140 resultados para H1N1
Travel in passenger cars is a ubiquitous aspect of the daily activities of many people. During the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic a case of probable transmission during car travel was reported in Australia, to which spread via the airborne route may have contributed. However, there are no data to indicate the likely risks of such events, and how they may vary and be mitigated. To address this knowledge gap, we estimated the risk of airborne influenza transmission in two cars (1989 model and 2005 model) by employing ventilation measurements and a variation of the Wells-Riley model. Results suggested that infection risk can be reduced by not recirculating air; however, estimated risk ranged from 59 to 99.9% for a 90 min trip when air was recirculated in the newer vehicle. These results have implications for interrupting in-car transmission of other illnesses spread by the airborne route.
Background Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is used for severe lung and/or heart failure in intensive care units (ICU). The Prince Charles Hospital (TPCH) has one of the largest ECMO units in Australia. Its use rapidly increased during the H1N1 (“swine flu”) pandemic and an increase in pedal complications resulted. The relationship between ECMO and pedal complications has been described, particularly in children, though no strong data exists. This paper presents a case series of foot complications in patients having received ECMO treatment. Methods We present nine cases of severe foot complications resulting from patients receiving ECMO treatment at TPCH in 2009–2012. Results Case ages ranged from 16 - 58 years and three were male. Six cases had an unremarkable medical history prior to H1N1 or H1N2 infection, one had Cardiomyopathy, one had received a lung transplant, and one had multi-organ failure post-sepsis. Common medications prescribed included vasopressors, antibiotics, and sedatives. All cases showed signs of markedly impaired peripheral perfusion whilst on ECMO and seven developed increasing areas of foot necrosis. Outcomes include two bilateral below knee amputations, two multiple digital amputations, one Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, three pressure injuries, and three deaths. Conclusion Necrosis of the feet appears to occur more readily in younger people requiring ECMO treatment than others in ICU. The authors are conducting further studies to investigate associations between particular infections, medical history, medications, or machine techniques and severe foot complications. Some of these early results will also be presented at this conference.
In 2009 the world experienced an influenza pandemic caused by the H1N1 virus. While the pandemic was milder then expected, it nonetheless provided the world with an opportunity to do real-time testing of pandemic preparedness. This paper examines the threats to human health posed by infectious diseases and the challenges for the global community in development of effective surveillance systems for emerging infectious diseases. In 2005 a new revised version of the International Health Regulations (IHR) was adopted. The requirements of the IHR (2005) are outlined and considered in light of the constraints facing resource-poor countries. Finally, the paper addresses the role of domestic law-making in supporting public health preparedness and articulates a number of ethical principles that should be considered when developing new public health laws.
The role of law in managing public health challenges such as influenza pandemics poses special challenges. This article reviews Australian plans in the context of the H1N1 09 experience to assess whether risk management was facilitated or inhibited by the "number" of levels or phases of management, the degree of prescriptive detail for particular phases, the number of plans, the clarity of the relationship between them, and the role of the media. Despite differences in the content and form of the plans at the time of the H1N1 09 emerging pandemic, the article argues that in practice, the plans proved to be responsive and robust bases for managing pandemic risks. It is suggested that this was because the plans proved to be frameworks for coordination rather than prescriptive straitjackets, to be only one component of the regulatory response, and to offer the varied tool box of possible responses, as called for by the theory of responsive regulation. Consistent with the principle of subsidiarity, it is argued that the plans did not inhibit localised responses such as selective school closures or rapid responses to selected populations such as cruise ship passengers.
The swine influenza (H1N1) outbreak in 2009 highlighted the ethical and legal pressures facing general practitioners and health workers in emergency departments in determining the nature and limits of their obligations to their patients and the public. Health workers require guidance on the multiple, overlapping, and at times conflicting legal and ethical duties owed to patients and prospective patients, employers and fellow health workers, and their families. Existing sources of advice on these issues in Australia, by way of statements of medical ethics and other sources of advice, are shown to be in need of further amplification if health workers are to be provided with the certainty and guidance required. Given the complexity of the issues, Australia would therefore benefit from more extensive consultation with the variety of stakeholders involved in these questions if pandemic plans are to smoothly deal with future crises in an ethically and legally sound manner.
Though difficult, the study of gene-environment interactions in multifactorial diseases is crucial for interpreting the relevance of non-heritable factors and prevents from overlooking genetic associations with small but measurable effects. We propose a "candidate interactome" (i.e. a group of genes whose products are known to physically interact with environmental factors that may be relevant for disease pathogenesis) analysis of genome-wide association data in multiple sclerosis. We looked for statistical enrichment of associations among interactomes that, at the current state of knowledge, may be representative of gene-environment interactions of potential, uncertain or unlikely relevance for multiple sclerosis pathogenesis: Epstein-Barr virus, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus, HHV8-Kaposi sarcoma, H1N1-influenza, JC virus, human innate immunity interactome for type I interferon, autoimmune regulator, vitamin D receptor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor and a panel of proteins targeted by 70 innate immune-modulating viral open reading frames from 30 viral species. Interactomes were either obtained from the literature or were manually curated. The P values of all single nucleotide polymorphism mapping to a given interactome were obtained from the last genome-wide association study of the International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium & the Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium, 2. The interaction between genotype and Epstein Barr virus emerges as relevant for multiple sclerosis etiology. However, in line with recent data on the coexistence of common and unique strategies used by viruses to perturb the human molecular system, also other viruses have a similar potential, though probably less relevant in epidemiological terms. © 2013 Mechelli et al.
Background and objective Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are at a high risk of developing significant complications from infection with the influenza virus. It is therefore vital to ensure that prophylaxis with the influenza vaccine is effective in COPD. The aim of this study was to assess the immunogenicity of the 2010 trivalent influenza vaccine in persons with COPD compared to healthy subjects without lung disease, and to examine clinical factors associated with the serological response to the vaccine. Methods In this observational study, 34 subjects (20 COPD, 14 healthy) received the 2010 influenza vaccine. Antibody titers at baseline and 28 days post-vaccination were measured using the hemagglutination inhibition assay (HAI) assay. Primary endpoints included seroconversion (≥4-fold increase in antibody titers from baseline) and the fold increase in antibody titer after vaccination. Results Persons with COPD mounted a significantly lower humoral immune response to the influenza vaccine compared to healthy participants. Seroconversion occurred in 90% of healthy participants, but only in 43% of COPD patients (P=0.036). Increasing age and previous influenza vaccination were associated with lower antibody responses. Antibody titers did not vary significantly with cigarette smoking, presence of other comorbid diseases, or COPD severity. Conclusion The humoral immune response to the 2010 influenza vaccine was lower in persons with COPD compared to non-COPD controls. The antibody response also declined with increasing age and in those with a history of prior vaccination.
Background: Given that viral infections are common triggers for exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), current clinical guidelines recommend that all patients receive annual influenza vaccinations. A detailed examination of the immune response to vaccination in COPD has not previously been undertaken, so this study aimed to compare immune responses to influenza vaccination between COPD patients and healthy subjects. Methods: Twenty one COPD patients and fourteen healthy subjects were recruited and cellular immune function was assessed pre- and post- vaccination with trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine. Results: One month after vaccination, H1N1 specific antibody titres were significantly lower in COPD patients than in healthy controls (p=0.02). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that post vaccination antibody titres were independently associated with COPD, but not with age or smoking status. Innate immune responses to the vaccine preparation did not differ between the two populations. Serum concentrations of IL-21, a cytokine that is important for B cell development and antibody synthesis, were also lower in COPD patients than in healthy subjects (p<0.01). In vitro functional differences were also observed, with fewer proliferating B cells expressing CD27 (p=0.04) and reduced T-cell IFN-γ synthesis (p<0.01) in COPD patients, relative to healthy subjects. Conclusions: In conclusion, COPD was associated with altered immune responses to influenza vaccination compared to healthy controls with reductions in both T-cell and B-cell function. These findings provide a foundation for future research aimed at optimising the effectiveness of influenza vaccination in COPD.
It is now 10 years since the disease we now know as SARS-severe acute respiratory syndrome-caused more than 700 deaths around the world and made more than 8,000 people ill. More recently, in 2009 the global community experienced the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century-the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. This paper analyses the major developments in international public health law relating to infectious diseases in the period since SARS and considers their implications for pandemic planning.
In the age of air travel and globalized trade, pathogens that once took months or even years to spread beyond their regions of origin can now circumnavigate the globe in a matter of hours. Amid growing concerns about such epidemics as Ebola, SARS, MERS, and H1N1, disease diplomacy has emerged as a key foreign and security policy concern as countries work to collectively strengthen the global systems of disease surveillance and control. The revision of the International Health Regulations (IHR), eventually adopted by the World Health Organization’s member states in 2005, was the foremost manifestation of this novel diplomacy. The new regulations heralded a profound shift in international norms surrounding global health security, significantly expanding what is expected of states in the face of public health emergencies and requiring them to improve their capacity to detect and contain outbreaks. Drawing on Martha Finnemore and Kathryn Sikkink’s "norm life cycle" framework and based on extensive documentary analysis and key informant interviews, Disease Diplomacy traces the emergence of these new norms of global health security, the extent to which they have been internalized by states, and the political and technical constraints governments confront in attempting to comply with their new international obligations. The authors also examine in detail the background, drafting, adoption, and implementation of the IHR while arguing that the very existence of these regulations reveals an important new understanding: that infectious disease outbreaks and their management are critical to national and international security. The book will be of great interest to academic researchers, postgraduate students, and advanced undergraduates in the fields of global public health, international relations, and public policy, as well as health professionals, diplomats, and practitioners with a professional interest in global health security.
Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aihe on ajankohtainen Suomessa ja muualla maailmassa. Sikainfluenssa on sikojen tarttuva hengitystiesairaus, jonka aiheuttaja on herkästi kärsäkontaktissa leviävä influenssa A – virus. Siat sairastuvat usein yllättäen ja samanaikaisesti. Sikainfluenssa voi olla oireeton tai vähäoireinen, mikä hankaloittaa taudin havaitsemista. Sikainfluenssa aiheuttaa sikatiloille tuotantotappioita ja sioille hyvinvointiongelmia. Sikainfluenssa on maailmalla yleinen sikojen hengitystiesairaus. Suomi oli sikainfluenssasta vapaa maa vuoteen 2007 saakka ja vuonna 2009 noin kolmasosa suomalaisista sikaloista oli seropositiivisia sikainfluenssan suhteen. Influenssa A – viruksia esiintyy yleisesti eläimillä ja ihmisillä. Influenssa A – virusten kantajia luonnossa ovat vesilinnut, jotka levittävät influenssaviruksia ulosteissaan. Influenssa A – virukset pystyvät muuntumaan uusiksi alatyypeiksi ja sikaa pidetään eläinlajina, jossa influenssa A – virukset muuntuvat lajista toiseen tarttuviksi. Sikainfluenssa on zoonoosi. Sikainfluenssaviruksia on useita eri alatyyppejä. Maailmalla esiintyvien sikainfluenssavirusten alkuperä ja ominaisuudet vaihtelevat maantieteellisen sijainnin mukaan. Euroopassa, Pohjois-Amerikassa ja Aasiassa nykyään esiintyvät sikainfluenssavirukset ovat kehittyessään eriytyneet geneettisesti ja antigeenisesti toisistaan. Sikapopulaatioissa kiertää yleensä useita eri sikainfluenssavirustyyppejä yhtä aikaa. Tärkeimpiä ja useimmiten eristettyjä sikainfluenssavirusten alatyyppejä ovat H1N1, H1N2 ja H3N2. Sikainfluenssan diagnosointi on tärkeää, jotta virusten leviämistä voidaan ehkäistä ja tautitilanne pysyy ajantasaisena. Sikainfluenssa diagnosoidaan osoittamalla sikainfluenssavirus 1-3 vuorokautta kliinisten oireiden alkamisen jälkeen otetuista virusnäytteistä tai virusvasta-aineet serologisin testein pariseeruminäytteistä. Viruksen osoitusmenetelmät (viruseristys ja RT-PCR) ovat luotettavia ja niillä sikainfluenssavirukset voidaan tyypittää. Serologisten testien (hemagglutinaation inhibitio ja ELISA) luotettavuudessa on puutteita ja etenkin ELISA-testien luotettavuus perustuu tietoon sikapopulaatiossa liikkuvien sikainfluenssavirusten alatyypeistä. Sikainfluenssan jatkuva ja tehokas tautiseuranta on oleellista, jotta serologiset testit saadaan optimoitua. Alueellisesti sikainfluenssan esiintyvyyttä lisäävät suuri sikatiheys, tilojen lyhyet välimatkat, eläinkuljetukset sekä sikojen kontaktit ulkopuolisiin henkilöihin ja tavaroihin. Sikalan bioturvallisuus on tärkein tekijä estettäessä sikainfluenssavirusten pääsy sikalaan. Sikainfluenssan vastustaminen on tärkeää, koska se on osa sikojen hengitystiesairauskompleksia sekä predisponoiva tekijä muiden sikapatogeenien aiheuttamille hengitystiesairauksille. Sikainfluenssan vastustuksessa voidaan suurilla sikatiloilla käyttää apuna kahta tai kolmea virustyyppiä sisältäviä rokotteita, jotka vähentävät sikainfluenssan kliinisiä oireita ja viruksen eritystä ympäristöön.
Many diseases are believed to be related to abnormal protein folding. In the first step of such pathogenic structural changes, misfolding occurs in regions important for the stability of the native structure. This destabilizes the normal protein conformation, while exposing the previously hidden aggregation-prone regions, leading to subsequent errors in the folding pathway. Sites involved in this first stage can be deemed switch regions of the protein, and can represent perfect binding targets for drugs to block the abnormal folding pathway and prevent pathogenic conformational changes. In this study, a prediction algorithm for the switch regions responsible for the start of pathogenic structural changes is introduced. With an accuracy of 94%, this algorithm can successfully find short segments covering sites significant in triggering conformational diseases (CDs) and is the first that can predict switch regions for various CDs. To illustrate its effectiveness in dealing with urgent public health problems, the reason of the increased pathogenicity of H5N1 influenza virus is analyzed; the mechanisms of the pandemic swine-origin 2009 A(H1N1) influenza virus in overcoming species barriers and in infecting large number of potential patients are also suggested. It is shown that the algorithm is a potential tool useful in the study of the pathology of CDs because: (1) it can identify the origin of pathogenic structural conversion with high sensitivity and specificity, and (2) it provides an ideal target for clinical treatment.
La infección vírica causada por el virus gripal o influenza representa una importante carga de enfermedad a nivel mundial y es responsable de una elevada morbilidad y mortalidad especialmente en ciertos grupos de riesgo. La vacunación constituye un elemento fundamental y es la principal medida preventiva para hacer frente a la gripe y sus complicaciones. El personal sanitario puede actuar como agente transmisor de la infección nosocomial, por este motivo se encuentra incluido en los grupos de riesgo en los que la vacunación frente a la gripe está indicada anualmente siempre y cuando no presente contraindicaciones. Dada su relevancia, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, en las principales bases de datos electrónicas, para conocer la cobertura de vacunación antigripal (estacional y pandémica) del personal sanitario de España así como analizar las estrategias adoptadas con el fin de aumentar la cobertura de vacunación. La cobertura de vacunación de los profesionales sanitarios de España es baja, siendo menor para la gripe A (H1N1) que para la gripe estacional. Entre el colectivo de profesionales, los médicos tienen mayor cobertura seguido del personal de enfermería. El principal motivo para vacunarse es la autoprotección así como evitar el contagio de sus pacientes, y para no vacunarse dudar sobre la seguridad de la vacuna. La falta de información acerca de estrategias para aumentar la cobertura antigripal y la baja cobertura de este colectivo hacen necesario el desarrollo de más estudios para poder determinar el diseño e intervenciones de las campañas de vacunación antigripal.
Given the illness and deaths caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection during the first year of life, preventing infant RSV infections through maternal vaccination is intriguing. However, little is known about the extent and maternal effects of RSV infection during pregnancy. We describe 3 cases of maternal RSV infection diagnosed at a US center during winter 2014. Case-patient 1 (26 years old, week 33 of gestation) received a diagnosis of RSV infection and required mechanical ventilation. Case-patient 2 (27 years old, week 34 of gestation) received a diagnosis of infection with influenza A(H1N1) virus and RSV and required mechanical ventilation. Case-patient 3 (21 years old, week 32 of gestation) received a diagnosis of group A streptococcus pharyngitis and RSV infection and was monitored as an outpatient. Clarifying the effects of maternal RSV infection could yield valuable insights into potential maternal and fetal benefits of an effective RSV vaccination program.
False-positive PCR results usually occur as a consequence of specimen-to-specimen or amplicon-to-specimen contamination within the laboratory. Evidence of contamination at time of specimen collection linked to influenza vaccine administration in the same location as influenza sampling is described. Clinical, circumstantial and laboratory evidence was gathered for each of five cases of influenza-like illness (ILI) with unusual patterns of PCR reactivity for seasonal H1N1, H3N2, H1N1 (2009) and influenza B viruses. Two 2010 trivalent influenza vaccines and environmental swabs of a hospital influenza vaccination room were also tested for influenza RNA. Sequencing of influenza A matrix (M) gene amplicons from the five cases and vaccines was undertaken. Four 2009 general practitioner (GP) specimens were seasonal H1N1, H3N2 and influenza B PCR positive. One 2010 GP specimen was H1N1 (2009), H3N2 and influenza B positive. PCR of 2010 trivalent vaccines showed high loads of detectable influenza A and B RNA. Sequencing of the five specimens and vaccines showed greatest homology with the M gene sequence of Influenza A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 H1N1 virus (used in generation of influenza vaccine strains). Environmental swabs had detectable influenza A and B RNA. RNA detection studies demonstrated vaccine RNA still detectable for at least 66 days. Administration of influenza vaccines and clinical sampling in the same room resulted in the contamination with vaccine strains of surveillance swabs collected from patients with ILI. Vaccine contamination should therefore be considered, particularly where multiple influenza virus RNA PCR positive signals (e.g. H1N1, H3N2 and influenza B) are detected in the same specimen.