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A new 8-node serendipity quadrilateral plate bending element (MQP8) based on the Mindlin-Reissner theory for the analysis of thin and moderately thick plate bending problems using Integrated Force Method is presented in this paper. The performance of this new element (MQP8) is studied for accuracy and convergence by analyzing many standard benchmark plate bending problems. This new element MQP8 performs excellent in both thin and moderately thick plate bending situations. And also this element is free from spurious/zero energy modes and free from shear locking problem.
Force-free equilibrium configurations of magnetic-pressure-dominated magnetized supersonic jets confined by slowly varying external pressure are investigated analytically. For the case where internal dissipation mechanisms are active, the lowest-energy field configuration is found to be the superposition of an axisymmetric mode and a helical mode with a wavelength equal to 5 times the jet radius, and the pressure below which the nonaxisymmetric mode becomes energetically favorable is given as 2700 times the product of the 4th power of the magnetic helicity per unit length and the -6th power of the magnetic flux. A model of the total and polarized emission of such a configuration is developed and applied to the extended well-collimated astronomically resolved jet NGC 6251. The model is shown to reproduce significant features such as transverse oscillations of the ridge line, width oscillations and emission knots, the projected magnetic-field configuration, oscillations of the degree of polarization, and the distribution of the Faraday rotation measure.
It is shown that a magnetic-pressure-dominated, supersonic jet which expands (or contracts) in response to variations in the confining external pressure can dissipate magnetic energy through field-line reconnection as it relaxes to a minimum-energy configuration. In order for a continuous dissipation to take place, the effective reconnection time must be a fraction ɛ ⪉ 1 of the expansion time. The amount of energy dissipation is calculated, and it is concluded that magnetic energy dissipation could, in principle, power the observed synchrotron emission in extragalactic radio jets such as NGC 6251. However, this mechanism is only viable if the reconnection time is substantially shorter than the nominal resistive tearing time in the jet.
In order to study the effect of the Coriolis force due to solar rotation on rising magnetic flux, the authors consider a flux ring, azimuthally symmetric around the rotation axis, starting from rest at the bottom of the convection zone, and then follow the trajectory of the flux ring as it rises. If it is assumed that the flux ring remains azimuthally symmetric during its ascent, then the problem can be described essentially in terms of two parameters: the value of the initial magnetic field in the ring when it starts, and the effective drag experienced by it. For field strengths at the bottom of the convection zone of order 10,000 G or less, it is found that the Coriolis force plays a dominant role and flux rings starting from low latitudes at the bottom are deflected and emerge at latitudes significantly poleward of sunspot zones.
The early stages of plasticity in KBr single crystals have been studied by means of nano-meter-scale indentation in complementary experiments using both a nanoindenter and an atomic force microscope. Nanoindentafion experiments precisely correlate indentation depth and forces, while force microscopy provides high-resolution force measurements and images of the surface revealing dislocation activity. The two methods provide very similar results for the onset of plasticity in KBr. Upon loading we observe yield of the surface in atomic layer units which we attribute to the nucleation of single dislocations. Unloading is accompanied by plastic recovery as evident from a non-linear force distance unloading curve and delayed discrete plasticity events.
The time evolution of the film thickness and domain formation of octadecylamine molecules adsorbed oil a mica surface is investigated Using atomic force microscopy. The adsorbed Film thickness is determined by measuring the height profile across the mica-amine interface of a mica surface partially immersed in a 15 mM solution of octadecylamine in chloroform. Using this novel procedure, adsorption of amine on mica is found to occur in three distinct stages, with morphologically distinct domain Formation and growth occurring during each stage. In the first stage, where adsorption is primarily in the thin-film regime, all average Film thickness of 0.2 (+/- 0.3) nm is formed for exposure times below 30 s and 0.8 (+/- 0.2) nm for 60 s of immersion time. During this stage, large sample spanning domains are observed. The second stage, which occurs between 60-300 s, is associated with it regime of rapid film growth, and the film thickness increases from about 0.8 to 25 nm during this stage. Once the thick-film regime is established, further exposure to the amine solution results in all increase in the domain area, and it regime of lateral domain growth is observed. In this stage, the domain area coverage grows from 38 to 75%, and the FTIR spectra reveal an increased level of crystallinity in the film. Using it diffusion-controlled model and it two-step Langmuir isotherm, the time evolution of the film growth is quantitatively captured. The model predicts the time at which the thin to thick film transition occurs as well its the time required for complete film growth at longer times. The Ward-Tordai equation is also solved to determine the model parameters in the monolayer (thin-film) regime, which occurs during the initial stages of film growth.
Sormen koukistajajännevamman korjauksen jälkeisen aktiivisen mobilisaation on todettu johtavan parempaan toiminnalliseen lopputulokseen kuin nykyisin yleisesti käytetyn dynaamisen mobilisaation. Aktiivisen mobilisaation ongelma on jännekorjauksen pettämisriskin lisääntyminen nykyisten ommeltekniikoiden riittämättömän vahvuuden vuoksi. Jännekorjauksen lujuutta on parannettu kehittämällä monisäieommeltekniikoita, joissa jänteeseen tehdään useita rinnakkaisia ydinompeleita. Niiden kliinistä käyttöä rajoittaa kuitenkin monimutkainen ja aikaa vievä tekninen suoritus. Käden koukistajajännekorjauksessa käytetään yleisesti sulamattomia ommelmateriaaleja. Nykyiset käytössä olevat biohajoavat langat heikkenevät liian nopeasti jänteen paranemiseen nähden. Biohajoavan laktidistereokopolymeeri (PLDLA) 96/4 – langan vetolujuuden puoliintumisajan sekä kudosominaisuuksien on aiemmin todettu soveltuvan koukistajajännekorjaukseen. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää välittömän aktiivisen mobilisaation kestävä ja toteutukseltaan yksinkertainen käden koukistajajännekorjausmenetelmä biohajoavaa PLDLA 96/4 –materiaalia käyttäen. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin viiden eri yleisesti käytetyn koukistajajänneompeleen biomekaanisia ominaisuuksia staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa ydinompeleen rakenteellisten ominaisuuksien – 1) säikeiden (lankojen) lukumäärän, 2) langan paksuuden ja 3) ompeleen konfiguraation – vaikutuksen selvittämiseksi jännekorjauksen pettämiseen ja vahvuuteen. Jännekorjausten näkyvän avautumisen todettiin alkavan perifeerisen ompeleen pettäessä voima-venymäkäyrän myötöpisteessä. Ydinompeleen lankojen lukumäärän lisääminen paransi ompeleen pitokykyä jänteessä ja suurensi korjauksen myötövoimaa. Sen sijaan paksumman (vahvemman) langan käyttäminen tai ompeleen konfiguraatio eivät vaikuttaneet myötövoimaan. Tulosten perusteella tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia lisätä ompeleen pitokykyä jänteestä yksinkertaisella monisäieompeleella, jossa ydinommel tehtiin kolmen säikeen polyesterilangalla tai nauhamaisen rakenteen omaavalla kolmen säikeen polyesterilangalla. Nauhamainen rakenne lisäsi merkitsevästi ompeleen pitokykyä jänteessä parantaen myötövoimaa sekä maksimivoimaa. Korjauksen vahvuus ylitti aktiivisen mobilisaation jännekorjaukseen kohdistaman kuormitustason. PLDLA 96/4 –langan soveltuvuutta koukistajajännekorjaukseen selvitettiin tutkimalla langan biomekaanisia ominaisuuksia ja solmujen pito-ominaisuuksia staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa verrattuna yleisimmin jännekorjauksessa käytettävään punottuun polyesterilankaan (Ticron®). PLDLA –langan todettiin soveltuvan hyvin koukistajajännekorjaukseen, sillä se on polyesterilankaa venymättömämpi ja solmujen pitävyys on parempi. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin PLDLA 96/4 –langasta valmistetulla kolmisäikeisellä, nauhamaisella jännekorjausvälineellä tehdyn jännekorjauksen kestävyyttä staattisessa vetolujuustestauksessa sekä syklisessä kuormituksessa, joka simuloi staattista testausta paremmin mobilisaation toistuvaa kuormitusta. PLDLA-korjauksen vahvuus ylitti sekä staattisessa että syklisessä kuormituksessa aktiivisen mobilisaation edellyttämän vahvuuden. Nauhamaista litteää ommelmateriaalia ei aiemmin ole tutkittu tai käytetty käden koukistajajännekorjauksessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa ommelmateriaalin nauhamainen rakenne paransi merkitsevästi jännekorjauksen vahvuutta, minkä arvioidaan johtuvan lisääntyneestä kontaktipinnasta jänteen ja ommelmateriaalin välillä estäen ompeleen läpileikkautumista jänteessä. Tutkimuksessa biohajoavasta PLDLA –materiaalista valmistetulla rakenteeltaan nauhamaisella kolmisäikeisellä langalla tehdyn jännekorjauksen vahvuus saavutti aktiivisen mobilisaation edellyttämän tason. Lisäksi uusi menetelmä on helppokäyttöinen ja sillä vältetään perinteisten monisäieompeleiden tekniseen suoritukseen liittyvät ongelmat.
We investigate the effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the non-equilibrium drift dynamics of an ideal flexible polymer pulled by a constant force applied at one polymer end using the perturbation theory and the renormalization group method. For moderate force, if the polymer elongation is small, the hydrodynamic interactions are not screened and the velocity and the longitudinal elongation of the polymer are computed using the renormalization group method. Both the velocity and elongation are nonlinear functions of the driving force in this regime. For large elongation we found two regimes. For large force but finite chain length L the hydrodynamic interactions are screened. For large chain lengths and a finite force the hydrodynamic interactions are only partially screened, which in three dimensions results in unusual logarithmic corrections to the velocity and the longitudinal elongation.
Normal coordinate analysis of a molecule of the type XY7 (point group D5h) has been carried out using Wilson's FG, matrix method and the results have been utilized to calculate the force constants of IF7 from the available Raman and infrared data. Some of the assignments made previously by Lord and others have been revised and with the revised assignments the thermodynamic quantities of IF7 have been computed from 300°K to 1000°K under rigid rotator and harmonic oscillator approximation.
Points out that, in the presence of the Coriolis force, a crossover frequency can exist in a plasma with only two species and comments on the results with respect to proton whistlers. (see abstr. A67926 of 1970).
The force constants of H2 and Li2 are evaluated employing their extended Hartree-Fock wavefunctions by a polynomial fit of their force curves. It is suggested that, based on incomplete multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock wavefunctions, force constants calculated from the energy derivatives are numerically more accurate than those obtained from the derivatives of the Hellmann-Feynman forces. It is observed that electrons relax during the nuclear vibrations in such a fashion as to facilitate the nuclear motions.
Recent reanalysis of the data of the Eötvös experiment suggested the existence of a new force. We show that a negative energy massive scalar field minimally coupled to gravity in a background Schwarzschild metric naturally leads to a potential which can explain the small anomalous effect in the Eötvös experiment.
Friction force generated in lubricated cutting of steel is experimentally estimated by recording the tangential force experienced by the spherical face of a pin rubbing against a freshly cut surface. The pin and the cutting tool are both submerged in the lubricant and the pin is situated on the cut-track to record the force. The recording shows an instantaneous achievement of a peak in the force curve followed by a decline in time to a steady state value. The peak and not the steady state friction was found to be sensitive to the structure of the hydrocarbon and addition of additive to the oil. The configuration was designed and tested to demonstrate the influence of a reaction film which develops during cutting, on cutting tool friction. Given the strong correlation between the peak friction and the existence of a tribofilm in the cutting zone, the configuration is used to determine the lower limit of a cutting speed regime, which marks the initiation of lubricant starvation, in cutting of steel using an emulsion as a cutting fluid. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.