979 resultados para Grapevine rust mite


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BACKGROUND: Environmental conditions play a crucial role in mite growth, and optimal environmental control is key in the prevention of airway inflammation in chronic allergic rhinoconjunctivitis or asthma. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relationship between building energy performance and indoor mite allergen concentration in a cross-sectional study. METHODS: Major allergen concentration (Der f 1, Der p 1, mite group 2, Fel d 1 and Bla g 2) was determined by quantitative dot blot analysis from mattress and carpet dust samples in five buildings designed for low energy use (LEB) and in six control buildings (CB). Inhabitants had received 4 weeks prior to mite measurement a personal validated questionnaire related to the perceived state of health and comfort of living. RESULTS: Cumulative mite allergen concentration (with Der f 1 as the major contributor) was significantly lower in LEB as compared with CB both in mattresses and in carpets. In contrast, the two categories of buildings did not differ in Bla g 2 and Fel d 1 concentration, in the amount of dust and airborne mould collected. Whereas temperature was higher in LEB, relative humidity was significantly lower than in CB. Perceived overall comfort was better in LEB. CONCLUSIONS: Major mite allergen Der f 1 preferentially accumulates in buildings not specifically designed for low energy use, reaching levels at risk for sensitization. We hypothesize that controlled mechanical ventilation present in all audited LEB may favour lower air humidity and hence lower mite growth and allergen concentration, while preserving optimal perceived comfort.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of rootstocks and pruning times on yield and on nutrient content and extraction by pruned branches and harvested bunches of 'Niagara Rosada' grapevine in subtropical climate. The rootstocks 'IAC 766', 'IAC 572', 'IAC 313', 'IAC 571-6', and '106-8 Mgt' were evaluated. Treatments consisted of a combination between five rootstocks and three pruning times. At pruning, fresh and dry matter mass of branches were evaluated to estimate biomass accumulation. At harvest, yield was estimated by weighing of bunches per plant. Branches and bunches were sampled at pruning and at harvest, respectively, for nutrient content analysis. Nutrient content and dry matter mass of branches and bunches were used to estimate total nutrient extraction. 'Niagara Rosada' grapevine grafted onto the 'IAC 572' rootstock had the highest yield and dry matter mass of bunches, which were significantly different from the ones observed in 'Niagara Rosada'/'IAC 313'. 'Niagara Rosada' grafted onto the 'IAC 572' rootstock extracted the largest quantity of K, P, Mg, S, Cu, and Fe, differing from 'IAC 313' and 'IAC 766' in K and P extraction, and from '106-8 Mgt' in Mg and S extraction. Winter pruning results in higher yield, dry matter accumulation by branches, and total nutrient content and extraction.


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An experiment was carried out to determine the root distribution of four grapevine rootstocks (Salt Creek, Dogridge, Courdec 1613, IAC 572) in a coarse texture soil of a commercial growing area in Petrolina County, São Francisco Valley, Brazil. Rootstocks were grafted to a seedless table grape cv. Festival, and irrigated by microsprinkler. Roots were quantified by the trench wall method aided by digital image analysis. Results indicated that roots reached 1 m depth, but few differences among rootstocks were found. All of them presented at least 90 % of the roots distributed until 0.6 m depth, with a greater root presence in the first 0.4 m. The upper 0.6 m can be taken into account as the effective rooting depth for soil and water management.


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The present study evaluated the anatomy, chlorophyll content and photosynthetic potential of grapevine leaves grown under plastic cover. The experiment was carried out in vineyards of Moscato Giallo cultivar covered and uncovered with plastic. A block design with 10 selected plants was used for each area (covered and uncovered). Twelve leaves (six of them fully exposed to solar radiation and six grown under shaded conditions) were collected from each area and were fixed and analyzed microscopically (thickness of the adaxial and abaxial epidermis and of the palisade and spongy parenchymas). Chlorophyll content and photosynthetic potential were determined in the vineyard at veraison and after harvest. Plastic covering increased the thickness of the palisade parenchyma in exposed and shaded leaves due to solar radiation restriction. However, the leaves from the covered vineyard did not have the same response to the restriction of solar radiation, as observed in the uncovered vineyard. The thickness of the adaxial and abaxial epidermis and of the spongy parenchyma did not vary due to solar radiation restriction. Chlorophyll content increased in the leaves of covered plants. The photosynthetic potential of the vines is not affected by solar radiation restriction imposed by plastic cover due to anatomical modification in leaves.


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RESUMO Os atributos do solo estão relacionados com o desenvolvimento e a produção das culturas, tanto anuais como perenes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar os atributos químicos e físicos do solo três anos após a aplicação de sistemas de manejo para implantação de porta-enxertos de videira, em um Nitossolo Vermelho com textura muito argilosa. Os sistemas de manejo consistiram na confecção ou não de camalhões e/ou de drenos antes da implantação das mudas de porta-enxertos Dog Ridge. Os atributos químicos (pH em água e teores de matéria orgânica e de macronutrientes) foram determinados em amostras coletadas na linha da cultura, nas camadas de 0-0,1; 0,1-0,2; 0,2-0,3 e 0,3-0,4 m de profundidade. Os atributos físicos do solo (teor de argila, densidade, porosidade, resistência à penetração e estabilidade dos agregados) foram determinados em amostras coletadas com estrutura preservada nas camadas de 0,025-0,075; 0,125-0,175; 0,225-0,275 e 0,325-0,375 m de profundidade. Também foram determinadas a massa seca de raízes do portaenxerto nas camadas de 0-0,2 e 0,2-0,4 m de profundidade e suas correlações com os atributos do solo. A confecção de camalhões alterou significativamente a maioria dos atributos químicos do solo e proporcionou maior uniformidade nos valores em profundidade, criando condições mais favoráveis ao crescimento radicular nas camadas mais profundas. Os atributos físicos foram menos afetados do que os químicos pela confecção de camalhões ou drenos, e não foram observados valores restritivos ao crescimento radicular nas camadas amostradas após quatro anos da aplicação dos sistemas de manejo do solo. A confecção de drenos alterou menos os atributos químicos e físicos do solo do que a confecção de camalhões.


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ABSTRACT Fertilization of temperate fruit trees, such as grapevine ( Vitis spp.), apple ( Malus domestica), and pear ( Pyrus communis) is an important tool to achive maximum yield and fruit quality. Fertilizers are provided when soil fertility does not allow trees to express their genetic potential, and time and rate of application should be scheduled to promote fruit quality. Grapevine berries, must and wine quality are affected principally by N, that regulate the synthesis of some important compounds, such as anthocyanins, which are responsible for coloring of the must and the wine. Fermenation of the must may stop in grapes with low concentration of N because N is requested in high amount by yeasts. An N excess may increase the pulp to peel ratio, diluting the concentration of anthocyanins and promoting the migration of anthocyanins from berries to the growing plant organs; a decrease of grape juice soluble solid concentration is also expected because of an increase in vegetative growth. Potassium is also important for wine quality contributing to adequate berry maturation, concentration of sugars, synthesis of phenols and the regulation of pH and acidity. In apple and pear, Ca and K are important for fruit quality and storage. Potassium is the most important component of fruit, however, any excess should be avoided and an adequate K:Ca balance should be achieved. Adequate concentration of Ca in the fruit prevents pre- and post-harvest fruit disorders and, at the same time, increases tolerance to pathogens. Although N promotes adequate growth soil N availability should be monitored to avoid excessive N uptake that may decrease fruit skin color and storability.


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An emerging strategy in preventing and treating airway allergy consists of modulating the immune response induced against allergens in the lungs. CpG oligodeoxynucleotides have been investigated in airway allergy studies, but even if promising, efficacy requires further substantiation. We investigated the effect of pulmonary delivery of nanoparticle (NP)-conjugated CpG on lung immunity and found that NP-CpG led to enhanced recruitment of activated dendritic cells and to Th1 immunity compared to free CpG. We then evaluated if pulmonary delivery of NP-CpG could prevent and treat house dust mite-induced allergy by modulating immunity directly in lungs. When CpG was administered as immunomodulatory therapy prior to allergen sensitization, we found that NP-CpG significantly reduced eosinophilia, IgE levels, mucus production and Th2 cytokines, while free CpG had only a moderate effect on these parameters. In a therapeutic setting where CpG was administered after allergen sensitization, we found that although both free CpG and NP-CpG reduced eosinophilia and IgE levels to the same extent, NP conjugation of CpG significantly enhanced reduction of Th2 cytokines in lungs of allergic mice. Taken together, these data highlight benefits of NP conjugation and the relevance of NP-CpG as allergen-free therapy to modulate lung immunity and treat airway allergy.


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O enrolamento da folha da videira (Vitis spp.) é uma doença causada por até oito vírus, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus (GLRaV) 1 a 8, sorologicamente distintos e associados ao floema de videiras infetadas. Neste trabalho, foram detectados GLRaV-1 e -3 por DAS-ELISA em 6,9 e 14,7% das amostras analisadas, respectivamente, e provenientes de duas importantes regiões vitícolas do Brasil (Serra Gaúcha e Vale do São Francisco). Os GLRaV-2, -5 e -7 não foram detectados. O GLRaV-3 também foi detectado por dot-ELISA e western blot, observando-se a provável proteína capsidial com cerca de 36 kDa. Um fragmento de 340 pb, compreendendo o terminal 3' do gene da polimerase viral de GLRaV-3, foi amplificado por PCR e seqüenciado. As seqüências de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos deduzidos deste isolado apresentaram alta homologia, 95,0 e 97,1%, respectivamente, com outro isolado de GLRaV-3 (NY1).


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An isolate of Grapevine virus B (GVB), obtained by indexing Vitis labrusca and V. vinifera grapevines on the indicator LN33, was transmitted mechanically to several Nicotiana species. The virus was partially purified from N. cavicola and the coat protein estimated at 23 kDa by SDS-PAGE. In negatively stained leaf extracts of experimentally inoculated N. cavicola and N. occidentalis, flexuous particles with cross banding were observed, predominantly measuring 750-770 x 12 nm, with a modal length of 760 nm. Decoration indicated a clear, positive reaction against AS-GVB. In DAS-ELISA, GVB was detected in N. cavicola and grapevine extracts, and Western blots showed homologous and cross reaction of GVB and GVA antisera with GVB coat protein. Using specific primers for GVB, a fragment of 594 bp, comprising the coat protein gene coding for 197 amino acids, was amplified by RT-PCR with viral RNA extracted from GVB-infected N. occidentalis. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences of the coat protein gene showed high identities with Italian and Japanese isolates of GVB.


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The cytopathology of grapevine (Vitis spp.) callus tissue infected with Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3), genus Vitivirus was studied in order to investigate the usefulness of callus cultures to study grapevine leafroll-associated viruses. Ultrathin sections were made from in vitro callus obtained from stems and shoots of GLRaV-3 infected grapevine plants. Callus was composed of two types of tissue. Translucent, soft callus was formed and composed of large loosely arranged cells, containing big vacuoles and a thin layer of cytoplasm. Other parts of the callus were brown-coloured and composed of small compactly arranged cells, which showed flexuous and rod-shaped closterovirus-like particles, with 10-12 nm in diameter, at higher magnifications. Groups of vesicles formed by a single membrane were also observed, with sizes ranging from 50-200 nm, containing fine fibrillar material, also typical of closterovirus infections. Virus concentration was monitored by Immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) tests, which showed that in vitro culture of callus tissue from grapevine infected plants, could be used to study the GLRaV viruses through many successive generations, despite the decline in virus concentration after repeated transfers. No virus particles were observed in callus tissue obtained from healthy grapevines.


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The objective of this paper was to evaluate the potential of neural networks (NN) as an alternative method to the basic epidemiological approach to describe epidemics of coffee rust. The NN was developed from the intensities of coffee (Coffea arabica) rust along with the climatic variables collected in Lavras-MG between 13 February 1998 and 20 April 2001. The NN was built with climatic variables that were either selected in a stepwise regression analysis or by the Braincel® system, software for NN building. Fifty-nine networks and 26 regression models were tested. The best models were selected based on small values of the mean square deviation (MSD) and of the mean prediction error (MPE). For the regression models, the highest coefficients of determination (R²) were used. The best model developed with neural networks had an MSD of 4.36 and an MPE of 2.43%. This model used the variables of minimum temperature, production, relative humidity of the air, and irradiance 30 days before the evaluation of disease. The best regression model was developed from 29 selected climatic variables in the network. The summary statistics for this model were: MPE=6.58%, MSE=4.36, and R²=0.80. The elaborated neural networks from a time series also were evaluated to describe the epidemic. The incidence of coffee rust at four previous fortnights resulted in a model with MPE=4.72% and an MSD=3.95.


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The progress of the severity of southern rust in maize (Zea mays) caused by Puccinia polysora was quantified in staggered plantings in different geographical areas in Brazil, from October to May, over two years (1995-1996 and 1996-1997). The logistic model, fitted to the data, better described the disease progress curves than the Gompertz model. Four components of the disease progress curves (maximum disease severity; area under the disease progress curve, AUDPC; area under the disease progress curve around the inflection point, AUDPCi; and epidemic rate) were used to compare the epidemics in different areas and at different times of planting. The AUDPC, AUDPCi, and the epidemic rate were analyzed in relation to the weather (temperature, relative humidity, hours of relative humidity >90%, and rainfall) and recorded during the trials. Disease severity reached levels greater than 30% in Piracicaba and Guaíra in the plantings between December and January. Lower values of AUDPC occurred in later plantings at both locations. The epidemic rate was positively correlated (P < 0.05) with the mean daily temperatures and negatively correlated with hours of relative humidity >90%. The AUDPC was not correlated with any weather variable. The AUDPCi was negatively related to both variables connected to humidity, but not to rain. Long periods (mostly >13 h day-1) of relative humidity >90% (that corresponded to leaf wetness) occurred in Castro. Severity of southern rust in maize has always been low in Castro, thus the negative correlations between disease and the two humidity variables.


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O Grapevine virus A (GVA) está associado à "Acanaladura do lenho de Kober", uma doença do complexo rugoso da videira (Vitis spp.). Neste trabalho, um isolado brasileiro de GVA (GVA-RS) foi caracterizado biologicamente por transmissão mecânica para cinco hospedeiras herbáceas e por enxertia na videira indicadora cv. Kober 5BB, e também por sorologia. O RNA total foi extraído de videira infetada cv. Pirovano 65. Para a RT-PCR, dois pares de oligonucleotídeos foram utilizados. Dois fragmentos de DNA, 430 e 451 pb, apresentando sobreposição parcial de nucleotídeos, foram amplificados por PCR. A seqüência do gene da proteína capsidial do GVA-RS com 597 nucleotídeos e 198 aminoácidos deduzidos, com massa molecular calculada de 21,6 kDa, foi alinhada a outros isolados virais. As seqüências de nucleotídeos e aminoácidos deduzidos do GVA-RS apresentaram maior identidade, 91,4% e 95,4%, respectivamente, com um isolado italiano. O GVA-RS apresentou expressiva divergência dos Vitivirus Heracleum latent virus (HLV), Grapevine virus B (GVB) e Grapevine virus D (GVD), com identidade de nucleotídeos variando de 76% a 83,1%.