142 resultados para Habituation


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Olfaction is an ancient sensory capability, and yet while it is now widely recognized that birds have olfactory mechanisms, use of the sense within a social context has been largely overlooked. In our study, we aimed to determine, for the first time, whether plumage odour may contribute to avian subspecies discrimination. We used a species complex, the crimson rosella, Platycercus elegans, which exhibits large geographical and phenotypic differences. Across 2 years in a wild population of P.elegans elegans we tested whether females at the nest could: (1) discriminate odours of conspecifics; (2) discriminate odours of subspecies; (3) discriminate odours of sexes of conspecifics; and (4) habituate at different rates to odour treatments. We found that female response differed between odours of feathers of consubspecifics, heterosubspecifics, heterospecific controls and sham controls and between odours of sexes of conspecifics. Across all odour treatments, we found habituation to the odour and the rate of habituation differed between odour treatments. Our results indicate that P.e. elegans females are able to discriminate conspecifics, consubspecifics and sexes based on plumage odour. To our knowledge, this is the first work to show that birds of a certain subspecies can discriminate the odour of its own subspecies from that of other subspecies. Our findings suggest that olfaction in birds may play a larger role than hitherto considered, and may even act as a signal to maintain or promote population divergence. © 2014 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.


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© 2015 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Broad sense repeatability, which refers to the extent to which individual differences in trait scores are maintained over time, is of increasing interest to researchers studying behavioural or physiological traits. Broad sense repeatability is most often inferred from the statistic R (the intraclass correlation, or narrow sense repeatability). However, R ignores change over time, despite the inherent longitudinal nature of the data (repeated measures over time). Here, we begin by showing that most studies ignore time-related change when estimating broad sense repeatability, and estimate R with low statistical power. Given this problem, we (1) outline how and why ignoring time-related change in scores (that occurs for whatever reason) can seriously affect estimates of the broad sense repeatability of behavioural or physiological traits, (2) discuss conditions in which various indices of R can or cannot provide reliable estimates of broad sense repeatability, and (3) provide suggestions for experimental designs for future studies. Finally, given that we already have abundant evidence that many labile traits are 'repeatable' in that broad sense (i.e. R>. 0), we suggest a shift in focus towards obtaining robust estimates of the repeatability of behavioural and physiological traits. Given how labile these traits are, this will require greater experimental (and/or statistical) control and larger sample sizes in order to detect and quantify change over time (if present).


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 BACKGROUND: Interactions between wildlife and humans are increasing. Urban animals are often less wary of humans than their non-urban counterparts, which could be explained by habituation, adaptation or local site selection. Under local site selection, individuals that are less tolerant of humans are less likely to settle in urban areas. However, there is little evidence for such temperament-based site selection, and even less is known about its underlying genetic basis. We tested whether site selection in urban and non-urban habitats by black swans (Cygnus atratus) was associated with polymorphisms in two genes linked to fear in animals, the dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4) and serotonin transporter (SERT) genes.

RESULTS: Wariness in swans was highly repeatable between disturbance events (repeatability = 0.61) and non-urban swans initiated escape from humans earlier than urban swans. We found no inter-individual variation in the SERT gene, but identified five DRD4 genotypes and an association between DRD4 genotype and wariness. Individuals possessing the most common DRD4 genotype were less wary than individuals possessing rarer genotypes. As predicted by the local site selection hypothesis, genotypes associated with wary behaviour were over three times more frequent at the non-urban site. This resulted in moderate population differentiation at DRD4 (FST = 0.080), despite the sites being separated by only 30 km, a short distance for this highly-mobile species. Low population differentiation at neutrally-selected microsatellite loci and the likely occasional migration of swans between the populations reduces the likelihood of local site adaptations.

CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that wariness in swans is partly genetically-determined and that wary swans settle in less-disturbed areas. More generally, our findings suggest that site-specific management strategies may be necessary that consider the temperament of local animals.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the reliability of middle distance cycling time trials using fast-, even-, and slow-starts. Eighteen endurance-trained male cyclists [mean ± standard deviation; VO2peak 63.1 ± 6.1 mL⋅kg-1⋅min-1] performed nine cycling time trials where the total external work (96.5 ± 11.2 kJ) was identical to the better of two, 5-minute habituation time trials. Power output during the first quarter of the time-trials (24.1 ± 2.8 kJ) was fixed to induce fast-, even- or slow-starting strategies (60, 75 and 90 s, respectively). In consecutive sessions, participants performed three trials of each pacing condition although the order of these pacing conditions was counterbalanced. Average power output and performance time were unaffected by trial number in the fast- (P = 0.60), even- (P = 0.18) and slow-start (P = 0.53) trials. In all three pacing conditions, average power output was highly reliable and similar between trial 1 to 2 and trial 2 to 3 in fast- (standard error of measurement; SEM=8.3 and 8.2W), even (coefficient of variation; CV=2.8 and 2.4%) and slow-start (CV=2.4 and 1.5%) trials. In conclusion, the reproducibility of 5-min cycling time trials is unaffected by starting strategy and is acceptable following two selfpaced habituation trials. Research examining the influence of pacing strategies may therefore be conducted without the need for familiarisation trials using each individual pacing condition.


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A esquizofrenia envolve um conjunto de sintomas de sensopercepção, cognição e afeto que compromete significativamente a vida do sujeito. O mais aceito modelo para se entender essa doença é o modelo de hiperatividade dopaminérgica, pois drogas como anfetamina e cocaína, que aumentam a atividade dopaminérgica, mimetizam alguns sintomas dessa patologia, e os fármacos usados para o tratamento são os que bloqueiam os receptores de dopamina. Além da dopamina, o sistema glutamatérgico também tem sido relacionado à esquizofrenia, pelo fato de antagonistas de receptores glutamatérgicos do tipo NMDA, tais como PCP, MK-801 e cetamina, provocarem alguns sintomas dessa doença, como desorganização cognitiva e delírios em pessoas saudáveis. adenosina, por sua vez, desempenha um papel neuromodulatório tanto da atividade dopaminérgica quanto da atividade glutamatérgica, inibindo o tônus de ambos neurotransmissores por diferentes vias. Assim, sugerimos que antagonistas de receptores adenosinérgicos, como a cafeína, também seriam um modelo farmacológico para a doença. Com base nisso, demonstramos previamente que camundongos tratados cronicamente com cafeína desenvolvem tolerância cruzada ao efeito do antagonista NMDA MK-801 em provocar hiperlocomoção, mas não em seu déficit cognitivo na esquiva inibitória. Buscando ampliar e melhor caracterizar essa interação, os seguintes parâmetros foram avaliados em camundongos: atividade locomotora realizando-se as curvas de dose e de tempo; memória de trabalho, avaliada na tarefa de alternação tardia; memória de longa duração, avaliada na tarefa de esquiva inibitória e a avaliação de ataxia. Os resultados nos mostraram que camundongos subcronicamente tratados com cafeína na bebida (1 mg/mL, por 1, 3, ou 7 dias) apresentaram habituação semelhante entre os grupos e que MK-801 (0,25 mg/kg, i.p.) produziu hiperlocomoção nos animais tratados com água e 1 dia de cafeína, com efeito diminuído depois de 3 dias e praticamente abolido depois de 7 dias. Depois de 7 dias, o efeito também foi dose-dependente, sem tolerância cruzada na dose de 0,1 mg/mL, intermediária na dose de 0,3 mg/mL e total a 1,0 mg/mL. Os escores de ataxia induzidos por 0,5 mg/kg de MK-801 não foram afetados pelo tratamento com cafeína por 7 dias a 1 mg/mL, mas uma hiperlocomoção transitória foi observada. O tratamento com cafeína por 7 dias a 1 mg/mL preveniu os déficits induzidos por 0,01 mg/kg de MK-801 na tarefa de esquiva inibitória e os atenuou, a 0,4 mg/kg de MK-801, na tarefa de alternação tardia, no labirinto em T. Conclui-se, então, que a hiperlocomoção e os déficits cognitivos – mas não a ataxia – induzidos por MK-801 podem estar influenciados pela atividade reduzida da adenosina. Assim, os estudos sobre a ação da adenosina podem se fazer relevantes para a melhor compreensão da neurobiologia da esquizofrenia. Estes resultados são concordantes com o novo modelo proposto, que é o de hipofunção adenosinérgica na esquizofrenia.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The principal zeitgeber for most of species is the light-dark photocycle (LD), though other environment factors as food availability, temperature and social cues may act. Daily adjustment of the circadian pacemaker may result from integration of environmental photic and non-photic cues with homeostatic cues. Characterization of non-photic effects on circadian timing system in diurnal mammals is scarce in relation to nocturnal, especially for ecologically significant cues. Thus, we analyzed the effect of conspecific vocalizations and darkness on circadian activity rhythm (CAR) in the diurnal primate Callithirx jacchus. With this objective 7 male adults were isolated in a room with controlled illumination, temperature (26,8 ± 0,2°C) and humidity (81,6 ± 3,6%), and partial acoustic isolation. Initially they were under LD 12:12 (~300:2 lux), and subsequently under constant illumination (~2 lux). Two pulses of conspecific vocalizations were applied in total darkness, separated by 22 days, at 7:30 h (external time) during 1 h. They induced phase delays at circadian times (CTs) 1 and 10 and predominantly phase advances at CTs 9 and 15. After that, two dark pulses were applied, separated by 14 days, during 1 h at 7:30 h (external time). These pulses induced phase delays at CTs 2, 3 and 18, predominantly phase advances at CTs 8, 10 and 19, and no change at CT 14. However, marmosets CAR showed oscillations in endogenous period and active phase duration influenced by vocalizations from animals outside the experimental room, which interfered on the phase responses to pulses. Furthermore, social masking and relative coordination with colony were observed. Therefore, phase responses obtained in this work cannot be attributed only to pulses. Afterwards, pulses of conspecific vocalizations were applied in total darkness at 19:00 h (external time), during 1 h for 5 consecutive days, and after 21 days, for 30 consecutive days, on attempt to synchronize the CAR. No animal was synchronized by these daily pulses, although oscillations in endogenous period were observed for all. This result may be due to habituation. Other possibility is the absence of social significance of the vocalizations for the animals due to random reproduction, since each vocalization has a function that could be lost by a mixture of sounds. In conclusion, conspecific vocalizations induce social masking and relative coordination in marmosets CAR, acting as weak zeitgeber


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)