977 resultados para Grey-lethal


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The authors' experience in the treatment of grey video compression using fractals is summarized and compared with other research in the same field. Experience with parallel and distributed computing is also discussed.


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This article considers the development of the UK Cultural Olympiad supporting London's successful bid to stage the Olympic Games in 2012. It suggests that the Cultural Olympiad is a complex event itself and needs to be better understood if any impacts are to be felt in a meaningful sense. The event is thus considered through review of over 50 documents relating to its management, in the context of a number of identified themes: cultural development, developing institutional frameworks, social benefit, educational benefit and promotional benefit.


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PCB, DDT, DDE, dieldrin and total non-polar organohalogen residues have been determined in the blubber-lipid of grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) sampled during the 1972 breeding season (November) at the Farne Islands off the north eastern coast of England. PCBs were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography linked to a chlorine- and carbon-selective microwave plasma detector and total organohalogen residues were determined by microcoulometry. Total organohalogen residues were negatively correlated with blubber thickness and positively correlated with age in males (aged 1 to 24 y) and females (aged 5 to 38 y). However, the correlation of blubber-lipid residue with age in males depended upon the inclusion of immature (aged < 6 y) animals, and in females reflected only a small residue increment. The mean blubber organohalogen concentration of the males was significantly greater than that of the females. PCB and DDT group residue concentrations were significantly correlated. PCB, DDT, DDE and dieldrin were detected in the liver of mother/foetus pairs demonstrating transplacental movement of these residues. The possibility of the condition of the seals at breeding time influencing residue levels and of these residues influencing the health of the population is discussed.


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The variable start and duration of the Grey seal breeding season makes the estimation of total pup production from a single census very difficult. Classifying the count into morphological age classes enables the form and timing of the birth rate curve and estimates of pup mortality rates to be elucidated. A simulation technique is described which enables the duration of each morphological stage to be determined from a series of such classified counts taken over one season. A further statistical technique uses these estimates to calculate the mean timing and duration of the breeding season from a single classified count taken from similar populations in subsequent years. This information allows total pup production to be calculated for any appropriate breeding colony. Some guidance is given as to the optimal timing of that single census which would yield the best estimate of production, although the precise date is not critical to the success of the technique. Results from single census estimates obtained in this way are compared with known production data from more detailed surveys for a number of different colonies.


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A procedure for estimating total organochlorine pesticide and PCB residue in seal blubber at concentrations of greater than 1μg g-1 of lipid is described. Lipid is cleaned up by alumina column chromatography, and the halogen concentration of the resulting hexane eluace is determined by combustion and microcoulometry. Results are similar to those obtained by gas chromatographic analysis and can be used to interpolate between results so obtained when data on specific organochlorine compounds is not required for each sample. The organochlorine residues recovered in this manner did not constitute all the halogen determined by combustion and microcoulometry of seal lipid. Analysis by the total halogen procedure was 2.5 tunes faster than the rate achieved with a combination of liquid and gas chromatography operated manually; the requirements for laboratory equipment and space for sample preparation are reduced.


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Lasaea rubra is an inbreeding bivalve species, living at most heights on rocky shores. Freshly collected animals from different shore heights showed significantly different upper median lethal temperatures (MLTs), with upper shore animals having higher MLTs than lower shore specimens. Experiments with animals acclimated for at least one month to a single temperature (15°C) demonstrated that these differences in upper MLT were unaffected by thermal acclimation. Electrophoretic investigation showed that the differences in thermal response had a genetic basis. Homogeneous populations of the high-water inbred line (‘Inbred line A’) had a higher MLT than homogeneous populations of ‘Inbred line C’ which was found on the middle and lower shore. No differences were detected between the MLTs of separate populations of Inbred lines A or C. A third inbred line (‘Inbred line B’) was found on the middle shore, but no homogeneous populations were found. However, indirect evidence suggests that Inbred line B has a thermal response intermediate between those of Inbred lines A and C. Study of populations made up of mixtures of inbred lines confirmed the relationship between upper MLTs and genetic composition of the population.


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Due to the complexity and inherent instability in polymer extrusion there is a need for process models which can be run on-line to optimise settings and control disturbances. First-principle models demand computationally intensive solution, while ‘black box’ models lack generalisation ability and physical process insight. This work examines a novel ‘grey box’ modelling technique which incorporates both prior physical knowledge and empirical data in generating intuitive models of the process. The models can be related to the underlying physical mechanisms in the extruder and have been shown to capture unpredictable effects of the operating conditions on process instability. Furthermore, model parameters can be related to material properties available from laboratory analysis and as such, lend themselves to re-tuning for different materials without extensive remodelling work.


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In lethal and sublethal ammonia toxicity tests, we examined differences in tolerance of three species of freshwater amphipods, one native and two invasive in Ireland. The native Gammarus duebeni celticus was slightly less tolerant to ammonia than the invasive G. pulex (96h LC50 = 1.155 and 1.544 mg l(-1), respectively), while another invader, Crangonyx pseudograeilis, had the lowest tolerance (LC50 = 0.36 mg l(-1)). Parasitism of G. pulex by the acanthocephalan Echinorhynchus truttae greatly reduced the tolerance of the invader to ammonia (LC50 = 0.381 mg l(-1)). Further, precopula pair disruption tests indicated that G. d. celticus was more sensitive to ammonia than G. pulex at sublethal levels. We discuss these results in the context of the ecological replacements of native by invader amphipods. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.