971 resultados para HOMOZYGOUS MUTATION
Background: Hyperhomocysteinemia and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene mutation have been postulated as a possible cause of recurrent miscarriage (RM). There is a wide variation in the prevalence of MTHFR polymorphisms and homocysteine (Hcy) plasma levels among populations around the world. The present study was undertaken to investigate the possible association between hyperhomocysteinemia and its causative genetic or acquired factors and RM in Catalonia, a Mediterranean region in Spain. Methods: Sixty consecutive patients with ≥ 3 unexplained RM and 30 healthy control women having at least one child but no previous miscarriage were included. Plasma Hcy levels, MTHFR gene mutation, red blood cell (RBC) folate and vitamin B12 serum levels were measured in all subjects. Results: No significant differences were observed neither in plasma Hcy levels, RBC folate and vitamin B12 serum levels nor in the prevalence of homozygous and heterozygous MTHFR gene mutation between the two groups studied. Conclusions: In the present study RM is not associated with hyperhomocysteinemia, and/or the MTHFR gene mutation.
Purpose: To report the clinical and genetic study of a child with bilateral anophthalmia. Methods: A 14-year-old Egyptian boy, born from consanguineous parents, underwent a general and a full ophthalmological examination. Mutation screen of the A/M genes with recessive inheritance was done stepwise and DNA was analyzed by Sanger sequencing. Results: Bilateral anophthalmia, arachnodactyly of the feet and high arched palate were observed on general examination. The parents were first cousins and healthy. Sequencing analysis revealed a novel compound heterozygous mutation in one of the copy of exon 2 of VSX2 and a possible deletion of at least exon 2 on the other allele. Conclusions: A compound heterozygous VSX2 mutation associated with anophthalmia was identified in a patient from an Egyptian consanguineous family. This report brings the number of VSX2 mutation in anophthalmia/microphthalmia (A/M) to 13. Functional consequences of the reported changes still need to be characterized, as well as the percentage of A/M caused by mutations in the VSX2 gene. This family also shows that despite consanguinity, heterozygous mutations can also happen and one should not restrict the molecular analysis to homozygous mutations.
The HERC gene family encodes proteins with two characteristic domains: HECT and RCC1-like. Proteins with HECT domain shave been described to function as ubiquitin ligases, and those that contain RCC1-like domains have been reported to function as GTPases regulators. These two activities are essential in a number of important cellular processes such as cell cycle, cell signaling, and membrane trafficking. Mutations affecting these domains have been found associated with retinitis pigmentosa, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and cancer. In humans, six HERC genes have been reported which encode two subgroups of HERC proteins: large (HERC1-2) and small (HERC3-6). The giant HERC1 protein was the first to be identified. It has been involved in membrane trafficking and cell proliferation/growth through its interactions with clathrin, M2-pyruvate kinase, and TSC2 proteins. Mutations affecting other members of the HERC family have been found to be associated with sterility and growth retardation. Here, we report the characterization of a recessive mutation named tambaleante, which causes progressive Purkinje cell degeneration leading to severe ataxia with reduced growth and lifespan in homozygous mice aged over two months. We mapped this mutation in mouse chromosome 9 and then performed positional cloning. We found a GuA transition at position 1448, causing a Gly to Glu substitution (Gly483Glu) in the highly conserved N- terminal RCC1-like domain of the HERC1 protein. Successful transgenic rescue, with either a mouse BAC containing the normal copy of Herc1 or with the human HERC1 cDNA, validated our findings. Histological and biochemical studies revealed extensive autophagy associated with an increase of the mutant protein level and a decrease of mTOR activity. Our observations concerning this first mutation in the Herc1 gene contribute to the functional annotation of the encoded E3 ubiquitin ligase and underline the crucial and unexpected role of this protein in Purkinje cell physiology.
Sixty-one cystic fibrosis patients admitted for check-up or antibiotic treatment were enrolled for genetic and clinical evaluation. Genetic analysis was performed on blood samples stored on neonatal screening cards using PCR techniques to determine the presence of DF508 mutations. Clinical evaluation included Shwachman and Chrispin-Norman scores, age at onset of symptoms and diagnosis, spirometry, awake and sleep pulse oximetry, hyponychial angle measurement and presence of chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization. Eighteen patients (29.5%) were homozygous for the DF508 mutation, 26 (42.6%) had one DF508 mutation and 17 (27.9%) were noncarriers, corresponding to a 50.8% prevalence of the mutation in the whole population. Analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison of genetic status with continuous variables or by the chi-square test and logistic regression for dichotomous variables showed no significant differences between any two groups for a = 0.05. We conclude that genetic status in relation to the DF508 mutation is not associated with pulmonary status as evaluated by the above variables
Gaucher disease (GD), the most prevalent lysosome storage disorder, presents an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. It is a paradigm for therapeutic intervention in medical genetics due to the existence of effective enzyme replacement therapy. We report here the analysis of GD in 262 unrelated Brazilian patients, carried out in order to establish the frequency of the most common mutations and to provide prognostic information based on genotype-phenotype correlations. Among 247 type 1 GD patients, mutation N370S was detected in 47% of all the alleles, but N370S/N370S homozygosity was found in only 10% of the patients, a much lower frequency than expected, suggesting that most individuals presenting this genotype may not receive medical attention. Recombinant alleles were detected at a high frequency: 44% of the chromosomes bearing mutation L444P had other mutations derived from the pseudogene sequence, present in 25% of patients. Three neuronopathic type 2 patients were homozygous for L444P, all presenting additional mutations (E326K or recombinant alleles) that probably lead to the more severe phenotypes. Six children, classified as type 1 GD patients, had a L444P/L444P genotype, showing that neuronopathic symptoms may only manifest later in life. This would indicate the need for a higher treatment dose during enzyme replacement therapy. Finally, mutation G377S was present in 4 homozygous type 1 patients and also in compound heterozygosity in 5 (42%) type 3 patients. These findings indicate that G377S cannot be unambiguously classified as mild and suggest an allele-dose effect for this mutation.
Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a periodic autoinflammatory disease characterized by chronic inflammation. This study investigated the relationship between acute-phase reactants and gene mutations in attack-free periods of childhood FMF. Patients diagnosed with FMF were divided into four groups based on genetic features: no mutation, homozygous, heterozygous, and compound heterozygous. These groups were monitored for 2 years, and blood samples were collected every 6 months during attack-free periods. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and white blood cell count were measured. A disease severity score was determined for each patient. Mean values for erythrocyte sedimentation rate and fibrinogen were significantly different in the homozygous group. White blood cell count and C-reactive protein were similar between the groups. Disease severity score was higher in patients with the M694V mutation than in individuals without the mutation, as well as in those with other mutation groups. Periodic follow-up of patients with FMF MEFV mutations in subjects with acute-phase reactants may be useful in the prevention of morbidity.
Le déficit familial de LCAT (FLD) est une maladie caractérisée par un défaut de l’activité de l’enzyme lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT). Ce défaut résulte en une concentration plasmatique de C-HDL extrêmement basse, des opacités cornéennes prématurées, la présence d’anémie, de protéinurie et d’insuffisance rénale. Nous avons identifié les premiers patients canadiens-français atteints de déficit familial de LCAT. Deux frères, présentant les signes classiques de FLD étaient homozygotes pour une nouvelle mutation du gène de la LCAT: la mutation c.102delG. Cette mutation se traduit au niveau protéique par un changement du cadre de lecture au niveau du codon His35 et l’insertion d’un codon stop en position 61 entraînant une abolition de l’activité LCAT in vitro et in vivo. La présence de cette mutation cause une réduction importante du C-HDL chez les hétérozygotes (22%) et les homozygotes (88%) ainsi qu’une baisse du C-LDL chez les hétérozygotes (35%) et les homozygotes (58%). De plus, le profil lipidique différait de manière importante entre les deux frères atteints de FLD qui présentaient des génotypes APOE différents. Nous suggérons que APOE est un gène qui modifie le phénotype du FLD et pourrait expliquer l’hétérogénéité des profils lipidiques chez les patients atteints de FLD. Nos résultats suggèrent également que l’association du génotype LCAT-/- a un allèle APOE ε2 est un nouveau mécanisme conduisant à la dysbétalipoproteinemie. Finalement nous avons montré des différences importantes dans les sous-populations des HDL chez les deux sujets atteints de FLD. Le porteur de l’allèle APOE ε2 présentait une proportion beaucoup plus importante de HDL immatures (preβ discoïdaux) par rapport a son frère (77.9% vs. 31.0%).
La Cirrhose Amérindienne Infantile (CAI, NAIC) est une forme de cholestase non-syndromique héréditaire à transmission autosomique récessive, décrite uniquement chez les enfants autochtones du Nord-Ouest québécois et issue d’un effet fondateur. La maladie se présente d’abord sous la forme d’une jaunisse néonatale chez un enfant autrement en bonne santé, qui progresse en cirrhose de type biliaire dans l’enfance et dans l’adolescence. Le taux de survie à l’âge adulte est inférieur à 50% et la seule thérapie efficace à ce jour pour les patients avancés dans la maladie demeure la transplantation hépatique. Les recherches antérieures menées par le groupe ont permis d’identifier le locus ainsi que le gène responsable de NAIC, qui encode la protéine nucléolaire Cirhin. Cirhin est exprimée uniquement dans le foie et tous les patients sont homozygotes pour la mutation R565W. La fonction de Cirhin est inconnue, mais les motifs WD40 retrouvés dans sa séquence indiquent qu’elle participerait à des interactions protéine-protéine et serait impliquée dans un mécanisme moléculaire de base. Cirhin interagit avec la protéine nucléaire Cirip, qui a un effet positif important sur la transcription de l’élément activateur HIV-1 LTR et qui a un rôle dans la prolifération cellulaire. L’interaction de Cirhin et Cirip est affectée par la mutation R565W. À l’aide de la technique du double hybride chez la levure, la protéine nucléolaire Nol11 a été identifiée comme étant un partenaire d’interaction de Cirhin. Par son interaction avec MARK3 et c-Myc, Nol11 serait impliquée dans des processus cellulaires tels que le contrôle du cycle cellulaire, la polarité, la croissance cellulaire et possiblement la biogenèse des ribosomes. La portion C-terminale de Nol11 interagirait avec Cirhin, et la mutation R565W abolit cette interaction. Le résidu R565 serait donc important pour la fonctionnalité de Cirhin.
Mutations in the Na+-HCO3- cotransporter NBC1 cause severe proximal tubular acidosis (pRTA) associated with ocular abnormalities. Recent studies have suggested that at least some NBC1 mutants show abnormal trafficking in the polarized cells. This study identified a new homozygous NBC1 mutation (G486R) in a patient with severe pRTA. Functional analysis in Xenopus oocytes failed to detect the G486R activity due to poor surface expression. In ECV304 cells, however, G486R showed the efficient membrane expression, and its transport activity corresponded to approximately 50% of wild-type (WT) activity. In Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, G486R was predominantly expressed in the basolateral membrane domain as observed for WT. Among the previously identified NBC1 mutants that showed poor surface expression in oocytes, T485S showed the predominant basolateral expression in MDCK cells. On the other hand, L522P was exclusively retained in the cytoplasm in ECV304 and MDCK cells, and functional analysis in ECV304 cells failed to detect its transport activity. These results indicate that G486R, like T485S, is a partial loss of function mutation without major trafficking abnormalities, while L522P causes the clinical phenotypes mainly through its inability to reach the plasma membranes. Multiple experimental approaches would be required to elucidate potential disease mechanism by NBC1 mutations.
Carpenter syndrome, a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a combination of craniosynostosis, polysyndactyly, obesity, and other congenital malformations, is caused by mutations in RAB23, encoding a member of the Rab-family of small GTPases. In 15 out of 16 families previously reported, the disease was caused by homozygosity for truncating mutations, and currently only a single missense mutation has been identified in a compound heterozygote. Here, we describe a further 8 independent families comprising 10 affected individuals with Carpenter syndrome, who were positive for mutations in RAB23. We report the first homozygous missense mutation and in-frame deletion, highlighting key residues for RAB23 function, as well as the first splice-site mutation. Multi-suture craniosynostosis and polysyndactyly have been present in all patients described to date, and abnormal external genitalia have been universal in boys. High birth weight was not evident in the current group of patients, but further evidence for laterality defects is reported. No genotype-phenotype correlations are apparent. We provide experimental evidence that transcripts encoding truncating mutations are subject to nonsense-mediated decay, and that this plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many RAB23 mutations. These observations refine the phenotypic spectrum of Carpenter syndrome and offer new insights into molecular pathogenesis. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Context: Iodide transport defect (ITD) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by impaired Na(+)/I(-) symporter (NIS)-mediated active iodide accumulation into thyroid follicular cells. Clinical manifestations comprise a variable degree of congenital hypothyroidism and goiter, and low to absent radioiodide uptake, as determined by thyroid scintigraphy. Hereditary molecular defects in NIS have been shown to cause ITD. Objective: Our objective was to perform molecular studies on NIS in a patient with congenital hypothyroidism presenting a clinical ITD phenotype. Design: The genomic DNA encoding NIS was sequenced, and an in vitro functional study of a newly identified NIS mutation was performed. Results: The analysis revealed the presence of an undescribed homozygous C to T transition at nucleotide -54 (-54C>T) located in the 5`-untranslated region in the NIS sequence. Functional studies in vitro demonstrated that the mutation was associated with a substantial decrease in iodide uptake when transfected into Cos-7 cells. The mutation severely impaired NIS protein expression, although NIS mRNA levels remained similar to those in cells transfected with wild-type NIS, suggesting a translational deficiency elicited by the mutation. Polysome profile analysis demonstrated reduced levels of polyribosomes-associated mutant NIS mRNA, consistent with reduced translation efficiency. Conclusions: We described a novel mutation in the 5`-untranslated region of the NIS gene in a newborn with congenital hypothyroidism bearing a clinical ITD phenotype. Functional evaluation of the molecular mechanism responsible for impaired NIS-mediated iodide concentration in thyroid cells indicated that the identified mutation reduces NIS translation efficiency with a subsequent decrease in protein expression and function. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 96: E1100-E1107, 2011)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We describe a large Brazilian consanguineous kindred with 3 clinically affected patients with a Thomsen myotonia phenotype. They carry a novel homozygous nonsense mutation in the CLCN1 gene (K248X). None of the 6 heterozygote carriers show any sign of myotonia on clinical evaluation or electromyography. These findings confirm the autosomal recessive inheritance of the novel mutation in this family, as well as the occurrence of phenotypic variability in the autosomal recessive forms of myotonia. Muscle Nerve, 2012
Background: Mutations in GH-releasing hormone receptor gene (GHRHR) are emerging as the most common cause of autosomal recessive isolated GH deficiency (IGHD). Objective: To search for GHRHR mutations in patients with familial or sporadic IGHD and to investigate founder effects in recurring mutations. Methods: The coding region of GHRHR was entirely amplified and sequenced from DNA of 18 patients with IGHD (16 unrelated) with topic posterior pituitary lobe on MRI. Haplotypes containing promoter SNPs and microsatellites flanking GHRHR were analyzed in patients with c.57+1G>A (IVS1+1G>A) mutation of our previously published kindred and also a Brazilian patient and 2 previously reported Japanese sisters with c. 1146G>A (p.E382E) mutation. Results: A novel homozygous intronic GHRHR c.752-1G>A (IVS7-1G>A) mutation, predicting loss of the constitutive splice acceptor site, was identified in two siblings with IGHD. A compound heterozygous c.[57+1G>A];[1146G>A] and a heterozygous c.527C>T (p.A176V) were found in two sporadic cases. Haplotype analysis provided evidence for a founder effect for the c.57+1G>A mutation and independent recurrence for the c.1146G>A mutation. Conclusion: We report a novel splice-disrupting mutation in GHRHR in 2 siblings and provide evidence that all c.57+1G>A (IVS1+1G>A) mutant chromosomes have the same haplotype ancestor, indicating the occurrence of a founder effect in Brazilian patients with IGHD. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel
A 7-month-old New Forest foal presented for episodes of recumbency and stiffness with myotonic discharges on electromyography. The observed phenotype resembled congenital myotonia caused by CLCN1 mutations in goats and humans. Mutation of the CLCN1 gene was considered as possible cause and mutation analysis was performed. The affected foal was homozygous for a missense mutation (c.1775A>C, p.D592A) located in a well conserved domain of the CLCN1 gene. The mutation showed a recessive mode of inheritance within the reported pony family. Therefore, this CLCN1 polymorphism is considered to be a possible cause of congenital myotonia.