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A Hiperplasia Prostática Benigna (HPB) é uma anormalidade proliferativa relacionada com a idade e muito freqüente no período da senescência. A Prevalência da HPB encontra-se em torno de 40 a 50% aos 50 anos e de aproximadamente 80% aos 70 anos. A patogênese da formação tumoral tem sido estreitamente associada à ação dos hormônios esteróides. Os efeitos androgênicos são mediados pela testosterona e dihidrotestosterona (DHT) nas células alvo e suas ações têm sido demonstradas na morfogênese, diferenciação, proliferação celular e secreções da glândula prostática. A ligação dos androgênios promove a ativação do receptor de androgênios, recrutamento de cofatores, promovendo a transcrição de genes alvo hormônio-dependentes. O gene do AR humano está localizado no cromossomo X apresentando regiões polimórficas no exon 1. O polimorfismo CAG é o mais estudado e seu número de repetições está inversamente correlacionado com a atividade transcricional do receptor. Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a freqüência do polimorfismo CAG do AR em uma amostra da população masculina do Rio Grande do Sul com e sem HPB e verificar se o número de repetições está relacionado com o desenvolvimento da HPB. Foram avaliados 44 pacientes com HPB e 52 controles. O DNA foi extraído de leucócitos do sangue periférico. A região do gene do AR correspondente ao polimorfismo CAG foi amplificada por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR). O produto da PCR foi avaliado por eletroforese capilar e analisado pelo software Genemapper no seqüenciador automático ABI3100 Avant. A análise estatística foi feita através do teste t para amostras independentes, teste de qui-quadrado, análise de regressão linear múltipla e análise de variância seguida pelo teste complementar de Duncan quando mais de três grupos foram comparados. O número de repetiçoes CAG variou de 16 a 30 no grupo controle e de 16 à 31 no grupo HPB. A média de repetições foi de 22,27  3,04 e 21,64  2,89 respectivamente (p=0,30). A testosterona sérica diferiu entre os grupos HPB (4,18  1,34 ng/dl) e controles (4,92  1,29 ng/dl), sendo menor no grupo com HPB (p=0,009). A correlação entre estas variáveis é de 0,256 (p= 0,014). Porém, quando corrigida pela idade, a correlação diminui e perdeu a significância (p=0,104). Estes resultados sugerem que não há correlação entre o número de repetições CAG e o risco de HPB na amostra estudada. Os níveis séricos de testosterona não estão associados com o número de repetições CAG. Pacientes com HPB têm níveis de testosterona mais baixos que os controles.


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The objective of this study was perform by the streptoavidin-biotin technique an immunohistochemical analysis of α2β1, α3β1e α5β1 integrins in 11 normal oral mucosa (NOM), 16 oral inflammatory fibroepithelial hyperplasia (OIFH) and 25 oral epithelial dysplasia (OED) (16 mild, 2 moderates and 7 severe), to determine if exists qualitative alteration in the expression of these integrins and if this guard relation with the oral epithelial modifications. It was observed that for the α2β1 integrin the majority of the sample showed a predominantly intense labeling diffusely distributed in the intercellular contacts and the cytoplasm of cells of the basal and suprabasal layers, without difference of this profile between the different types of specimens, however with a trend to weak or loss of expression in 21.1% of the OEDs, being all the specimens that had not expressed this heterodimer, severe OEDs. For the α3β1 integrin the majority of the sample showed a weak or absent labeling in basal layer. The α5β1 integrin showed a predominant strong diffuse labeling in the intercellular contacts and cytoplasm in the suprabasal layer, with difference only in the labeling intensity between the types of specimens, inhabiting this difference in the OEDs, where 12 (48%) specimens had shown a weak labeling. It was concluded that the evaluated integrins can be involved in the cell-cell, cell-ECM interactions modulating the cellular differentiation and maintenance of the epithelial structural arrangement. The variable expression of the α5β1 integrin in the OEDs, could suggest, respectively, a role of this molecule in the cellular survival, with intention to perpetuate the modified phenotype in these lesions, or a suppressor role on the modified phenotype due to lack of interaction of this molecule with the fibronectina of the MEC


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BACKGROUND: the objective of the present study was to determine the importance of the site of embryo transfer (upper or lower half endometrial cavity) on implantation and clinical pregnancy rates. METHODS: A total of 400 transfers guided by ultrasound were randomly assigned to two groups according to the distance between the uterine fundus and the catheter tip at the time of embryo placement. Group I (n=200) consisted of transfers corresponding to a distance of <50% of the endometrial cavity length (ECL), i.e. transfer in upper half of the cavity; and group II (n=200) consisted of transfers corresponding to a distance of greater than or equal to50%, of the ECL, i.e. transfer in lower half of cavity. The Student's t-test, Mann-Whitney test and Fisher's exact test were used where appropriate. RESULTS: the general characteristics of the study population and the main transfer cycle characteristics had an equal distribution (P>0.05) between groups I and II. No significant difference in implantation or pregnancy rates was observed between groups I and II. CONCLUSION: the implantation or pregnancy rates were similar whether the embryos were deposited in the upper or lower half of the endometrial cavity.


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Neste trabalho apresentamos um caso de hiperplasia nodular focal que foi diagnosticado aos seis anos de idade e que está sendo acompanhado até o momento presente. Para o diagnóstico foram imprescindíveis as técnicas de imagem, tendo importância de realce a cintilografia hepatoesplênica e a tomografia computadorizada. Apresentamos, também, revisão da literatura sobre o assunto.


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The aim of the present study was to monitor endometrial distribution and concentrations of oestrogen receptors alpha (ER alpha) and progesterone receptors (PR) by immunohistochemistry in Nelore cows (Bos taurus indicus) during the oestrous cycle. Blood samples were collected for progesterone measurement and endometrial samples were taken from the uterine horn contra lateral to the corpus luteum in 16 cows at days 0 (ovulation), 5, 9, 13 and 19 of the oestrous cycle. Immunostaining evaluation for ER alpha and PR in the glandular epithelium and uterine stroma was performed by two methods: positive nuclei counting and staining intensity of the nuclei. Specific positive staining reactions for both receptors were limited to cell nuclei and they were not identified in the cytoplasm. The proportion of ER alpha positive nuclei had a temporal variation throughout the oestrous cycle in both cell types evaluated and was higher in uterine stroma than the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). The greatest proportion of ER alpha stained nuclei was observed at oestrus and during the initial and mid luteal phase (days 5, 9 and 13) (p < 0.05) in the glandular epithelium and at days 0, 5 and 9 in the uterine stroma (p < 0.01). The proportion of PR positive nuclei remained constant throughout the entire oestrous cycle for both cell types evaluated (p > 0.05). A higher proportion of PR positive nuclei was measured in the uterine stroma compared with the glandular epithelium (p < 0.05). Intensity of staining for ER alpha and PR varied throughout the oestrous cycle (p < 0.01). There was a higher staining intensity at days 0 and 5 in the stroma for ER alpha (p < 0.01) and PR (p < 0.01) and in the glandular epithelium at days 0, 5, 9 and 13 for ER alpha (p < 0.01) and at days 0, 5 and 9 for PR (p < 0.01) when compared with the other evaluated days. These data demonstrate that ER alpha and PR expression varied throughout the oestrous cycle in Nelore cows, in general with highest concentrations at oestrus and the lowest during the luteal phase. This is similar to patterns observed in Bos taurus taurus.


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Objetivos: os autores mostram a experiência preliminar com o uso do balão térmico para ablação do endométrio em pacientes com queixas de menorragia. Pacientes e Métodos: foram submetidas a este procedimento 20 pacientes. Após exame pélvico completo e ultra-sonografia endovaginal, todas as pacientes foram submetidas à histeroscopia diagnóstica com biópsia de endométrio para excluir causas de malignidade. Das 20 pacientes que se submeteram ao tratamento com balão térmico, 16 foram submetidas em regime ambulatorial com anestesia local. O procedimento teve duração de 8 minutos e 30 segundos. Resultados: duas das 20 pacientes mostraram-se insatisfeitas, mantendo o quadro hemorrágico inalterado, e 18 pacientes referiram melhora da sintomatologia. Não houve complicações do procedimento. Conclusões: o uso do balão térmico para ablação endometrial mostrou-se seguro e eficaz para o tratamento da menorragia de causa benigna.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução da condição endometrial após as cirurgias de Caslick e Pouret, empregou-se cada uma destas técnicas em um grupo de sete éguas, com histórico de subfertilidade e portadoras de pneumovagina, que justificassem, por sua conformação vulvar, a aplicação destas cirurgias. A avaliação da condição endometrial foi feita através dos exames de biópsia do endométrio, realizados imediatamente antes da cirurgia e aos 15 e 60 dias de pós-operatório e ainda pela verificação das taxas de fertilidade em ambos os grupos, durante a estação reprodutiva do ano subseqüente. A comparação dos resultados dos exames do período pós em relação ao pré-operatório evidenciou modificações histopatológicas suficientemente sutis para não levar a mudanças na classificação endometrial durante o período de observação, porém a melhora obtida nas taxas de fertilidade nos grupos experimentais permitiram concluir que as cirurgias corretivas de Caslick e Pouret proporcionaram melhora do desempenho reprodutivo de éguas portadoras de pneumovagina.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: To validate hysteroscopic view with histology in cases of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)DESIGN: Retrospective study.(Canadian Task Force classification II-3).SETTING: University teaching hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and private office in Rio de Janeiro.PATIENTS: Four thousand and fifty-four patients with AUB in whom hysteroscopic views were complete and the histologic result was conclusive.INTERVENTION: Four thousand and fifty-four office hysteroscopies with complete views and conclusive histologic results. The material for histologic examination was obtained through biopsy of the lesion in an outpatient unit or through the resection of the entire lesion in patients who underwent surgery. Histology was considered the gold standard and compared with the hysteroscopic view.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In the histology of the 4054 examinations, 613 (15.2%) were endometrial hyperplasia, and 105 (2.6%) were endometrial cancer. The most frequent hysteroscopic finding was endometrial polyps (31.2%). In endometrial hyperplasia, the sensitivity of the hysteroscopic view was 56.3% (95% CI 52.21-60.2%), specificity was 89.1% (95% CI 88.0%-90.1%), positive predictive value (PPV) was 48.0% (95% CI 44.3%-51.7%), negative predictive value (NPV) was 92.0% (95% Cl 90.1%-92.9%), and accuracy was 72.7% (95% CI 70.7%-74.7%). Accuracy was defined as the proportion of correct results among the hysteroscopic examinations. In endometrial cancer, the sensitivity of the hysteroscopic view was 80.0% (95% Cl 71.1%-87.2%), specificity was 99.5% (95% CI 99.2%-99.7%), PPV was 81.5% (95% Cl 72.7%-88.5%), NPV was 99.5% (95% CI 99.2%-99.7%), and accuracy was 89.8% (95% CI, 85.9%-93.6%). In the 814 patients (20.0%) in whom the hysteroscopic view was normal, there were no false negatives for endometrial cancer; however, there were 37 (4.5%) false negatives for endometrial hyperplasia. In the histologic cases of endometrial cancer, 101 (96.2%) hysteroscopic views were compatible with cancer or hyperplasia (80.0% and 16.2%, respectively). Ninety-seven out of 103 hysteroscopic views with cancer findings (94.2%) had histologic diagnosis of cancer or hyperplasia (81.5% and 12.6%, respectively).CONCLUSION: It seems that even in face of good validity of hysteroscopic view for endometrial hyperplasia and cancer, histologic study is mandatory in the presence of any lesion as the hysteroscopic view cannot completely replace the histologic study in patients with AUB. (C) 2006 AAGL. All rights reserved.