Newsletter produced by Iowa State Patrol District 16 for State Capital Complex Employees.
Quarterly newsletter prepared by the Iowa Department of Transportation's Office of Public Transit.
Quarterly newsletter prepared by the Iowa Department of Transportation's Office of Public Transit.
Quarterly newsletter prepared by the Iowa Department of Transportation's Office of Public Transit.
Quarterly newsletter prepared by the Iowa Department of Transportation's Office of Public Transit.
Newsletter for Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Public Transit
Newsletter for Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Public Transit
Newsletter for Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Public Transit
Newsletter for Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Public Transit
Newsletter for Iowa Department of Transportation, Office of Public Transit
This final project was made for the Broadband/Implementation department of TeliaSonera Finland. The question to be examined is if the operator should replace multiple ADSL connections implemented over a leased line with Multi-Dwelling access based on an Ethernet/Optical Fibre access network. The project starts with describing the technology related to these access network solu-tions and presents the technology that is used in TeliaSonera Finland's access network. It continues from the technology to describe the problem with some of the ADSL implemen-tations of TeliaSonera. The problem is the implementations done over a leased line that can cost TeliaSonera over years as much as a possible investment to extend network when there is several lines leased to the same building. The project proposes a Multi-Dwelling access as a solution to this problem and defines the circumstances when to use it. After a satisfactory solution has found the project takes a view how implementation of the solution might alter the network and a new problem is found. When used commonly to replace need of ADSL implementation Multi-Dwelling access would significantly increase optical cable congestion near operators POP. As a final deed this project also proposes a technical change to existing way to implement multi-dwelling access with EPON technology.
Replication Template for Improving Transition Outcomes Council Bluffs Youth Connections E-Mentoring Prototype. This concise document will help your community team implement and plan for sustaining e-mentoring.
Promotional article on a presentation at the Parent Educator Connector conference.
General information on the Council Bluffs Youth Connections prototype under Improving Transition Outcomes with Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services.
Information gleaned from the focus groups and individual interviews with educators, youth and parents.