973 resultados para Gonadotropin-releasing-hormone


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Major depression belongs to the most serious and widespread psychiatric disorders in today’s society. There is a great need for the delineation of the underlying molecular mechanisms as well as for the identification of novel targets for its treatment. In this thesis, transgenic mice of the endocannabinoid and the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) system were investigated to determine the putative role of these systems for depression-like phenotypes in mice. In the first part of the thesis, we found that the endocannabinoid system was prominently involved in a brain region-specific and temporally controlled manner in acute as well as in chronic stress processing. Genetic deletion in combination with pharmacological intervention revealed the importance of a fully functional endocannabinoid system for efficient neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping. Accordingly, cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptor-deficient mice displayed several depression-like symptoms and molecular alterations, including “behavioral despair”, stress hormone hypersecretion and decreased glucocorticoid receptor and brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression in the hippocampus. However, the endocannabinoid system was dispensable for the efficacy of currently used antidepressant drugs. To facilitate future endocannabinoid research, a transgenic mouse was generated, which overexpressed the CB1 receptor protein fused to a fluorescent protein. In the second part of the thesis, conditional brain region-specific CRH overexpressing mice were evaluated as a model for pathological chronic CRH hyperactivation. Mutant mice showed aberrant neuroendocrine and behavioral stress coping and hyperarousal due to CRH-induced activation of the noradrenergic system in the brain. Mutant mice appeared to share similarities with naturally occurring endogenous CRH activation in wild-type mice and were sensitive to acute pharmacological blockade of CRH receptor type 1 (CRH-R1). Thus, CRH overexpressing mice serve as an ideal in vivo tool to evaluate the efficacy of novel CRH-R1 antagonists. Together, these findings highlight the potential of transgenic mice for the understanding of certain endo-phenotypes (isolated symptoms) of depression and their molecular correlates.


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An autosomal dominant form of isolated GH deficiency (IGHD II) can result from heterozygous splice site mutations that weaken recognition of exon 3 leading to aberrant splicing of GH-1 transcripts and production of a dominant-negative 17.5-kDa GH isoform. Previous studies suggested that the extent of missplicing varies with different mutations and the level of GH expression and/or secretion. To study this, wt-hGH and/or different hGH-splice site mutants (GH-IVS+2, GH-IVS+6, GH-ISE+28) were transfected in rat pituitary cells expressing human GHRH receptor (GC-GHRHR). Upon GHRH stimulation, GC-GHRHR cells coexpressing wt-hGH and each of the mutants displayed reduced hGH secretion and intracellular GH content when compared with cells expressing only wt-hGH, confirming the dominant-negative effect of 17.5-kDa isoform on the secretion of 22-kDa GH. Furthermore, increased amount of 17.5-kDa isoform produced after GHRH stimulation in cells expressing GH-splice site mutants reduced production of endogenous rat GH, which was not observed after GHRH-induced increase in wt-hGH. In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that after GHRH stimulation, the severity of IGHD II depends on the position of splice site mutation leading to the production of increasing amounts of 17.5-kDa protein, which reduces the storage and secretion of wt-GH in the most severely affected cases. Due to the absence of GH and IGF-I-negative feedback in IGHD II, a chronic up-regulation of GHRH would lead to an increased stimulatory drive to somatotrophs to produce more 17.5-kDa GH from the severest mutant alleles, thereby accelerating autodestruction of somatotrophs in a vicious cycle.


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Ectopic acromegaly represents less than 1% of the reported cases of acromegaly. Although clinical improvement is common after treatment with somatostatin (SMS) analogs, the biochemical response and tumor size of the growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-producing tumor and its metastases are less predictable. Subject A 36-year-old male was referred because of a 3-year history of acromegaly related symptoms. He had undergone lung surgery in 1987 for a "benign" carcinoid tumor. Endocrine evaluation confirmed acromegaly Plasma IGF-1: 984 ng/ml (63-380), GH: 49.8 ng/ml (<5). MRI showed a large mass in the left cerebellopontine angle and diffuse pituitary hyperplasia. Pulmonary, liver and bone metastases were shown by chest and abdominal CT scans. Ectopic GHRH secretion was suspected. Methods Measurement of circulating GHRH levels by fluorescence immunoassay levels and immunohistochemical study of the primary lung tumor and metastatic tissue with anti-GHRH and anti-somatostatin receptor type 2 (sst2A) antibodies. Results Basal plasma GHRH: 4654 pg/ml (<100). Pathological study of liver and bone biopsy material and lung tissue removed 19 years earlier was consistent with an atypical carcinoid producing GHRH and exhibiting sst2A receptor expression. Treatment with octreotide LAR 20-40 mg q. month resulted in normalization of plasma IGF-1 levels. Circulating GHRH levels decreased dramatically. The size of the left prepontine cistern mass, with SMS receptors shown by a radiolabeled pentetreotide scan, decreased by 80% after 18 months of therapy. Total regression of pituitary enlargement was also observed. No changes were observed in lung and liver metastases. After 24 months of therapy the patient is asymptomatic and living a full and active life.


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Nicotine at very low doses (5–30 nM) induced large amounts of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) release, which was monitored as slow membrane depolarizations in the ganglionic neurons of bullfrog sympathetic ganglia. A nicotinic antagonist, d-tubocurarine chloride, completely and reversibly blocked the nicotine-induced LHRH release, but it did not block the nerve-firing-evoked LHRH release. Thus, nicotine activated nicotinic acetylcholine receptors and produced LHRH release via a mechanism that is different from the mechanism for evoked release. Moreover, this release was not caused by Ca2+ influx through either the nicotinic receptors or the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels because the release was increased moderately when the extracellular solution was changed into a Ca2+-free solution that also contained Mg2+ (4 mM) and Cd2+ (200 μM). The release did not depend on Ca2+ release from the intraterminal Ca2+ stores either because fura-2 fluorimetry showed extremely low Ca2+ elevation (≈30 nM) in response to nicotine (30 nM). Moreover, nicotine evoked LHRH release when [Ca2+] elevation in the terminals was prevented by loading the terminals with 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid and fura-2. Instead, the nicotine-induced release required extracellular Na+ because substitution of extracellular NaCl with N-methyl-d-glucamine chloride completely blocked the release. The Na+-dependent mechanism was not via Na+ influx through the voltage-gated Na+ channels because the release was not affected by tetrodotoxin (1–50 μM) plus Cd2+ (200 μM). Thus, nicotine at very low concentrations induced LHRH release via a Na+-dependent, Ca2+-independent mechanism.


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Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) is a brain hypothalamic hormone that regulates thyrotropin (TSH) secretion from the anterior pituitary and is ubiquitously distributed throughout the brain and other tissues including pancreas. To facilitate studies into the role of endogenous TRH, we have used homologous recombination to generate mice that lack TRH. These TRH−/− mice are viable, fertile, and exhibit normal development. However, they showed obvious hypothyroidism with characteristic elevation of serum TSH level and diminished TSH biological activity. Their anterior pituitaries exhibited an apparent decrease in TSH immunopositive cells that was not due to hypothyroidism. Furthermore, this decrease could be reversed by TRH, but not thyroid hormone replacement, suggesting a direct involvement of TRH in the regulation of thyrotrophs. The TRH−/− mice also exhibited hyperglycemia, which was accompanied by impaired insulin secretion in response to glucose. These findings indicate that TRH−/− mice provide a model of exploiting tertiary hypothyroidism, and that TRH gene abnormalities cause disturbance of insulin secretion resulting in marked hyperglycemia.


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Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) inhibit the growth of various cancers in vivo. This effect is thought to be exerted through suppression of the pituitary growth hormone–hepatic insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) axis and direct inhibition of autocrine/paracrine production of IGF-I and -II in tumors. However, other evidence points to a direct effect of GHRH antagonists on tumor growth that may not implicate IGFs, although an involvement of GHRH in the proliferation of cancer cells has not yet been established. In the present study we investigated whether GHRH can function as an autocrine/paracrine growth factor in small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). H-69 and H-510A SCLC lines cultured in vitro express mRNA for GHRH, which apparently is translated into peptide GHRH and then secreted by the cells, as shown by the detection of GHRH-like immunoreactivity in conditioned media from the cells cultured in vitro. In addition, the levels of GHRH-like immunoreactivity in serum from nude mice bearing H-69 xenografts were higher than in tumor-free mice. GHRH(1–29)NH2 stimulated the proliferation of H-69 and H-510A SCLCs in vitro, and GHRH antagonist JV-1–36 inhibited it. JV-1–36 administered s.c. into nude mice bearing xenografts of H-69 SCLC reduced significantly (P < 0.05) tumor volume and weight, after 31 days of therapy, as compared with controls. Collectively, our results suggest that GHRH can function as an autocrine growth factor in SCLCs. Treatment with antagonistic analogs of GHRH may offer a new approach to the treatment of SCLC and other cancers.


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Because ascorbic acid (AA) is concentrated in synaptic vesicles containing glutamic acid, we hypothesized that AA might act as a neurotransmitter. Because AA is an antioxidant, it might therefore inhibit nitric oxidergic (NOergic) activation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LH-RH) release from medial basal hypothalamic explants by chemically reducing NO. Cell membrane depolarization induced by increased potassium concentration [K+] increased medium concentrations of both AA and LH-RH. An inhibitor of NO synthase (NOS), NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (NMMA), prevented the increase in medium concentrations of AA and LH-RH induced by high [K+], suggesting that NO mediates release of both AA and LH-RH. Calcium-free medium blocked not only the increase in AA in the medium but also the release of LH-RH. Sodium nitroprusside, which releases NO, stimulated LH-RH release and decreased the concentration of AA in the incubation medium, presumably because the NO released oxidized AA to dehydro-AA. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) had no effect on basal LH-RH release but completely blocked high [K+]- and nitroprusside-induced LH-RH release. N-Methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA), which mimics the action of the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter glutamic acid, releases LH-RH by releasing NO. AA (10−5 to 10−3 M) inhibited the LH-RH-releasing action of NMDA. AA may be an inhibitory neurotransmitter that blocks NOergic stimulation of LH-RH release by chemically reducing the NO released by the NOergic neurons.


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Both stress-system activation and melancholic depression are characterized by fear, constricted affect, stereotyped thinking, and similar changes in autonomic and neuroendocrine function. Because norepinephrine (NE) and corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) can produce these physiological and behavioral changes, we measured the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) levels each hour for 30 consecutive hours in controls and in patients with melancholic depression. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels were obtained every 30 min. Depressed patients had significantly higher CSF NE and plasma cortisol levels that were increased around the clock. Diurnal variations in CSF NE and plasma cortisol levels were virtually superimposable and positively correlated with each other in both patients and controls. Despite their hypercortisolism, depressed patients had normal levels of plasma ACTH and CSF CRH. However, plasma ACTH and CSF CRH levels in depressed patients were inappropriately high, considering the degree of their hypercortisolism. In contrast to the significant negative correlation between plasma cortisol and CSF CRH levels seen in controls, patients with depression showed no statistical relationship between these parameters. These data indicate that persistent stress-system dysfunction in melancholic depression is independent of the conscious stress of the disorder. These data also suggest mutually reinforcing bidirectional links between a central hypernoradrenergic state and the hyperfunctioning of specific central CRH pathways that each are driven and sustained by hypercortisolism. We postulate that α-noradrenergic blockade, CRH antagonists, and treatment with antiglucocorticoids may act at different loci, alone or in combination, in the treatment of major depression with melancholic features.


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In both normally hydrated and volume-expanded rats, there was a biphasic effect of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) (1–10 μg, i.v.) on renal function. Within the first hour, CRH caused antidiuresis, antinatriuresis, and antikaliuresis together with reduction in urinary cGMP output that, in the fourth hour, were replaced by diuresis, natriuresis, and kaliuresis accompanied by increased cGMP output. Plasma arginine vasopressin (AVP) concentrations increased significantly within 5 min, reached a peak at 15 min, and declined by 30 min to still-elevated values maintained for 180 min. Changes in plasma atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were the mirror image of those of AVP. Plasma ANP levels were correlated with decreased ANP in the left ventricle at 30 min and increased ANP mRNA in the right atrium at 180 min. All urinary changes were reversed by a potent AVP type 2 receptor (V2R) antagonist. Control 0.9% NaCl injections evoked an immediate increase in blood pressure and heart rate measured by telemetry within 3–5 min. This elevation of blood pressure was markedly inhibited by CRH (5 μg). We hypothesize that the effects are mediated by rapid, direct vasodilation induced by CRH that decreases baroreceptor input to the brain stem, leading to a rapid release of AVP that induces the antidiuresis by direct action on the V2Rs in the kidney. Simultaneously, acting on V2Rs in the heart, AVP inhibits ANP release and synthesis, resulting in a decrease in renal cGMP output that is responsible for the antinatriuretic and antikaliuretic effects.


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Antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) inhibit the proliferation of various human cancers in vitro and in vivo by mechanisms that include apparent direct effects through specific binding sites expressed on tumors and that differ from pituitary human GHRH (hGHRH) receptors. In this study, GHRH antagonist JV-1–38 (20 μg/day per animal s.c.) inhibited the growth of orthotopic CAKI-1 human renal cell carcinoma (RCC) by 83% and inhibited the development of metastases to lung and lymph nodes. Using ligand competition assays with 125I-labeled GHRH antagonist JV-1–42, we demonstrated the presence of specific high-affinity (Kd = 0.25 ± 0.03 nM) binding sites for GHRH with a maximal binding capacity (Bmax) of 70.2 ± 4.1 fmol/mg of membrane protein in CAKI-1 tumors. These receptors bind GHRH antagonists preferentially and display a lower affinity for hGHRH. The binding of 125I-JV-1–42 is not inhibited by vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-related peptides sharing structural homology with hGHRH. The receptors for GHRH antagonists on CAKI-1 tumors are distinct from binding sites detected with 125I-VIP (Kd = 0.89 ± 0.14 nM; Bmax = 183.5 ± 2.6 fmol/mg of protein) and also have different characteristics from GHRH receptors on rat pituitary as documented by the insignificant binding of [His1,125I-Tyr10,Nle27]hGHRH(1–32)NH2. Reverse transcription-PCR revealed the expression of splice variants of hGHRH receptor in CAKI-1 RCC. Biodistribution studies demonstrate an in vivo uptake of 125I-JV-1–42 by the RCC tumor tissue. The presence of specific receptor proteins that bind GHRH antagonists in CAKI-1 RCC supports the view that distinct binding sites that mediate the inhibitory effect of GHRH antagonists are present on various human cancers.


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The proliferation of various tumors is inhibited by the antagonists of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) in vitro and in vivo, but the receptors mediating the effects of GHRH antagonists have not been identified so far. Using an approach based on PCR, we detected two major splice variants (SVs) of mRNA for human GHRH receptor (GHRH-R) in human cancer cell lines, including LNCaP prostatic, MiaPaCa-2 pancreatic, MDA-MB-468 breast, OV-1063 ovarian, and H-69 small-cell lung carcinomas. In addition, high-affinity, low-capacity binding sites for GHRH antagonists were found on the membranes of cancer cell lines such as MiaPaCa-2 that are negative for the vasoactive intestinal peptide/pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptor (VPAC-R) or lines such as LNCaP that are positive for VPAC-R. Sequence analysis of cDNAs revealed that the first three exons in SV1 and SV2 are replaced by a fragment of retained intron 3 having a new putative in-frame start codon. The rest of the coding region of SV1 is identical to that of human pituitary GHRH-R, whereas in SV2 exon 7 is spliced out, resulting in a 1-nt upstream frameshift, which leads to a premature stop codon in exon 8. The intronic sequence may encode a distinct 25-aa fragment of the N-terminal extracellular domain, which could serve as a proposed signal peptide. The continuation of the deduced protein sequence coded by exons 4–13 in SV1 is identical to that of pituitary GHRH-R. SV2 may encode a GHRH-R isoform truncated after the second transmembrane domain. Thus SVs of GHRH-Rs have now been identified in human extrapituitary cells. The findings support the view that distinct receptors are expressed on human cancer cells, which may mediate the antiproliferative effect of GHRH antagonists.


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Progesterone (P) powerfully inhibits gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) secretion in ewes, as in other species, but the neural mechanisms underlying this effect remain poorly understood. Using an estrogen (E)-free ovine model, we investigated the immediate GnRH and luteinizing hormone (LH) response to acute manipulations of circulating P concentrations and whether this response was mediated by the nuclear P receptor. Simultaneous hypophyseal portal and jugular blood samples were collected over 36 hr: 0–12 hr, in the presence of exogenous P (P treatment begun 8 days earlier); 12–24 hr, P implant removed; 24–36 hr, P implant reinserted. P removal caused a significant rapid increase in the GnRH pulse frequency, which was detectable within two pulses (175 min). P insertion suppressed the GnRH pulse frequency even faster: the effect detectable within one pulse (49 min). LH pulsatility was modulated identically. The next two experiments demonstrated that these effects of P are mediated by the nuclear P receptor since intracerebroventricularly infused P suppressed LH release but 3α-hydroxy-5α-pregnan-20-one, which operates through the type A γ-aminobutyric acid receptor, was without effect and pretreatment with the P-receptor antagonist RU486 blocked the ability of P to inhibit LH. Our final study showed that P exerts its acute suppression of GnRH through an E-dependent system because the effects of P on LH secretion, lost after long-term E deprivation, are restored after 2 weeks of E treatment. Thus we demonstrate that P acutely inhibits GnRH through an E-dependent nuclear P-receptor system.


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The mechanisms through which LH-RH antagonists suppress gonadotroph functions and LH-RH receptor (LH-RH-R) production are incompletely understood. To elucidate these mechanisms, we investigated the effects of Cetrorelix on the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R and luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in three experimental systems with different pituitary LH-RH environments. Ovariectomy induced 3.61-fold and 6.34-fold increases in the mRNA expression of pituitary LH-RH-R in rats after 11 and 21 days, respectively. After (5 h) a single injection of 100 μg Cetrorelix, no significant decrease occurred in the mRNA levels of pituitary LH-RH-R in ovariectomized (OVX) rats with high pituitary exposure to LH-RH, but there was a significant 23.2% reduction in cycling rats with normal hypophysial LH-RH environment. Prolonged treatment for 10 days with a Cetrorelix depot formulation releasing 100 μg/day decreased the concentration of mRNA for pituitary LH-RH-R by 72.6% in OVX rats, but only by 32.9% in normal rats. The decline in serum LH was 98.7% in OVX rats and 63.2% in normal rats, resulting in a minimal 0.1–0.2 ng/ml LH concentration in both groups. A continuous exposure of pituitary cells to 100 nM Cetrorelix in the superfusion system, which is devoid of LH-RH, did not cause any significant changes in LH-RH-R mRNA level. These studies demonstrate that prolonged exposure to Cetrorelix in vivo, but not in vitro, down-regulates the mRNA expression of the pituitary receptors for LH-RH. Our findings indicate that LH-RH antagonists exert their inhibitory effects on the gene expression of pituitary LH-RH-R by counteracting the stimulatory effect of endogenous LH-RH.


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Stress early in postnatal life may result in long-term memory deficits and selective loss of hippocampal neurons. The mechanisms involved are poorly understood, but they may involve molecules and processes in the immature limbic system that are activated by stressful challenges. We report that administration of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), the key limbic stress modulator, to the brains of immature rats reproduced the consequences of early-life stress, reducing memory functions throughout life. These deficits were associated with progressive loss of hippocampal CA3 neurons and chronic up-regulation of hippocampal CRH expression. Importantly, they did not require the presence of stress levels of glucocorticoids. These findings indicate a critical role for CRH in the mechanisms underlying the long-term effects of early-life stress on hippocampal integrity and function.