914 resultados para HLA-DRB1 Chains


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Introduction Single nucleotide polymorphisms in ERAP2 are strongly associated with ankylosing spondylitis (AS). One AS-associated single nucleotide polymorphism, rs2248374, causes a truncated ERAP2 protein that is degraded by nonsense-mediated decay. Approximately 25% of the populations of European ancestry are therefore natural ERAP2 knockouts. We investigated the effect of this associated variant on HLA class I allele presentation, surface heavy chains, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers and cytokine gene transcription in AS. Methods Patients with AS and healthy controls with either AA or GG homozygous status for rs2248374 were studied. Antibodies to CD14, CD19-ECD, HLA-A-B-C, Valpha7.2, CD161, anti-HC10 and anti-HLA-B27 were used to analyse peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Expression levels of ER stress markers (GRP78 and CHOP) and proinflammatory genes (tumour necrosis factor (TNF), IL6, IL17 and IL22) were assessed by qPCR. Results There was no significant difference in HLAclass I allele presentation or major histocompatibility class I heavy chains or ER stress markers GRP78 and CHOP or proinflammatory gene expression between genotypes for rs2248374 either between cases, between cases and controls, and between controls. Discussion Large differences were not seen in HLAB27 expression or cytokine levels between subjects with and without ERAP2 in AS cases and controls. This suggests that ERAP2 is more likely to influence AS risk through other mechanisms.


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Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) from an infected women to her offspring during gestation and delivery was found to be influenced by the infant's major histocompatibility complex class II DRB1 alleles. Forty-six HIV-infected infants and 63 seroreverting infants, born with passively acquired anti-HIV antibodies but not becoming detectably infected, were typed by an automated nucleotide-sequence-based technique that uses low-resolution PCR to select either the simpler Taq or the more demanding T7 sequencing chemistry. One or more DR13 alleles, including DRB1*1301, 1302, and 1303, were found in 31.7% of seroreverting infants and 15.2% of those becoming HIV-infected [OR (odds ratio) = 2.6 (95% confidence interval 1.0-6.8); P = 0.048]. This association was influenced by ethnicity, being seen more strongly among the 80 Black and Hispanic children [OR = 4.3 (1.2-16.4); P = 0.023], with the most pronounced effect among Black infants where 7 of 24 seroreverters inherited these alleles with none among 12 HIV-infected infants (Haldane OR = 12.3; P = 0.037). The previously recognized association of DR13 alleles with some situations of long-term nonprogression of HIV suggests that similar mechanisms may regulate both the occurrence of infection and disease progression after infection. Upon examining for residual associations, only only the DR2 allele DRB1*1501 was associated with seroreversion in Caucasoid infants (OR = 24; P = 0.004). Among Caucasoids the DRB1*03011 allele was positively associated with the occurrence of HIV infection (P = 0.03).


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BACKGROUND: We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to identify common risk variants for schizophrenia. METHODS: The discovery scan included 1606 patients and 1794 controls from Ireland, using 6,212,339 directly genotyped or imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A subset of this sample (270 cases and 860 controls) was subsequently included in the Psychiatric GWAS Consortium-schizophrenia GWAS meta-analysis. RESULTS: One hundred eight SNPs were taken forward for replication in an independent sample of 13,195 cases and 31,021 control subjects. The most significant associations in discovery, corrected for genomic inflation, were (rs204999, p combined = 1.34 × 10(-9) and in combined samples (rs2523722 p combined = 2.88 × 10(-16)) mapped to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) region. We imputed classical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) alleles at the locus; the most significant finding was with HLA-C*01:02. This association was distinct from the top SNP signal. The HLA alleles DRB1*03:01 and B*08:01 were protective, replicating a previous study. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides further support for involvement of MHC class I molecules in schizophrenia. We found evidence of association with previously reported risk alleles at the TCF4, VRK2, and ZNF804A loci.


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A diabetes mellitus do tipo 1 (DM1) é o distúrbio endócrino-metabólico mais frequente em crianças. É uma doença autoimune resultado da destruição selectiva das células beta pancreáticas. A velocidade de destruição das células beta pode ser rápida em algumas pessoas e lenta em outras; esta última é típica de adulto é conhecido como diabetes autoimune latente em adulto (LADA). A sua etiologia envolve factores ambientais e genéticos, dos genes envolvidos a maior contribuição vem da região do genoma onde estão localizados os genes do Complexo Principal de Histocompatibilidade (MHC). A combinação de diferentes alelos do sistema de antigénio leucocitário humano tipo II (HLAII) esta associada a susceptibilidade da doença e as principais molécula envolvidas são a DQ e DR. O estágio pré-clínico da doença se caracteriza pela presença de auto-anticorpos, sendo o anti-GAD o mais sensível nesta patologia. OBJECTIVO: Analizar a frequência dos polimorfismos HLA-DR/DQ em angolanos portadores de diabetes tipo 1, residentes em Luanda. O tipo de estudo adotado foi casocontrolo num universo de voluntários provenientes da consulta externa de hospitais e clínicas locais no período de outubro de 2012 a outubro 2013. A amostra biológica utilizada foi sangue total, tendo sido processada no laboratório LABGENE, da Faculdade de Medicina (FM) da Universidade Agostinho Neto (UNA). Os auto-anticorpos, anti-GAD, foram doseados pelo método de ELISA. O ADN genómico foi extraído à partir de sangue total periférico e tipagem genética foi realizada mediante PCR-SSP.O alelo DQB1*02 (DQ2/DQ2) (p=0,033, OR= 4, IC (1,2-13,3) foi associado a susceptibilidade da DM1; os alelos DQB1*06 (DQ6/DQ6) (p=0,000, OR=0,30, IC (0,17-0,54); *11 (p=0,011, OR=0,14, IC=0,032-0,62); *13 (p=0,006, OR=0,13, IC=0,049-0,588) e *15 (p=0,001, OR=0,044, IC=0,005-0,39) foram associados a proteção. Foi encontrado 29,2% de positividade para o anti-GAD, não houve associação significativa (p=0,69) entre a resposta positiva do anti-GAD e a idade. Não foi encontrada associação significativa (p=0,39) entre o tempo de diagnóstico e resposta humoral. Observou-se associação significativa entre os alelos de risco DQB1*02 (p=0.000) e resposta positiva para anti-GAD; da mesma maneira houve uma associação significativa para os alelos DQB1*06 (p=0,002), DRB1*11 (p=0,048); *13 (p=0,004) e *15 (p=0,021) e a resposta negativa do anti-GAD.Os dados demostram o forte envolvimentos do gene HLA-II (DQ) com a suceptibilidade a DM1 e sugere que a autoimunidade se desenvolve na presença de susceptibilidade genética, quer dizer, em associação com alelos HLA-II específicos.


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Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have become the standard for data generation in studies of population genomics, as the 1000 Genomes Project (1000G). However, these techniques are known to be problematic when applied to highly polymorphic genomic regions, such as the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes. Because accurate genotype calls and allele frequency estimations are crucial to population genomics analyses, it is important to assess the reliability of NGS data. Here, we evaluate the reliability of genotype calls and allele frequency estimates of the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reported by 1000G (phase I) at five HLA genes (HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, and -DQB1). We take advantage of the availability of HLA Sanger sequencing of 930 of the 1092 1000G samples and use this as a gold standard to benchmark the 1000G data. We document that 18.6% of SNP genotype calls in HLA genes are incorrect and that allele frequencies are estimated with an error greater than ±0.1 at approximately 25% of the SNPs in HLA genes. We found a bias toward overestimation of reference allele frequency for the 1000G data, indicating mapping bias is an important cause of error in frequency estimation in this dataset. We provide a list of sites that have poor allele frequency estimates and discuss the outcomes of including those sites in different kinds of analyses. Because the HLA region is the most polymorphic in the human genome, our results provide insights into the challenges of using of NGS data at other genomic regions of high diversity.


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Les molécules classiques du CMH de classe II présentent des peptides antigéniques aux lymphocytes T CD4+. Cette présentation est régulée par deux molécules non classiques : HLA-DM catalyse la relâche de CLIP et le chargement de peptides et HLA-DO module l’activité de DM. Une expression insuffisante en cellules d’insectes empêche les expériences de cristallisation de DO, probablement en raison de sa conformation, rendant DO instable et inapte à sortir du réticulum endoplasmique (RE). DM corrige la conformation de DO et permet sa sortie du RE. Aussi, par ses ponts disulfures uniques, DM adopte une conformation stable et peut sortir du RE sans lier d’autre molécule. Nous avons tenté de corriger la conformation de DO en introduisant des cystéines pour établir des ponts homologues à ceux de DM. La conformation de DO ne fut pas corrigée. Par ailleurs, nous avons augmenté l’expression de DO en introduisant une séquence partielle de Kozak. Nous avons aussi étudié l’effet de DM sur l’expression de DO. DM a favorisé l’expression de DO, probablement en diminuant sa dégradation. Chaque chaîne du dimère DMαβ est impliquée dans l’oxydation de sa chaîne partenaire. La conformation non-optimale de DO pourrait traduire une incapacité des chaînes α ou β à favoriser l’oxydation de sa partenaire; DM corrigerait ce problème. Notre analyse d’immunobuvardage de type Western a toutefois démontré que DM ne modifie pas l’état d’oxydation de DOα et DOβ. Finalement, nous avons étudié l’interaction DO-DM. L’acide aminé DOαE41 est impliqué dans cette liaison. Certains des acides aminés entre α80 et α84 pourraient être impliqués. Nous avons muté des acides aminés de cette région de DOα. Les résidus testés ne semblent pas impliqués dans la liaison DO-DM. L’obtention de la structure tridimensionnelle de DO et la caractérisation de son état oxydatif et de sa liaison à DM permettront de mieux comprendre son rôle.


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Introducción: La Hepatitis Autoinmune (AIH) es una enfermedad hepática crónica en la cual se han asociado diferentes alelos de susceptibilidad del antígeno leucocitario humano (HLA) de acuerdo a grupos étnicos, geográficos afectados, así como edad de presentación pronóstico y perfil serológico. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar alelos del HLA de Clase II que contribuyen a la susceptibilidad de la HAI en pacientes latinoamericanos. Metodología: El presente desarrolló una revisión sistemática de la literatura seguida por un meta-análisis de 694 casos y 1769 controles de estudios del tipo casos y controles que brindaron información suficiente para calcular el odds ratio y el intervalo de confianza del 95% desarrollados en América Latina Resultados: El grupo serológico DQ2 fue encontrado como factor de riesgo, mientras los grupos DR5 y DQ3 fueron encontrados como factores protectores en esta población. En el nivel alélico, el DQB1*02, DQB1*0603, DRB1*0405, y DRB1*1301, se encontraron como factores de riesgo, mientras que los alelos DRB1*1302 y DQB1*0301 fueron factores protectores. Las similitudes físico químicas de los aminoácidos críticos que codifican los péptidos de la fosa de anclaje en los bolsillos P1, P4, y P6 de estas moléculas del HLA, permiten dilucidar su influencia en el desarrollo de la enfermedad. Conclusión: El presente estudio fortalece el conocimiento del componente del HLA en el desarrollo de la HAI en Latinoamérica y su relación con otras poblaciones a nivel mundial.


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The prevalence and genetic susceptibility of autoimmune diseases (ADs) may vary depending on latitudinal gradient and ethnicity. The aims of this study were to identify common human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles that contribute to susceptibility to six ADs in Latin Americans through a meta-analysis and to review additional clinical, immunological, and genetic characteristics of those ADs sharing HLA alleles. DRB1∗03:01 (OR: 4.04; 95%CI: 1.41–11.53) was found to be a risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome (SS), and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). DRB1 ¨ ∗04:05 (OR: 4.64; 95%CI: 2.14–10.05) influences autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and T1D; DRB1∗04:01 (OR: 3.86; 95%CI: 2.32–6.42) is a susceptibility factor for RA and T1D. Opposite associations were found between multiple sclerosis (MS) and T1D. DQB1∗06:02 and DRB1∗15 alleles were risk factors for MS but protective factors for T1D. Likewise, DQB1∗06:03 allele was a risk factor for AIH but a protective one for T1D. Several common autoantibodies and clinical associations as well as additional shared genes have been reported in these ADs, which are reviewed herein. These results indicate that in Latin Americans ADs share major loci and immune characteristics.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O vírus linfotrópico para células T humanas (HTLV-1) é o principal agente causador da Paraparesia Espástica Tropical / Mielopatia associada ao HTLV-1 (PET/MAH) e da Leucemia da célula T do Adulto (LTA). A maioria dos indivíduos infectados permanece assintomática, somente 2 a 5% irão desenvolver uma das duas doenças. Fatores da interação HTLV-1/ hospedeiro estão envolvidos no risco de desenvolver doença. A lesão neurológica na PET/MAH parece ser consequência de uma reação inflamatória, desencadeada pelo reconhecimento de células infectadas por linfócitos T citotóxicos, com consequente liberação de citocinas e lesão medular. OBJETIVO: Identificar marcadores genéticos, que possam ajudar no prognóstico e tratamento dos pacientes portadores do HTLV-1. MÉTODOS: Nas amostras de 117 portadores do HTLV-1 assintomáticos e 171 pacientes com acometimento neurológico em acompanhamento na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, foram realizadas as tipificações dos genes do HLA Classe I e II, dos polimorfismos dos genes das citocinas -308TNF-\03B1,-174IL-6, +874IFN-\03B3, códon 10 e 25TGF-\03B21 e -1082 - 819-592IL-10, e a quantificação da carga proviral. Os dados foram organizados em um banco de dados no programa SPSS. As frequências alélicas e genotípicas foram obtidas por contagem direta. O equilíbrio de Hardy-Weinberg foi avaliado para os polimorfismos das citocinas no sitio http://bioinfo.iconcologia.net/ubbweb/SNPStats_web, em relação ao HLA foram utilizadas as ferramentas disponíveis no sítio \201CLos Alamos HIV database tools\201D. As comparações entre os grupos foram realizadas através de tabelas de contingência 2x2 (quiquadrado, exato de Fisher e odds ratios), valores de p\22640,05 foram considerados significantes RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: O alelo A*02 não influencia a condição clínica nem os níveis da carga proviral. Os alelos A*29 e B*44 foram mais frequentes entre os indivíduos assintomáticos e a sua presença influenciou os níveis da carga proviral sugerindo proteção ao desenvolvimento de doença neurológica. O alelo A*68 foi mais frequente entre os pacientes com doença neurológica, porém sua presença não influenciou nos níveis da carga proviral. O alelo C*04 foi mais frequente entre os portadores assintomáticos e não influenciou os níveis de carga proviral, já o alelo DRB1*03 predominou entre os pacientes com doença neurológica e a sua presença entre os indivíduos assintomáticos acarretou níveis mais elevados de carga proviral, sugerindo ser um possível fator de risco para o desenvolvimento de doença neurológica. Na análise do polimorfismo genético das citocinas, o polimorfismo de IL-10, com perfil fenotípico de baixo produtor da citocina foi mais frequente no grupo dos assintomáticos, enquanto que o fenótipo de produtor intermediário predominou entre os sintomáticos. O perfil fenotípico da população estudada foi caracterizado como: baixo produtor da citocina -308TNF-\03B1, intermediário a alto produtor para códon 10 e códon 25 TGF-\03B2, baixo a intermediário produtor para -1082,-819,- 592 IL-10, alto produtor para -174 IL-6 e baixo a intermediário produtor para +874IFN-\03B3


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Of all of the genes associated with the development of Diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1D), the largest contribution comes from the genes in the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) region, mostly the class II DR e DQ genes. Specific combinations of alleles DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1 constituting haplotypes, and further, a combination of more than one haplotype, providing multilocus genotypes are associated with susceptibility, protection and neutrality to DM1. Thus, the aim of present study was to verified the association of polymorphisms of HLA genes class II with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). Ninety-two patients with T1D and 100 individuals normoglycemics (NG) aged between 6 and 20 years were studied. Genomic DNA was obtained from peripheral whole blood, collected in EDTA tube, using the extraction kit Illustra Triple Prep®, GE Healthcare. For HLA typing was used DNA LABType system by One Lambda kit applying Luminex® technology to the method of PCRSSO typing reverse. The alleles DRB1*03:01, *04:05, *04:01, *04:02, DQA1*03:01g, *05:01g, DQB1*02:01g, *03:02, the haplotypes DRB1*03:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*02:01, DRB1*04:05-DQA1*03:01g-DQB1*03:02, DRB1*04:02-DQA1*03:01g-DQB1*03:02, DRB1*04:01-DQA1*03:01g-DQB1*03:02 and DR3-DQ2/DR4-DQ8 genotype were significantly associated with the chance of developing T1D. The alleles DRB1*11:01, *15:03, *15:01, *13:01, DQA1*01:02, *04:01g, *01:03, DQB1*06:02, *03:01g, *06:03, *04:02, the haplotypes DRB1*11:01-DQA1*05:01-DQB1*03:01, DRB1*13:01-DQA1*01:03-DQB1*06:03 and DRX-DQX/DRX-DQX genotype, formed by other than the DR3-DQ2 or DR4-DQ8 haplotypes, were significantly associated with T1D protection Despite the major racial Brazilian, even at the regional level, these results are similar to the majority of alleles, genotypes and haplotypes of HLA class II-related susceptibility or resistance to T1D, extensively described in the literature for Caucasian population. Children with age at diagnosis less than 5 years of age had significantly higher frequency of the heterozygous genotype DR3-DQ2/DR4-DQ8 compared to children with age at diagnosis than 5 years old. These results also demonstrate strong association of the genetic profile of the class II HLA for this age group, possibly associated with the severity and rapid progression to the onset of T1D. The knowledge of HLA class II genes may be useful in genetic screens that allow the prediction of T1D


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Humane Nierenzellkarzinom-(NZK)-Zelllinien wurden etabliert, um sie zur Generierung von autologen zytotoxischen T-Zelllinien einzusetzen. Erst nach Modifikation mit dem kostimulierenden B7-1-Molekül wurden mit der NZK-Zelllinie MZ1257RC autologe, tumorspezifische T-Zelllinien generiert und charakterisiert. Die Aufklärung eines T-Zell-definierten TAA eines autologen, zytotoxischen T Zellklons wurde mittels Expressionsklonierung einer hergestellten cDNS-Expressionsbank begonnen. Nach in vitro-Sensibilisierung von peripheren Blutmonozyten mit der autologen NZK-Zelllinie MZ2733RC wurde die HLA-Klasse I-restringierte T Zelllinie XIE6 generiert, die die autologe und verschiedene allogene NZK- sowie Zervixkarzinom-Zelllinien, jedoch nicht autologe Nierenzellen lysiert. Die T Zellen exprimieren TZR Vβ13.6-Ketten und sezernieren GM-CSF und IL-10 nach Antigenstimulation. Jedoch ist die NZK-Zelllinie MZ2733RC wenig sensitiv gegenüber autologen und allogenen Effektorzellen. Erst die Blockade ihrer HLA Klasse I-Moleküle auf der Zelloberfläche erhöht ihre Sensitivität gegenüber allogenen lymphokin-aktivierten Killer-Zellen. Verantwortlich dafür können nicht-klassische HLA Klasse Ib-Moleküle, insbesondere HLA-G sein, dessen Transkripte in der RNS der NZK-Zellen, jedoch nicht in Nierenzellen detektiert wurden. In einer detaillierten Studie wurden HLA-G-Transkripte in NZK-Zelllinien (58%), in NZK-Biopsien (80%), und nur in wenigen Nierenepithelbiopsien (10%) nachgewiesen. In der NZK-Zelllinie MZ2733RC wurde eine konstitutive HLA-G1-Proteinexpression beobachtet, die durch eine IFN-γ-Behandlung induzierbar ist.


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In allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT), alloreactive T lymphocytes of donor origin mediate the beneficial graft-versus-leukemia effect but also induce graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Since human leukocyte antigens (HLA) mismatch alleles represent major targets of alloreactive T lymphocytes, patient and donor are usually matched for the class I molecules A, B, C, and for the class II molecules DRB1 and DQB1, in order do reduce the risk of GvHD. The HLA-DPB1 locus, however, is still ignored in donor selection. Interestingly, clinical studies have demonstrated that disparities at HLA-DQB1 alleles as well as distinct HLA DPB1 mismatch constellations do not adversely affect the outcome of allo-HSCT. It has also been shown that HLA class II is predominantly expressed on hematopoietic cells under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, this PhD thesis focused on the application of CD4 T cells in adoptive immunotherapy of leukemias.rnIn the first part of this thesis we developed a rapid screening approach to detect T-cell reactivity of donors to single HLA class II mismatch alleles. Allo-HLA reactivity was measured in naive, memory, and entire CD4 T cells isolated from PBMC of healthy donors by flow cytometric cell sorting according to expression of the differentiation markers CD45RA, CD45RO, CD62L, and CCR7. T-cell populations were defined by a single marker to facilitate translation into a clinical-grade allo-depletion procedure. Alloreactivity to single HLA-DR/-DQ mismatch alleles was analyzed in short-term mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR) in vitro. As standard antigen-presenting cells, we used the HLA-deficient cell line K562 upon electroporation with single HLA-DR/-DQ allele mRNA. We observed in IFN-γ ELISpot assays that allo-HLA-reactivity preferentially derived from subsets enriched for naive compared to memory T cells in healthy donors, irrespective of the HLA mismatch allele. This separation was most efficient if CD62L (P=0.008) or CD45RA (P=0.011) were used as marker. Median numbers of allo-HLA-reactive effector cells were 3.5-fold and 16.6-fold lower in CD62Lneg and CD45RAneg memory CD4 T cells than in entire CD4 T cells, respectively. In allele-specific analysis, alloreactivity to single HLA-DR alleles clearly exceeded that to HLA-DQ alleles. In terms of alloproliferation no significant difference could be observed between individual CD4 T-cell subsets. rnThe second part of this thesis dealed with the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cells. Naive CD45RApos CD4 T cells isolated from healthy donor PBMC by flow cytometric cell sorting were stimulated in MLR against single allo-HLA-DQ/-DP alleles transfected into autologous mature monocyte-derived dendritic cells by mRNA electroporation. Rapidly expanding HLA-DQ/-DP mismatch reactive T cells significantly recognized and cytolysed primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML) blasts, fibroblasts (FB) and keratinocytes (KC) in IFN-γ ELISpot and 51chromium release assays if the targets carried the HLA DQ/ DP allele used for T cell priming. While AML blasts were recognized independent of pre-incubating them with IFN-γ, recognition of FB and KC required IFN-γ pre treatment. We further investigated HLA class II expression on hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cells by flow cytometry. HLA class II was not detected on primary FB, KC, and non-malignant kidney cells, but was expressed at significant levels on primary AML blasts and B-LCL. Up-regulation of HLA class II expression was observed on all cell types after pre-incubation with IFN-γ.rnIn summary, the novel K562-HLA based MLR approach revealed that naive-depleted CD4 T-cell subsets of healthy individuals contain decreased allo-HLA reactivity in vitro. We propose the application of CD45RAneg naive-depleted CD4 T cells as memory T cell therapy, which might be beneficial for HLA-mismatched patients at high-risk of GvHD and low-risk of leukemia relapse. Memory T cells might also provide important post-transplant immune functions against infectious agents. Additionally, the screening approach could be employed as test system to detect donors which have low risks for the emergence of GvHD after allo-HSCT. In the second part of this thesis we developed a protocol for the generation of allo-HLA-DQ/-DP specific CD4 T cell lines, which could be applied in situations in which patient and donor are matched in all HLA alleles but one HLA-DQ/-DP allele with low GvHD potential. These T cells showed lytic activity to leukemia cells while presumably sparing non-hematopoietic tissues under non-inflammatory conditions. Therefore, they might be advantageous for allo-HSCT patients with advanced stage AML after reduced-intensity conditioning and T-cell depletion for the replenishment of anti-leukemic reactivity if the risk for disease relapse is high. rn


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This research characterized a serologically indistinguishable form of HLA-DR1 that: (1) cannot stimulate some DR1-restricted or specific T-lymphocyte clones; (2) displays an unusual electrophoretic pattern on two dimensional gels; and (3) is marked by a polymorphic restriction site of the alpha gene. Inefficient stimulation of some DR1-restricted clones was a property of DR1$\sp{+}$ cells that shared HLA-B14 on the same haplotype and/or were carriers of 21-hydroxylase (21-OH) deficiency. Nonclassical 21-OH deficiency frequently demonstrates genetic linkage with HLA-B14;DR1 haplotypes and associates with duplications of C4B and one 21-OH gene. Cells having both stimulatory (DR1$\sb{\rm n}$) and nonstimulatory (DR1$\sb{\rm x}$) parental haplotypes did not mediate proliferation of these clones. However, heterozygous DR1$\sb{\rm x}$, 2 and DR1$\sb{\rm x}$, 7 cells were efficient stimulators of DR2 and DR7 specific clones, respectively, suggesting that a trans acting factor may modify DR1 alleles or products to yield a dominant DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ phenotype. Incompetent stimulator populations did not secrete an intercellular soluble or contact dependent suppressor factor nor did they express interleukin-2 receptors competing for T-cell growth factors. Two dimensional gel analysis of anti-DR immunoprecipitates revealed, in addition to normal DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$ chains, a 50kD species from DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ but not from the majority of DR1$\sb{\rm n}$ or non-DR1 cells. The 50kD structure was stable under reducing conditions in SDS and urea, had antigenic homology with DR, and dissociated after boiling into 34kD and 28kD peptide chains apparently identical with DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$ as shown by limited digest peptide maps. N-linked glycosylation and sialation of DRgp50 appeared to be unchanged from normal DR$\alpha$ and DR$\beta$. Bg1II digestion and $DR\alpha$ probing of DR1$\sb{\rm x}$ genomic DNA revealed a 4.5kb fragment while DR1$\sb{\rm n}$ DNA yielded 3.8 and 0.76kb fragments; all restriction sites mapped to the 3$\sp\prime$ untranslated region of $DR\alpha$. Collectively, these data suggest that DRgp50 represents a novel combinatorial association between constitutive chains of DR that may interfere with or compete for normal T cell receptor recognition of DR1 as both an alloantigen and restricting element. Furthermore, extensive chromosomal abnormalities previously mapped to the class III region of B14;DR1 haplotypes may extend into the adjacent class II region with consequent intrusion on immune function. ^


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BACKGROUND Chronic HCV infection is a leading cause of liver-related morbidity globally. The innate and adaptive immune responses are thought to be important in determining viral outcomes. Polymorphisms associated with the IFNL3 (IL28B) gene are strongly associated with spontaneous clearance and treatment outcomes. OBJECTIVE This study investigates the importance of HLA genes in the context of genetic variation associated with the innate immune genes IFNL3 and KIR2DS3. DESIGN We assess the collective influence of HLA and innate immune genes on viral outcomes in an Irish cohort of women (n=319) who had been infected from a single source as well as a more heterogeneous cohort (Swiss Cohort, n=461). In the Irish cohort, a number of HLA alleles are associated with different outcomes, and the impact of IFNL3-linked polymorphisms is profound. RESULTS Logistic regression was performed on data from the Irish cohort, and indicates that the HLA-A*03 (OR 0.36 (0.15 to 0.89), p=0.027) -B*27 (OR 0.12 (0.03 to 0.45), p=<0.001), -DRB1*01:01 (OR 0.2 (0.07 to 0.61), p=0.005), -DRB1*04:01 (OR 0.31 (0.12 to 0.85, p=0.02) and the CC IFNL3 rs12979860 genotypes (OR 0.1 (0.04 to 0.23), p<0.001) are significantly associated with viral clearance. Furthermore, DQB1*02:01 (OR 4.2 (2.04 to 8.66), p=0.008), KIR2DS3 (OR 4.36 (1.62 to 11.74), p=0.004) and the rs12979860 IFNL3 'T' allele are associated with chronic infection. This study finds no interactive effect between IFNL3 and these Class I and II alleles in relation to viral clearance. There is a clear additive effect, however. Data from the Swiss cohort also confirms independent and additive effects of HLA Class I, II and IFNL3 genes in their prediction of viral outcome. CONCLUSIONS This data supports a critical role for the adaptive immune response in the control of HCV in concert with the innate immune response.