931 resultados para HIGH-AFFINITY


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Two families of peptides that specifically bind the extracellular domain of the human type I interleukin I (IL-1) receptor were identified from recombinant peptide display libraries. Peptides from one of these families blocked binding of IL-lalpha to the type I IL-1 receptor with IC50 values of 45-140 microM. Affinity-selective screening of variants of these peptides produced ligands of much higher affinity (IC50 approximately 2 nM). These peptides block IL-1-driven responses in human and monkey cells; they do not bind the human type II IL-1 receptor or the murine type I IL-1 receptor. This is the first example (that we know of) of a high affinity peptide that binds to a cytokine receptor and acts as a cytokine antagonist.


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Specific DNA binding to the core consensus site GAGAGAG has been shown with an 82-residue peptide (residues 310-391) taken from the Drosophila transcription factor GAGA. Using a series of deletion mutants, it was demonstrated that the minimal domain required for specific binding (residues 310-372) includes a single zinc finger of the Cys2-His2 family and a stretch of basic amino acids located on the N-terminal end of the zinc finger. In gel retardation assays, the specific binding seen with either the peptide or the whole protein is zinc dependent and corresponds to a dissociation constant of approximately 5 x 10(-9) M for the purified peptide. It has previously been thought that a single zinc finger of the Cys2-His2 family is incapable of specific, high-affinity binding to DNA. The combination of an N-terminal basic region with a single Cys2-His2 zinc finger in the GAGA protein can thus be viewed as a novel DNA binding domain. This raises the possibility that other proteins carrying only one Cys2-His2 finger are also capable of high-affinity specific binding to DNA.


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The mechanism(s) that regulates invasion of trophoblasts through the uterine epithelium during embryo implantation and nidation in hemochorial placental mammals is poorly understood. While limited trophoblast invasion is essential for the establishment of normal pregnancy, dysregulation of this process may contribute to the pathogenesis of choriocarcinoma, a highly invasive and lethal form of cancer arising from the trophoblasts. We have previously demonstrated that rabbit uteroglobin (UG), a cytokine-like, antiinflammatory protein, produced by the endometrial epithelium during pregnancy, has a potent antichemotactic effect on neutrophils and monocytes in vitro. Here, we report that recombinant human UG (hUG) dramatically suppresses invasion of human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells through an artificial basement membrane (Matrigel) in vitro but has no effect on that of human choriocarcinoma cells. We identified a previously unreported high-affinity, high molecular weight (approximately 190 kDa), nonglycosylated hUG-binding protein, readily detectable on human trophoblasts and NIH 3T3 cells but totally lacking on choriocarcinoma cells. Taken together, these results raise the possibility that (i) hUG plays a critical role in regulating cellular invasiveness, at least in part, via its previously unrecognized cell surface binding site, and (ii) some of the numerous biological activities of proteins of the UG family, reported so far, may be mediated via this binding site.


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The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two separate systems for zinc uptake. One system has high affinity for substrate and is induced in zinc-deficient cells. The second system has lower affinity and is not highly regulated by zinc status. The ZRT1 gene encodes the transporter for the high-affinity system, called Zrt1p. The predicted amino acid sequence of Zrt1p is similar to that of Irt1p, a probable Fe(II) transporter from Arabidopsis thaliana. Like Irt1p, Zrt1p contains eight potential transmembrane domains and a possible metal-binding domain. Consistent with the proposed role of ZRT1 in zinc uptake, overexpressing this gene increased high-affinity uptake activity, whereas disrupting it eliminated that activity and resulted in poor growth of the mutant in zinc-limited media. Furthermore, ZRT1 mRNA levels and uptake activity were closely correlated, as was zinc-limited induction of a ZRT1-lacZ fusion. These results suggest that ZRT1 is regulated at the transcriptional level by the intracellular concentration of zinc. ZRT1 is an additional member of a growing family of metal transport proteins.


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Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of death in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury (SCI). However, platelets of those with SCI (n = 30) showed neither increased aggregation nor resistance to the antiaggregatory effects of prostacyclin when compared with normal controls (n = 30). Prostanoid-induced cAMP synthesis was similar in both groups. In contrast, prostacyclin, which completely inhibited the platelet-stimulated thrombin generation in normal controls, failed to do so in those with SCI. Scatchard analysis of the binding of [3H]prostaglandin E1, used as a prostacyclin receptor probe, showed the presence of one high-affinity (Kd1 = 8.11 +/- 2.80 nM; n1 = 172 +/- 32 sites per cell) and one low-affinity (Kd2 = 1.01 +/- 0.3 microM; n2 = 1772 +/- 226 sites per cell) prostacyclin receptor in normal platelets. In contrast, the same analysis in subjects with SCI showed significant loss (P < 0.001) of high-affinity receptor sites (Kd1 = 6.34 +/- 1.91 nM; n1 = 43 +/- 10 sites per cell) with no significant change in the low affinity-receptors (Kd2 = 1.22 +/- 0.23; n2 = 1820 +/- 421). Treatment of these platelets with insulin, which has been demonstrated to restore both of the high- and low-affinity prostaglandin receptor numbers to within normal ranges in coronary artery disease, increased high-affinity receptor numbers and restored the prostacyclin effect on thrombin generation. These results demonstrate that the loss of the inhibitory effect of prostacyclin on the stimulation of thrombin generation was due to the loss of platelet high-affinity prostanoid receptors, which may contribute to atherogenesis in individuals with chronic SCI.


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The presence of a proton-coupled electrogenic high-affinity peptide transporter in the apical membrane of tubular cells has been demonstrated by microperfusion studies and by use of brush border membrane vesicles. The transporter mediates tubular uptake of filtered di- and tripeptides and aminocephalosporin antibiotics. We have used expression cloning in Xenopus laevis oocytes for identification and characterization of the renal high-affinity peptide transporter. Injection of poly(A)+ RNA isolated from rabbit kidney cortex into oocytes resulted in expression of a pH-dependent transport activity for the aminocephalosporin antibiotic cefadroxil. After size fractionation of poly(A)+ RNA the transport activity was identified in the 3.0- to 5.0-kb fractions, which were used for construction of a cDNA library. The library was screened for expression of cefadroxil transport after injection of complementary RNA synthesized in vitro from different pools of clones. A single clone (rPepT2) was isolated that stimulated cefadroxil uptake into oocytes approximately 70-fold at a pH of 6.0. Kinetic analysis of cefadroxil uptake expressed by the transporter's complementary RNA showed a single saturable high-affinity transport system shared by dipeptides, tripeptides, and selected amino-beta-lactam antibiotics. Electrophysiological studies established that the transport activity is electrogenic and affected by membrane potential. Sequencing of the cDNA predicts a protein of 729 amino acids with 12 membrane-spanning domains. Although there is a significant amino acid sequence identity (47%) to the recently cloned peptide transporters from rabbit and human small intestine, the renal transporter shows distinct structural and functional differences.


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In most plants amino acids represent the major transport form for organic nitrogen. A sensitive selection system in yeast mutants has allowed identification of a previously unidentified amino acid transporter in Arabidopsis. AAT1 encodes a hydrophobic membrane protein with 14 membrane-spanning regions and shares homologies with the ecotropic murine leukemia virus receptor, a bifunctional protein serving also as a cationic amino acid transporter in mammals. When expressed in yeast, AAT1 mediates high-affinity transport of basic amino acids, but to a lower extent also recognizes acidic and neutral amino acids. AAT1-mediated histidine transport is sensitive to protonophores and occurs against a concentration gradient, indicating that AAT1 may function as a proton symporter. AAT1 is specifically expressed in major veins of leaves and roots and in various floral tissues--i.e., and developing seeds.


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We have used an in vitro selection procedure called crosslinking SELEX (SELEX = systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment) to identify RNA sequences that bind with high affinity and crosslink to the Rev protein from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A randomized RNA library substituted with the photoreactive chromophore 5-iodouracil was irradiated with monochromatic UV light in the presence of Rev. Those sequences with the ability to photocrosslink to Rev were partitioned from the rest of the RNA pool, amplified, and used for the next round of selection. Rounds of photocrosslinking selection were alternated with rounds of selection for RNA sequences with high affinity to Rev. This iterative, dual-selection method yielded RNA molecules with subnanomolar dissociation constants and high efficiency photocrosslinking to Rev. Some of the RNA molecules isolated by this procedure form a stable complex with Rev that is resistant to denaturing gel electrophoresis in the absence of UV irradiation. In vitro selection of nucleic acids by using modified nucleotides allows the isolation of nucleic acid molecules with potentially limitless chemical capacities to covalently attack a target molecule.


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Pleckstrin homology (PH) domains are found in many signaling molecules and are thought to be involved in specific intermolecular interactions. Their binding to several proteins and to membranes containing 1-alpha-phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate [PtdIns(4,5)P2] has been reported. A region that includes the PH domain has also been implicated in binding of phospholipase C-delta 1 (PLC-delta 1) to both PtdIns(4,5)P2 and D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [Ins(1,4,5)P3] [Cifuentes, M. E., Delaney, T. & Rebecchi, M. J. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269, 1945-1948]. We report herein that the isolated PH domain from PLC-delta 1 binds to both PtdIns(4,5)P2 and Ins(1,4,5)P3 with high affinity and shows the same binding specificity seen by others with whole PLC-delta 1. Thus the PH domain is functionally and structurally modular. These results demonstrate stereo-specific high-affinity binding by an isolated PH domain and further support a functional role for PH domains in the regulation of PLC isoforms. Other PH domains did not bind strongly to the compounds tested, suggesting that inositol phosphates and phospholipids are not likely physiological ligands for all PH domains. Nonetheless, since all PH-domain-containing proteins are associated with membrane surfaces, several PH domains bind to specific sites on membranes, and PH domains appear to be electrostatically polarized, a possible general role for PH domains in membrane association is suggested.


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The Escherichia coli cytosolic homotetrameric protein SecB is known to be involved in protein export across the plasma membrane. A currently prevalent view holds that SecB functions exclusively as a chaperone interacting nonspecifically with unfolded proteins, not necessarily exported proteins, whereas a contrary view holds that SecB functions primarily as a specific signal-recognition factor--i.e., in binding to the signal sequence region of exported proteins. To experimentally resolve these differences we assayed for binding between chemically pure SecB and chemically pure precursor (p) form (containing a signal sequence) and mature (m) form (lacking a signal sequence) of a model secretory protein (maltose binding protein, MBP) that was C-terminally truncated. Because of the C-terminal truncation, neither p nor m was able to fold. We found that SecB bound with 100-fold higher affinity to p (Kd 0.8 nM) than it bound to m (Kd 80 nM). As the presence of the signal sequence in p is the only feature that distinguished p from m, these data strongly suggest that the high-affinity binding of SecB is to the signal sequence region and not the mature region of p. Consistent with this conclusion, we found that a wild-type signal peptide, but not an export-incompetent mutant signal peptide of another exported protein (LamB), competed for binding to p. Moreover, the high-affinity binding of SecB to p was resistant to 1 M salt, whereas the low-affinity binding of SecB to m was not. These qualitative differences suggested that SecB binding to m was primarily by electrostatic interactions, whereas SecB binding to p was primarily via hydrophobic interactions, presumably with the hydrophobic core of the signal sequence. Taken together our data strongly support the notion that SecB is primarily a specific signal-recognition factor.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is one of the most abundant peptide transmitters in the mammalian brain. In the periphery it is costored and coreleased with norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve terminals. However, the physiological functions of this peptide remain unclear because of the absence of specific high-affinity receptor antagonists. Three potent NPY receptor antagonists were synthesized and tested for their biological activity in in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo functional assays. We describe here the effects of these antagonists inhibiting specific radiolabeled NPY binding at Y1 and Y2 receptors and antagonizing the effects of NPY in human erythroleukemia cell intracellular calcium mobilization perfusion pressure in the isolated rat kidney, and mean arterial blood pressure in anesthetized rats.


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The delta isoform of protein kinase C is phosphorylated on tyrosine in response to antigen activation of the high-affinity receptor for immunoglobulin E. While protein kinase C-delta associates with and phosphorylates this receptor, immunoprecipitation of the receptor revealed that little, if any, tyrosine-phosphorylated protein kinase C-delta is receptor associated. In vitro kinase assays with immunoprecipitated tyrosine-phosphorylated protein kinase C-delta showed that the modified enzyme had diminished activity toward the receptor gamma-chain peptide as a substrate but not toward histones or myelin basic protein peptide. We propose a model in which the tyrosine phosphorylation of protein kinase C-delta regulates the kinase specificity toward a given substrate. This may represent a general mechanism by which in vivo protein kinase activities are regulated in response to external stimuli.


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A virus-based vector was used for the transient expression of the alfalfa mosaic virus coat protein (CP) gene in protoplasts and plants. The accumulation of wild-type CP conferred strong protection against subsequent alfalfa mosaic virus infection, enabling the efficacy of CP mutants to be determined without developing transgenic plants. Expression of the CP mRNA alone without CP accumulation conferred weaker protection against infection. The activity of the N-terminal mutant CPs in protection did not correlate with their activities in genome activation. The activity of a C-terminal mutant suggested that encapsidation did not have a role in protection. Our results indicate that interaction of the CP with alfalfa mosaic virus RNA is not important in protection, thereby leaving open the possibility that interactions with host factors lead to protection.


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The interaction of histone H1 isolated from chicken erythrocytes with restriction fragments from plasmids pBR322 and pUC19 was studied by gel electrophoresis. Certain restriction fragments exhibited unusually high affinity for the histone, forming high molecular mass complexes at protein to DNA ratios at which the other fragments did not show evidence for binding. The highly preferred fragments are intrinsically curved, as judged by their electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels, by computer modeling, and by imaging with scanning force microscopy. However, control experiments with either curved portions of the same fragments or highly curved kinetoplast DNA fragments showed that the presence of curvature alone was not sufficient for preferential binding. By using various restriction fragments centered around the highly preferred sequence, it was found that the high-affinity binding required in addition the presence of specific sequences on both sides of the region of curvature. Thus, both curvature and the presence of specific sites seem to be required to generate high affinity.


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Signaling by interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) requires two structurally related cell surface proteins: a ligand-binding polypeptide, known as the IFN-gamma receptor (IFN-gamma R), and an accessory factor. However, it is not known whether IFN-gamma forms a ternary complex with the IFN-gamma R and accessory factor to initiate signaling. Here we demonstrate complex formation between IFN-gamma and the two proteins, both in solution and at the cell surface. We observe complexes containing ligand, two molecules of IFN-gamma R (designated the IFN-gamma R alpha chain), and one or two molecules of accessory factor (designated the IFN-gamma R beta chain). Transfected cells expressing both IFN-gamma R chains bind IFN-gamma with higher affinity than do cells expressing alpha chain alone. Anti-beta-chain antibodies prevent the beta chain from participating in the ligand-receptor complex, reduce the affinity for IFN-gamma, and block signaling. Soluble alpha- or beta-chain extracellular domains also inhibit function. These results demonstrate that IFN-gamma signals via a high-affinity multisubunit complex that contains two types of receptor chain and suggest a potential approach to inhibiting specific actions of IFN-gamma by blocking the association of receptor subunits.