174 resultados para HOSTILITY
Ce mémoire porte sur le rapport entre la maison et la littérature dans l’œuvre de Carolina Maria de Jesus, notamment dans son livre Quarto de despejo. Étant une écrivaine pauvre issue d’une favela de São Paulo, son œuvre déborde de réflexions, témoignages et vécus qui nous révèlent la relation intrinsèque entre écrire et bâtir, la littérature et la maison et entre l’habitation et l’écriture. Il s’agit dans ce mémoire d’accompagner de près les pas de Carolina bâtissant cette œuvre tout à fait inattendue, vu ses conditions matérielles et intellectuelles (elle vivait misérablement dans un barracão, et n’avait que deux ans d’instruction); il est question ici, également, de suivre la construction de ses demeures, d’abord le barracão où elle habitait qui a été édifié avec ses propres mains, ensuite la maison en brique qu’elle a pu acheter grâce au succès de son livre et, principalement, la vraie maison à soi qui s’avère être son écriture, ses mots, le mouvement double et inséparable de bâtir et écrire qui a dicté sa vie et son œuvre. Pour trouver le vocabulaire juste pour cette approche difficile, les mots du poète Edmond Jabès nous accompagneront tout au long de notre parcours, ainsi que la pensée perçante du philosophe Gaston Bachelard.
Note de l'éditeur : This article may not exactly replicate the final version published in the APA journal. It is not the copy of record. / Cet article ne constitue pas la version officielle, et peut différer de la version publiée dans la revue.
Successful management is dependent heavily on the manager’s ability to handle conflict effectively. The workforce has been increasingly becoming diversified vis-à-vis the gender, culture and ethnicity. The present work environment has in itself contributed to sowing seeds of conflict with greater diversity, hostility, complexity and newer business competencies in the work context.The classic study of Mintzberg’s Managerial roles approach (1973) also says that a manager has to spend sufficient time and energy in solving conflict as he has to take roles as a negotiator, and dispute handler. An understanding of the conflict and role that it plays in influencing employee behavior constructively or destructively is immense. Therefore conflict when left unmanaged can lead to diminished cohesiveness amongst employees, productivity and reduced organizational fitness. To manage conflict effective conflict resolution strategies that have constructive outcomes is called for. Conflict resolution style theorists opine that collaborative or integrative style, where there is high concern for task and people is considered to give positive individual and organizational outcomes, while the withdrawing /avoidance style and forcing / dominating style are considered to be ineffective in managing conflict. Though managers have typical preferences in the styles followed it need not necessarily be the typical response as it depends on the context, power relationships, emotions etc. The adoption of conflict styles of managers however is dependent on variables like gender orientation, cultural values, personality orientation, underlying relationships – public/private. The paper attempts to draw the importance of managing conflicts at workplace positively and the need for effective conflict resolution strategies. The conflict style adopted and the variables that affect the adoption of each style are discussed and possible interventions at the workplace are suggested
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La incidencia de terceros actores en las Relaciones Internacionales es cada vez más frecuente y ha llevado a muchas de estas interacciones a un grado de mayor hostilidad, hasta el punto de convertirse en focos de inseguridad para toda una región. Este tipo de situaciones se presenta en mayor medida en zonas como medio oriente que se caracterizan por ser complejos de seguridad de alta hostilidad en los que se desarrollan amplias agendas de seguridad. Un marco de análisis de dicha situación la podemos encontrar en el conflicto Líbano Israel y la incidencia que ha tenido Hezbolá (actor no estatal) como agente de securitización lo que ha generado una mayor tensión entre los estados de Líbano e Israel y como consecuencia de ello un mayor grado de inseguridad para la región (Medio Oriente).
El río Nilo es considerado como un recurso que es estratégico, vital y escaso para los países de la cuenca de río, en especial para Egipto, Sudán y Etiopía. Por ello las relaciones políticas entre estos actores fluctuado ente la hostilidad y la cooperación
Objetivo: Establecer la relación de los factores laborales e individuales con la carga mental en los trabajadores del área de contratación y titulación minera y los de seguimiento y control en una institución minera durante el año 2014. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en 298 trabajadores que trabajan en una Institución Minera, en la ciudad de Bogotá. La identificación de los factores laborales e individuales relacionados con la carga mental se hizo mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario autodiligenciado utilizando la guía de Estimación de la carga mental de trabajo: método NASA TLX, en el cual se realizó análisis de medidas de tendencia central y se indagó relación a través de la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson, usando nivel de significación del 5%, con el programa SPSS 20. Resultados: La población predominante era de género masculino, donde la mayoría de los trabajadores fueron ingenieros pertenecientes al área de seguimiento y control, se evidenció asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la profesión con la percepción de exigencia física (p ≤ 0,001), de igual modo entre área de trabajo con la percepción de exigencia mental (p ≤ 0,001), en la cual se establece que la carga mental y el factor profesional (técnicos) y el factor laboral (área de seguimiento y control), son determinantes para la aparición de fatiga fisiológica y cognitiva, ya que en estos se evidencia mayor exigencia física en los trabajadores técnicos con un 81,40% y en los trabajadores del área de seguimiento y control con un 99,04%. Conclusión: Se encontró una alta exigencia mental, temporal y esfuerzo en los trabajadores y una relación significativa entre la profesión con la percepción de exigencia física, predominando en los técnicos, seguidos de abogados e ingenieros y entre el área de trabajo con la percepción de exigencia mental, siendo mayor en el área de seguimiento y control.
O presente estudo busca averiguar as percepções de educadores sobre o bullying promovidos nas escolas, verificando as características de extensão das intervenções no cotidiano escolar. Nesse sentido, o nosso objeto de estudo é o bullying que vem ganhando destaque dentro do cenário acadêmico nacional, como uma dentre várias dimensões da violência dentro do ambiente escolar. Adotamos como perspectiva teórica compreender o bullying para além de determinismos biológicos que justificam a condição tanto de indivíduos perpetradores dessa violência e daqueles predispostos a sofrerem suas consequências. Tratar do bullying em contexto escolar inclui adotar estratégias preventivas da agressividade que envolvam estudantes, professores e pais. Assim, os nossos objetivos foram averiguar as percepções de educadores sobre o bullying e a opinião dos mesmos sobre a intervenção da escola face ao bullying. A pesquisa foi dividida em duas fases, sendo que na primeira procedemos à aplicação de um questionário, junto a 110 educadores de quatro escolas públicas municipais. O questionário versou sobre o entendimento que os professores têm sobre o bullying, bem como as formas de enfrentamentos por eles indicadas, Na segunda fase realizamos uma entrevista com 1 gestora, 4 vices gestores e 3 coordenadores pedagógicos que concordaram participar dessa fase da pesquisa, totalizando assim uma amostra de 119 sujeitos. O roteiro de entrevista foi o mesmo para todos os sujeitos. Os resultados encontrados nas duas fases da pesquisa indicaram que a maioria dos professores percebe a presença do bullying em suas escolas e que reprovam as condutas relacionadas a esse tipo de violência. Destarte, os professores creditam à família, amigos, gestores e demais integrantes da esfera escolar as possibilidades de poderem contar com seu apoio na resolução das situações a que são submetidos.
La inclusión social en la educación y particularmente en la educación superior constituye un campo de estudio relevante definido a su significativo impacto sobre el desarrollo económico y social. En el caso de América Latina, es bien conocido el carácter excluyente que han tenido sus universidades como herencia de 300 años de colonialismo, la esclavitud de negros e indígenas y la tradicional discriminación de género. En el caso de Cuba, el Gobierno resultante de la Revolución de 1959 ha realizado notables esfuerzos para promover la inclusión de grupos tradicionalmente vulnerables por razones de género o color de la piel, a pesar de las difíciles condiciones económicas derivadas de la hostilidad del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos. Los resultados alcanzados demuestran una fuerte tendencia a la equidad, sin embargo, existen otros determinantes de vulnerabilidad como la acumulación de capital cultural, que deben reforzarse en los próximos años debido a la implantación de un sistema de acceso meritocrático, y a los cuales debe prestarse especial atención pues pueden convertirse en factores de exclusión en el largo y mediano plazo. Algunos de estos determinantes como la escolaridad de los padres, la calidad de la enseñanza precedente y el ambiente cultural comunitario son considerados en el presente trabajo.
Este ensayo examina la obra poética del ecuatoriano David Ledesma Vázquez desde algunos conceptos teóricos propuestos por Kristeva y Butler, que permiten entender cómo se va consolidando una conciencia de ser abyecto ante el otro, y cómo desde ahí, y a partir de un muy cuidado manejo de la palabra poética y de ciertos recursos tipográficos, se construye un universo amatorio que se opone al aparato heteronormativo y se enfoca en los afectos. También se destaca, en esta misma línea de resistencia, cómo en la poesía de Ledesma Vázquez se erige un cuestionamiento a la violencia uniformadora de la vida moderna y al impulso teleológico del capitalismo, en particular, al contraponer la hostilidad de la ciudad real –dibujada en varios textos– con la armonía de Sodoma.
France is known for being a champion of individual rights as well as for its overt hostility to any form of group rights. Linguistic pluralism in the public sphere is rejected for fear of babelization and Balkanization of the country. Over recent decades the Conseil Constitutionnel (CC) has, together with the Conseil d’État, remained arguably the strongest defender of this Jacobin ideal in France. In this article, I will discuss the role of France’s restrictive language policy through the prism of the CC’s jurisprudence. Overall, I will argue that the CC made reference to the (Jacobin) state-nation concept, a concept that is discussed in the first part of the paper, in order to fight the revival of regional languages in France over recent decades. The clause making French the official language in 1992 was functional to this policy. The intriguing aspect is that in France the CC managed to standardise France’s policy vis-à-vis regional and minority languages through its jurisprudence; an issue discussed in the second part of the paper. But in those regions with a stronger tradition of identity, particularly in the French overseas territories, the third part of the paper argues, normative reality has increasingly become under pressure. Therefore, a discrepancy between the ‘law in courts’ and the compliance with these decisions (‘law in action’) has been emerging over recent years. Amid some signs of opening of France to minorities, this contradiction delineates a trend that might well continue in future.
In 1917 D.H. Lawrence's whole outlook on the social and cultural environment of his country was embodied in his attitude towards the literary marketplace. The suppression of The Rainbow in 1915 and his opposition to the war contributed to his feeling of detachment from what he called ‘the bourgeois world, the world which controls press, publication and all’. Presenting new archival evidence, this article examines the publishing history of the poetry volume Look! We Have Come Through, issued by Chatto & Windus in 1917. Closer examination of the motives of the individual editors involved in the production of the volume reveals why Lawrence was required to make changes to his text but also why the firm were eager to publish a volume that was to have little commercial impact. Issued at a critical moment in Lawrence's relationship with the marketplace, and in the history of literary modernism, the episode shows how, in spite of general hostility to his work, there were forces in the mainstream publishing market that were keen to embrace modern literary forms and take risks with the work of authors whose subject-matter was challenging and potentially dangerous.
Aggression in young people has been associated with a bias towards attributing hostile intent to others; however, little is known about the origin of biased social information processing. The current study explored the potential role of peer contagion in the emergence of hostile attribution in adolescents. 134 adolescents were assigned to one of two manipulated ‘chat-room’ conditions, where they believed they were communicating with online peers (e-confederates) who endorsed either hostile or benign intent attributions. Adolescents showed increased hostile attributions following exposure to hostile e-confederates and reduced hostility in the benign condition. Further analyses demonstrated that social anxiety was associated with a reduced tendency to take on hostile peer attitudes. Neither gender nor levels of aggression influenced individual susceptibility to peer influence, but aggressive adolescents reported greater affinity with hostile e-confederates.
Although Richard Hooker’s private attitudes were clericalist and authoritarian, his constitutional theory subordinated clergymen to laymen and monarchy to parliamentary statute. This article explains why his political ideas were nonetheless appropriate to his presumed religious purposes. It notes a very intimate connection between his teleological conception of a law and his hostility towards conventional high Calvinist ideas about predestination. The most significant anomaly within his broadly Aristotelian world-view was his belief that politics is nothing but a means to cope with sin. This too can be linked to his religious ends, but it creates an ambiguity that made his doctrines usable by Locke.
Purpose – This study aims to examine the moderating effects of external environment and organisational structure in the relationship between business-level strategy and organisational performance. Design/methodology/approach – The focus of the study is on manufacturing firms in the UK belonging to the electrical and mechanical engineering sectors, and respondents were CEOs. Both objective and subjective measures were used to assess performance. Non-response bias was assessed statistically and appropriate measures taken to minimise the impact of common method variance (CMV). Findings – The results indicate that environmental dynamism and hostility act as moderators in the relationship between business-level strategy and relative competitive performance. In low-hostility environments a cost-leadership strategy and in high-hostility environments a differentiation strategy lead to better performance compared with competitors. In highly dynamic environments a cost-leadership strategy and in low dynamism environments a differentiation strategy are more helpful in improving financial performance. Organisational structure moderates the relationship of both the strategic types with ROS. However, in the case of ROA, the moderating effect of structure was found only in its relationship with cost-leadership strategy. A mechanistic structure is helpful in improving the financial performance of organisations adopting either a cost-leadership or a differentiation strategy. Originality/value – Unlike many other empirical studies, the study makes an important contribution to the literature by examining the moderating effects of both environment and structure on the relationship between business-level strategy and performance in a detailed manner, using moderated regression analysis.