876 resultados para HIV-1-INFECTED PATIENTS
Background: Because various HIV vaccination studies are in progress, it is important to understand how often inter- and intra-subtype co/superinfection occurs in different HIV-infected high-risk groups. This knowledge would aid in the development of future prevention programs. In this cross-sectional study, we report the frequency of subtype B and F1 co-infection in a clinical group of 41 recently HIV-1 infected men who have sex with men (MSM) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methodology: Proviral HIV-1 DNA was isolated from subject's peripheral blood polymorphonuclear leukocytes that were obtained at the time of enrollment. Each subject was known to be infected with a subtype B virus as determined in a previous study. A small fragment of the integrase gene (nucleotide 4255-4478 of HXB2) was amplified by nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using subclade F1 specific primers. The PCR results were further confirmed by phylogenetic analysis. Viral load (VL) data were extrapolated from the medical records of each patient. Results: For the 41 samples from MSM who were recently infected with subtype B virus, it was possible to detect subclade F1 proviral DNA in five patients, which represents a co-infection rate of 12.2%. In subjects with dual infection, the median VL was 5.3 x 10(4) copies/ML, whereas in MSM that were infected with only subtype B virus the median VL was 3.8 x 10(4) copies/ML (p > 0.8). Conclusions: This study indicated that subtype B and F1 co-infection occurs frequently within the HIV-positive MSM population as suggested by large number of BF1 recombinant viruses reported in Brazil. This finding will help us track the epidemic and provide support for the development of immunization strategies against the HIV.
The Brazilian network for genotyping is composed of 21 laboratories that perform and analyze genotyping tests for all HIV-infected patients within the public system, performing approximately 25,000 tests per year. We assessed the interlaboratory and intralaboratory reproducibility of genotyping systems by creating and implementing a local external quality control evaluation. Plasma samples from HIV-1-infected individuals (with low and intermediate viral loads) or RNA viral constructs with specific mutations were used. This evaluation included analyses of sensitivity and specificity of the tests based on qualitative and quantitative criteria, which scored laboratory performance on a 100-point system. Five evaluations were performed from 2003 to 2008, with 64% of laboratories scoring over 80 points in 2003, 81% doing so in 2005, 56% in 2006, 91% in 2007, and 90% in 2008 (Kruskal-Wallis, p = 0.003). Increased performance was aided by retraining laboratories that had specific deficiencies. The results emphasize the importance of investing in laboratory training and interpretation of DNA sequencing results, especially in developing countries where public (or scarce) resources are used to manage the AIDS epidemic.
The antiviral potency of the cytokine IFN-α has been long appreciated but remains poorly understood. A number of studies have suggested that induction of the apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide 3 (APOBEC3) and bone marrow stromal cell antigen 2 (BST-2/tetherin/CD317) retroviral restriction factors underlies the IFN-α-mediated suppression of HIV-1 replication in vitro. We sought to characterize the as-yet-undefined relationship between IFN-α treatment, retroviral restriction factors, and HIV-1 in vivo. APOBEC3G, APOBEC3F, and BST-2 expression levels were measured in HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV)-coinfected, antiretroviral therapy-naïve individuals before, during, and after pegylated IFN-α/ribavirin (IFN-α/riba) combination therapy. IFN-α/riba therapy decreased HIV-1 viral load by -0.921 (±0.858) log(10) copies/mL in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients. APOBEC3G/3F and BST-2 mRNA expression was significantly elevated during IFN-α/riba treatment in patient-derived CD4+ T cells (P < 0.04 and P < 0.008, paired Wilcoxon), and extent of BST-2 induction was correlated with reduction in HIV-1 viral load during treatment (P < 0.05, Pearson's r). APOBEC3 induction during treatment was correlated with degree of viral hypermutation (P < 0.03, Spearman's ρ), and evolution of the HIV-1 accessory protein viral protein U (Vpu) during IFN-α/riba treatment was suggestive of increased BST-2-mediated selection pressure. These data suggest that host restriction factors play a critical role in the antiretroviral capacity of IFN-α in vivo, and warrant investigation into therapeutic strategies that specifically enhance the expression of these intrinsic immune factors in HIV-1-infected individuals.
Monitoring of renal function becomes increasingly important in the aging population of HIV-1 infected patients. We compared Cockroft & Gault (C&G), Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI), Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), Cystatin C- and 24 h urine-based estimated GFR (eGFR) with the gold standard, measured GFR (mGFR) using [125I]-iothalamate.
We analyzed brain tissue from 39 patients for the presence of proviral HIV-1 sequences, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the amplification of segments of the viral LTR and gag genes. A novel primer extension procedure allowed the detection of a single HIV-1 copy in 1 micrograms DNA. We detected proviral HIV-1 DNA in 16 of 25 brain samples from AIDS patients. Semiquantitative evaluation of the amplified DNAs indicated considerable variation in viral load. Highest levels of proviral DNA were present in brain samples from six patients with clinical evidence of HIV-associated cognitive/motor complex and the histopathologic correlate of HIV leukoencephalopathy or HIV encephalitis. An additional 11 brain samples contained smaller amounts of proviral DNA. In these patients, clinical data were inconclusive regarding the diagnosis of HIV-1 encephalopathy and histopathologically there was no evidence of HIV-1-induced tissue lesions. In nine of 25 seropositive patients with AIDS (36%), brain samples scored negative or did not contain an unequivocal signal indicating the presence of proviral DNA. HIV-1 sequences were not detected in any of 14 control brain samples from HIV-1 seronegative patients. Our data indicate that HIV-1 is present in the central nervous system of the majority (two thirds) of AIDS patients and that the highest levels of proviral DNA in brain tissue are associated with HIV encephalopathy.
HIV-1 infected children display a highly variable rate of progression to AIDS. Data about reasons underlying the variable progression to AIDS among vertically-infected children is sparse, and the few studies that have examined this important question have almost exclusively been done in the developed world. This is despite the fact that Sub-Saharan Africa is home to over 90% of all HIV infected children around the world.^ The main objective of this study was to examine predictors of HIV-1 slow progression among vertically infected children in Botswana, using a case control design. Cases (slow progressors) and controls (rapid progressors) were drawn from medical records of HIV-1 infected children being followed up for routine care and treatment at the BBCCCOE between February 2003 and February 2011. Univariate and Multivariate Logistic Regression Analyses were performed to identify independent predictors of slow disease progression and control for confounding respectively. ^ The study population comprised of 152 cases and 201 controls with ages ranging from 6 months to 16 years at baseline. Low baseline HIV-1 RNA viral load was the strongest independent predictor of slow progression (adjusted OR = 5.52, 95% CI = 2.75-11.07; P <0.001). Other independent predictors of slow disease progression identified were: lack of history of PMTCT with single dose Nevirapine plus Zidovudine (adjusted OR = 4.45, 95% CI = 1.45-13.69; P = 0.009) and maternal vital status (alive) (adjusted OR = 2.46, 95% CI = 1.51-4.01; P < 0.00 ).^ The results of this study may help clinicians and policy-makers in resource-limited settings to identify, at baseline, which children are at highest risk of rapid progression to AIDS and thus prioritize them for immediate intervention with HAART and other measures that would mitigate disease progression. At the same time HAART may be delayed among children who are at lower risk of disease progression. This would enable the highly affected, yet impoverished, Sub-Saharan African countries to use their scarce resources more efficiently which may in turn ensure that their National Antiretroviral Therapy Programs become more sustainable. Delaying HAART among the low-risk children would also lower the occurrence of adverse drug reactions associated with antiretroviral drugs exposure.^ Keywords. Slow Progressors, Rapid Progressors, HIV-1, Predictors, Children, Vertical Transmission, Sub-Saharan Africa^
Although highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the form of triple combinations of drugs including protease inhibitors can reduce the plasma viral load of some HIV-1-infected individuals to undetectable levels, it is unclear what the effects of these regimens are on latently infected CD4+ T cells and what role these cells play in the persistence of HIV-1 infection in individuals receiving such treatment. The present study demonstrates that highly purified CD4+ T cells from 13 of 13 patients receiving HAART with an average treatment time of 10 months and with undetectable (<500 copies HIV RNA/ml) plasma viremia by a commonly used bDNA assay carried integrated proviral DNA and were capable of producing infectious virus upon cellular activation in vitro. Phenotypic analysis of HIV-1 produced by activation of latently infected CD4+ T cells revealed the presence in some patients of syncytium-inducing virus. In addition, the presence of unintegrated HIV-1 DNA in infected resting CD4+ T cells from patients receiving HAART, even those with undetectable plasma viremia, suggests persistent active virus replication in vivo.
The resistance of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) to traditional drug therapy has prompted a search for alternative treatments for this disease. One potential approach is to provide genetic resistance to viral replication to prolong latency. This strategy requires the definition of effective antiviral genes that extend the survival of T cells in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals. We report the results of a human study designed to determine whether a genetic intervention can prolong the survival of T cells in HIV-infected individuals. Gene transfer was performed in enriched CD4+ cells with plasmid expression vectors encoding an inhibitory Rev protein, Rev M10, or a deletion mutant control, deltaRev M10, delivered by gold microparticles. Autologous cells separately transfected with each of the vectors were returned to each patient, and toxicity, gene expression, and survival of genetically modified cells were assessed. Cells that expressed Rev M10 were more resistant to HIV infection than those with deltaRev M10 in vitro. In HIV-infected subjects, Rev M10-transduced cells showed preferential survival compared to deltaRev M10 controls. Rev M10 can therefore act as a specific intracellular inhibitor that can prolong T-cell survival in HIV-1-infected individuals and potentially serve as a molecular genetic intervention which can contribute to the treatment of AIDS.
Virus-specific CD8+ T cells are known to play an important role in the control of HIV infection. In this study we investigated whether there may be qualitative differences in the CD8+ T cell response in HIV-1- and HIV-2-infected individuals that contribute to the relatively efficient control of the latter infection. A molecular comparison of global TCR heterogeneity showed a more oligoclonal pattern of CD8 cells in HIV-1- than HIV-2-infected patients. This was reflected in restricted and conserved TCR usage by CD8+ T cells recognizing individual HLA-A2- and HLA-B57-restricted viral epitopes in HIV-1, with limited plasticity in their response to amino acid substitutions within these epitopes. The more diverse TCR usage observed for HIV-2-specific CD8 T cells was associated with an enhanced potential for CD8+ expansion and IFN- production on cross-recognition of variant epitopes. Our data suggest a mechanism that could account for any possible cross-protection that may be mediated by HIV-2-specific CD8+ T cells against HIV-1 infection. Furthermore, they have implications for HIV vaccine development, demonstrating an association between a polyclonal, virus-specific CD8+ T cell response and an enhanced capacity to tolerate substitutions within T cell epitopes.
A síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS), causada pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), é uma das epidemias mais impactantes do milênio e, desde o início, o número de mulheres jovens infectadas vem aumentando vertiginosamente, principalmente nos países em desenvolvimento onde muitas destas engravidam precocemente. Apesar da grande maioria dos casos de AIDS pediátrico no mundo resultar da transmissão vertical, aproximadamente dois terços dos neonatos expostos ao HIV durante a vida fetal não são contaminados. Neste sentido, seguindo as recomendações do consenso brasileiro (Ministério da Saúde), toda criança cuja transmissão vertical tenha sido descartada laboratorialmente não necessita de acompanhamento ambulatorial particularizado. Entretanto, resultados anteriores obtidos pelo nosso grupo demonstraram que, gestantes infectadas pelo HIV-1 que não controlam a carga viral plasmática (CVP), apresentam níveis elevados de citocinas inflamatórias e, no presente estudo, resultados revelam que neonatos não-infectados nascidos dessas gestantes apresentam anormalidades imunofuncionais no compartimento das células T do cordão umbilical quando expostos in vitro a ativadores policlonais, mas não aos antígenos do HIV-1. Ademais, quando comparada a neonatos não expostos, a ativação in vitro das células T de neonatos expostos ao HIV-1 com anti-CD3/anti-CD28 induziu a produção de níveis elevados de IL-17 e reduzidos de IL-10. Interessantemente, essa tendência das células T em secretar IL-17 parece estar relacionada à liberação de níveis elevados de IL-23 pelas células dendríticas derivadas de monócitos do sangue do cordão umbilical estimuladas com lipopolissacarídeo bacteriano. Uma ausência de sensibilização uterina aos antígenos do HIV-1 sugere que essas alterações possam traduzir um efeito adverso da produção elevada de citocinas inflamatórias maternas sobre o sistema imune do neonato, o que pode desequilibrar os eventos envolvidos na maturação e homeostasia imune fetal e neonatal, favorecendo o predomínio de fenótipos Th anômalos, tal como Th17. Essa hiper-responsividade das células Th17 pode vir a comprometer não apenas a capacidade da criança em responder de forma adequada a diferentes estímulos antigênicos ao longo de sua vida, como também pode torná-la mais suscetível a desordens imunomediadas
AIM: To determine whether trichobitacin, a novel ribosome-inactivating protein purified from the root tubers of Trichosanthes kirilowii, possesses the anti-HIV activity. METHODS: The inhibition of syncytial cell formation induced by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1),was determined under microscope, reduction of HIV-1 p24 antigen expression level was measured by ELISA, and decrease in numbers of HIV-1 antigen positive cells in acutely and-chronically infected cultures were detected by indirect immunofluorescence assay. RESULTS: Trichobitacin Was-found to greatly suppress syncytial cell formation induced by HIV-1 and to markedly reduce both expression of HIV-1 p24 antigen and the number of HIV antigen positive cells in acutely but not chronically HIV-1 infected culture. The median inhibitory concentration (IC50) in inhibition of syncytial cell formation and HIV antigen positive cells were 5 mu g.L-1 (95 % confidence limits: 1.3 - 20 mu g.L-1) and 0.09 mg.L-1 (95 % confidence limits: 0.011 - 0.755 mg.L-1), respectively. CONCLUSION: Trichobitacin is a novel ribosome-inactivating protein with anti-HIV-l activity.
Aim: To study the pharmacokinetics of sifuvirtide, a novel anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) peptide, in monkeys and to compare the inhibitory concentrations of sifuvirtide and enfuvirtide on HIV-1-infected-cell fusion. Methods: Monkeys received 1.2 mg/kg iv or sc of sifuvirtide. An on-line solid-phase extraction procedure combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (SPELC/MS/MS) was established and applied to determine the concentration of sifuvirtide in monkey plasma. A four-I-127 iodinated peptide was used as an internal standard. Fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC50) of sifuvirtide on cell fusion was determined by co-cultivation assay. Results: The assay was validated with good precision and accuracy. The calibration curve for sifuvirtide in plasma was linear over a range of 4.88-5000 mu g/L, with correlation coefficients above 0.9923. After iv or sc administration, the observed peak concentrations of sifuvirtide were 10626 +/- 2886 mu g/L and 528 +/- 191 mu g/L, and the terminal elimination half-lives (T,12) were 6.3 +/- 0.9 h and 5.5 +/- 1.0 h, respectively. After sc, T-max was 0.25-2 h, and the absolute bioavailability was 49% +/- 13%. Sifuvirtide inhibited the syncytium formation between HIV-1 chronically infected cells and uninfected cells with an IC50 of 0.33 mu g/L. Conclusion: An on-line SPE-LC/MS/MS approach was established for peptide pharmacokinetic studies. Sifuvirtide was rapidly absorbed subcutaneously into the blood circulation. The T-1/2 of sifuvirtide was remarkably longer than that of its analog, enfuvirtide, reported in healthy monkeys and it conferred a long-term plasma concentration level which was higher than its IC50 in vitro.
目的:探讨HIV-1感染是否影响细胞中UNG2的表达.方法:采用四步法SYBR green Ⅰ实时定量RT-PCR,对HIV-1感染者的T和B淋巴细胞,以及HIV-1感染的C8166细胞核内UNG2 mRNA的表达进行测定.结果:UNG2 mRNA的表达在HIV-1感染者的T细胞和HIV-1感染的C8166细胞中被明显上调,分别是对照的8.76倍和8.14倍,而在HIV-1感染者的B细胞中却没有被上调.结论:HIV-1感染导致的UNG2表达上调,可能通过减少TCR的多样性削弱Th的功能,另一方面可能有利于病毒对UNG2的包装.
The southeastern region of Yunnan province is a key site for drug trafficking and HIV-1 infection spread from the west of Yunnan and Laos to southeastern China. To investigate the prevalence of HIV-1 infection and hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection among injection drug users (IDUs) in southeastern Yunnan, three cohorts of 285 addicts, including 242 IDUs and 43 oral drug users, living in the cities of Gejiu and Kaiyuan and the county of Yanshan were studied. HIV-1 and HCV infections were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and/or polymerase chain reaction. Data on the age, sex, risk behavior, drug use history, employment, ethnic background, and marriage status were obtained by interview. The overall prevalence of HIV-1 infection was 71.9%. The rate of HCV coinfection among 138 HIV-1-infected IDUs was 99.3%. Most HIV-infected IDUs were 20 to 35 years old (86.7%) and were ethnic Han (75.9%), suggesting that the epidemic in Yunnan is no longer confined to non-Han ethnic minorities, HIV prevalence in female IDUs (81.2%) was significantly higher than in male IDUs (68.2%) (p <.05). The prevalence of HIV infection reached 68.4% after 1 year of injection drug use. Needle/syringe sharing is the major high risk factor for the spread of HIV-1 and HCV infections. Large-scale educational campaigns are urgently needed to reduce the spread of HIV and HCV infection in these regions.
A steady increase in knowledge of the molecular and antigenic structure of the gp120 and gp41 HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) is yielding important new insights for vaccine design, but it has been difficult to translate this information to an immunogen that elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies. To help bridge this gap, we used phylogenetically corrected statistical methods to identify amino acid signature patterns in Envs derived from people who have made potently neutralizing antibodies, with the hypothesis that these Envs may share common features that would be useful for incorporation in a vaccine immunogen. Before attempting this, essentially as a control, we explored the utility of our computational methods for defining signatures of complex neutralization phenotypes by analyzing Env sequences from 251 clonal viruses that were differentially sensitive to neutralization by the well-characterized gp120-specific monoclonal antibody, b12. We identified ten b12-neutralization signatures, including seven either in the b12-binding surface of gp120 or in the V2 region of gp120 that have been previously shown to impact b12 sensitivity. A simple algorithm based on the b12 signature pattern was predictive of b12 sensitivity/resistance in an additional blinded panel of 57 viruses. Upon obtaining these reassuring outcomes, we went on to apply these same computational methods to define signature patterns in Env from HIV-1 infected individuals who had potent, broadly neutralizing responses. We analyzed a checkerboard-style neutralization dataset with sera from 69 HIV-1-infected individuals tested against a panel of 25 different Envs. Distinct clusters of sera with high and low neutralization potencies were identified. Six signature positions in Env sequences obtained from the 69 samples were found to be strongly associated with either the high or low potency responses. Five sites were in the CD4-induced coreceptor binding site of gp120, suggesting an important role for this region in the elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibody responses against HIV-1.