281 resultados para Geometrics Morphometrics


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Natural selection drives local adaptation, potentially even at small temporal and spatial scales. As a result, adaptive genetic and phenotypic divergence can occur among populations living in different habitats. We investigated patterns of differentiation between contrasting lake and stream habitats in the cyprinid fish European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) at both the morphological and genomic levels using geometric morphometrics and AFLP markers, respectively. We also used a spatial correlative approach to identify AFLP loci associated with environmental variables representing potential selective forces responsible for adaptation to divergent habitats. Our results identified different morphologies between lakes and streams, with lake fish presenting a deeper body and caudal peduncle compared to stream fish. Body shape variation conformed to a priori predictions concerning biomechanics and swimming performance in lakes vs. streams. Moreover, morphological differentiation was found to be associated with several environmental variables, which could impose selection on body and caudal peduncle shape. We found adaptive genetic divergence between these contrasting habitats in the form of 'outlier' loci (2.9%) whose genetic divergence exceeded neutral expectations. We also detected additional loci (6.6%) not associated with habitat type (lake vs. stream), but contributing to genetic divergence between populations. Specific environmental variables related to trophic dynamics, landscape topography and geography were associated with several neutral and outlier loci. These results provide new insights into the morphological divergence and genetic basis of adaptation to differentiated habitats.


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Tämä diplomityö on tehty Andritz Oy:lle Washers & Filters tuoteryhmään. Työ on osa 3D-suunnittelujärjestelmän käyttöönottoprojektia. Tavoitteena on arvioida uuden laitesuunnittelujärjestelmän vaikutuksia yrityksen tietojärjestelmiin ja toimintatapoihin sekä etsiä potentiaalisia tulevaisuuden kehityskohteita. Suunnittelutietoa hyödyntäviä sidosryhmien edustajia haastattelemalla selvitettiin järjestelmille ja ohjelmistoille asetettavia vaatimuksia. Ohjelmistoihin tutustumalla saatiin käsitys niiden nykytilasta ja kehityssuunnista. 3D-geometrian hyödyntämiseen perustuvilla järjestelmillä voidaan poistaa päällekäistä työtä sekä lyhentää läpimenoaikoja suunnittelussa ja valmistuksessa sijoittamalla työvaiheita rinnakkain. Suurimmat 3D-suunnittelun edut saavutetaan tuotekehitysvaiheessa, tuotemuutoksia tehtäessä sekä valmistusprosesseja suunniteltaessa. Ongelmallisimmat osa-alueet tietojärjestelmien kehittämisessä ovat ensi-sijaisesti tiedonsiirto ohjelmistojen välillä, työntekijöiden muutosvastarinta sekä laadukkaiden järjestelmien korkea hinta. Laajojen tietojärjestelmä-projektien läpivienti on hyvin haastavaa ja onnistuminen vaatii kaikkien sidosryhmien mukana olemista ja tarkkaa projektin koordinointia.


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Neutral and selective processes c an drive repeated patterns of evolu tion in dif ferent groups of populationsexp eriencing similar ecol ogica l gradients. In this paper, we used a combinat ion of nucl ear and mitochondrialDNA markers, as well as geometric morphometrics, to investigate repeated patterns of morphological andgenetic divergence of E uropean minnows in two mountain ranges : the Pyrenees and the Al ps. Europeanminnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) are cyprinid fish i nha bitin g most freshwater bodies in Europe, including those indifferent mountain r anges that could act as major geographical barriers to gene flow. We explored patterns ofP. phoxinus phenotypic and genetic di versi fication along a gradi ent of alti tude common to the two mountainranges, and tested for isolation by distance (IBD), isolation by environment (IBE) and isolation by adaptation(IBA). The results indicated that populations from the Pyr enees a nd the Alps bel ong to two well differentiated,reciprocally monophyletic mt DNA lineages. Substantial genetic differentiation due to geographical isolationwithin and between populations from the Pyrenees and the Alps was also found using rapidly evolving AFLPsmarkers (isolation by distance or IBD), as well as morphological differences between mountain ranges. Als o,morphology varied strong ly with elevation and so did genetic differentiation to a lower extent. Despitemoderate evidence for IBE and IBA, and therefore of repeated evolution, substantial population heterogeneitywas found at the genetic level, suggesting that selection and population specific genetic drift act in concert toaffect genetic divergence.


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Organochlorine compounds (OC) are known to induce vitamin A (retinoids) deficiency in mammals, which may be associated with impairment of immunocompetence, reproduction and growth. This makes retinoids a potentially useful biomarker of organochlorine impact on marine mammals. However, use of retinoids as a biomarker requires knowledge about its intrapopulation patterns of variation in natural conditions, information which is not currently available. We investigated these patterns in a cetacean population living in an unpolluted environment. 100 harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena from West Greenland were sampled during the 1995 hunting season. Sex, age, morphometrics, nutritive condition, and retinol (following saponification) and OC levels in blubber were determined for each individual. OC levels found were extremely low and therefore considered unlikely to affect the population adversely: mean blubber concentrations, expressed on an extractable basis, were 2.04 (SD = 1.1) ppm for PCBs and 2.76 (SD = 1.66) ppm for tDDT. The mean blubber retinol concentration for the overall population was 59.66 (SD = 45.26) mu g g(-1). Taking into account the high contribution of blubber to body mass, blubber constitutes a significant body site for retinoid deposition in harbour porpoises. Retinol concentrations did not differ significantly between geographical regions or sexes, but they did correlate significantly (p <0.001) with age. Body condition, measured by determining the lipid content of the blubber, did not have a significant effect on retinol levels but the individuals examined were considered to be in an overall good nutritive condition. It is concluded that measurement of retinol concentrations in blubber samples is feasible and has a potential for use as a biomarker of organochlorine exposure in cetaceans. However, in order to do so, biological information, particularly age, is critical for the correct assessment of physiological impact


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Correct species identification is a crucial issue in systematics with key implications for prioritising conservation effort. However, it can be particularly challenging in recently diverged species due to their strong similarity and relatedness. In such cases, species identification requires multiple and integrative approaches. In this study we used multiple criteria, namely plumage colouration, biometric measurements, geometric morphometrics, stable isotopes analysis (SIA) and genetics (mtDNA), to identify the species of 107 bycatch birds from two closely related seabird species, the Balearic (Puffinus mauretanicus) and Yelkouan (P. yelkouan) shearwaters. Biometric measurements, stable isotopes and genetic data produced two stable clusters of bycatch birds matching the two study species, as indicated by reference birds of known origin. Geometric morphometrics was excluded as a species identification criterion since the two clusters were not stable. The combination of plumage colouration, linear biometrics, stable isotope and genetic criteria was crucial to infer the species of 103 of the bycatch specimens. In the present study, particularly SIA emerged as a powerful criterion for species identification, but temporal stability of the isotopic values is critical for this purpose. Indeed, we found some variability in stable isotope values over the years within each species, but species differences explained most of the variance in the isotopic data. Yet this result pinpoints the importance of examining sources of variability in the isotopic data in a case-by-case basis prior to the cross-application of the SIA approach to other species. Our findings illustrate how the integration of several methodological approaches can help to correctly identify individuals from recently diverged species, as each criterion measures different biological phenomena and species divergence is not expressed simultaneously in all biological traits.


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Longline fisheries, oil spills, and offshore wind farms are some of the major threats increasing seabird mortality at sea, but the impact of these threats on specific populations has been difficult to determine so far. We tested the use of molecular markers, morphometric measures, and stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) and trace element concentrations in the first primary feather (grown at the end of the breeding period) to assign the geographic origin of Calonectris shearwaters. Overall, we sampled birds from three taxa: 13 Mediterranean Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea diomedea) breeding sites, 10 Atlantic Cory's Shearwater (Calonectris diomedea borealis) breeding sites, and one Cape Verde Shearwater (C. edwardsii) breeding site. Assignment rates were investigated at three spatial scales: breeding colony, breeding archipelago, and taxa levels. Genetic analyses based on the mitochondrial control region (198 birds from 21 breeding colonies) correctly assigned 100% of birds to the three main taxa but failed in detecting geographic structuring at lower scales. Discriminant analyses based on trace elements composition achieved the best rate of correct assignment to colony (77.5%). Body measurements or stable isotopes mainly succeeded in assigning individuals among taxa (87.9% and 89.9%, respectively) but failed at the colony level (27.1% and 38.0%, respectively). Combining all three approaches (morphometrics, isotopes, and trace elements on 186 birds from 15 breeding colonies) substantially improved correct classifications (86.0%, 90.7%, and 100% among colonies, archipelagos, and taxa, respectively). Validations using two independent data sets and jackknife cross-validation confirmed the robustness of the combined approach in the colony assignment (62.5%, 58.8%, and 69.8% for each validation test, respectively). A preliminary application of the discriminant model based on stable isotope δ15N and δ13C values and trace elements (219 birds from 17 breeding sites) showed that 41 Cory's Shearwaters caught by western Mediterranean long-liners came mainly from breeding colonies in Menorca (48.8%), Ibiza (14.6%), and Crete (31.7%). Our findings show that combining analyses of trace elements and stable isotopes on feathers can achieve high rates of correct geographic assignment of birds in the marine environment, opening new prospects for the study of seabird mortality at sea.


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Suurlujuusteräskonstruktioiden suunnittelu eroaa perinteisten rakenneterästen vastaavasta lukuisten lisähuomiota vaativien ilmiöiden ja seikkojen osalta, jotka kytkeytyvät toisiinsa rakenteen valmistettavuuden ja toiminnallisuuden kautta. Lujuuden sallima vapaampi suunnittelu esimerkiksi ohuempine materiaalivahvuuksineen ja näennäisesti vapaampine elementtigeometrioineen kumuloituu suurlujuusteräsmateriaalin kautta vaativampana työstettävyytenä. Tämä heijastuu suunnittelijalle materiaalin pienen murtovenymän ja käytettävissä olevat laitteistoresurssien kautta. Suurlujuusterästen muovaaminen vaatii perinteisiin rakenneteräksiin nähden suurempaa voimankäyttöä, mutta pieni murtovenymä rajoittaa saavutettavissa olevia muotoja. Materiaalivahvuuksien muuttuessa vaatii hitsausliitosten suunnittelu esimerkiksi railomuotojen uudelleensuunnittelua, sekä lämmöntuonnin aiheuttamien muutosten tarkempaa huomioimista. Näiden yhteensovittaminen ohjaa suunnittelijan poikkeuksetta hakemaan ratkaisuja erilaisista hitsausaineista ja -prosesseista. Suuren lujuuden ja pienen murtovenymän suurlujuusteräselementtien mekaanisten ominaisuuksien ja erilaisen elementtigeometrian yhdistelmänä kumuloituva rakennetekninen käyttäytyminen eroaa selvästi perinteisistä teräslaaduista. Yksittäisten elementtien suhteen korostuvat esimerkiksi stabiliteettiomiinaisuudet, sekä kokonaisten rakenteiden suhteen liitosratkaisujen vaikutus koko konstruktion toimintaan. Onnistuneella suurlujuusteräsuunnittelulla saavutettuja etuja ovat käyttökohteesta riippuen esimerkiksi kymmenien prosenttien massa- ja kustannussäästöjen kautta kumuloituvat konstruktion toiminnalliset edut. Suuren lujuuden terästen materiaaliteknisten erityispiirteiden suhteen ei kuitenkaan ole tarjolla perinteisiä rakenneteräksiä vastaavaa määrää yhteisesti sovittuja standardoituja suunnitteluohjeita. Tämän johdosta korostuu suunnittelijan kyky hahmottaa teräsmateriaalin lujuusluokan taakse piiloutuvat ilmiöt, sekä materiaalitekniset erityispiirteet ja niiden kytkeytyminen toisiinsa valmistettavuuden ja toiminnallisuuden kautta.


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The thesis contains the results of an investigation on the " Population Genetic Structure of the Penaeus indicus " from southeast and southwest coasts of India. The P.indicus, popularly known as the Indian white prawn, is distributed widely in the Indo-Pacific, starting from New South wales in Australia in the east to the east coast of Africa in the west. Its heavy demand in the export market, the species has been exploited intensively from all along its areas of distribution in Indian waters. The population genetic characteristics of the species were examined by three independent but complementary techniques, namely, morphometrics (truss network), biochemical genetics (isozyme electrophoresis ) and molecular genetics (RFLP and RAPD). The east and west coast populations of the species may be genetically different. Due to certain constraints, the results obtained from the studies of restriction fragment length 70 polymorphism (RFLP) were limited. The significant difference in the number of bands in the sample populations strongly suggests that these two populations have considerably different population genetic structures


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The objective of present investigation was to study the population genetic structure of S. longiceps by applying three different basic population genetic techniques such as cytogenetics, non-enzymatic biochemicalgenetics (general protein) and morphomeristics/metrics.


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Dept.of Marine Biology,Microbiology and Biochemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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Continental shelf is of particular significance in marine geology , because it links the two basically different structural zones in the earth's crust; the continents and ocean basins. The shelf area has much wider importance in many fields of activity such as scientific, economic, social, political and strategic. The pace of development has ultimately put pressure on mankind to look for exploitable resources and accessibility to the continental shelf area and beyond. Added to the above, the developmental activities in the coastal area would readily and directly influence the innershelf sediments. This situation demands a thorough geological knowledge of the continental shelf area. Moreover, a successful management of the continental shelf zone requires an optimum data base on the physico-chemical nature of the shelf sediments. Although sedimentological studies were carried out along the western continental shelf of India, a well documented systematic study of the inner shelf off Trivandrum coast is still found to be lacking. Considering the physiographic settings and the vicinity of two renowned placer deposits at Chavara and Manavalakurichi, such a sedimetological inventory has become all the more vital. In view of the above, a research programme has been drawn up to account the salient sedimentological and mineralogical aspects of the innershelf and beach sediments between Paravur and Kovalam, Trivandrum district, Kerala (latitudes 8° 7'00" to 8° 47'45" and longitudes 76°43'00" to 77° 40'45"). The findings are presented in six chapters formatted to address the aim of this research.


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Apuleia Mart., a genus of the Leguminosae native to South America, is revised. Species limits within the genus were tested using morphometrics and shape analysis of leaflets and fruits. Morphological evidence indicates that although there is great variation in Apuleia, the genus cannot be reliably separated into different species or infraspecific taxa. Apuleia is monospecific, comprising the single species A. leiocarpa (Vogel) J. F. Macbr.


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We see today many efforts to quantify biodiversity in different biomes. It is very important then to develop and to apply other methodologies that allow us to assess biodiversity. Here we present an example of application of three tools with this goal. We analyzed two populations of Plebeia remota from two distinct biomes that already showed several differences in morphology and behavior. Based on these differences, it has been suggested that the populations of Cunha and Prudentopolis do not represent a single species. In order to verify the existence or absence of gene flow between these two groups, we characterized the patterns of mtDNA through RFLP, the patterns of wing venation through geometric morphometry, and the cuticular hydrocarbons through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. We used bees collected in these two locations and also from colonies which have being kept for around 9 years at Sao Paulo University. We found six different haplotypes in these specimens, of which three of them occurred exclusively in the population of Cunha and three only in the Prudentopolis population. The fact that the populations do not share haplotypes suggests no maternal gene flow between them. The two populations were differentiated by the pattern of the wing veins. They also had different mixtures of cuticle hydrocarbons. Furthermore it was shown that the colonies kept at the university did not hybridize. These two groups may constitute different species. We also show here the importance of using other methodologies than traditional taxonomy to assess and understand biodiversity, especially in bees.


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Evolutionary novelties in the skeleton are usually expressed as changes in the timing of growth of features intrinsically integrated at different hierarchical levels of development(1). As a consequence, most of the shape- traits observed across species do vary quantitatively rather than qualitatively(2), in a multivariate space(3) and in a modularized way(4,5). Because most phylogenetic analyses normally use discrete, hypothetically independent characters(6), previous attempts have disregarded the phylogenetic signals potentially enclosed in the shape of morphological structures. When analysing low taxonomic levels, where most variation is quantitative in nature, solving basic requirements like the choice of characters and the capacity of using continuous, integrated traits is of crucial importance in recovering wider phylogenetic information. This is particularly relevant when analysing extinct lineages, where available data are limited to fossilized structures. Here we show that when continuous, multivariant and modularized characters are treated as such, cladistic analysis successfully solves relationships among main Homo taxa. Our attempt is based on a combination of cladistics, evolutionary- development- derived selection of characters, and geometric morphometrics methods. In contrast with previous cladistic analyses of hominid phylogeny, our method accounts for the quantitative nature of the traits, and respects their morphological integration patterns. Because complex phenotypes are observable across different taxonomic groups and are potentially informative about phylogenetic relationships, future analyses should point strongly to the incorporation of these types of trait.