success and well-being in applied contexts, such as well-being as an individual resource during school-to-work transition, or well-being and success at the workplace. Work psychologists, social psychologists, educational researchers, and sociologists will find this book valuable, as it provides unique insights into social and psychological processes afforded by the combination of disciplines, concepts, and a diversity of approaches. Table of Contents Acknowledgements 1. Introduction Robin Samuel, Manfred Max Bergman, Anita C. Keller and Norbert K. Semmer 2. The Influence of Career Success on Subjective Well-Being Andrea E. Abele-Brehm 3. Upper-Secondary Educational Trajectories and Young Men’s and Women’s Self-Esteem Development in Switzerland Sybille Bayard, Monika Staffelbach, Phillip Fischer and Marlies Buchmann. 4. Young People’s Progress after Dropout from Vocational Edu-cation and Training: Transitions and Occupational Integration at Stake. Longitudinal Qualitative Perspective Barbara Duc and Nadia Lamamra 5. Success, Well-Being and Social Recognition: An Interactional Perspective on Vocational Training Practices Stefano A. Losa, Barbara Duc and Laurent Filliettaz. 6. Agentic Pathways toward Fulfillment in Work Jeylan T. Mortimer, Mike Vuolo and Jeremy Staff 7. The How and Why of the Relationship between Job Insecuri-ty, Subjective Career Success, and Turnover Intention Ccile Tschopp and Gudela Grote 8. Work Experiences and Well-Being in the First Years of Professional Work in Switzerland: A Ten-Year Follow-up Study Wolfgang Kälin, Anita C. Keller, Franziska Tschan, Achim Elfering and Norbert K. Semmer 9. The Meaning and Measurement of Well-Being as an Indicator of Success Anita C. Keller, Norbert K. Semmer, Robin Samuel and Manfred Max Bergman
The ÆQUAS (a German acronym for “Work Experiences and Quality of Life in Switzerland”) study followed young workers in five occupations over their first ten years in the labor market. Participants of the study reported on working conditions and well-being at five occasions. Overall, resources at work as well as well-being, health and personal resources remained stable or increased. Concurrently, task-related stressors increased as well. This result may reflect career progress (e.g., gaining more responsibilities may be accompanied by increasing time pressure) but development in task-related stressors as well as resources may also be related to specific occupations. Several trajectories had their turning point after the first or second year of being in the labor market, which may reflect a successful professional socialization. Even though a substantial number of participants did change their occupation over these ten years (with benefits for their well-being), development over the first ten years after vocational training implies a successful transition into labor market.
auch nicht von Teller sondern von einem Erbfeinde der Juden, wie sie sind und von einem wahren Menschenfreunde und Freunde der Duldung
von S. Samuel
Leipzig, Univ., Diss., 1889
von Elias Karpeles
von David Leimdörfer
Extensive studies of the β-phaseolin (phas) gene in transgenic tobacco have shown that it is highly active during seed embryogenesis but is completely silent in leaf and other vegetative tissues. In vivo footprinting revealed that the lack of even basal transcriptional activity in vegetative tissues is associated with the presence of a nucleosome that is rotationally positioned with base pair precision over three phased TATA boxes present in the phas promoter. Positioning is sequence-dependent because an identical rotational setting is obtained upon nucleosome reconstitution in vitro. A comparison of DNase I and dimethyl sulfate footprints in vivo and in vitro strongly suggests that this repressive chromatin architecture is remodeled concomitant with gene activation in the developing seed. This leads to the disruption of histone-mediated DNA wrapping and the assembly of the TATA boxes into a transcriptionally competent nucleoprotein complex.
The superficial gray layer of the superior colliculus contains a map that represents the visual field, whereas the underlying intermediate gray layer contains a vector map of the saccades that shift the direction of gaze. These two maps are aligned so that a particular region of the visual field is represented directly above the neurons that orient the highest acuity area of the retina toward that region. Although it has been proposed that the transmission of information from the visuosensory to the motor map plays an important role in the generation of visually guided saccades, experiments have failed to demonstrate any functional linkage between the two layers. We examined synaptic transmission between these layers in vitro by stimulating the superficial layer while using whole-cell patch-clamp methods to measure the responses of intermediate layer neurons. Stimulation of superficial layer neurons evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents in premotor cells. This synaptic input was columnar in organization, indicating that the connections between the layers link corresponding regions of the visuosensory and motor maps. Excitatory postsynaptic currents were large enough to evoke action potentials and often occurred in clusters similar in duration to the bursts of action potentials that premotor cells use to command saccades. Our results indicate the presence of functional connections between the superficial and intermediate layers and show that such connections could play a significant role in the generation of visually guided saccades.