892 resultados para Goiânia - GO


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Using hydrodynamic simulations, we study the mass-loss due to supernova-driven outflows from Milky Way type disc galaxies, paying particular attention to the effect of the extended hot halo gas. We find that the total mass-loss at inner radii scales roughly linearly with total mass of stars formed, and that the mass loading factor at the virial radius can be several times its value at inner radii because of the swept up hot halo gas. The temperature distribution of the outflowing material in the inner region (similar to 10 kpc) is bimodal in nature, peaking at 10(5) K and 10(6.5) K, responsible for optical and X-ray emission, respectively. The contribution of cold/warm gas with temperature <= 10(5.5) K to the outflow rate within 10 kpc is approximate to 0.3-0.5. The warm mass loading factor, eta(3e5) (T <= 3 x 10(5) K) is related to the mass loading factor at the virial radius (eta(v)) as eta(v) approximate to 25 eta(3e5) (SFR/M-circle dot yr(-1))(-0.15) for a baryon fraction of 0.1 and a starburst period of 50 Myr. We also discuss the effect of multiple bursts that are separated by both short and long periods. The outflow speed at the virial radius is close to the sound speed in the hot halo, less than or similar to 200 km s(-1). We identify two `sequences' of outflowing cold gas at small scales: a fast (approximate to 500 km s(-1)) sequence, driven by the unshocked free-wind; and a slow sequence (approximate to +/- 100 km s(-1)) at the conical interface of the superwind and the hot halo.


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Here, we report the clean and facile synthesis of Pt and Pd nanoparticles decorated on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) by the simultaneous reduction of graphene oxide (GO) and the metal ions in Mg/acid medium. As-generated Pt and Pd nanoparticles serve as a heterogeneous catalyst for the further reduction of the rGO by the hydrogen spill-over process. The C/O ratio is much higher as compared to the rGO obtained by the reduction of GO by only Mg/acid. Overall, the process is rapid, facile and green that does not require any toxic chemical agent or any rigorous chemical reactions. We perform the catalytic reduction of 4-nitophenol (4-NP) to 4-aminophenol (4-AP) at room temperature by Pd@rGO and Pt@rGO. The reduction is complete within 35 s for Pd@rGO and 60 s for Pt@rGO when 50 mu g of hybrid catalyst is used for 0.5 ml of 1 mM of 4-NP. In case of ethanol oxidation, the current density for Pd@rGO is comparable to commercial Pt/C but is doubled for Pt@rGO. Overall, both structures show highly stable catalytic activity compared to commercial Pt/C. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A person walks along a line (which could be an idealisation of a forest trail, for example), placing relays as he walks, in order to create a multihop network for connecting a sensor at a point along the line to a sink at the start of the line. The potential placement points are equally spaced along the line, and at each such location the decision to place or not to place a relay is based on link quality measurements to the previously placed relays. The location of the sensor is unknown apriori, and is discovered as the deployment agent walks. In this paper, we extend our earlier work on this class of problems to include the objective of achieving a 2-connected multihop network. We propose a network cost objective that is additive over the deployed relays, and accounts for possible alternate routing over the multiple available paths. As in our earlier work, the problem is formulated as a Markov decision process. Placement algorithms are obtained for two source location models, which yield a discounted cost MDP and an average cost MDP. In each case we obtain structural results for an optimal policy, and perform a numerical study that provides insights into the advantages and disadvantages of multi-connectivity. We validate the results obtained from numerical study experimentally in a forest-like environment.


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A new method of selection of time-to-go (t(go)) for Generalized Vector Explicit Guidance (GENEX) law have been proposed in this paper. t(go) is known to be an important parameter in the control and cost function of GENEX guidance law. In this paper the formulation has been done to find an optimal value of t(go) that minimizes the performance cost. Mechanization of GENEX with this optimal t(go) reduces the lateral acceleration demand and consequently increases the range of the interceptor. This new formulation of computing t(go) comes in closed form and thus it can be implemented onboard. This new formulation is applied in the terminal phase of an surface-to-air interceptor for an angle constrained engagement. Results generated by simulation justify the use of optimal t(go).


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Rex Nazaré, presidente da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN), discutiu com a bancada de Goiás na Constituinte sobre o acidente com uma bomba de césio em Goiânia. O Deputado Pedro Canedo (PFL-GO) fala sobre a necessidade de criar dispositivos para maior controle do material radioativo existente no Brasil. O Deputado Fernando Cunha (PMDB-GO) apresenta proposta para que haja um acordo entre CNEN, Secretarias de Estado e Municipais de Saúde e Meio Ambiente para melhor fiscalização. Lúcia Vânia (PMDB-GO) defende a democratização da política nuclear brasileira. O Deputado Fábio Feldmann (PMDB-SP) fala sobre a necessidade de criar mecanismos efetivos para evitar que a questão nuclear seja tratada exclusivamente pelas autoridades, dando à sociedade civil mais poder fiscalização. Rex Nazaré, presidente da CNEN, refere-se ao substitutivo que inclui no art. 31 a determinação de que as atividades nucleares serão realizadas exclusivamente com fins pacíficos e controladas pelo Congresso Nacional. Os sem-terra protestam alegando que a Comissão de Sistematização não considerou a emenda popular da reforma agrária. Não houve acordo entre empresários e líderes sindicais a respeito da estabilidade no emprego. O Senador Fernando Henrique informa que a questão será discutida em plenário. Foi aprovada a emenda do Deputado Paulo Paim (PT-RS), que altera o artigo 6º, onde se lê direito dos trabalhadores, foi acrescentada a expressão urbanos e rurais. O Deputado Luís Inácio Lula da Silva pede a aprovação do projeto que garantia plena estabilidade ao trabalhador. Após votação, a estabilidade não foi aprovada. O Deputado comenta sobre a situação da estabilidade no emprego no Brasil e como esse tema foi conduzido na Constituinte.


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O substitutivo do relator Bernardo Cabral estabelece a competência da polícia civil, militar e municipal no combate à violência e ao crime. O Deputado Michel Temer (PMDB-SP) explica a competência estabelecida para cada polícia. A população recebe bem a ideia defendida por alguns constituintes de ampliação da função do guarda nacional para intensificar o policiamento nas ruas. O Deputado Paulo Ramos (PMDB-RJ) defende a polícia unificada. Um abaixo-assinado circula no Congresso Nacional pedindo ao presidente José Sarney providências para evitar acidentes, como o ocorrido com o césio, em Goiânia. O Deputado Antônio de Jesus (PMDB-GO) cita a necessidade de uma sindicância que consulte a existência de equipamentos desativados em estabelecimentos de saúde, para que sejam tomadas as devidas providências. Foi realizado o 1º Congresso Nacional do Partido Socialista Brasileiro no auditório Nereu Ramos da Câmara dos Deputados, com a participação de populares, delegados do partido e políticos. No evento, foram debatidos os painéis: "A conjuntura política", "A transição democrática" e "Que partido queremos?". Constituintes discutem suposto complô de direita". O deputado Brandão Monteiro, Líder do PDT, solicita ao presidente da Constituinte que apure as denúncias do Correio Braziliense, referentes ao relatório do Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI), que constata uma conspiração de direita. O Deputado Carlos Sant'anna (PMDB-BA), Líder do Governo na Assembléia Nacional Constituinte, nega a existência do dossiê. A Comissão de Sistematização aprova o artigo que trata do repouso do trabalhador. A hora extra também entrou em debate. O Deputado Mário Lima (PMDB-BA) defendeu o destaque que acabou sendo rejeitado. Essa discussão continuará em outra sessão.


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Fisheries agreements with the European Community (EC) are an important component of the fisheries sector in Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe, constituting today a key source of income for the respective fisheries administration. In spite of this, and of the fact that these agreements have been renewed several times over the past decades, challenges remain in domains such as control and communication of fishing activities, follow-up of financial counterparts, and integration of European fleets’ operations with the Cape Verdean and Santomean economies. This paper analyzes the EC fisheries agreements with Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe in terms of those domains, considering both the contents of the agreements and their practical implementation. The fisheries sector in each of these countries is reviewed, as are some of the fundamentals and criticisms of EC fisheries agreements. It is argued that the agreements with Cape Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe will not live up to the stated objectives of sustainability and responsibility in fisheries until improvements are made to the control of EC vessels, the follow-up of funds paid by the EC, and the size and diversity of benefits accruing to the fisheries and related sectors in the two countries


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This paper describes how Bayesian updates of dialogue state can be used to build a bus information spoken dialogue system. The resulting system was deployed as part of the 2010 Spoken Dialogue Challenge. The purpose of this paper is to describe the system, and provide both simulated and human evaluations of its performance. In control tests by human users, the success rate of the system was 24.5% higher than the baseline Lets Go! system. ©2010 IEEE.


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The paper presents the outlooks and experiences of veteran shrimp farmers from Negros, west central Philippines after its collapse in the late 1980s due to the luminous bacteria.