852 resultados para Geometry, Modern.


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Concepts such as righteousness, equality, tolerance and freedom are nowadays considered fundamental issues that should prevail in any society. Balance and righteousness thrive however on a very thin layer. We are, in fact, living in an era of duality and antithetical paradigms. This essay approaches two Renaissance authors who dealt with the same matters in their works, at a very different time and through different ways of reflection: Thomas More and Sir Walter Raleigh.


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The concept of explaining the use of an old tool like the Smith chart, using modern tools like MATLAB [1] scripts in combination with e-learning facilities, is exemplified by two MATLAB scripts. These display, step by step, the graphical procedure that must be used to solve the double-stub impedance-matching problem. These two scripts correspond to two different possible ways to analyze this matching problem, and they are important for students to learn by themselves.


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Qualidade é a palavra de ordem pelo qual se regem todos os processos e intervenções da REFER (Rede Ferroviária Nacional). Com a evolução de requisitos exigidos pelo transporte em caminho de ferro, há que procurar sempre as últimas inovações, para que a circulação se faça sempre com maior segurança e comodidade, dando aos utilizadores deste tipo transporte uma qualidade extrema. Nos últimos anos esses requisitos tornaram-se cada vez mais exigentes, pois as condições de circulação aumentam tais como a prática de maiores velocidades, tonelagem e frequência das composições, o que leva a um maior rigor nos processos construtivos e conservativos das vias. A REFER, depois de grandes investimentos em novas infraestruturas ferroviárias, detém agora um decisivo e importante papel na resolução das problemáticas que emergem, apostando sempre em tecnologia de ponta para que possa desenvolver um trabalho de conservação que satisfaça todas as necessidades exigidas. Este trabalho desenvolver-se-á nesta ótica de conservação e manutenção, acompanhando todo um processo específico de ataque mecânico pesado, até à sua certificação. A análise dos vários processos caracterizará a exigência referida na manutenção, principalmente da via moderna, onde a fasquia de requisitos é mais elevada.


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Individual cancer susceptibility seems to be related to factors such as changes in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes expression, and differences in the action of metabolic enzymes and DNA repair regulated by specific genes. Epidemiological studies on genetic polymorphisms of human xenobiotics metabolizing enzymes and cancer have revealed low relative risks. Research considering genetic polymorphisms prevalence jointly with environmental exposures could be relevant for a better understanding of cancer etiology and the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and also for new insights on cancer prognosis. This study reviews the approaches of molecular epidemiology in cancer research, stressing case-control and cohort designs involving genetic polymorphisms, and factors that could introduce bias and confounding in these studies. Similarly to classical epidemiological research, genetic polymorphisms requires considering aspects of precision and accuracy in the study design.


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The goal of this article is to present a snapshot of an ongoing debate within epidemiology, pitching opposing sides in the struggle to define the path it should follow in the years to come. The debate among epidemiologists in the mid-90s pitted those who defended the idea that epidemiology should necessarily deal with a wide context against those who believed that science and public health are better served by focusing on the individual level. Ian Hacking’s concept of styles of reasoning was used as a theoretical tool. The literature was reviewed using a core set of articles as an entry point, seeking articles that cited them, and then back-tracking the citations of the resulting set in the Scopus database. The main arguments are presented according to levels (ontological, epistemological, axiological and pragmatic), in order to show an even deeper disagreement, in the very conception of science and its relation to social issues and public policy.


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This text is based on a research, which is still in progress, whose main objective is to identify and understand what are the main difficulties of future mathematics teachers of basic education are, regarding their content knowledge in geometry in the context of the curricular unit of Geometry during their undergraduate degree. We chose a qualitative approach in the form of case study, in which data collection was done through observation, interviews, a diverse set of tasks, a diagnostic test and other documents. This paper focuses on the test given to prospective teachers at the beginning of the course. The preliminary analysis of the data points to a weak performance of preservice teachers in the test issues addressing elementary knowledge of Geometry


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In this work, a comparative study on different drill point geometries and feed rate for composite laminates drilling is presented. For this goal, thrust force monitoring during drilling, hole wall roughness measurement and delamination extension assessment after drilling is accomplished. Delamination is evaluated using enhanced radiography combined with a dedicated computational platform that integrates algorithms of image processing and analysis. An experimental procedure was planned and consequences were evaluated. Results show that a cautious combination of the factors involved, like drill tip geometry or feed rate, can promote the reduction of delamination damage.


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Adhesive bonding of components has become more efficient in recent years due to the developments in adhesive technology, which has resulted in higher peel and shear strengths, and also in allowable ductility up to failure. As a result, fastening and riveting methods are being progressively replaced by adhesive bonding, allowing a big step towards stronger and lighter unions. However, single-lap bonded joints still generate substantial peel and shear stress concentrations at the overlap edges that can be harmful to the structure, especially when using brittle adhesives that do not allow plasticization in these regions. In this work, a numerical and experimental study is performed to evaluate the feasibility of bending the adherends at the ends of the overlap for the strength improvement of single-lap aluminium joints bonded with a brittle and a ductile adhesive. Different combinations of joint eccentricity were tested, including absence of eccentricity, allowing the optimization of the joint. A Finite Element stress and failure analysis in ABAQUS® was also carried out to provide a better understanding of the bent configuration. Results showed a major advantage of using the proposed modification for the brittle adhesive, but the joints with the ductile adhesive were not much affected by the bending technique.


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This text is based on a research, which is still in progress, whose main objective is to identify and understand what are the main difficulties of future mathematics teachers of basic education are, regarding their content knowledge in geometry in the context of the curricular unit of Geometry during their undergraduate degree. We chose a qualitative approach in the form of case study, in which data collection was done through observation, interviews, a diverse set of tasks, a diagnostic test and other documents. This paper focuses on the test given to prospective teachers at the beginning of the course. The preliminary analysis of the data points to a weak performance of preservice teachers in the test issues addressing elementary knowledge of Geometry.


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Fractional order modeling of biological systems has received significant interest in the research community. Since the fractal geometry is characterized by a recurrent structure, the self-similar branching arrangement of the airways makes the respiratory system an ideal candidate for the application of fractional calculus theory. To demonstrate the link between the recurrence of the respiratory tree and the appearance of a fractional-order model, we develop an anatomically consistent representation of the respiratory system. This model is capable of simulating the mechanical properties of the lungs and we compare the model output with in vivo measurements of the respiratory input impedance collected in 20 healthy subjects. This paper provides further proof of the underlying fractal geometry of the human lungs, and the consequent appearance of constant-phase behavior in the total respiratory impedance.


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Os métodos clínicos que são realizados com recurso a tecnologias de imagiologia têm registado um aumento de popularidade nas últimas duas décadas. Os procedimentos tradicionais usados em cirurgia têm sido substituídos por métodos minimamente invasivos de forma a conseguir diminuir os custos associados e aperfeiçoar factores relacionados com a produtividade. Procedimentos clínicos modernos como a broncoscopia e a cardiologia são caracterizados por se focarem na minimização de acções invasivas, com os arcos em ‘C’ a adoptarem um papel relevante nesta área. Apesar de o arco em ‘C’ ser uma tecnologia amplamente utilizada no auxílio da navegação em intervenções minimamente invasivas, este falha na qualidade da informação fornecida ao cirurgião. A informação obtida em duas dimensões não é suficiente para proporcionar uma compreensão total da localização tridimensional da região de interesse, revelando-se como uma tarefa essencial o estabelecimento de um método que permita a aquisição de informação tridimensional. O primeiro passo para alcançar este objectivo foi dado ao definir um método que permite a estimativa da posição e orientação de um objecto em relação ao arco em ‘C’. De forma a realizar os testes com o arco em ‘C’, a geometria deste teve que ser inicialmente definida e a calibração do sistema feita. O trabalho desenvolvido e apresentado nesta tese foca-se num método que provou ser suficientemente sustentável e eficiente para se estabelecer como um ponto de partida no caminho para alcançar o objectivo principal: o desenvolvimento de uma técnica que permita o aperfeiçoamento da qualidade da informação adquirida com o arco em ‘C’ durante uma intervenção clínica.


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Thesis submitted for assessment with a view to obtaining the degree of Doctor in History and Civilisation from the European University Institute


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The use of composite laminates in complex structures has increased significantly. However, there are still some issues when considering their use, mainly related with machining, leading to some difficulties and lack of acceptance. In this work, a methodology to evaluate drill geometry and feed rate based on thrust force and delamination extension is presented.


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Mestrado em Educação Matemática na Educação Pré – Escolar e nos 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Engineering education practices have evolved not only due to the natural changes in the contents of the curricula and skills but also, and more recently, due to the requirements imposed by the Bologna revision process. In addition, industry is becoming more demanding, as society is becoming more and more aware of the global needs and consequences of industrial practices. Under this scope, higher education needs not only to follow but also to lead these trends. Therefore, the School of Engineering of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (ISEP), a Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) training partner in Portugal, prepared and presented its Sustainability Action Plan (PASUS), with the main objective of creating a new kind of engineers, with Sustainable Development at the core of their graduation and MsC degrees. In this paper, the main strategies and activities of the referred plan along with the strategic approach, which guided its development and implementation, will be presented in detail. Additionally, a reflection about the above mentioned bridge between concept and application will be established and justified, in the framework of the action plan. Although in most of the situations, there was no prior discussion or specific request, many of the graduation and post-graduation programmes offered by ISEP already include courses that attend to PASUS philosophy. As a consequence, the number of Master thesis, Graduation projects and R&D projects that address sustainability problems has grown substantially, a proof that for ISEP community, sustainability really matters!