982 resultados para German literature.


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The present article starts from the initial consideration that, in the perspective of the investigations of the Brazil/Germany literary relations, not always the study of the presence of Brazilian literary works in Germany has been receiving sufficient attention in Brazil. Initially, the natural existence of mental paths is signalized. This fact, in a way, guides the general lines of the critical Brazilian thought in the consideration of aspects of the cultural and literary dialog here in question. This consideration favors the movement that goes from Germany to Brazil, which doesn’t give enough space for the study of the opposite movement. Finally, some historical literary elements are presented, which can base deeper studies of the literary relations Brazil/Germany in the sense that here is intended to be rescued, i.e., the one that goes from South America to Europe.


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We describe a new species of pimelodid catfish of the genus Iheringichthys from the upper Paraná basin, Brazil. Iheringichthys syi n. sp. is distinguished by the comparatively fine serration along the anterior margin of the pectoral-fin spine, an adpressed dorsal-fin remote from the adipose-fin origin, a large eye (23.2-31.2% of head length), narrow interorbital (16.2-23.0% of head length), long snout (42.0-51.0% of head length), long postorbital length (30.6-34.0% of head length), low adipose fin (4.8-7.8% of standard length), eye diameter 97.0-140.0% of interorbital length, and body with numerous, small dots irregularly scattered on flanks, especially marked on anterior half of flank.


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Il presente lavoro affronta il problema della traduzione dei termini culturo-specifici nella letteratura contemporanea di lingua tedesca ambientata nella DDR. L’analisi della produzione narrativa della Wendeliteratur consente di osservare come il lessico e le espressioni tipiche della DDR vengano utilizzati nelle opere letterarie in funzione citazionale per denotare e connotare la realtà della Germania dell’Est. Attraverso un approccio integrato che coniuga i contributi teorici degli studi sulla traduzione con gli aspetti della pratica traduttiva il lavoro indaga il tema dei realia attraverso una presentazione delle ricerche esistenti, propone una classificazione specifica per i realia della DDR e procede a una ricognizione delle strategie e dei procedimenti traduttivi concreti, che consente di evidenziare le diverse scelte adottate dai traduttori. Attraverso un’analisi ermeneutica dei testi e lo strumento dell’isotopia come indicatore di coerenza le traduzioni italiane delle opere della Wendeliteratur sono oggetto di un’analisi critica. I risultati dell’analisi vengono infine utilizzati come riferimento per la traduzione dei realia nel racconto di F.C. Delius, Die Birnen von Ribbeck.


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The purpose of this thesis is to establish a direct relationship between literature and fields of knowledge such as science and technology, by focusing on some concepts that were fundamental for both science and the humanities at the beginning of the 20th century. The concepts are those of simultaneity, multiple points of view, map, relativity and acausality. In the spirit of several recent ideas, for example Katherine Hayles’ isomorphism notion, the dissertation shows how writers such as James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, Thomas Mann and Robert Musil developed the mentioned concepts within their narratives. The working hypothesis is that those concepts were at a crossroad of human activities, and that those authors used them extensively within their narratives. It is further argued that those same concepts – as developed by Joyce in Ulysses, Woolf’s shorts stories and novels from the end of the 1910’s until the end of the1920’s, Mann’s Der Zauberberg (The Magic Mountain), and Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften (The Man Without Qualities) — are still fundamental for our conception of time and space today. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first two chapters will analyse the concepts of simultaneity and multiple points of view and their relationship to cartography as developed within English literature and culture. The next two chapters will address the concepts of relativity and acausality, as developed within German literature and culture.


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When Alexander von Humboldt reached the village of Calpi in the Andes on 22 June 1802, he was greeted with reverence and enthusiasm. Triumphal arches adorned with cotton, cloth, and silver decorated his path. The natives performed a dance in festive dress. A singer praised the explorer's expedition, which had departed three years earlier from the Spanish port of La Coruña. Like Odysseus on the isle of the Phaeacians, the traveler listened to a local rhapsodist singing about his heroic deeds. Before his adventure ended, it had already spun a popular myth. This episode, which Humboldt recorded in his diary, occurred at a significant moment. One day later, the “Second Discoverer of America” rose to even greater fame on an excursion marking in more ways than one the climax of his enterprise. Humboldt set out to climb Chimborazo (6,310 m/20,702 ft.), the mountain then thought to be the highest in the world. He was accompanied by the French botanist Aimé Bonpland (1773–1858) and the Creole nobleman and future activist Carlos Montúfar (1780–1816), as well as native guides and assistants. They climbed to heights never reached before, setting a new record and catapulting Humboldt to fame on both continents.


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La influencia de Kafka en los escritores argentinos del siglo XX es bien conocida y ha sido extenspmente estudiada especialmente en los autores centrales del canon literario, como son Borges y Sábato. Sin embargo. otros autores en los que se manifiesta dicha influencia son sistemáticamente excluidos de los estudios. Entre ellos se encuentra Antonio Di Benedetto. En el presente trabajo se analiza la presencia de una serie de motivos, caracterizados por la crítica como típicamente kajkianos en la novela más reconocida del mendocino: Zama. De esta manera se apunta a completar el panorama de la recepción de Kafka en la Argentina haciendo hincapié en la experiencia regional, que por su contexto especifico de producción es mucho más afin a la de Kafka que la de los escritores canónicos. Por otra parte, la detección y análisis de esos motivos constituyen una poderosa herramienta para el estudio de la obra dibenedettiana. pues no se trata meramente de la repetición de tópicos consagrados. sino de la manifestación de una experiencia muy personal del mundo.


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La literatura alemana escrita en el extranjero es todavía para la Germanística un problema no resuelto. La justificación de ello está, por un lado, en la complejidad que representa como objeto de estudio en sí mismo, y por otro, en la particular situación histórica de Alemania por su papel en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Si bien a fines de los setenta se estudia este fenómeno dentro de los ámbitos académicos de Alemania, resulta difícil para la Germanística abarcar el objeto en su carácter específico y liberarse de juicios desvalorizantes, que juzgan a la literatura alemana del extranjero con los mismos patrones que a la producida en territorio de lengua alemana. Este artículo pretende indicar desde qué puntos de vista es posible investigar la literatura en alemán escrita en el extranjero, a partir del caso concreto de la literatura de los inmigrantes alemanes a la Argentina, considerando aportes epistemológicos que completan y enriquecen el de la Germanística.


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Abridged preprint of part of the author's thesis (doctoral)--Universität Freiburg i.B., originally presented under title: "Spaniens Antheil an der deutschen Literatur des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts." -- Strassburg : 1897.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Blätter für Kunst & Litteratur herausgegeben von Franz Blei. "


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Includes indexes.


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The color plate is titled "Versuch auf den Parnass zu gelangen" and depicts German literary figures. The second plate is printed on transparent glassine paper and includes explanatory captions.