971 resultados para HSM CAR


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BACKGROUND: Bioresorbable vascular scaffolds (BVS) were recently approved for percutaneous coronary intervention in Europe. The aim of this position statement is to review the information and studies on available BVS, to stimulate discussion on their use and to propose guidelines for this treatment option in Portugal. METHODS AND RESULTS: A working group was set up to reach a consensus based on current evidence, discussion of clinical case models and individual experience. The evidence suggests that currently available BVS can produce physiological and clinical improvements in selected patients. There are encouraging data on their durability and long-term safety. Initial indications were grouped into three categories: (a) consensual and appropriate - young patients, diabetic patients, left anterior descending artery, long lesions, diffuse disease, and hybrid strategy; (b) less consensual but possible - small collateral branches, stabilized acute coronary syndromes; and (c) inappropriate - left main disease, tortuosity, severe calcification. CONCLUSION: BVS are a viable treatment option based on the encouraging evidence of their applicability and physiological and clinical results. They should be used in appropriate indications and will require technical adaptations. Outcome monitoring and evaluation is essential to avoid inappropriate use. It is recommended that medical societies produce clinical guidelines based on high-quality registries as soon as possible.


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Um dos obstáculos a uma utilização mais frequente e apropriada da ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC) em Portugal tem sido a ausência de códigos específicos que descrevam adequadamente os exames tal como são efetuados actualmente. Este documento de consenso fornece recomendações para a atualização e uniformização dos códigos empregues na RMC. São igualmente feitas recomendações quanto às técnicas e códigos a utilizar nas indicações clínicas mais frequentes.


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A terapêutica de ressincronização cardíaca (TRC), associada ou não a cardioversor-desfibrilhador, está recomendada no tratamento de doentes com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva (ICC) refractária e disfunção sistólica grave do ventrículo esquerdo, com evidência de dessíncronia. Objectivo: avaliar o impacto da TRC na qualidade de vida de doentes com ICC refractária ao tratamento farmacológico optimizado.


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INTRODUCTION: There are several risk scores for stratification of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), the most widely used of which are the TIMI and GRACE scores. However, these are complex and require several variables. The aim of this study was to obtain a reduced model with fewer variables and similar predictive and discriminative ability. METHODS: We studied 607 patients (age 62 years, SD=13; 76% male) who were admitted with STEMI and underwent successful primary angioplasty. Our endpoints were all-cause in-hospital and 30-day mortality. Considering all variables from the TIMI and GRACE risk scores, multivariate logistic regression models were fitted to the data to identify the variables that best predicted death. RESULTS: Compared to the TIMI score, the GRACE score had better predictive and discriminative performance for in-hospital mortality, with similar results for 30-day mortality. After data modeling, the variables with highest predictive ability were age, serum creatinine, heart failure and the occurrence of cardiac arrest. The new predictive model was compared with the GRACE risk score, after internal validation using 10-fold cross validation. A similar discriminative performance was obtained and some improvement was achieved in estimates of probabilities of death (increased for patients who died and decreased for those who did not). CONCLUSION: It is possible to simplify risk stratification scores for STEMI and primary angioplasty using only four variables (age, serum creatinine, heart failure and cardiac arrest). This simplified model maintained a good predictive and discriminative performance for short-term mortality.


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Num total de 2806 crianças de idade inferior a 13 anos portadoras de cardiopatia congénita isolada e observadas durante um período de 14 anos e 2 meses, averiguou-se a ocorrência de cardiopatias congénitas nos seus familiares, globalmente e pelos diversos graus de parentesco. Os resultados obtidos mostram maior ocorrência de cardiopatias congénitas nos familiares dos propositi (1,32%) que na população em geral (0,8%). A ocorrência foi de 1,28% nos familiares de 1º grau e de 1,38% nos restantes. Verificou-se a existência de cardiopatias congénitas concordantes entre os familiares de 1º grau. A taxa média global de concordância encontrada foi de 22,64%. Não houve correlação significativa entre as cardiopatias discordantes. Os resultados obtidos permitem que, na maioria dos casos, possa ser dada uma opinião favorável no que respeita ao aconselhamento genético.


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Procurou-se a probabilidade de cada tipo de cardiopatia congénita ocorrer como parte de síndromes malformativas. Estudaram-se em 14 anos 3027 crianças de idade inferior a 13 anos, com diagnóstico definitivo de cardiopatias congénitas bem definidas. A ocorrência de síndromes verificou-se em 208 casos (6,87%). Esta percentagem foi maior nas crianças com fenótipo feminino (8,22%) do que nas crianças com fenótipo masculino (5,51%). Enquadraram-se em síndromes, em percentagens muito superiores os defeitos do septo aurículo-ventricular (38,61%), a atrésia da pulmonar com (16,13%) e sem comunicação inter-ventricular (18,18%), as estenoses das artérias pulmonares (84,21%), a estenose aórtica supravalvular (69,23%) e as dextrocardias com cardiopatia (10%). Englobaram-se em síndromes, em percentagens inferiores a comunicação inter-ventricular, a estenose pulmonar valvular, a tetralogia de Fallot, a estenose aórtica, a comunicação inter-auricular e a coarctação da aorta. A transposição completa dos grandes vasos e outras cardiopatias congénitas mais raras não fizeram parte de síndromes.


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No presente trabalho são comparados dois estudos, ambos com a duração de nove anos, versando os casos de cardite e cardiopatia reumática observados no Serviço de Cardiologia Pediátrica do Hospital de Santa Marta, tendo o primeiro estudo decorrido de Outubro de 1969 a Setembro de 1978, e o segundo de Outubro de 1978 a Setembro de 1987. Dos 38 casos do segundo estudo, 26 tiveram o primeiro surto de febre reumática em Portugal, tendo a cardite surgido como manifestação isolada em 18 casos (69%), associada a poliartrite em 5 casos (20%), e associada a coreia em 3 casos (11%). A insuficiência mitral isolada foi a lesão valvular mais frequente (80%) e 84% das crianças tiveram apresentação clínica inicial na classe funcional I e II da classificação da NYHA. A adesão à profilaxia secundária da febre reumática foi de 78% num grupo de 18 crianças, com um seguimento em média de 2,7 anos, tendo-se modificado neste grupo os sinais de lesão da válvula mitral no sentido da melhoria. Os 12 casos referenciados dos países africanos de língua oficial portuguesa são analisados em separado. Comparativamente ao primeiro estudo, verificou-se um decréscimo de 12,5 para 2,3 casos/ano de cardite reumática, uma redução de mortalidade, assim como uma diferente apresentação clínica, no sentido de um diagnóstico mais precoce, dum predomínio actual de formas menos graves, e de uma maior adesão à profilaxia secundária.


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Pheochromocytoma crisis typically presents as paroxysmal episodes of headache, tachycardia, diaphoresis or hypertension. We describe an uncommon case of recurrent non-hypertensive heart failure with systolic dysfunction in a young female due to pheochromocytoma compression. It presented as acute pulmonary oedema while straining during pregnancy and later on as cardiogenic shock after a recreational body massage. Such crisis occurring during pregnancy is rare. Moreover, of the few reported cases of pheochromocytoma-induced cardiogenic shock, recreational body massage has not yet been reported as a trigger for this condition.


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INTRODUCTION: Infantile hemangioma (IH) is one of the most common childhood tumors. There are various medical or surgical therapeutic options, all with suboptimal results. Recently, the successful use of propranolol for involution of IH was described. We report the results of a single-center experience with this therapeutic option. OBJECTIVE: To prospectively assess the efficacy and safety of propranolol in children with infantile hemangioma. METHODS: We performed a prospective analysis of clinical data of all patients with IH referred to a pediatric cardiology center for baseline cardiovascular assessment prior to propranolol therapy. Propranolol was given at a starting dose of 1 mg/kg/day and titrated to a target dose of 2-3 mg/kg/day according to clinical response. Efficacy was assessed through a photograph-based severity scoring scale. Safety was assessed by collecting data regarding significant side effects. RESULTS: Starting in 2010, 30 patients (15 female) were referred for propranolol treatment of IH, at a median age of six months (1-63 months). The mean target propranolol dose was 2.8 mg/kg/day, with a mean duration of therapy of 12 months. All patients experienced significant reduction of IH size and volume. There were no side effects. CONCLUSIONS: In our experience propranolol appears to be a useful and safe treatment option for severe or complicated IH, achieving a rapid and significant reduction in their size. No adverse effects were observed, although until larger clinical trials are completed, potential adverse events should be borne in mind and consultation with local specialists is recommended prior to initiating treatment.


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Objetivos: A mortalidade na mulher após angioplastia primária (ICP-P) é superior à do homem. Contudo, permanece contraditório o papel do sexo poder ser fator de risco independente para mortalidade no contexto de enfarte agudo do miocárdio com supradesnivelamento de ST (EAMST). Com base no Registo Nacional de Cardiologia de Intervenção (RNCI),pretendemos avaliar como é que o género feminino influencia o prognóstico a curto prazo nos doentes com EAMST submetidos a ICP-P a nível nacional. Métodos: De 60 158 doentes incluídos prospetivamente no RNCI de 2002-2012, incluímos na análise 7544 doentes com EAMST tratados por ICP-P, dos quais 25% foram mulheres. Utilizámos modelos de regressão logística e ajustamento por propensity score para avaliar o impacto do sexo na mortalidade hospitalar. Resultados: As mulheres foram mais idosas (68 ± 14 versus 61 ± 13, p < 0,001), mais diabéticas(30 versus 21%, p < 0,001) e hipertensas (69 versus 55%, p < 0,001). Os homens foram revascularizados mais cedo (71 versus 63% nas primeiras 6 horas, p < 0,001). Choque cardiogénico foi mais frequente nas mulheres (7,1 versus 5,7%, p = 0,032). Estas apresentaram um pior prognóstico a curto prazo, com 1,7 x maior risco de morte intra-hospitalar (4,3 versus 2,5%; IC 95% 1,30-2,27; p < 0,001). Utilizando um modelo de regressão ajustado através de um propensity score, o sexo deixa de ser preditor de mortalidade hospitalar (OR 1,00; IC 95% 0,68-1,48; p = 1,00). Conclusões: No RNCI as mulheres com EAMST tratadas com ICP-P apresentaram maior risco cardiovascular, um acesso menos atempado a ICP-P e um pior prognóstico. Contudo, após ajustamento do risco, o género feminino deixa de ser preditor independente de mortalidade hospitalar.


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Atrial septal defects are the third most common type of congenital heart disease. Included in this group of malformations are several types of atrial communications that allow shunting of blood between the systemic and the pulmonary circulations. Most children with isolated atrial septal defects are free of symptoms, but the rates of exercise intolerance, atrial tachyarrhythmias, right ventricular dysfunction, and pulmonary hypertension increase with advancing age and life expectancy is reduced in adults with untreated defects. The risk of development of pulmonary vascular disease, a potentially lethal complication, is higher in female patients and in older adults with untreated defects. Surgical closure is safe and effective and when done before age 25 years is associated with normal life expectancy. Transcatheter closure offers a less invasive alternative for patients with a secundum defect who fulfil anatomical and size criteria. In this Seminar we review the causes, anatomy, pathophysiology, treatment, and outcomes of atrial septal defects in children and adult patients in whom this defect is the primary cardiac anomaly.


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We examined the longitudinal changes of VEGF levels after percutaneous coronary intervention for predicting major adverse cardiac events (MACE) in coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. VEGF was measured in 94 CAD patients' serum before revascularization, 1-month and 1-year after. Independently of clinical presentation, patients had lower VEGF concentration than a cohort of healthy subjects (median, IQ: 15.9, 9.0-264 pg/mL versus 419, 212-758 pg/mL; P < 0.001) at baseline. VEGF increased to 1-month (median, IQ: 276, 167-498 pg/mL; P < 0.001) and remained steady to 1-year (median, IQ: 320, 173-497 pg/mL; P < 0.001) approaching control levels. Drug eluting stent apposition and previous medication intake produced a less steep VEGF evolution after intervention (P < 0.05). Baseline VEGF concentration <40.8 pg/mL conveyed increased risk for MACE in a 5-year follow-up. Results reflect a positive role of VEGF in recovery and support its importance in CAD prognosis.


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Neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS) is a common clinical entity resulting from an excessive reflex autonomic response, particularly during orthostatism. Treatment options are controversial and of limited effectiveness. Tilt training (TT) is a promising option to treat these patients. However, its mechanism of action and clinical impact remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: To characterize hemodynamic and autonomic responses during a TT program in patients with NCS refractory to conventional measures. METHODS: We studied 28 patients (50% male, mean age 41±14 years) without structural heart disease, with NCS documented by tilt testing. The TT program included 9 tilt sessions (3 times a week, 30 min) (60° - 6 sessions, 70° - 3 sessions), under ECG and blood pressure monitoring combined with home orthostatic self-training and 10° head-up during sleep. Systolic volume, cardiac output, total peripheral resistance, baroreflex sensitivity and heart-rate variability were computed. Patients were reassessed at 1 month and every 6 months for a maximum of 36 months (24±12 months). RESULTS: Over the course of the TT program there was a significant increase in total peripheral resistance (1485±225 vs. 1591±187 dyn·s·cm(-5), p<0.05), with a decrease in standard deviation (206±60 vs. 150±42, p<0.05). During follow-up, syncope recurred in five patients (19%), with a significant reduction in the number of episodes (4.0±3.2/patient in the 12 months before TT vs. 1.4±0.8/patient post-TT, p<0.05). CONCLUSION: In refractory NCS, TT may be an effective therapeutic option, with long-term benefits. These results appear to be due to an increase in vasoconstrictor reserve combined with a reduction in its variance.


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Based on a survey sent to Portuguese centers that perform diagnostic and interventional electrophysiology and/or implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantations, the authors analyze the number and type of procedures performed during 2012 and compare these data with previous years. In 2012, a total of 2561 diagnostic electrophysiologic studies were performed, which were followed by ablation in 2017 cases, representing a steady situation compared with the previous year. There was a 12% increase in the number of ablation procedures for atrial fibrillation, making it for the first time the most frequent indication for ablation, overtaking atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. The total number of first ICD implantations was 1048 (around 100 per million population), of which 375 were cardiac resynchronization devices (BiV ICDs). This represents a slight decrease (3.3%) in the total number of new implants, with an increase of 10% in the number of BiV ICDs compared to the previous year. However, there was a considerable increase in the number of ICD generator replacements, resulting in an overall increase of 3.5% in implantations performed in 2012. Some comments are made regarding developments in this activity and its current status, and on some factors that may influence the dynamics of this area of interventional cardiology.