988 resultados para Gtpase-activating Protein


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Wg/Wnt signals specify cell fates in both invertebrate and vertebrate embryos and maintain stem-cell populations in many adult tissues. Deregulation of the Wnt pathway can transform cells to a proliferative fate, leading to cancer. We have discovered that two Drosophila proteins that are crucial for cytokinesis have a second, largely independent, role in restricting activity of the Wnt pathway. The fly homolog of RacGAP1, Tumbleweed (Tum)/RacGAP50C, and its binding partner, the kinesin-like protein Pavarotti (Pav), negatively regulate Wnt activity in fly embryos and in cultured mammalian cells. Unlike many known regulators of the Wnt pathway, these molecules do not affect stabilization of Arm/beta-catenin (betacat), the principal effector molecule in Wnt signal transduction. Rather, they appear to act downstream of betacat stabilization to control target-gene transcription. Both Tum and Pav accumulate in the nuclei of interphase cells, a location that is spatially distinct from their cleavage-furrow localization during cytokinesis. We show that this nuclear localization is essential for their role in Wnt regulation. Thus, we have identified two modulators of the Wnt pathway that have shared functions in cell division, which hints at a possible link between cytokinesis and Wnt activity during tumorigenesis.


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At the FASEB summer research conference on "Arf Family GTPases", held in Il Ciocco, Italy in June, 2007, it became evident to researchers that our understanding of the family of Arf GTPase activating proteins (ArfGAPs) has grown exponentially in recent years. A common nomenclature for these genes and proteins will facilitate discovery of biological functions and possible connections to pathogenesis. Nearly 100 researchers were contacted to generate a consensus nomenclature for human ArfGAPs. This article describes the resulting consensus nomenclature and provides a brief description of each of the 10 subfamilies of 31 human genes encoding proteins containing the ArfGAP domain.


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The BAR (Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs) domain is the most conserved feature in amphiphysins from yeast to human and is also found in endophilins and nadrins. We solved the structure of the Drosophila amphiphysin BAR domain. It is a crescent-shaped dimer that binds preferentially to highly curved negatively charged membranes. With its N-terminal amphipathic helix and BAR domain (N-BAR), amphiphysin can drive membrane curvature in vitro and in vivo. The structure is similar to that of arfaptin2, which we find also binds and tubulates membranes. From this, we predict that BAR domains are in many protein families, including sorting nexins, centaurins, and oligophrenins. The universal and minimal BAR domain is a dimerization, membrane-binding, and curvature-sensing module.


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Humans and mice lacking functional caspase-8 in T cells manifest a profound immunodeficiency syndrome due to defective T cell antigen receptor (TCR)-induced NF-kappaB signaling and proliferation. It is unknown how caspase-8 is activated following T cell stimulation, and what is the caspase-8 substrate(s) that is necessary to initiate T cell cycling. We observe that following TCR ligation, a small portion of total cellular caspase-8 and c-FLIP(L) rapidly migrate to lipid rafts where they associate in an active caspase complex. Activation of caspase-8 in lipid rafts is followed by rapid cleavage of c-FLIP(L) at a known caspase-8 cleavage site. The active caspase.c-FLIP complex forms in the absence of Fas (CD95/APO1) and associates with the NF-kappaB signaling molecules RIP1, TRAF2, and TRAF6, as well as upstream NF-kappaB regulators PKC theta, CARMA1, Bcl-10, and MALT1, which connect to the TCR. The lack of caspase-8 results in the absence of MALT1 and Bcl-10 in the active caspase complex. Consistent with this observation, inhibition of caspase activity attenuates NF-kappaB activation. The current findings define a link among TCR, caspases, and the NF-kappaB pathway that occurs in a sequestered lipid raft environment in T cells.


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The p120 RasGAP protein negatively regulates Ras via its GAP domain. RasGAP carries several other domains that modulate several signaling molecules such as Rho. RasGAP is also a caspase-3 substrate. One of the caspase-3-generated RasGAP fragments, corresponding to amino acids 158-455 and called fragment N2, was previously reported to specifically sensitize cancer cells to death induced by various anticancer agents. Here, we show that fragment N2 inhibits migration in vitro and that it impairs metastatic progression of breast cancer to the lung. Hence, stress-activated caspase-3 might contribute to the suppression of metastasis through the generation of fragment N2. These results indicate that the activity borne by fragment N2 has a potential therapeutic relevance to counteract the metastatic process.


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Both learning and basic biological mechanisms have been shown to play a role in the control of protein int^e. It has previously been shown that rats can adapt their dietary selection patterns successfully in the face of changing macronutrient requirements and availability. In particular, it has been demonstrated that when access to dietary protein is restricted for a period of time, rats selectively increase their consumption of a proteincontaining diet when it becomes available. Furthermore, it has been shown that animals are able to associate various orosensory cues with a food's nutrient content. In addition to the role that learning plays in food intake, there are also various biological mechanisms that have been shown to be involved in the control of feeding behaviour. Numerous studies have documented that various hormones and neurotransmitter substances mediate food intake. One such hormone is growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF), a peptide that induces the release of growth hormone (GH) from the anterior pituitary gland. Recent research by Vaccarino and Dickson ( 1 994) suggests that GRF may stimulate food intake by acting as a neurotransmitter in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the adjacent medial preoptic area (MPOA). In particular, when GRF is injected directly into the SCN/MPOA, it has been shown to selectively enhance the intake of protein in both fooddeprived and sated rats. Thus, GRF may play a role in activating protein consumption generally, and when animals have a need for protein, GRF may serve to trigger proteinseeking behaviour. Although researchers have separately examined the role of learning and the central mechanisms involved in the control of protein selection, no one has yet attempted to bring together these two lines of study. Thus, the purpose of this study is to join these two parallel lines of research in order to further our understanding of mechanisms controlling protein selection. In order to ascertain the combined effects that GRF and learning have on protein intake several hypothesis were examined. One major hypothesis was that rats would successfully alter their dietary selection patterns in response to protein restriction. It was speculated that rats kept on a nutritionally complete maintenance diet (NCMD) would consume equal amount of the intermittently presented high protein conditioning diet (HPCD) and protein-free conditioning diet (PFCD). However, it was hypothesized that rats kept on a protein-free maintenance diet (PFMD) would selectively increase their intake of the HPCD. Another hypothesis was that rats would learn to associate a distinct marker flavour with the nutritional content of the diets. If an animal is able to make the association between a marker flavour and the nutrient content of the food, then it is hypothesized that they will consume more of a mixed diet (equal portion HPCD and PFCD) with the marker flavour that was previously paired with the HPCD (Mixednp-f) when kept on the PFMD. In addition, it was hypothesized that intracranial injection of GRF into the SCN/MPOA would result in a selective increase in HPCD as well as Mixednp-t consumption. Results demonstrated that rats did in fact selectively increase their consumption of the flavoured HPCD and Mixednp-f when kept on the NCMD. These findings indicate that the rats successfully learned about the nutrient content of the conditioning diets and were able to associate a distinct marker flavour with the nutrient content of the diets. However, the results failed to support previous findings that GRF increases protein intake. In contrast, the administration of GRF significantly reduced consumption of HPCD during the first hour of testing as compared to the no injection condition. In addition, no differences in the intake of the HPCD were found between the GRF and vehicle condition. Because GRF did not selectively increase HPCD consumption, it was not surprising that GRF also did not increase MixedHP-rintake. What was interesting was that administration of GRF and vehicle did not reduc^Mixednp-f consumption as it had decreased HPCD consumption.


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Le CD40 ligand (CD40L) est une molécule inflammatoire appartenant à la famille du Facteur de Nécrose Tumorale ("Tumor Necrosis Factor", TNF), originalement identifié au niveau des cellules immunitaires. L’interaction du CD40L avec son récepteur de haute affinité présent sur les cellules B, le CD40, est d’une importance cruciale à la production d’immunoglobulines lors de la réponse immunitaire. Aujourd’hui, nous savons que ces deux molécules qui constituent l’axe CD40/CD40L sont aussi exprimées au niveau des cellules du système vasculaire et occupent une place importante dans une variété de réactions inflammatoires, de sorte que le CD40L est présentement reconnu comme une molécule thrombo-inflammatoire prédictive des évènements cardiovasculaires. Les plaquettes sont la principale source du CD40L soluble ("soluble CD40L", sCD40L) plasmatique et il fut démontré être impliqué dans l’activation plaquettaire, malgré que son impact exact sur la fonction plaquettaire et les mécanismes sous-jacents demeurent inconnus. Ainsi, le but de ce projet était de déterminer l’impact du sCD40L sur la fonction plaquettaire et d’élucider les mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires sous-jacents. Les objectifs spécifiques étaient : 1) d’évaluer l’impact du sCD40L sur l’activation et l’agrégation plaquettaire in vitro; 2) de déterminer le récepteur cible (CD40 ou autre) impliqué dans ces effets; 3) de décortiquer les voies signalétiques intracellulaires et moléculaires induites par le sCD40L, impliquant la participation potentielle de la famille du facteur associé du récepteur du TNF ("Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Associated Factor", TRAF) et 4) d’analyser l’effet du sCD40L sur la formation du thrombus in vivo. Le sCD40L augmente fortement l’activation et l’agrégation plaquettaire induite par de faibles doses d’agonistes. Les plaquettes humaines traitées avec une forme mutante du sCD40L qui n’interagit pas avec le CD40 et les plaquettes de souris CD40 déficientes (CD40-/-) ne furent pas en mesure d’induire ces effets. De plus, nous démontrons la présence de plusieurs membres de la famille des TRAFs dans les plaquettes, parmi lesquels seulement TRAF-2 interagit avec le CD40 suite à la stimulation par le sCD40L. Le sCD40L agit sur les plaquettes au repos par l’entremise de la protéine Rac1 et de sa cible en aval, soit la protéine kinase activatrice du mitogène p38 ("Mitogen Activating Protein Kinase", MAPK). Ceci mène ultimement au changement de forme plaquettaire et à la polymérisation de l’actine. Par ailleurs, il est intéressant de noter que les souris CD40-/- démontrent un défaut significatif de l’agrégation plaquettaire en réponse au collagène, ce qui souligne l’importance du CD40 dans les interactions plaquettes-plaquettes. Dans un deuxième temps, le sCD40L amplifie l’agrégation plaquettaire en sang complet, accélère les temps de thrombose in vitro mesurés à l’aide du système PFA-100 et augmente l’adhésion plaquettaire au collagène sous condition de flux, le tout par l’entremise du CD40. Finalement, dans un modèle de thrombose artérielle murin, l’infusion du sCD40L exacerbe la formation du thrombus chez les souris du type sauvage ("Wild Type", WT), mais non chez les souris CD40-/-. Ceci fut en plus associé à une augmentation significative du nombre de leucocytes au sein du thrombus des souris WT traitées à l’aide du sCD40L, tel que démontré par marquage immuno-histologique anti-CD45 et par quantification des coupes artérielles par microscopie optique. En résumé, ce projet identifie une nouvelle voie signalétique, TRAF-2/Rac1/p38 MAPK, en réponse au sCD40L et démontre ses effets sur l’activation et l’agrégation plaquettaire. De manière encore plus importante, nous démontrons pour la première fois la présence d’une corrélation positive entre les niveaux circulants du sCD40L et la thrombose artérielle, tout en soulignant l’importance du CD40 dans ce processus. Ainsi, le sCD40L constitue un activateur important des plaquettes, les prédisposant à une thrombose exacerbée en réponse au dommage vasculaire. Ces résultats peuvent expliquer le lien étroit qui existe entre les niveaux circulants du sCD40L et l’incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires.


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La protéine d’échafaudage Gab1 amplifie la signalisation de plusieurs récepteurs à fonction tyrosine kinase (RTK). Entre autres, elle promeut la signalisation du VEGFR2, un RTK essentiel à la médiation de l’angiogenèse via le VEGF dans les cellules endothéliales. En réponse au VEGF, Gab1 est phosphorylé sur tyrosine, ce qui résulte en la formation d’un complexe de protéines de signalisation impliqué dans le remodelage du cytosquelette d’actine et la migration des cellules endothéliales. Gab1 est un modulateur essentiel de l’angiogenèse in vitro et in vivo. Toutefois, malgré l’importance de Gab1 dans les cellules endothéliales, les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués dans la médiation de ses fonctions, demeurent mal définis et la participation du second membre de la famille, Gab2, reste inconnue. Dans un premier temps, nous avons démontré que tout comme Gab1, Gab2 est phosphorylé sur tyrosine, qu’il s’associe de façon similaire avec des protéines de signalisation et qu’il médie la migration des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. Cependant, contrairement à Gab1, Gab2 n’interagit pas avec le VEGFR2 et n’est pas essentiel pour l’activation d’Akt et la promotion de la survie cellulaire. En fait, nous avons constaté que l’expression de Gab2 atténue l’expression de Gab1 et l’activation de la signalisation médiée par le VEGF. Ainsi, Gab2 semble agir plutôt comme un régulateur négatif des signaux pro-angiogéniques induits par Gab1. La migration cellulaire est une des étapes cruciales de l’angiogenèse. Nous avons démontré que Gab1 médie l’activation de la GTPase Rac1 via la formation et la localisation d’un complexe protéique incluant la GEF VAV2, la p120Caténine et la Cortactine aux lamellipodes des cellules endothéliales en réponse au VEGF. De plus, nous montrons que l’assemblage de ce complexe corrèle avec la capacité du VEGF à induire l’invasion des cellules endothéliales et le bourgeonnement de capillaires, deux phénomènes essentiels au processus angiogénique. La régulation des RhoGTPases est également régulée par des inactivateurs spécifiques les « Rho GTPases activating proteins », ou GAPs. Nous décrivons ici pour la première fois le rôle de la GAP CdGAP dans les cellules endothéliales et démontrons son importance dans la médiation de la signalisation du VEGF via la phosphorylation sur tyrosine de Gab1 et l’activation des RhoGTPases Rac1 et Cdc42. Ainsi, dù à son importance sur l’activation de voies de signalisation du VEGF, CdGAP représente un régulateur crucial de la promotion de diverses activités biologiques essentielles à l’angiogenèse telles que la migration cellulaire, et le bourgeonnement de capillaires in vitro et d’aortes de souris ex vivo. De plus, les embryons de souris CdGAP KO présentent des hémorragies et de l’œdème, et ces défauts vasculaires pourraient être responsables de la mortalité de 44% des souris CdGAP knock-out attendues. Nos études amènent donc une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires induits par le VEGF et démontrent l’implication centrale de Gab1 et des régulateurs des RhoGTPases dans la promotion de l’angiogenèse. Cette meilleure compréhension pourrait mener à l’identification de nouvelles cibles ou approches thérapeutiques afin d’améliorer le traitement des patients souffrant de maladies associées à une néovascularisation incontrôlée telles que le cancer.


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Healthy living throughout the lifespan requires continual growth and repair of cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle. To effectively maintain these processes muscle cells detect extracellular stress signals and efficiently transmit them to activate appropriate intracellular transcriptional programs. The striated muscle activator of Rho signaling (STARS) protein, also known as Myocyte Stress-1 (MS1) protein and Actin-binding Rho-activating protein (ABRA) is highly enriched in cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle. STARS binds actin, co-localizes to the sarcomere and is able to stabilize the actin cytoskeleton. By regulating actin polymerization, STARS also controls an intracellular signaling cascade that stimulates the serum response factor (SRF) transcriptional pathway; a pathway controlling genes involved in muscle cell proliferation, differentiation, and growth. Understanding the activation, transcriptional control and biological roles of STARS in cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscle, will improve our understanding of physiological and pathophysiological muscle development and function.


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Time-dependent refractoriness of calcium (Ca2+) release in cardiac myocytes is an important factor in determining whether pro-arrhythmic release patterns develop. At the subcellular level of the Ca2+ spark, recent studies have suggested that recovery of spark amplitude is controlled by local sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) refilling whereas refractoriness of spark triggering depends on both refilling and the sensitivity of the ryanodine receptor (RyR) release channels that produce sparks. Here we studied regulation of Ca2+ spark refractoriness in mouse ventricular myocytes by examining how β-adrenergic stimulation influenced sequences of Ca2+ sparks originating from individual RyR clusters. Our protocol allowed us to separately measure recovery of spark amplitude and delays between successive sparks, and data were interpreted quantitatively through simulations with a stochastic mathematical model. We found that, compared with spark sequences measured under control conditions: (1) β-adrenergic stimulation with isoproterenol accelerated spark amplitude recovery and decreased spark-to-spark delays; (2) activating protein kinase A (PKA) with forskolin accelerated amplitude recovery but did not affect spark-to-spark delays; (3) inhibiting PKA with H89 retarded amplitude recovery and increased spark- to-spark delays; (4) preventing phosphorylation of the RyR at serine 2808 with a knock-in mouse prevented the decrease in spark-to-spark delays seen with β-adrenergic stimulation; (5) inhibiting either PKA or Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) during β-adrenergic stimulation prevented the decrease in spark-to-spark delays seen) without inhibition. The results suggest that activation of either PKA or CaMKII is sufficient to speed SR refilling, but activation of both kinases appears necessary to observe increased RyR sensitivity. The data provide novel insight into β-adrenergic regulation of Ca2+ release refractoriness in mouse myocytes.


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Rho guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) control the cytoskeletal dynamics that power neurite outgrowth. This process consists of dynamic neurite initiation, elongation, retraction, and branching cycles that are likely to be regulated by specific spatiotemporal signaling networks, which cannot be resolved with static, steady-state assays. We present NeuriteTracker, a computer-vision approach to automatically segment and track neuronal morphodynamics in time-lapse datasets. Feature extraction then quantifies dynamic neurite outgrowth phenotypes. We identify a set of stereotypic neurite outgrowth morphodynamic behaviors in a cultured neuronal cell system. Systematic RNA interference perturbation of a Rho GTPase interactome consisting of 219 proteins reveals a limited set of morphodynamic phenotypes. As proof of concept, we show that loss of function of two distinct RhoA-specific GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) leads to opposite neurite outgrowth phenotypes. Imaging of RhoA activation dynamics indicates that both GAPs regulate different spatiotemporal Rho GTPase pools, with distinct functions. Our results provide a starting point to dissect spatiotemporal Rho GTPase signaling networks that regulate neurite outgrowth.


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Rho-family GTPases are molecular switches that transmit extracellular cues to intracellular signaling pathways. Their regulation is likely to be highly regulated in space and in time, but most of what is known about Rho-family GTPase signaling has been derived from techniques that do not resolve these dimensions. New imaging technologies now allow the visualization of Rho GTPase signaling with high spatio-temporal resolution. This has led to insights that significantly extend classic models and call for a novel conceptual framework. These approaches clearly show three things. First, Rho GTPase signaling dynamics occur on micrometer length scales and subminute timescales. Second, multiple subcellular pools of one given Rho GTPase can operate simultaneously in time and space to regulate a wide variety of morphogenetic events (e.g. leading-edge membrane protrusion, tail retraction, membrane ruffling). These different Rho GTPase subcellular pools might be described as 'spatio-temporal signaling modules' and might involve the specific interaction of one GTPase with different guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) and effectors. Third, complex spatio-temporal signaling programs that involve precise crosstalk between multiple Rho GTPase signaling modules regulate specific morphogenetic events. The next challenge is to decipher the molecular circuitry underlying this complex spatio-temporal modularity to produce integrated models of Rho GTPase signaling.


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RGS (regulators of G protein signaling) proteins are GTPase activating proteins that inhibit signaling by heterotrimeric G proteins. All RGS proteins studied to date act on members of the Giα family, but not Gsα or G12α. RGS4 regulates Giα family members and Gqα. RGS2 (G0S8) is exceptional because the G proteins it regulates have not been identified. We report that RGS2 is a selective and potent inhibitor of Gqα function. RGS2 selectively binds Gqα, but not other Gα proteins (Gi, Go, Gs, G12/13) in brain membranes; RGS4 binds Gqα and Giα family members. RGS2 binds purified recombinant Gqα, but not Goα, whereas RGS4 binds either. RGS2 does not stimulate the GTPase activities of Gsα or Giα family members, even at a protein concentration 3000-fold higher than is sufficient to observe effects of RGS4 on Giα family members. In contrast, RGS2 and RGS4 completely inhibit Gq-directed activation of phospholipase C in cell membranes. When reconstituted with phospholipid vesicles, RGS2 is 10-fold more potent than RGS4 in blocking Gqα-directed activation of phospholipase Cβ1. These results identify a clear physiological role for RGS2, and describe the first example of an RGS protein that is a selective inhibitor of Gqα function.


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Mammalian Ran-binding protein-1 (RanBP1) and its fission yeast homologue, sbp1p, are cytosolic proteins that interact with the GTP-charged form of Ran GTPase through a conserved Ran-binding domain (RBD). In vitro, this interaction can accelerate the Ran GTPase-activating protein–mediated hydrolysis of GTP on Ran and the turnover of nuclear import and export complexes. To analyze RanBP1 function in vivo, we expressed exogenous RanBP1, sbp1p, and the RBD of each in mammalian cells, in wild-type fission yeast, and in yeast whose endogenous sbp1 gene was disrupted. Mammalian cells and wild-type yeast expressing moderate levels of each protein were viable and displayed normal nuclear protein import. sbp1− yeast were inviable but could be rescued by all four exogenous proteins. Two RBDs of the mammalian nucleoporin RanBP2 also rescued sbp1− yeast. In mammalian cells, wild-type yeast, and rescued mutant yeast, exogenous full-length RanBP1 and sbp1p localized predominantly to the cytosol, whereas exogenous RBDs localized predominantly to the cell nucleus. These results suggest that only the RBD of sbp1p is required for its function in fission yeast, and that this function may not require confinement of the RBD to the cytosol. The results also indicate that the polar amino-terminal portion of sbp1p mediates cytosolic localization of the protein in both yeast and mammalian cells.


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Small GTPases of the Ypt/Rab family are involved in the regulation of vesicular transport. Cycling between the GDP- and GTP-bound forms and the accessory proteins that regulate this cycling are thought to be crucial for Ypt/Rab function. Guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) stimulate both GDP loss and GTP uptake, and GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs) stimulate GTP hydrolysis. Little is known about GEFs and GAPs for Ypt/Rab proteins. In this article we report the identification and initial characterization of two factors that regulate nucleotide cycling by Ypt1p, which is essential for the first two steps of the yeast secretory pathway. The Ypt1p-GEF stimulates GDP release and GTP uptake at least 10-fold and is specific for Ypt1p. Partially purified Ypt1p-GEF can rescue the inhibition caused by the dominant-negative Ypt1p-D124N mutant of in vitro endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport. This mutant probably blocks transport by inhibiting the GEF, suggesting that we have identified the physiological GEF for Ypt1p. The Ypt1p-GAP stimulates GTP hydrolysis by Ypt1p up to 54-fold, has a higher affinity for the GTP-bound form of Ypt1p than for the GDP-bound form, and is specific to a subgroup of exocytic Ypt proteins. The Ypt1p-GAP activity is not affected by deletion of two genes that encode known Ypt GAPs, GYP7 and GYP1, nor is it influenced by mutations in SEC18, SEC17, or SEC22, genes whose products are involved in vesicle fusion. The GEF and GAP activities for Ypt1p localize to particulate cellular fractions. However, contrary to the predictions of current models, the GEF activity localizes to the fraction that functions as the acceptor in an endoplasmic reticulum-to-Golgi transport assay, whereas the GAP activity cofractionates with markers for the donor. On the basis of our current and previous results, we propose a new model for the role of Ypt/Rab nucleotide cycling and the factors that regulate this process.