985 resultados para Grid Generation


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Availability of producer gas engines at MW being limited necessitates to adapt engine from natural gas operation. The present work focus on the development of necessary kit for adapting a 12 cylinder lean burn turbo-charged natural gas engine rated at 900 kWe (Waukesha make VHP5904LTD) to operate on producer and set up an appropriate capacity biomass gasification system for grid linked power generation in Thailand. The overall plant configuration had fuel processing, drying, reactor, cooling and cleaning system, water treatment, engine generator and power evacuation. The overall project is designed for evacuation of 1.5 MWe power to the state grid and had 2 gasification system with the above configuration and 3 engines. Two gasification system each designed for about 1100 kg/hr of woody biomass was connected to the engine using a producer gas carburetor for the necessary Air to fuel ratio control. In the use of PG to fuel IC engines, it has been recognized that the engine response will differ as compared to the response with conventional fueled operation due to the differences in the thermo-physical properties of PG. On fuelling a conventional engine with PG, power de-rating can be expected due to the lower calorific value (LCV), lower adiabatic flame temperature (AFT) and the lower than unity product to reactant more ratio. Further the A/F ratio for producer gas is about 1/10th that of natural gas and requires a different carburetor for engine operation. The research involved in developing a carburetor for varying load conditions. The patented carburetor is based on area ratio control, consisting of a zero pressure regulator and a separate gas and air line along with a mixing zone. The 95 litre engine at 1000 rpm has an electrical efficiency of 33.5 % with a heat input of 2.62 MW. Each engine had two carburetors designed for producer gas flow each capable of handling about 1200 m3/hr in order to provide similar engine heat input at a lower conversion efficiency. Cold flow studies simulating the engine carburetion system results showed that the A/F was maintained in the range of 1.3 +/- 0.1 over the entire flow range. Initially, the gasification system was tested using woody biomass and the gas composition was found to be CO 15 +/- 1.5 % H-2 22 +/- 2% CH4 2.2 +/- 0.5 CO2 11.25 +/- 1.4 % and rest N-2, with the calorific value in the range of 5.0 MJ/kg. After initial trials on the engine to fine tune the control system and adjust various engine operating parameter a peak load of 800 kWe was achieved, while a stable operating conditions was found to be at 750 kWe which is nearly 85 % of the natural gas rating. The specific fuel consumption was found to be 0.9 kg of biomass per kWh.


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This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in “Emergence: Complexity and Organization”, 15 (2), pp. 14-22 (2013), copyright Taylor & Francis.


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The dissertation is concerned with the mathematical study of various network problems. First, three real-world networks are considered: (i) the human brain network (ii) communication networks, (iii) electric power networks. Although these networks perform very different tasks, they share similar mathematical foundations. The high-level goal is to analyze and/or synthesis each of these systems from a “control and optimization” point of view. After studying these three real-world networks, two abstract network problems are also explored, which are motivated by power systems. The first one is “flow optimization over a flow network” and the second one is “nonlinear optimization over a generalized weighted graph”. The results derived in this dissertation are summarized below.

Brain Networks: Neuroimaging data reveals the coordinated activity of spatially distinct brain regions, which may be represented mathematically as a network of nodes (brain regions) and links (interdependencies). To obtain the brain connectivity network, the graphs associated with the correlation matrix and the inverse covariance matrix—describing marginal and conditional dependencies between brain regions—have been proposed in the literature. A question arises as to whether any of these graphs provides useful information about the brain connectivity. Due to the electrical properties of the brain, this problem will be investigated in the context of electrical circuits. First, we consider an electric circuit model and show that the inverse covariance matrix of the node voltages reveals the topology of the circuit. Second, we study the problem of finding the topology of the circuit based on only measurement. In this case, by assuming that the circuit is hidden inside a black box and only the nodal signals are available for measurement, the aim is to find the topology of the circuit when a limited number of samples are available. For this purpose, we deploy the graphical lasso technique to estimate a sparse inverse covariance matrix. It is shown that the graphical lasso may find most of the circuit topology if the exact covariance matrix is well-conditioned. However, it may fail to work well when this matrix is ill-conditioned. To deal with ill-conditioned matrices, we propose a small modification to the graphical lasso algorithm and demonstrate its performance. Finally, the technique developed in this work will be applied to the resting-state fMRI data of a number of healthy subjects.

Communication Networks: Congestion control techniques aim to adjust the transmission rates of competing users in the Internet in such a way that the network resources are shared efficiently. Despite the progress in the analysis and synthesis of the Internet congestion control, almost all existing fluid models of congestion control assume that every link in the path of a flow observes the original source rate. To address this issue, a more accurate model is derived in this work for the behavior of the network under an arbitrary congestion controller, which takes into account of the effect of buffering (queueing) on data flows. Using this model, it is proved that the well-known Internet congestion control algorithms may no longer be stable for the common pricing schemes, unless a sufficient condition is satisfied. It is also shown that these algorithms are guaranteed to be stable if a new pricing mechanism is used.

Electrical Power Networks: Optimal power flow (OPF) has been one of the most studied problems for power systems since its introduction by Carpentier in 1962. This problem is concerned with finding an optimal operating point of a power network minimizing the total power generation cost subject to network and physical constraints. It is well known that OPF is computationally hard to solve due to the nonlinear interrelation among the optimization variables. The objective is to identify a large class of networks over which every OPF problem can be solved in polynomial time. To this end, a convex relaxation is proposed, which solves the OPF problem exactly for every radial network and every meshed network with a sufficient number of phase shifters, provided power over-delivery is allowed. The concept of “power over-delivery” is equivalent to relaxing the power balance equations to inequality constraints.

Flow Networks: In this part of the dissertation, the minimum-cost flow problem over an arbitrary flow network is considered. In this problem, each node is associated with some possibly unknown injection, each line has two unknown flows at its ends related to each other via a nonlinear function, and all injections and flows need to satisfy certain box constraints. This problem, named generalized network flow (GNF), is highly non-convex due to its nonlinear equality constraints. Under the assumption of monotonicity and convexity of the flow and cost functions, a convex relaxation is proposed, which always finds the optimal injections. A primary application of this work is in the OPF problem. The results of this work on GNF prove that the relaxation on power balance equations (i.e., load over-delivery) is not needed in practice under a very mild angle assumption.

Generalized Weighted Graphs: Motivated by power optimizations, this part aims to find a global optimization technique for a nonlinear optimization defined over a generalized weighted graph. Every edge of this type of graph is associated with a weight set corresponding to the known parameters of the optimization (e.g., the coefficients). The motivation behind this problem is to investigate how the (hidden) structure of a given real/complex valued optimization makes the problem easy to solve, and indeed the generalized weighted graph is introduced to capture the structure of an optimization. Various sufficient conditions are derived, which relate the polynomial-time solvability of different classes of optimization problems to weak properties of the generalized weighted graph such as its topology and the sign definiteness of its weight sets. As an application, it is proved that a broad class of real and complex optimizations over power networks are polynomial-time solvable due to the passivity of transmission lines and transformers.


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Analyses of photovoltaic power generation based on Lyapunov's theorems are presented. The characteristics of the photovoltaic module and the power conditioning unit are analyzed in order to establish energy functions that assess the stability of solutions and define safe regions of operation. Furthermore, it is shown that grid-connected photovoltaic modules driven at maximum power may become unstable under normal grid transients. In such cases, stability can be maintained by allowing an operational margin defined as the energy difference between the stable and the unstable solutions of the system. Simulations show that modules cope well with grid transients when a sufficiently large margin is used.


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Compared with the Doubly fed induction generators (DFIG), the brushless doubly fed induction generator (BDFIG) has a commercial potential for wind power generation due to its lower cost and higher reliability. In the most recent grid codes, wind generators are required to be capable of riding through low voltage faults. As a result of the negative sequence, induction generators response differently in asymmetrical voltage dips compared with the symmetrical dip. This paper gave a full behavior analysis of the BDFIG under different types of the asymmetrical fault and proposed a novel control strategy for the BDFIG to ride through asymmetrical low voltage dips without any extra hardware such as crowbars. The proposed control strategies are experimentally verified by a 250-kW BDFIG. © 2012 IEEE.


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A new electrochemiluminescence (ECL) microoptoprobe with simple structure. small sampling volume and high efficiency was developed. It was constructed by fixing the transparent gold mini-grid on the end surface of the optical fiber, and by surrounding the fiber with the counter- and reference electrodes to form a self-contained three-electrode system. The use of mini-grid electrode increased the surface area and collection efficiency. which resulted in higher ECL signal and better sensitivity. The counter electrode together with one end of the fiber formed a mini-vessel, which eliminated the need of additional container and allowed to perform ECL detection in a very small volume (about 10 mul). The microoptoprobe obtained was characterized with the Ru(bpy)(3)(2-)-tripropylamine system and was applied for the determination of oxalate and chlorpromazine (CPZ). Detection limits (S/N = 3) were 5 x 10(-7) and 1 x 10(-6) mol l(-1) for oxalate and CPZ. respectively. The linear range for oxalate and CPZ extended from 1 x 10(-6) to 1 x 10(-3) mol l(-1), and from 5 x 10(-6) to 5 x 10(-4) mol l(-1). respectively.


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The work presented in this thesis covers four major topics of research related to the grid integration of wave energy. More specifically, the grid impact of a wave farm on the power quality of its local network is investigated. Two estimation methods were developed regarding the flicker level Pst generated by a wave farm in relation to its rated power as well as in relation to the impedance angle ψk of the node in the grid to which it is connected. The electrical design of a typical wave farm design is also studied in terms of minimum rating for three types of costly pieces of equipment, namely the VAr compensator, the submarine cables and the overhead line. The power losses dissipated within the farm's electrical network are also evaluated. The feasibility of transforming a test site into a commercial site of greater rated power is investigated from the perspective of power quality and of cables and overhead line thermal loading. Finally, the generic modelling of ocean devices, referring here to both wave and tidal current devices, is investigated.


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Wind power generation differs from conventional thermal generation due to the stochastic nature of wind. Thus wind power forecasting plays a key role in dealing with the challenges of balancing supply and demand in any electricity system, given the uncertainty associated with the wind farm power output. Accurate wind power forecasting reduces the need for additional balancing energy and reserve power to integrate wind power. Wind power forecasting tools enable better dispatch, scheduling and unit commitment of thermal generators, hydro plant and energy storage plant and more competitive market trading as wind power ramps up and down on the grid. This paper presents an in-depth review of the current methods and advances in wind power forecasting and prediction. Firstly, numerical wind prediction methods from global to local scales, ensemble forecasting, upscaling and downscaling processes are discussed. Next the statistical and machine learning approach methods are detailed. Then the techniques used for benchmarking and uncertainty analysis of forecasts are overviewed, and the performance of various approaches over different forecast time horizons is examined. Finally, current research activities, challenges and potential future developments are appraised.


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FUELCON is an expert system in nuclear engineering. Its task is optimized refueling-design, which is crucial to keep down operation costs at a plant. FUELCON proposes sets of alternative configurations of fuel-allocation; the fuel is positioned in a grid representing the core of a reactor. The practitioner of in-core fuel management uses FUELCON to generate a reasonably good configuration for the situation at hand. The domain expert, on the other hand, resorts to the system to test heuristics and discover new ones, for the task described above. Expert use involves a manual phase of revising the ruleset, based on performance during previous iterations in the same session. This paper is concerned with a new phase: the design of a neural component to carry out the revision automatically. Such an automated revision considers previous performance of the system and uses it for adaptation and learning better rules. The neural component is based on a particular schema for a symbolic to recurrent-analogue bridge, called NIPPL, and on the reinforcement learning of neural networks for the adaptation.


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The effect of a high electric current density on the interfacial reactions of micro ball grid array solder joints was studied at room temperature and at 150 °C. Four types of phenomena were reported. Along with electromigration-induced interfacial intermetallic compound (IMC) formation, dissolution at the Cu under bump metallization (UBM)/bond pad was also noticed. With a detailed investigation, it was found that the narrow and thin metallization at the component side produced “Joule heating” due to its higher resistance, which in turn was responsible for the rapid dissolution of the Cu UBM/bond pad near to the Cu trace. During an “electromigration test” of a solder joint, the heat generation due to Joule heating and the heat dissipation from the package should be considered carefully. When the heat dissipation fails to compete with the Joule heating, the solder joint melts and molten solder accelerates the interfacial reactions in the solder joint. The presence of a liquid phase was demonstrated from microstructural evidence of solder joints after different current stressing (ranging from 0.3 to 2 A) as well as an in situ observation. Electromigration-induced liquid state diffusion of Cu was found to be responsible for the higher growth rate of the IMC on the anode side.


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This paper investigates the performance characteristics of rapeseed methyl ester, EN 14214 biodiesel, when used for electrical generation in compression ignition engines. The work was inspired by the need to replace fossil diesel fuel with a sustainable low carbon alternative while maintaining generator performance, power quality, and compliance with ISO 8528-5. A 50-kVA Perkins diesel engine generator was used to assess the impact of biodiesel with particular regard to gen-set fuel consumption, load acceptance, and associated standards. Tests were performed on the diesel gen-set for islanded and grid-connected modes of operation, hence both steady-state and transient performance were fully explored. Performance comparisons were made with conventional fossil diesel fuel, revealing minimal technical barriers for electrical generation from this sustainable, carbon benign fuel. Recommendations for improved transient performance are proposed and validated through tests.


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This paper proposes a coordinated control of the rotor and grid side converters (RSC & GSC) of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind generation systems under unbalanced voltage conditions. System behaviors and operations of the RSC and GSC under unbalanced voltage are illustrated. To provide enhanced operation, the RSC is controlled to eliminate the torque oscillations at double supply frequency under unbalanced stator supply. The oscillation of the stator output active power is then cancelled by the active power output from the GSC, to ensure constant active power output from the overall DFIG generation system. To provide the required positive and negative sequence currents control for the RSC and GSC, a current control strategy containing a main controller and an auxiliary controller is analyzed. The main controller is implemented in the positive (dq)+ frame without involving positive/negative sequence decomposition whereas the auxiliary controller is implemented in the negative sequence (dq)? frame with negative sequence current extracted. Simulation results using EMTDC/PSCAD are presented for a 2MW DFIG wind generation system to validate the proposed control scheme and to show the enhanced system operation during unbalanced voltage supply.


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Wind power generation differs from conventional thermal generation due to the stochastic nature of wind. Thus wind power forecasting plays a key role in dealing with the challenges of balancing supply and demand in any electricity system, given the uncertainty associated with the wind farm power output. Accurate wind power forecasting reduces the need for additional balancing energy and reserve power to integrate wind power. Wind power forecasting tools enable better dispatch, scheduling and unit commitment of thermal generators, hydro plant and energy storage plant and more competitive market trading as wind power ramps up and down on the grid. This paper presents an in-depth review of the current methods and advances in wind power forecasting and prediction. Firstly, numerical wind prediction methods from global to local scales, ensemble forecasting, upscaling and downscaling processes are discussed. Next the statistical and machine learning approach methods are detailed. Then the techniques used for benchmarking and uncertainty analysis of forecasts are overviewed, and the performance of various approaches over different forecast time horizons is examined. Finally, current research activities, challenges and potential future developments are appraised. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper analyzes data captured by a phasor measurement unit at a wind farm, employing two-speed induction generators, and investigates aspects of the control system's interaction with the power system. Composite superimposed transient events are proposed as a method to improve the quality of the analysis and reduce errors caused by unknowns, such as wind speed variation. A Mathworks SimPowerSystems model validates the inertia contribution of the wind farm, which is an important parameter in power systems with high wind penetration. Transients caused by turbine speed transitions are identified and explained. The analysis also highlights areas where wind farm control should be improved if useful inertia contribution is to be provided.