963 resultados para Glucose-stimulated beta-glycosidase


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Neuropeptide-Y (NPY) is a 36-amino acid peptide known to inhibit glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in various animal models in vitro and in vivo. NPY is thought to be one of the mediators of sympathetic action in the pancreas through nerve endings surrounding the islets, and it has recently been shown to be synthesized within the islets of Langerhans. To elucidate the potential role of NPY in the endocrine pancreas, we studied the expression and regulation of NPY secretion in a rat insulinoma cell line (INS-1). NPY mRNA and peptide are highly expressed and secreted by INS-1 cells. NPY levels were determined by a sensitive and specific two-site amplified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Incubation of INS-1 cells with various glucose concentrations did not modify NPY secretion; however, stimulation of adenylate cyclase by forskolin induced a dose- and time-dependent increase in NPY release in the medium. The glucagon-like peptide-I-(7-36) amide (GLP-1), a known gluco-incretin in humans, induced at low concentration (10(-9) M) a similar expression of NPY mRNA and peptide secretion in INS-1 cells. On the other hand, the inhibition of cAMP accumulation by the alpha 2-adrenergic agonist clonidine decreased NPY secretion. In conclusion, 1) high levels of gene expression and secretion of NPY are found in a rat insulinoma cell line (INS-1). 2) Accumulation of cAMP induced by forskolin or a gluco-incretin (GLP-1) induces a further increase in NPY gene expression and release. 3) NPY secretion is not modulated by low or high glucose concentrations in the medium. 4) Induction of NPY, a known inhibitor of insulin secretion, may represent a novel counterregulatory mechanism of insulin secretion, limiting the stimulatory effect of GLP-1 on insulin secretion.


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Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), produced and secreted by adult β-cells, functions as an autocrine activator of the β-cell insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor signaling pathway. Whether this autocrine activity of IGF2 plays a physiological role in β-cell and whole-body physiology is not known. Here, we studied mice with β-cell-specific inactivation of Igf2 (βIGF2KO mice) and assessed β-cell mass and function in aging, pregnancy, and acute induction of insulin resistance. We showed that glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) was markedly reduced in old female βIGF2KO mice; glucose tolerance was, however, normal because of increased insulin sensitivity. While on a high-fat diet, both male and female βIGF2KO mice displayed lower GSIS compared with control mice, but reduced β-cell mass was observed only in female βIGF2KO mice. During pregnancy, there was no increase in β-cell proliferation and mass in βIGF2KO mice. Finally, β-cell mass expansion in response to acute induction of insulin resistance was lower in βIGF2KO mice than in control mice. Thus, the autocrine action of IGF2 regulates adult β-cell mass and function to preserve in vivo GSIS in aging and to adapt β-cell mass in response to metabolic stress, pregnancy hormones, and acute induction of insulin resistance.


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Store-operated Ca(2+) channels (SOCs) are voltage-independent Ca(2+) channels activated upon depletion of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) stores. Early studies suggest the contribution of such channels to Ca(2+) homeostasis in insulin-secreting pancreatic β-cells. However, their composition and contribution to glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) remains unclear. In this study, endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+) depletion triggered by acetylcholine (ACh) or thapsigargin stimulated the formation of a ternary complex composed of Orai1, TRPC1, and STIM1, the key proteins involved in the formation of SOCs. Ca(2+) imaging further revealed that Orai1 and TRPC1 are required to form functional SOCs and that these channels are activated by STIM1 in response to thapsigargin or ACh. Pharmacological SOCs inhibition or dominant negative blockade of Orai1 or TRPC1 using the specific pore mutants Orai1-E106D and TRPC1-F562A impaired GSIS in rat β-cells and fully blocked the potentiating effect of ACh on secretion. In contrast, pharmacological or dominant negative blockade of TRPC3 had no effect on extracellular Ca(2+) entry and GSIS. Finally, we observed that prolonged exposure to supraphysiological glucose concentration impaired SOCs function without altering the expression levels of STIM1, Orai1, and TRPC1. We conclude that Orai1 and TRPC1, which form SOCs regulated by STIM1, play a key role in the effect of ACh on GSIS, a process that may be impaired in type 2 diabetes.


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NlmCategory="UNASSIGNED">Preserving β cell function during the development of obesity and insulin resistance would limit the worldwide epidemic of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium (Ca(2+)) depletion induced by saturated free fatty acids and cytokines causes β cell ER stress and apoptosis, but the molecular mechanisms behind these phenomena are still poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate that palmitate-induced sorcin (SRI) down-regulation, and subsequent increases in glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-2 (G6PC2) levels contribute to lipotoxicity. SRI is a calcium sensor protein involved in maintaining ER Ca(2+) by inhibiting ryanodine receptor activity and playing a role in terminating Ca(2+)-induced Ca(2+) release. G6PC2, a GWAS gene associated with fasting blood glucose, is a negative regulator of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS). High fat feeding in mice and chronic exposure of human islets to palmitate decreases endogenous SRI expression while levels of G6PC2 mRNA increase. Sorcin null mice are glucose intolerant, with markedly impaired GSIS and increased expression of G6pc2. Under high fat diet, mice overexpressing SRI in the β cell display improved glucose tolerance, fasting blood glucose and GSIS, whereas G6PC2 levels are decreased and cytosolic and ER Ca(2+) are increased in transgenic islets. SRI may thus provide a target for intervention in T2DM.


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The actions of thyroid hormone (TH) on pancreatic beta cells have not been thoroughly explored, with current knowledge being limited to the modulation of insulin secretion in response to glucose, and beta cell viability by regulation of pro-mitotic and pro-apoptotic factors. Therefore, the effects of TH on proinsulin gene expression are not known. This led us to measure: a) proinsulin mRNA expression, b) proinsulin transcripts and eEF1A protein binding to the actin cytoskeleton, c) actin cytoskeleton arrangement, and d) proinsulin mRNA poly(A) tail length modulation in INS-1E cells cultured in different media containing: i) normal fetal bovine serum - FBS (control); ii) normal FBS plus 1 µM or 10 nM T3, for 12 h, and iii) FBS depleted of TH for 24 h (Tx). A decrease in proinsulin mRNA content and attachment to the cytoskeleton were observed in hypothyroid (Tx) beta cells. The amount of eEF1A protein anchored to the cytoskeleton was also reduced in hypothyroidism, and it is worth mentioning that eEF1A is essential to attach transcripts to the cytoskeleton, which might modulate their stability and rate of translation. Proinsulin poly(A) tail length and cytoskeleton arrangement remained unchanged in hypothyroidism. T3 treatment of control cells for 12 h did not induce any changes in the parameters studied. The data indicate that TH is important for proinsulin mRNA expression and translation, since its total amount and attachment to the cytoskeleton are decreased in hypothyroid beta cells, providing evidence that effects of TH on carbohydrate metabolism also include the control of proinsulin gene expression.


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Diabetes mellitus represents a serious public health problem owing to its global prevalence in the last decade. The causes of this metabolic disease include dysfunction and/or insufficient number of β cells. Existing diabetes mellitus treatments do not reverse or control the disease. Therefore, β-cell mass restoration might be a promising treatment. Several restoration approaches have been developed: inducing the proliferation of remaining insulin-producing cells, de novo islet formation from pancreatic progenitor cells (neogenesis), and converting non-β cells within the pancreas to β cells (transdifferentiation) are the most direct, simple, and least invasive ways to increase β-cell mass. However, their clinical significance is yet to be determined. Hypothetically, β cells or islet transplantation methods might be curative strategies for diabetes mellitus; however, the scarcity of donors limits the clinical application of these approaches. Thus, alternative cell sources for β-cell replacement could include embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and mesenchymal stem cells. However, most differentiated cells obtained using these techniques are functionally immature and show poor glucose-stimulated insulin secretion compared with native β cells. Currently, their clinical use is still hampered by ethical issues and the risk of tumor development post transplantation. In this review, we briefly summarize the current knowledge of mouse pancreas organogenesis, morphogenesis, and maturation, including the molecular mechanisms involved. We then discuss two possible approaches of β-cell mass restoration for diabetes mellitus therapy: β-cell regeneration and β-cell replacement. We critically analyze each strategy with respect to the accessibility of the cells, potential risk to patients, and possible clinical outcomes.


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Nigella sativa ou cumin noir est une plante et un condiment populaires. Les graines de N. sativa sont très utilisées en médecine traditionnelle des pays nord africains pour le traitement du diabète. Cependant, les mécanismes d'actions cellulaires et moléculaires via lesquels cette plante exerce son effet euglycémiant restent encore mal compris. Le but de notre étude est d'examiner l’effet de N. sativa sur la sécrétion d’insuline, le transport de glucose et sur les voies de signalisation impliquées dans l’homéostasie et le métabolisme de glucose, en utilisant des essais biologiques sur des cultures cellulaires murines (cellules β pancréatiques βTC, myoblastes C2C12, hépatocytes H4IIE et adipocytes 3T3-L1) et des études in vivo chez le rat normoglycémique et le Meriones shawi (rongeur) diabétique. Chez les cellules β pancréatiques, N. sativa a augmenté leur prolifération ainsi que la sécrétion basale et gluco-stimulée de l’insuline. N. sativa a augmenté aussi la prise de glucose de 50% chez les cellules musculaires alors que chez les cellules graisseuses, la prise de glucose est augmentée jusqu’au 400%. Les expériences d’immunobuvardage de type western ont montré que N. sativa stimule les voies de signalisation de l’insuline (Akt et ERKs) et aussi celle insulino-indépendante (AMPK) chez les cellules C2C12. Par contre, chez les 3T3-L1, l’augmentation de transport de glucose est plutôt reliée à une activation de la voie de peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ (PPARγ). Chez les hépatocytes, N. sativa augmente la stimulation des protéines intracellulaires Akt et 5' adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). Cette activation de l’AMPK est associée à un effet découpleur de la plante au niveau de la phosphorylation oxydative mitochondriale. Par ailleurs, chez les Meriones shawi diabétiques, N. sativa diminue graduellement la glycémie à jeun ainsi que la réponse glycémique (AUC) à une charge orale en glucose (OGTT) pour atteindre des valeurs semblables aux animaux témoins après quatre semaines de traitement. Une amélioration du profile lipidique est observée autant chez les Meriones shawi diabétiques que chez les rats normaux. Au niveau moléculaire, N. sativa augmente le contenu musculaire en glucose transporter 4 Glut4 et la phosphorylation de l’acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase ACC dans le muscle soléaire et le foie chez les Mériones shawi diabétiques. Par contre, chez le rat normal, on assiste à une stimulation des voies de signalisation de l’insuline (Akt et ERK) au niveau hépatique. En conclusion, nous avons confirmé l’action insulinotropique de N. sativa au niveau des cellules β pancréatiques et mis en évidence un effet proliférateur pouvant potentiellement s’avérer utile pour contrecarrer la perte de masse cellulaire observée chez les diabétiques. Notre étude a également mis en évidence pour la première fois que N. sativa exerce son activité antidiabétique par une combinaison d’effets insulino-mimétiques et insulino-sensibilisateurs directs permettant ainsi d’augmenter le transport de glucose des tissus périphériques. Cette action de N. sativa est liée à une stimulation des voies de signalisation intracellulaires insulinodépendantes et -indépendantes (AMPK) chez le muscle squelettique et le foie alors qu’elle passe par la voie des PPARγ au niveau du tissu adipeux. Finalement, l’étude in vivo vient confirmer l’effet antidiabétique de N. sativa. Notre apport novateur se situe au niveau de la démonstration que l’activité antidiabétique de N. sativa chez le Meriones shawi diabétique est la résultante des mêmes activités que celles déterminées au niveau de l’étude in vitro. En effet, N. sativa active la voie de l’AMPK, améliore la sensibilité à l’insuline et augmente l’insulinémie. Notre étude montre aussi que N. sativa possède une activité antilipidémiante. Ces résultats confirment le bien-fondé de l'utilisation ethnopharmacologique de N. sativa comme traitement du diabète et des perturbations du métabolisme lipidique qui y sont associées. De plus, les actions pléiotropiques de N. sativa en font un traitement alternatif ou complémentaire du diabète très prometteur qui encouragent à présent la tenue d’études cliniques de bonne qualité.


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Introduction : La fibrose kystique (FK) est une maladie génétique mortelle qui touche principalement les poumons et l’appareil digestif. Elle est causée par des mutations sur le gène codant la protéine du CFTR, un canal chlore exprimé à la surface des organes à sécrétions exocrines. Les fonctions principales du CFTR sont les suivantes: 1) la régulation de l’homéostasie ionique des sécrétions; 2) le maintien de la fluidité des sécrétions et; 3) le transport du glutathion. Le dysfonctionnement de la protéine du CFTR rend les sécrétions visqueuses et épaisses, avec des phénomènes obstructifs qui sont responsables de l’apparition de fibrose au sein des divers organes. Dans le poumon, l’accumulation du mucus épais rend difficile l’élimination des bactéries inhalées, ces dernières établissent alors des cycles d’infection qui endommagent les tissus pulmonaires à travers des processus inflammatoires. Dans le tube digestif, le mucus épais entrave l’absorption d’une quantité suffisante d’éléments nutritifs incluant les principaux antioxydants. L’infection et l’inflammation des poumons favorisent l’apparition d’un stress oxydant qui détruit davantage le tissu pulmonaire. Le déficit en glutathion, probablement lié au dysfonctionnement de la proteine du CFTR, et la malabsorption des antioxydants favorisent l’augmentation du stress oxydant. Une augmentation du stress oxydant a été démontrée au cours du diabète et les produits dérivés du stress oxydant ont été mis en évidence dans la pathogenèse des complications associées au diabète. Une augmentation du stress oxydant a également été montrée durant la FK, mais sans pour autant expliquer la survenue du diabète secondaire à la FK dont la prévalence augmente sans cesse. Objectifs : Notre étude consiste à évaluer l’impact du stress oxydant dans les anomalies du métabolisme du glucose durant la FK, et à étudier son rôle dans les mécanismes de sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose. Pour ce faire, nous avons déterminé l’impact de la peroxydation lipidique sur la tolérance au glucose et la défense antioxydante globale, in vivo, chez des patients FK présentant une altération du métabolisme du glucose. De plus, nous avons évalué le rôle du stress oxydatif sur la synthèse et la sécrétion d’insuline, in vitro, dans les cellules pancréatiques βTC-tet. Résultats : Dans l’étude in vivo, nous avons démontré que l’intolérance au glucose et le diabète étaient associés à une augmentation de la peroxydation lipidique, traduite par la hausse des niveaux sanguins de 4-hydroxynonenal lié aux protéines (HNE-P). La défense antioxydante évaluée par la mesure du glutathion sanguin démontre que les niveaux de glutathion oxydé restent également élevés avec l’intolérance au glucose. Dans l’étude in vitro, nos résultats ont mis en évidence que l’exposition de la cellule βTC-tet au stress oxydant: 1) induit un processus de peroxydation lipidique; 2) augmente la sécrétion basale d’insuline; 3) diminue la réponse de la sécrétion d’insuline induite par le glucose; et 4) n’affecte que légèrement la synthèse de novo de l’insuline. Nous avons aussi démontré que les cellules pancréatiques βTC-tet résistaient au stress oxydant en augmentant leur synthèse en glutathion tandis que la présence d’un antioxydant exogène pouvait restaurer la fonction sécrétoire de ces cellules. Conclusion : Le stress oxydant affecte le fonctionnement de la cellule pancréatique β de plusieurs manières : 1) il inhibe le métabolisme du glucose dont les dérivés sont nécessaires à la sécrétion d’insuline; 2) il active la voie de signalisation impliquant les gènes pro-inflammatoires et; 3) il affecte l’intégrité membranaire en induisant le processus de peroxydation lipidique.


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The present study demonstrate the functional alterations of the GABAA and GABAB receptors and the gene expression during the regeneration of pancreas following partial pancreatectomy. The role of these receptors in insulin secretion and pancreatic DNA synthesis using the specific agonists and antagonists also are studied in vitro. The alterations of GABAA and GABAR receptor function and gene expression in the brain stem, crebellum and hypothalamus play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of insulin secretion during pancreatic regeneration. Previous studies have given much information linking functional interaction between GABA and the peripheral nervous system. The involvement of specific receptor subtypes functional regulation during pancreatic regeneration has not given emphasis and research in this area seems to be scarce. We have observed a decreased GABA content, down regulation of GABAA receptors and an up regulation of GABAB receptors in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus. Real Time-PCR analysis confirmed the receptor data in the brain regions. These alterations in the GABAA and GABAB receptors of the brain are suggested to govern the regenerative response and growth regulation of the pancreas through sympathetic innervation. In addition, receptor binding studies and Real Time-PCR analysis revealed that during pancreatic regeneration GABAA receptors were down regulated and GABAB receptors were up regulated in pancreatic islets. This suggests an inhibitory role for GABAA receptors in islet cell proliferation i.e., the down regulation of this receptor facilitates proliferation. Insulin secretion study during 1 hour showed GABA has inhibited the insulin secretion in a dose dependent manner in normal and hyperglycaemic conditions. Bicuculline did not antagonize this effect. GABAA agonist, muscimol inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets except in the lowest concentration of 1O-9M in presence of 4mM glucose.Musclmol enhanced insulin secretion at 10-7 and 10-4M muscimol in presence of 20mM glucose- 4mM glucose represents normal and 20mM represent hyperglycaemic conditions. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion and enhanced at the concentration of 1O-5M at 4mM glucose and at 10-9M baclofen in presence of 20mM glucose. This shows a differential control of the GABAA and GABAB receptors over insulin release from the pancreatic islets. During 24 hours in vitro insulin secretion study it showed that low concentration of GABA has inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. Muscimol, the GABAA agonist, inhibited the insulin secretion but, gave an enhanced secretion of insulin in presence of 4mM glucose at 10-7 , 10-5 and 1O-4M muscimol. But in presence of 20mM glucose muscimol significantly inhibited the insulin secretion. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion in presence of both 4mM and 20mM glucose. This shows the inhibitory role of GABA and its specific receptor subtypes over insulin synthesis from pancreatic bete-islets. In vitro DNA synthesis studies showed that activation of GABAA receptor by adding muscimol, a specific agonist, inhibited islet DNA synthesis. Also, the addition of baclofen, a specific agonist of GABAB receptor resulted in the stimulation of DNA synthesis.Thus the brain and pancreatic GABAA and GABAB receptor gene expression differentially regulates pancreatic insulin secretion and islet cell proliferation during pancreatic regeneration. This will have immense clinical significance in therapeutic applications in the management of Diabetes mellitus.


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The db/db mice serve as a good model for type 2 diabetes characterized by hyperinsulinaemia and progressive hyperglycaemia. There are limited and conflicting data on the cardiovascular changes in this model. The aim of the present study was to characterize the cardiovascular and autonomic phenotype of male db/db mice and evaluate the role of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors. Radiotelemetry was used to monitor 24 h blood pressure (BP) in mice for 8 weeks. Parameters measured were mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR) and their variabilities. In 8-week-old db/db mice, the MAP and BP circadian rhythms were not different from age-matched control mice, while HR and locomotor activity were decreased. With ageing, MAP gradually increased in db/db mice, and the 12 h light values did not dip significantly from the 12 h dark periods. In 14-week-old mice, MAP was increased during light (101 +/- 1 versus 117 +/- 2 mmHg, P < 0.01; control versus db/db mice) and dark phases (110 +/- 1.7 versus 121 +/- 3.1 mmHg, P < 0.01; control versus db/db mice). This increase in MAP was associated with a significant increase in plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and angiotensin II levels. Chronic treatment with losartan (10 mg kg(-1) day(-1)) blocked the increase in MAP in db/db mice, with no effect in control animals. Spectral analysis was used to monitor autonomic cardiovascular function. The circadian rhythm observed in systolic arterial pressure variance and its low-frequency component in control mice was absent in db/db mice. There were no changes in HR variability and spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity between control and db/db mice. The results document an age-related increase in MAP in db/db mice, which can be reduced by antagonism of angiotensin II AT(1) receptors, and alterations in autonomic balance and components of the renin-angiotensin system.


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Objective and design: Knowing that hyperglycemia is a hallmark of vascular dysfunction in diabetes and that neonatal streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats (n-STZ) present reduced inflammatory response, we decided to evaluate the effect of chlorpropamide-lowered blood glucose levels on carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and pleural exudate in n-STZ. Materials: Diabetes was induced by STZ injection (160 mg/kg, ip) in neonates (2-day-old) Wistar rats. Treatment: n-STZ diabetic rats were treated with chlorpropamide (200 mg/kg, 15 d, by gavage) 8 weeks after STZ injection. Methods: Carrageenan-induced paw edema and pleural exudate volumes were assessed concomitantly with peripheral and exudate leukocyte count. We also evaluated the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in lungs of all experimental groups. Results: Chlorpropamide treatment improved glucose tolerance, beta-cell function (assessed by HOMA-beta), corrected paw edema, and pleural exudate volume in n-STZ. Neither leukocyte count nor iNOS expression were affected by diabetes or by chlorpropamide treatment. Conclusion: Chlorpropamide treatment by restoring beta-cell function, reducing blood sugar levels, and improving glucose tolerance might be contributing to the correction of the reduced inflammatory response tested as paw edema and pleural exudate in n-STZ diabetic rats.


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Augmented glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) is an adaptive mechanism exhibited by pancreatic islets from insulin-resistant animal models. Gap junction proteins have been proposed to contribute to islet function. As such, we investigated the expression of connexin 36 (Cx36), connexin 43 (Cx43), and the glucose transporter Glut2 at mRNA and protein levels in pancreatic islets of dexamethasone (DEX)-induced insulin-resistant rats. Study rats received daily injections of DEX (1 mg/kg body mass, i.p.) for 5 days, whereas control rats (CTL) received saline solution. DEX rats exhibited peripheral insulin resistance, as indicated by the significant postabsorptive insulin levels and by the constant rate for glucose disappearance (K-ITT). GSIS was significantly higher in DEX islets (1.8-fold in 16.7 mmol/L glucose vs. CTL, p < 0.05). A significant increase of 2.25-fold in islet area was observed in DEX vs. CTL islets (p < 0.05). Cx36 mRNA expression was significantly augmented, Cx43 diminished, and Glut2 mRNA was unaltered in islets of DEX vs. CTL (p < 0.05). Cx36 protein expression was 1.6-fold higher than that of CTL islets (p < 0.05). Glut2 protein expression was unaltered and Cx43 was not detected at the protein level. We conclude that DEX-induced insulin resistance is accompanied by increased GSIS and this may be associated with increase of Cx36 protein expression.


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Physical exercises have been recommended in the prevention of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), but the mechanisms involved in this intervention are not yet fully understood. Experimental models offer the opportunity for the study of this matter. The present study was designed to analyze the diabetes evolution in rats submitted to neonatal treatment with alloxan with the objective of verifying the suitability of the model to future studies with exercises. For this, newly born rats (6 days old) received intraperitoneal alloxan (A = 200 mg/kg of body weight). Rats injected with vehicle (citrate buffer) were used as controls (C). The fasting blood glucose level (mg/dL) was higher in the alloxan group at the day 28 (C=47.25 +/- 5.08; A=54.51 +/- 7.03) but not at the 60 day of age (C=69.18 +/- 8.31; A=66.81 +/- 6.08). The alloxan group presented higher blood glucose level during glucose tolerance test (GTT) (mg/dL. 120 min) in relation to the control group both at day 28 (C=16908.9 +/- 1078.8; A=21737,7 +/- 1106.4) and at day 60 (C=11463.45 +/- 655.30; A=15282.21 +/- 1221.84). Insulinaemia during GTT (ng/mL.120 min) was lower at day 28 (C=158.67 +/- 33.34; A=123.90 +/- 19.80), but presented no difference at day 60 (C=118.83 +/- 26.02; A=97.8 +/- 10.88). At day 60, the glycogen concentration in the soleus muscle (mg/100mg) was lower in the alloxan group (0.3 +/- 0.13) in relation to the control group (0.5 +/- 0.07). No difference was observed between groups in relation to (mu mol/g.h): Glucose Uptake (C = 5.8 +/- 0.63; A = 5.2 +/- 0.73); Glucose Oxidation (C= 4.3 +/- 1.13; A= 3.9 +/- 0.44); Glycogen Synthesis (C= 0.8 +/- 0.18; A= 0.7 +/- 0.18) and Lactate Production (C= 3.8 +/- 0.8; A= 3.8 0.7) by the isolated soleus muscle. The glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (16.7mM) by the isolated islets (ng/5 islets. h) of the alloxan group was lower (14.3 +/- 4.7) than the control group (32.0 +/- 7.9). Thus, we may conclude that this neonatal diabetes induction model gathers interesting characteristics and may be useful for further studies on the role of the exercise in the diabetes mellitus appearance.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background: Shift work was recently described as a factor that increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, rats born to mothers subjected to a phase shift throughout pregnancy are glucose intolerant. However, the mechanism by which a phase shift transmits metabolic information to the offspring has not been determined. Among several endocrine secretions, phase shifts in the light/dark cycle were described as altering the circadian profile of melatonin production by the pineal gland. The present study addresses the importance of maternal melatonin for the metabolic programming of the offspring. Methodology/Principal Findings: Female Wistar rats were submitted to SHAM surgery or pinealectomy (PINX). The PINX rats were divided into two groups and received either melatonin (PM) or vehicle. The SHAM, the PINX vehicle and the PM females were housed with male Wistar rats. Rats were allowed to mate and after weaning, the male and female offspring were subjected to a glucose tolerance test (GTT), a pyruvate tolerance test (PTT) and an insulin tolerance test (ITT). Pancreatic islets were isolated for insulin secretion, and insulin signaling was assessed in the liver and in the skeletal muscle by western blots. We found that male and female rats born to PINX mothers display glucose intolerance at the end of the light phase of the light/dark cycle, but not at the beginning. We further demonstrate that impaired glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and hepatic insulin resistance are mechanisms that may contribute to glucose intolerance in the offspring of PINX mothers. The metabolic programming described here occurs due to an absence of maternal melatonin because the offspring born to PINX mothers treated with melatonin were not glucose intolerant. Conclusions/Significance: The present results support the novel concept that maternal melatonin is responsible for the programming of the daily pattern of energy metabolism in their offspring.