899 resultados para HEPATIC STEATOSIS


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BACKGROUND Epidemiologic and experimental data have suggested that chlorogenic acid, which is a polyphenol contained in green coffee beans, prevents diet-induced hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. OBJECTIVE We assessed whether the consumption of chlorogenic acid-rich coffee attenuates the effects of short-term fructose overfeeding, dietary conditions known to increase intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs), and blood triglyceride concentrations and to decrease hepatic insulin sensitivity in healthy humans. DESIGN Effects of 3 different coffees were assessed in 10 healthy volunteers in a randomized, controlled, crossover trial. IHCLs, hepatic glucose production (HGP) (by 6,6-d2 glucose dilution), and fasting lipid oxidation were measured after 14 d of consumption of caffeinated coffee high in chlorogenic acid (C-HCA), decaffeinated coffee high in chlorogenic acid, or decaffeinated coffee with regular amounts of chlorogenic acid (D-RCA); during the last 6 d of the study, the weight-maintenance diet of subjects was supplemented with 4 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) (total energy intake ± SD: 143 ± 1% of weight-maintenance requirements). All participants were also studied without coffee supplementation, either with 4 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) (high fructose only) or without high fructose (control). RESULTS Compared with the control diet, the high-fructose diet significantly increased IHCLs by 102 ± 36% and HGP by 16 ± 3% and decreased fasting lipid oxidation by 100 ± 29% (all P < 0.05). All 3 coffees significantly decreased HGP. Fasting lipid oxidation increased with C-HCA and D-RCA (P < 0.05). None of the 3 coffees significantly altered IHCLs. CONCLUSIONS Coffee consumption attenuates hepatic insulin resistance but not the increase of IHCLs induced by fructose overfeeding. This effect does not appear to be mediated by differences in the caffeine or chlorogenic acid content. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00827450.


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Fatty liver is commonly associated with alcohol ingestion and abuse. While the molecular pathogenesis of these fatty changes is well understood, the biochemical and pharmacological mechanisms by which ethanol stimulates these molecular changes remain unknown. During ethanol metabolism, adenosine is generated by the enzyme ecto-5'-nucleotidase, and adenosine production and adenosine receptor activation are known to play critical roles in the development of hepatic fibrosis. We therefore investigated whether adenosine and its receptors play a role in the development of alcohol-induced fatty liver. WT mice fed ethanol on the Lieber-DeCarli diet developed hepatic steatosis, including increased hepatic triglyceride content, while mice lacking ecto-5'-nucleotidase or adenosine A1 or A2B receptors were protected from developing fatty liver. Similar protection was also seen in WT mice treated with either an adenosine A1 or A2B receptor antagonist. Steatotic livers demonstrated increased expression of genes involved in fatty acid synthesis, which was prevented by blockade of adenosine A1 receptors, and decreased expression of genes involved in fatty acid metabolism, which was prevented by blockade of adenosine A2B receptors. In vitro studies supported roles for adenosine A1 receptors in promoting fatty acid synthesis and for A2B receptors in decreasing fatty acid metabolism. These results indicate that adenosine generated by ethanol metabolism plays an important role in ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis via both A1 and A2B receptors and suggest that targeting adenosine receptors may be effective in the prevention of alcohol-induced fatty liver.


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Introdução - Na prevenção primária das doenças cardiovasculares, a adoção de estilo de vida saudável representa uma das estratégias mais importantes. Entretanto, baixos índices de adesão e o abandono da dieta constituem obstáculo importante ao tratamento. Neste sentido, as intervenções cirúrgicas surgiram como um mecanismo promotor da restrição alimentar e têm ganhado importância não só pelo tratamento da obesidade como também no controle dos fatores de risco cardiovascular e na possível redução da mortalidade. Através de estudos clínicos foi possível observar que estas estratégias cirúrgicas promovem profundas modificações estruturais no trato gastrointestinal gerando aumento da saciedade e da sensibilidade à insulina. Em especial para os pacientes diabéticos, por si só associados a maior risco cardiovascular, as cirurgias bariátricas seriam capazes de promover um efeito muito intenso e agudo sobre os marcadores relacionados ao desenvolvimento da aterosclerose. Um evento muito definido no tempo como uma intervenção cirúrgica pode ser muito útil para o estudo e identificação de mecanismos que ainda não estão completamente estabelecidos no processo aterosclerótico. Objetivos - Analisar o comportamento das variáveis laboratoriais, clínicas e estruturais relacionadas ao desenvolvimento e progressão da aterosclerose em indivíduos diabéticos submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos - Foram incluídos vinte voluntários diabéticos refratários ao tratamento clínico e que apresentavam obesidade abdominal. Deste grupo, metade foi aleatoriamente selecionada para realização da cirurgia bariátrica e metade foi mantida em tratamento clínico otimizado. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a exames clínicos e bioquímicos nas mesmas ocasiões, até trinta dias antes da cirurgia, três e vinte e quatro meses após a cirurgia. Nestas ocasiões além do perfil lipídico e da glicemia, determinamos os hormônios incretínicos, adipocinas. A avaliação da quantidade de gordura epicárdica e a presença de esteatose hepática será realizada somente após dois anos de seguimento em conjunto com as demais variáveis,. Foram incluídos também 10 indivíduos saudáveis e com IMC dentro da normalidade, como parte do grupo controle. Estes indivíduos foram submetidos à coleta de sangue em dois momentos para avaliação dos mesmos metabólitos. Resultados - No momento pré-intervenção os indivíduos do grupo cirúrgico e clinico eram diferentes em relação ao IMC, Glicemia e Triglicérides, sendo assim, os resultados obtidos foram ajustados minimizando o impacto destas diferenças. Após o seguimento de 3 meses, o grupo cirúrgico apresentou redução significativa nos valores de peso, IMC (33,4 ± 2,6 vs. 27,4±2,8 kg/m2, p < 0,001), HbA1c (9,26 ± 2,12 vs. 6,18±0,63%, p < 0,001), CT (182,9 ± 45,4 vs. 139,8 ± 13 mg/dl, p < 0,001), HDL (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), TG (369,5 ± 324,6 vs. 130,8 ± 43,1 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Pro-insulina (12.72±9,11 vs. 1,76±1,14 pM, p < 0,001), RBP-4 (9,85±2,53 vs. 7,3±1,35 ng/ml, p < 0,001) e CCK (84,8±33,2 vs. 79,9 ± 31,1, ng/ml, p < 0,001), houve também aumento significativo nos níveis de HDL-colesterol (33,1 ± 7,7 vs. 38,4 ± 10,6 mg/dL, p < 0,001), Glucagon (7,4 ± 7,9 vs. 10,2±9,7 pg/ml, p < 0,001) e FGF- 19 (74,1 ± 45,8 vs. 237,3 ± 234 pg/ml, p=0,001). Um dado interessante foi que os valores de Pro-insulina, RBP-4, HbA1c e HDL- colesterol no grupo cirúrgico atingiram valores similares àqueles do grupo controle três meses após a intervenção, sendo que o FGF-19 apresentava valor duas vezes maior do que o encontrado no grupo de indivíduos saudáveis (237 ± 234 vs. 98 ± 102,1 pg/ml). O grupo clínico não apresentou variação nas variáveis clinicas, apenas nos valores de glucagon com redução significativa no período pós-intervenção (18,1 ± 20,7 vs. 16,8 ± 18,4 pg/ml, p < 0,001). Conclusão - Concluímos que indivíduos diabéticos descompensados e refratários ao tratamento clínico, quando submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica, apresentam uma alteração profunda do ponto de vista clínico, metabólico e hormonal, em relação ao indivíduos de mesmo perfil mantidos em tratamento clínico otimizado. Esta importante alteração, observada já com três meses após a intervenção, pode representar uma importante redução do risco cardiovascular nestes indivíduos. Individualmente, a notável modificação dos valores de FGF-19 associadas à intervenção devem ser estudadas com maior profundidade para compreensão de seu significado e sua potencial utilidade como marcador ou como um dos protagonistas no mecanismo de prevenção cardiovascular


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A esteatose hepática, que se caracteriza pelo acúmulo excessivo de gordura nas células do fígado, é um problema que vem preocupando a comunidade médico-científica, pois sua incidência vem aumentando a nível global, com expectativa de se tornar a doença crônica hepática de maior predominância em várias partes do mundo. Apesar de ser considerada uma doença benigna, a esteatose pode evoluir para doenças mais graves como cirrose, fibrose avançada, esteato hepatite (com ou sem fibrose) ou carcinoma. Entretanto, é potencialmente reversível, mesmo em quadros mais graves, o que reforça a urgência de se desenvolver métodos confiáveis para detecção e avaliação, inclusive ao longo de tratamento. Os métodos atuais para diagnóstico e quantificação da gordura hepática ainda são falhos: com a ultrassonografia não se é capaz de realizar quantificação; a tomografia computadorizada faz uso de radiação ionizante; a punção (biópsia), considerada o padrão ouro, é precisa, mas invasiva e pontual. A Ressonância Magnética (RM), tanto com espectroscopia (MRS) como com imagem (MRI), são alternativas completamente não invasivas, capazes de fornecer o diagnóstico e quantificação da gordura infiltrada no fígado. Entretanto, os trabalhos encontrados na literatura utilizam sequências de pulsos desenvolvidas especialmente para esse fim, com métodos de pós-processamento extremamente rebuscados, o que não é compatível com o estado atual dos equipamentos encontrados em ambientes clínicos nem mesmo ao nível de experiência e conhecimento das equipes técnicas que atuam em clínicas de radiodiagnóstico. Assim, o objetivo central do presente trabalho foi avaliar o potencial da RM como candidato a método de diagnóstico e de quantificação de gordura em ambientes clínicos, utilizando, para isso, sequências de pulsos convencionais, disponíveis em qualquer sistema comercial de RM, com protocolos de aquisição e processamento compatíveis com àqueles realizados em exames clínicos, tanto no que se refere à simplicidade como ao tempo total de aquisição. Foram avaliadas diferentes abordagens de MRS e MRI utilizando a biópsia hepática como padrão de referência. Foram avaliados pacientes portadores de diabetes tipo II, que apresentam alta prevalência de esteatose hepática não alcoólica, além de grande variabilidade nos percentuais de gordura. Foram realizadas medidas de correlação, acurácia, sensibilidade e especificidade de cada uma das abordagens utilizadas. Todos os métodos avaliados apresentaram alto grau de correlação positiva (> 87%) com os dados obtidos de maneira invasiva, o que revela que os valores obtidos utilizando RM estão de acordo com aquilo observado pela biópsia hepática. Muito embora os métodos de processamento utilizados não sejam tão complexos quanto seriam necessários caso uma quantificação absoluta fosse desejada, nossas análises mostraram alta acurácia, especificidade e sensibilidade da RM na avaliação da esteatose. Em conclusão, a RM se apresenta, de fato, como uma excelente candidata para avaliar, de forma não invasiva, a fração de gordura hepática, mesmo quando se considera as limitações impostas por um ambiente clínico convencional. Isso sugere que essas novas metodologias podem começar a migrar para ambientes clínicos sem depender das sequências complexas e dos processamentos exóticos que estão descritos na literatura mais atual.


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Background/Aims: There is increasing interest in the influence of excess body weight and associated metabolic factors on the liver. In patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, lower levels of adiponectin were associated with higher grades of hepatic steatosis and necroinflammatory activity, suggesting a pathophysiological role for this adipokine in liver disease. Methods: We studied 194 consecutive patients with untreated chronic HCV, to assess the relationship between adiponectin and its receptors and hepatic steatosis, fibrosis and inflammation. Results: Significant negative correlations between serum adiponectin and male gender, body mass index and serum insulin were observed. However, there was no association between serum adiponectin and stage of fibrosis and lower levels of serum adiponectin were associated with the presence of steatosis in males only. In contrast, there was a significant increase in serum adiponectin and hepatic adiponectin immunoreactivity with increasing inflammation. The hepatic mRNA expression of the adiponectin receptors, AdipoR1 and AdipoR2, displayed significant but opposite associations with phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) gene expression, a substitute marker of hepatic insulin sensitivity. Conclusions: In patients with chronic HCV, adiponectin was associated with steatosis only in males and was paradoxically increased with inflammation. Our results suggest that the role of adiponectin in chronic liver diseases may be linked to gender and etiology. (c) 2005 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade em Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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Background We present new findings on liver steatosis detected in a group of 20 morbidly obese patients who were reassessed shortly after bariatric surgery (BS) by assaying hepatic markers in their serum.Methods We assayed aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT), cholinesterase, cholesterol, total protein, and albumin, and measured the weight and the body mass index (BMI) of patients, before and one and three months after surgery.Results There were significant reductions in BMI following surgery and also falls in transaminases and gamma-GT activities three months after BS. No changes occurred in other parameters between periods, except that cholesterol was above reference values before BS and fell to normal levels three months after BS.Conclusions We suggest that before undergoing surgery, the patients suffered from slight steatosis, while after BS the reduction in AST and gamma-GT indicated that this condition was corrected within three months. Moreover, these enzymes may be useful markers for excess fat in the liver.


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Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common of all liver diseases. The hepatic disposition [H-3]palmitate and its low-molecular-weight metabolites in perfused normal and steatotic rat liver were studied using the multiple indicator dilution technique and a physiologically based slow diffusion/bound pharmacokinetic model. The steatotic rat model was established by administration of 17alpha-ethynylestradiol to female Wistar rats. Serum biochemistry markers and histology of treated and normal animals were assessed and indicated the presence of steatosis in the treatment group. The steatotic group showed a significantly higher alanine aminotransferase-to-aspartate aminotransferase ratio, lower levels of liver fatty acid binding protein and cytochrome P-450, as well as microvesicular steatosis with an enlargement of sinusoidal space. Hepatic extraction for unchanged [H-3]palmitate and production of low-molecular-weight metabolites were found to be significantly decreased in steatotic animals. Pharmacokinetic analysis suggested that the reduced extraction and sequestration for palmitate and its metabolites was mainly attributed to a reduction in liver fatty acid binding protein in steatosis.


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Background: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is caused by abnormal accumulation of lipids within liver cells. Its prevalence is increasing in developed countries in association with obesity, and it represents a risk factor for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Since NAFLD is usually asymptomatic at diagnosis, new non-invasive approaches are needed to determine the hepatic lipid content in terms of diagnosis, treatment and control of disease progression. Here, we investigated the potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to quantitate and monitor the hepatic triglyceride concentration in humans. Methods: A prospective study of diagnostic accuracy was conducted among 129 consecutive adult patients (97 obesity and 32 non-obese) to compare multi-echo MRI fat fraction, grade of steatosis estimated by histopathology, and biochemical measurement of hepatic triglyceride concentration (that is, Folch value). Results: MRI fat fraction positively correlates with the grade of steatosis estimated on a 0 to 3 scale by histopathology. However, this correlation value was stronger when MRI fat fraction was linked to the Folch value, resulting in a novel equation to predict the hepatic triglyceride concentration (mg of triglycerides/g of liver tissue = 5.082 + (432.104 * multi-echo MRI fat fraction)). Validation of this formula in 31 additional patients (24 obese and 7 controls) resulted in robust correlation between the measured and estimated Folch values. Multivariate analysis showed that none of the variables investigated improves the Folch prediction capacity of the equation. Obese patients show increased steatosis compared to controls using MRI fat fraction and Folch value. Bariatric surgery improved MRI fat fraction values and the Folch value estimated in obese patients one year after surgery. Conclusions: Multi-echo MRI is an accurate approach to determine the hepatic lipid concentration by using our novel equation, representing an economic non-invasive method to diagnose and monitor steatosis in humans.


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Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is an endogenous factor that restrains hepatic insulin resistance in diet-induced steatosis Reducing IL-10 expression increases proinflammatory activity in the steatotic liver and worsens insulin resistance As the transcriptional coactivator proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator-1 alpha (PGC-1 alpha) plays a central role in dysfunctional hepatocytic activity in diet-induced steatosis, we hypothesized that at least part of the action of PGC-1 alpha could be mediated by reducing the transcription of the IL-10 gene Here, we used immunoblotting, real-time polymerase chain reaction, immunocytochemistry, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay to investigate the role of PGC-1 alpha in the control of IL-10 expression in hepatic cells First, we show that, in the intact steatotic liver, the expressions of IL-10 and PGC-1 alpha are increased Inhibiting PGC-1 alpha expression by antisense oligonucleotide increases IL-10 expression and reduces the steatotic phenotype. In cultured hepatocytes, the treatment with saturated and unsaturated fatty acids increased IL-10 expression. This was accompanied by increased association of PGC-1 alpha with c-Maf and p50-nuclear factor (NF) kappa B, 2 transcription factors known to modulate IL-10 expression In addition, after fatty acid treatment. PGC-1 alpha, c-Maf, and p50-NF kappa B migrate from the cytosol to the nuclei of hepatocytes and bind to the IL-10 promoter region Inhibiting NF kappa B activation with salicylate reduces IL-10 expression and the association of PGC-1 alpha with p50-NF kappa B Thus, PGC-1 alpha emerges as a potential transcriptional regulator of the inflammatory phenomenon taking place in the steatotic liver (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc All rights reserved


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The effects of endurance training on PGE(2) levels and upon the maximal activity of hepatic carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) system were studied in rats bearing the Walker 256 carciosarcoma. Animals were randomly assigned to a sedentary control (SC), sedentary tumor-bearing (ST), exercised control (EC), and as an exercised tumor-bearing (ET) group. Trained rats ran on a treadmill (60% VO(2) max) for 60 min/day, 5 days/week, for 8 weeks. We examined the mRNA expression (RT-PCR) and maximal activity (radio-assay) of the carnitine palmitoyltransferase system enzymes (CPT I and CPT II), as well as the gene expression of fatty-acid-binding protein (L-FABP) in the liver. PGE(2) content was measured in the serum, in tumor cells, and in the liver (ELISA). CPT I and CPT II maximal activity were decreased (p < 0.01) in ST when compared with SC. In contrast, serum PGE(2) was increased (p < 0.05) in cachectic animals as compared with SC. In the liver, PGE(2) content was also increased (p < 0.05) when compared with SC. Endurance training restored maximal CPT I and CPT II activity in the tumor-bearing animals (p < 0.0001). Exercise training induced PGE(2) levels to return to control values in the liver of tumor-bearing training rats (p < 0.05) and decreased the eicosanoid content in the tumor (p < 0.01). In conclusion, endurance training was capable of reestablishing liver carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) system activity associated with decreased PGE(2) levels in cachectic tumor-bearing animals, preventing steatosis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Chronic and excessive alcohol consumption is an established risk for hepatic inflammation and carcinogenesis. Luteolin is one of the most common flavonoids present in plants and has potential beneficial effects against cancer. In this study, we examined the effect and potential mechanisms of luteolin supplementation in a carcinogen initiated alcohol-promoted pre-neoplastic liver lesion mouse model. C57BL/6 mice were injected with diethylnitrosamine (DEN) [i.p. 25 mg/kg of body weight (BW)] at 14 days of age. At 8 weeks of age mice were group pair-fed with Lieber-DeCarli liquid control diet or alcoholic diet [ethanol (EtOH) diet, 27% total energy from ethanol] and supplemented with a dose of 30 mg luteolin/kg BW per day for 21 days. DEN-injected mice fed EtOH diet displayed a significant induction of pre-neoplastic lesions, a marker associated with presence of steatosis and inflammation. Dietary luteolin significantly reduced the severity and incidence of hepatic inflammatory foci and steatosis in DEN-injected mice fed EtOH diet, as well the presence of preneoplastic lesions. There was no difference on hepatic protein levels of sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) among all groups; however, luteolin supplementation significantly reversed alcohol-reduced SIRT1 activity assessed by the ratio of acetylated and total forkhead box protein O1 (FoXO1) and SIRT1 target proliferator-activated receptor gamma, coactivator 1 alpha (PGC1α). Dietary intake of luteolin prevents alcohol promoted pre-neoplastic lesions, potentially mediated by SIRT1 signaling pathway.