292 resultados para Guardian


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Resumen: El estudio habla sobre la escuela canónicamente católica, erigida y dirigida por una diócesis; es decir, que el titular del dominio del establecimiento educativo es la diócesis, independientemente que se le dé el nombre de parroquial a dicha escuela. Puntualmente se analiza la naturaleza y la función de quien desempeña la tarea de la representación de la escuela católica diocesana, y que recibe diversas denominaciones: representante legal, apoderado legal, delegado episcopal, etc. Se referencia sobre la administración de bienes eclesiásticos de la escuela, y se ofrecen algunas apreciaciones sobre los poderes judiciales que otorgan los citados representantes. Finalmente se da una propuesta de Estatuto para los representantes de las escuelas católicas diocesanas.


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432 p.


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A partir de 1994, com a cessão das terras e benfeitorias do extinto Instituto Penal Cândido Mendes na Vila Dois Rios, a Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) passou a atuar na Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis/RJ), de forma mais expressiva, fundando o Centro de Estudos Ambientais e Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CEADS). Em função da relevância socioambiental da Costa Verde, em especial, da Ilha Grande, e dos compromissos assumidos pela universidade com a implantação do CEADS, o presente estudo buscou avaliar como a gestão desse campus pode contribuir para o estabelecimento de políticas públicas que promovam a sustentabilidade socio-ambiental da Ilha Grande. Desta forma, a partir de um diagnóstico socioambiental da Costa Verde, com ênfase na Ilha Grande, foi realizada uma reflexão crítica sobre os processos de territorialização em Dois Rios e uma apreciação dos problemas socioambientais prioritários por meio da Análise da Cadeia Causal. Identificou-se como as principais causas raízes dos problemas prioritários da Ilha Grande, a fragilidade do sistema de governança (dificuldade de implementar acordos; dificuldade de mobilização social; falta de ordenamento dos diferentes níveis de governo; inadequada integração de considerações ambientais nas políticas públicas; impunidade; corrupção, precariedade da fiscalização) e causas políticas (conflitos entre diferentes instância públicas). Evidenciou-se, também, um distanciamento entre as instituições gestoras locais e os centros de produção de conhecimento que atuam na região, entre os quais a UERJ, através do CEADS. A partir do envolvimento institucional mais forte e de uma política ambiental a ser assumida como estratégia de gestão da UERJ como um todo, propõe-se a implantação de um ecocampus na unidade de Dois Rios, que oportunize à universidade contribuir, de forma pró-ativa, para a sustentabilidade da Costa Verde, sem exclusão da população local, assim como, realizar uma ampla reflexão e reformulação de suas práticas. Palavras-chave: Ilha Grande. Turismo. Análise da Cadeia Causal. Território. Ecocampus. Sustentabilidade


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O trabalho busca analisar os problemas envolvendo a efetivação do direito à saúde no Brasil, os conflitos alocativos subjacentes à temática e o papel das instituições representativas, do Judiciário e da sociedade civil neste processo. Pretende-se reafirmar a importância da proteção do direito à saúde e, ao mesmo tempo, criticar uma certa euforia doutrinária e jurisprudencial que se instalou nos últimos anos e passou a compreender o Judiciário como o último guardião das promessas constitucionais não cumpridas pelos ramos representativos. O trabalho analisa as experiências constitucionais de países que não apostam no dogma da supremacia judicial e tentam conciliar a revisão judicial com mecanismos mais democráticos. A partir daí propõe o marco teórico das teorias do diálogo institucional como uma alternativa menos unilateral para enfrentar os desafios desencadeados no campo sanitário. No trabalho enfatiza-se a importância pelas preocupações com a efetividade da constituição, mas propõe-se uma reflexão sobre qual seria a melhor alternativa para tanto, chegando-se à conclusão contra-intuitiva de que talvez o caminho mais eficaz passe por um controle judicial fraco, que não despreze as potencialidades do Direito, mas que aposte mais na democracia e na interação sinérgica entre os ramos representativos e a sociedade civil.


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O presente estudo objetiva analisar os atravessamentos na relação entre a escola e o conselho tutelar que é um órgão não jurisdicional criado a partir do Estatuto da Criança e do adolescente com a função de garantir os direitos infanto-juvenis. Entre tais direitos, destaca-se o da educação que acaba por exigir que todas as crianças frequentem à escola e que as famílias sejam punidas caso isto não ocorra. A partir de então, ao cartografar o cotidiano entre estes dois equipamentos e problematizar as suas práticas por um caminho genealógico como propôs Foucault, interessa refletir: por que o direito de frequentar à escola se torna uma imposição? O que ela produz? E o conselho tutelar garante direitos ou é um dispositivo de controle? As respostas a estas questões foram pensadas ao longo deste trabalho, embora não se pretenda aqui fornecer respostas definitivas para tais questionamentos, pois o mais importante é o processo de pensar e refletir que provoca mudanças no objeto de estudo que vai se desenhando durante a pesquisa e no próprio pesquisador. Assim, a escola e Conselho Tutelar atuam muita vezes no controle da população produzindo uma subjetividade que acaba por definir modos de ser, pensar e sentir. Entretanto, a análise das tensões entre estes equipamentos e seus usuários revela a potência destes espaços que podem ser ressignificados por outras lógicas que rompam com a subjetividade capitalística e produzam deslocamentos e outras possibilidades de práticas coletivas que potencializem a vida.


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Este trabalho visa à análise das poesias eróticas e satíricas de Manuel Maria Barbosa du Bocage e de sua repercussão na sociedade portuguesa do século XVIII. A ironia, por definição, propõe a inversão de enunciados, negando o contrário daquilo que se afirma ou vice-versa. Mas, tal recurso, largamente empregado pelo Poeta, extrapola a mera função de figura de pensamento, uma vez que, potencializando um poderoso arsenal crítico, propicia a construção de um discurso desestabilizador, cuja intenção é colocar em xeque a ideologia oficial. A lírica bocagiana, em sua vertente erótica e satírica, vale-se do deboche, do escracho ou da sátira desbocada para colocar às claras a distinção entre essência e aparência, em uma sociedade cuja moral se constrói a partir das crenças religiosas nem sempre professadas, quer pelo corpo social como um todo, quer pelo clero, guardião desta moral. Examinaremos, neste trabalho, os modos de representação discursiva inscritos nesta poesia. Bocage ultrapassou as fronteiras de seu tempo em poemas cuja licenciosidade, muitas vezes, não esconde uma ponta de amargura e sofrimento. Dividido entre dois mundos: o árcade, sob o signo da razão, constituído de regras rígidas; e o romântico, regido pela paixão, Elmano não esconde o desconcerto, que procura na clandestinidade a via possível para a expansão de um espírito revoltado


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Cross-cultural variations in conceptions of childhood are discussed, particularly with regard to child abuse and child labour. Regardless of cultural background, a universal minimum standard of child rearing is required. The street child literature is reviewed, culminating in an analysis of Ethiopian street children. Theoretically this work is informed by victimology. Concepts shared by victimology and rational choice perspective are discussed, after Fattah (1993a). Victim surveys are described, highlighting their accuracy of crime estimates. Juvenile prostitution, runaways and rape are examined, particularly with regard to their relevance in Addis Ababa. Fifty five male and 135 female street children were interviewed. Interviews with boys focused on delinquency. An age-related pattern emerged, with younger boys less likely to drink, chew khat, steal or be sexually active. Interviews with street girls focused on the differences between girls living on the streets (girls of the street), girls working on the streets (girls on the street) and a sample of homebased girls. Girls of the street come to the street come to the streets for many reasons. Conflicts with a parent or guardian account for almost 50%. They are highly vulnerable to sexual assaults, particularly those 43% who have worked as prostitutes. Girls on the street experience considerably less victimisation. Urban poor girls live in socio-economic circumstances akin to girls on the street but enjoy almost universal protection from victimisation because they do not spend time on the streets. Unprotected by the stability which a family provides, girls of the street experience high victimisation levels. Such victimisation is often the result of reliance on types of work, such as prostitution, which brings the girls into contact with exploitative adults. Resistance to such victimisation is provided by a secure place to sleep, companions, and relatively safe types of work. Such protective factors are more readily available to family based children as compared to those living independently.


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The Guardian newspaper (21st October 2005) informed its readers that: "Stanford University in California is to make its course content available on iTunes...The service, Stanford on iTunes, will provide…downloads of faculty lectures, campus events, performances, book readings, music recorded by Stanford students and even podcasts of Stanford football games". The emergence of Podcasting as means of sending audio data to users has clearly excited educational technologists around the world. This paper will explore the technologies behind Podcasting and how this could be used to develop and deliver new E-Learning material. The paper refers to the work done to create Podcasts of lectures for University of Greenwich students.


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Alev Adil explores a region still enraged by a 'crime on the sly'


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In Spain, during the recent housing bubble, purchasing a home seemed the most advantageous strategy to access housing, and there was a wide social consensus about the unavoidability of mortgage indebtedness. However, such consensus has been challenged by the financial and real-estate crisis. The victims of home repossessions have been affected by the transgression of several principles, such as the fair compensation for effort and sacrifice, the prioritisation of basic needs over financial commitments, the possibility of a second chance for over-indebted people, or the State's responsibility to guarantee its citizens' livelihood. Such principles may be understood as part of a moral economy, and their transgression has resulted in the emergence of a social movement, the Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca (PAH), that is questioning the legitimacy of mortgage debts. The article reflects on the extent to which the perception of over-indebtedness and evictions as unfair situations can have an effect on the reproduction of the political-economic system, insofar the latter is perceived as able or unable to repair injustice.


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Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) level was reported by three independent assessors in a population of children with cerebral palsy (CP) aged between 4 and 18 years (n=184; 112 males, 72 females; mean age 10y 10mo [SD 3y 7mo]). A software algorithm also provided a computed GMFCS level from a regional CP registry. Participants had clinical diagnoses of unilateral (n=94) and bilateral (n=84) spastic CP, ataxia (n=4), dyskinesia (n=1), and hypotonia (n=1), and could walk independently with or without the use of an aid (GMFCS Levels I-IV). Research physiotherapist (n=184) and parent/guardian data (n=178) were collected in a research environment. Data from the child's community physiotherapist (n=143) were obtained by postal questionnaire. Results, using the kappa statistic with linear weighting (?1w), showed good agreement between the parent/guardian and research physiotherapist (?1w=0.75) with more moderate levels of agreement between the clinical physiotherapist and researcher (?1w=0.64) and the clinical physiotherapist and parent/guardian (?1w=0.57). Agreement was consistently better for older children (>2y). This study has shown that agreement with parent report increases with therapists'experience of the GMFCS and knowledge of the child at the time of grading. Substantial agreement between a computed GMFCS and an experienced therapist (?1w=0.74) also demonstrates the potential for extrapolation of GMFCS rating from an existing CP registry, providing the latter has sufficient data on locomotor ability.


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This brief paper represents the reflections of a participant at the recent conference ‘The Physical Punishment of Children’ organised jointly by Child Care in Practice and The Office of Law Reform. The participant’s reflections are related to his roles both as a Family Therapist and as a Guardian Ad Litem. The writer largely accepts the academic and moral arguments in respect of making the physical punishment of children a legal offence, so eloquently put by the main speakers. He wishes, however, to draw out some of the practical and practice implications which need to be considered alongside the implementation of such legislative change.


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Currently new digital tools used in architecture are often at the service of a conception of architecture as a consumer society’s cultural good. Within this neoliberal cultural frame, architects’ social function is no longer seen as the production of urban facts with sense of duty, but as a part within the symbolic logic that rules the social production of cultural values as it was defined by Veblen and developed by Baudrillard. As a result, the potential given by the new digital tools used in representation has shifted from an instrument used to verify a built project to two different main models: At the one hand the development of pure virtual architectures that are exclusively configured within their symbolic value as artistic “images” easily reproducible. On the other hand the development of all those projects which -even maintaining their attention to architecture as a built fact- base their symbolic value on the author’s image and on virtual aesthetics and logics that prevail over architecture’s materiality. Architects’ sense of duty has definitely reached a turning point.


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Starting from the famous and enigmatic quotation of the Aristotle’s Poetics, who argues that the human has a natural desire and pleasure to see corpses if mediated by art, is intended to show the relationship between the attraction for the horror and some contemporary art practices surrounding the depiction of death, particularly with regard to the ultimate use of the human corpse as an artistic resource. Avoiding any kind of ethical approach or questioning of the limits of the artistic production, is meant to highlight the phenomenon through the examples brought out by the work of some contemporary artists such as Andy Warhol, Eric Fischl, Damien Hirst, Von Hagens, Andres Serrano, Joel-Peter Witkin and Teresa Margolles: From those who use the corpse in and turn it in something aesthetically pleasant, to others who turn human corpses in sculptures of scientific value, and further other kind of artists who assume the morbid and dramatic life of the corpse in their art production as something structural.


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The Child Care (Amendment) Bill was passed by the Seanad on 6th May 2010 and will shortly be enacted as legislation as the Child Care (Amendment) Act, 2010. The Bill, consisting of six Parts amends existing legislation relating to secure or ‘special care’ and makes some further amendments to the Child Care Act, 1991. The Act also provides for the dissolution of the Children Acts Advisory Board, a statutory body established in 2003, whose function was to advise the Minister on policy relating to specialist residential services (specifically Special Care Units) . This article examines the provisions of the Child Care Bill (2009) setting these in the context of current policy and previous legislation. It outlines that while the legislation outlines a detailed process for the application and administration of Special Care Orders, the provisions are weakened by the removal of external oversight mechanisms and the limitations placed on the role of the Guardian ad Litem.