263 resultados para Geometrias deposicionais
O Campo de Jacuípe, localizado no Compartimento Central da Bacia do Recôncavo, é importante produtor de gás na bacia. Os reservatórios são constituídos por corpos arenosos originados por fluxos gravitacionais subaquosos, intercalados a folhelhos e diamictitos da Formação Maracangalha, de idade cretácea inferior (Andar Rio da Serra Superior). Através da descrição sistemática de cerca de 1200 m de testemunhos, foram definidas três fácies deposicionais e seis fácies deformacionais para o intervalo estudado. O agrupamento das fácies em conjuntos que apresentam características estruturais e genéticas semelhantes permitiu a proposição de cinco associações de fácies. A Associação de Fácies I representa principalmente a sedimentação de background lacustre da área. A Associação de Fácies II é interpretada como o registro de deslizamentos (slides) ou porções proximais de escorregamentos (slumps). Os corpos da Associação de Fácies IIIa representam escorregamentos ou porções distais de deslizamentos. A Associação de Fácies IIIb constitui, possivelmente, o registro de fluxos turbidíticos. A Associação de Fácies IV representa um estágio transicional entre escorregamentos altamente móveis e fluxos de detritos (debris flows). O grau deformacional aumenta progressivamente da Associação de Fácies I para a Associação de Fácies IV. Através da análise dos perfis de raios gama (GR) e potencial espontâneo (SP) dos poços, observa-se um padrão granodecrescente geral, da base do intervalo ao datum utilizado nas seções estratigráficas; seguido de um padrão granocrescente geral, do datum para o topo do intervalo. Esta observação permite a interpretação de uma grande seqüência deposicional de terceira ordem (cerca de 7,5 M.a.), com um trato transgressivo na base e um trato de nível de lago alto no topo, separados por uma superfície de máxima inundação, representada pelo datum Os complexos de escorregamentos/deslizamentos, pontuando o trato de nível alto, podem estar relacionados a eventos de rebaixamento de uma ordem superior (de mais alta freqüência), possivelmente ligados a períodos de quiescência, após pulsos tectônicos episódicos. Os mecanismos de disparo dos fluxos gravitacionais foram provavelmente terremotos, causados pela atividade tectônica de movimentação de falhas, inerente ao estágio sin-rift; associados a instabilizações em áreas de frentes deltaicas progradantes a altas taxas de sedimentação, especialmente em locais de forte mudança no gradiente deposicional, como na paleo-linha de charneira, localizada a norte-noroeste do campo. Um importante mecanismo auxiliar pode ter sido a atividade de soerguimento de diápiros de folhelhos. A conectividade vertical e lateral entre os corpos pode ser considerada baixa. As áreas proximais de corpos arenosos de escorregamentos e, especialmente, de corpos de deslizamentos, pelo baixo grau deformacional, devem se constituir nos melhores reservatórios da área.
Sistemas produtivos industriais podem combinar, em células de manufatura, diferentes características de automação de processos permitindo interfaceamento e possibilitando a flexibilização e otimização da manufatura. Nos processos de fabricação, as dificuldades para a execução de processos de usinagem convencional ou mesmo através de comando numérico, quando se dispõe de máquinas adequadas para a fabricação de peças de geometrias complexas, podem limitar a criatividade, bem como dificultar o desenvolvimento do processo produtivo de forma otimizada. As dificuldades encontradas vão desde fixação das peças, necessidades de dispositivos especiais, restrições nos volumes de trabalho de máquinas CNC e mesmo a geração de trajetórias complexas para máquinas com limitações de eixos. Este trabalho propõe uma metodologia alternativa para usinagem, especialmente fresamento, com desenvolvimento de um algoritmo capaz de, através da utilização de recursos de sistemas CAD/CAM, traduzir arquivos gráficos para uma linguagem de programação utilizada em robôs. Na aplicação utilizam-se recursos dos sistemas CAD/CAM para gerar, numa primeira etapa, o código de programação para máquinas-ferramenta de comando numérico e posterior adaptação, para aplicação em sistemas robóticos. Informações de caminhos de ferramenta para usinagem em máquinas CNC são convertidos, através de uma interface computacional, em trajetórias a serem seguidas por uma ferramenta guiada por um manipulador de robô industrial. Os parâmetros de processo são também adequados as restrições dos sistemas robotizados. A viabilidade do sistema proposto é confirmada através de testes realizados em modelos de superfícies complexas, onde o objetivo do referido trabalho foi alcançado.
Este trabalho visa o uso da função de Green de valor inicial no ajuste geostrófico e do método Semi-Lagrangeano na integração de um modelo acoplado oceano-atmosfera descrito pelas equações de águas rasas. O ajuste geostrófico é considerado atravées de perturbações na pressão e do vento. No caso de sistemas sem rotação, é discutida a relação da equação hidrostática com ondas longas não-dispersivas. Com rotação, a conservação da vorticidade potencial permite escolher a elevação correspondente a um estado de equilíbrio geostrófico. O sistema de equações de águas rasas é desacoplado em equações de Klein-Gordon com valores iniciais e termos não-homogêneos acoplados. A resposta dinâmica formada pela resposta transiente e a resposta forçada é obtida para uma perturbação inicial da elevação. A ação do vento como forçante nas equações de momento 2D, através do transporte de Eckman, conduz a uma equação de águas rasas forçada. Uma decomposição da resposta forçada é realizada com uma resposta permanente, que satisfaz a equação de Helmholtz , e com o uso da base dinâmica gerada pela resposta impulso. Um modelo hidrodinâmico 3D introduzido por Casulli e governado por equações não-lineares de águas rasas é integrado na vertical para a obtenção de um modelo 2D. Com isto, as condições de contorno devido a tensão do vento e a fricção devido a topografia do fundo, transformam-se em forçantes do modelo. O modelo foi integrado com um método semi-implícito em diferenças finitas, utilizando-se o método Semi-Lagrangeano para a parte advectiva. Simulações simbólicas foram realizadas para o ajuste geostrófico devido a perturbações de duração infinita e finita para a elevação e para o efeito da tensão do vento. Foram realizadas simulações numéricas para variadas geometrias, em particular a Baia de Guanabara e a Lagoa do Patos.
A análise tectono-estratigráfica da Bacia do Camaquã, uma sequência vulcanosedimentar do Neoproterozóico ao Eoproterozóico com depósitos de Cu (Au, Ag), Zn e Pb, é aqui apresentada com a utilização de ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto, gravimetria e perfilagem de poço. Nas imagens LANDSAT TM demarcou-se as concentrações de lineamentos junto as principais estruturas regionais e delimitou-se quatro domínios estruturais de acordo com a orientação dos trends dos lineamentos estruturais. Os perfis de poços que abrangem as formações Guaritas e Bom Jardim evidenciam eventos tectônicos com deformação rúptil e dúctil-ruptil, estabelecendo-se diferentes fácies tectonoestratigráficas de seqüências deposicionais (ambiente deltáico) e sequência deformacionais. Nos poços observa-se a variação da densidade com a profundidade entre poços, indicando a presença de duas aloformações de compactação distintas. Com base nos dados gravimétricos locais e regionais pode-se delimitar anomalias gravimétricas do embasamento, pacotes sedimentares de espessuras distintas em subsuperfície, com espessamento para NE, como também valores diferenciados para as principais unidades sedimentares da região estudada, bem como uma compartimentação escalonada da bacia do Camaquã. Ferramentas computacionais complementam a análise gravimétrica e de perfilagem geofísica, possibilitando a integração das técnicas já relacionadas e a formatação de dois perfis esquemáticos EW e SW-NE da bacia. Estes perfis auxiliam na visualização dos limites estruturais e formato da bacia, trazendo importantes informações para o modelo geológico da Bacia do Camaquã.
Na pesquisa em erosão, nas últimas décadas, está se formando um consenso de que é importante entender os processos básicos que regem o fenômeno. Uma alternativas para tentar compreender melhor as etapas do processo erosivo é separá-lo na fase de sulco (fluxo concentrado) e de entressulco. Dentro desse enfoque foi construído no Laboratório de Processos Erosivos e Deposicionais (LaPED) do IPH/UFRGS um canal de declividade para estudar o processo de incisão e o desenvolvimento dos sulcos de erosão. A estrutura experimental projetada e construída permite que seja controlada a vazão através de um medidor eletromagnético e que seja alterada a declividade do canal através de um sistema hidráulico associado a um nível digital. O solo colocado no canal foi um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico típico, as declividades de trabalho foram 3,0; 6,0 e 9,0% e a seqüência de vazões aplicadas foi 10,0; 18,5; 25,5; 38,5 e 51,0L.min-1. A estrutura experimental montada se mostrou de fácil operação e eficiente para permitir o avanço no entendimento dos processos de desagregação e de transporte de partículas sólidas pela ação do escoamento superficial, além de possibilitar a geração de sulco(s) de erosão na superfície do solo. O escoamento passou da condição de difuso para concentrado a partir do momento em que a velocidade superficial do fluxo alcançou 0,26m.s-1, a altura de lâmina atingiu 0,0102m, a velocidade de cisalhamento superou os 0,059m.s-1, a tensão de cisalhamento chegou a 3,50Pa e que a potência do escoamento atingiu pelo menos 0,22N.s-1. O processo de incisão iniciou-se com o canal experimental colocado em baixa declividade e em regime de escoamento sub-crítico e de transição. A velocidade de cisalhamento, no momento da incisão, foi, praticamente, o dobro daquela encontrada na literatura para solos siltosos e arenosos. Entretanto, para as três declividades a fase de sulco definido ocorreu somente em regime de escoamento turbulento. A tensão de cisalhamento foi o parâmetro que melhor descreveu a evolução da perda de solo. A potência do escoamento foi o parâmetro hidráulico que mostrou maior eficiência para separar as fases evolutivas dos sulcos. O desenvolvimento do(s) sulco(s) teve o seu início em uma condição de escoamento difuso (ausência de sulcos) e com a potência do escoamento oscilando entre 0,057 e 0,198N.s-1. O avanço do(s) sulco(s) começou com uma zona de transição (fase de incisão e de aprofundamento) onde a potência do escoamento varia entre 0,220 e 0,278N.s-1 e, logo em seguida, teve início a fase de sulco definido, com a potência do escoamento entre 0,314 e 0,544N.s-1. Na fase de escoamento concentrado foi preponderante o papel do processo de erosão regressiva para aumentar tanto o tamanho como o peso das partículas sólidas em transporte pelo escoamento superficial e assim fazer com que predominasse o transporte via fundo sobre o transporte via suspensão. As cargas de sedimento geradas nos solos de diferentes classes texturais foram separadas em grupos distintos em função da potência unitária do escoamento.
Building design is an effective way to achieve HVAC energy consumption reduction. However, this potentiality is often neglected by architects due to the lack of references to support design decisions. This works intends to propose architectural design guidelines for energy efficiency and thermal performance of Campus/UFRN buildings. These guidelines are based on computer simulations results using the software DesignBuilder. The definition of simulation models has begun with envelope variables, partially done after a field study of thirteen buildings at UFRN/Campus. This field study indicated some basic envelope patterns that were applied in simulation models. Occupation variables were identified with temperature and energy consumption monitoring procedures and a verification of illumination and equipment power, both developed at the Campus/UFRN administration building. Three simulation models were proposed according to different design phases and decisions. The first model represents early design decisions, simulating the combination of different types of geometry with three levels of envelope thermal performance. The second model, still as a part of early design phase, analyses thermal changes between circulation halls lateral and central and office rooms, as well as the heat fluxes and monthly temperatures in each circulation hall. The third model analyses the influence of middle-design and detail design decisions on energy consumption and thermal performance. In this model, different solutions of roofs, shading devices, walls and external colors were simulated. The results of all simulation models suggest a high influence of thermal loads due to the incidence of solar radiation on windows and surfaces, which highlights the importance of window shading devices, office room orientation and absorptance of roof and walls surfaces
The building envelope is the principal mean of interaction between indoors and environment, with direct influence on thermal and energy performance of the building. By intervening in the envelope, with the proposal of specific architectural elements, it is possible to promote the use of passive strategies of conditioning, such as natural ventilation. The cross ventilation is recommended by the NBR 15220-3 as the bioclimatic main strategy for the hot and humid climate of Natal/RN, offering among other benefits, the thermal comfort of occupants. The analysis tools of natural ventilation, on the other hand, cover a variety of techniques, from the simplified calculation methods to computer fluid dynamics, whose limitations are discussed in several papers, but without detailing the problems encountered. In this sense, the present study aims to evaluate the potential of wind catchers, envelope elements used to increase natural ventilation in the building, through CFD simplified simulation. Moreover, it seeks to quantify the limitations encountered during the analysis. For this, the procedure adopted to evaluate the elements implementation and efficiency was the CFD simulation, abbreviation for Computer Fluid Dynamics, with the software DesignBuilder CFD. It was defined a base case, where wind catchers were added with various settings, to compare them with each other and appreciate the differences in flows and air speeds encountered. Initially there has been done sensitivity tests for familiarization with the software and observe simulation patterns, mapping the settings used and simulation time for each case simulated. The results show the limitations encountered during the simulation process, as well as an overview of the efficiency and potential of wind catchers, with the increase of ventilation with the use of catchers, differences in air flow patterns and significant increase in air speeds indoors, besides changes found due to different element geometries. It is considered that the software used can help designers during preliminary analysis in the early stages of design
This research studies the sintering of ferritic steel chips from the machining process. Were sintered metal powder obtained from machining process chips for face milling of a ferritic steel. The chip was produced by machining and characterized by SEM and EDS, and underwent a process of high energy mill powder characterized also by SEM and EDS. Were constructed three types of matrixes for uniaxial compression (relation l / d greater than 2.5). The differences in the design of the matrixes were essentially in the direction of load application, which for cylindrical case axial direction, while for the rectangular arrays, the longer side. Two samples were compressed with different geometries, a cylindrical and rectangular with the same compaction pressure of 700 MPa. The samples were sintered in a vacuum resistive furnace, heating rate 20 °C / min., isotherm 1300 °C for 60 minutes, and cooling rate of 25 °C / min to room temperature. The starting material of the rectangular sample was further annealed up to temperature of 800 ° C for 30 min. Sintered samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and EDS. The sample compressed in the cylindrical matrix did not show a regular density reflecting in the sintered microstructure revealed by the irregular geometry of the pores, characterizing that the sintering was not complete, reaching only the second phase. As for the specimen compacted in the rectangular array, the analysis performed by scanning electron microscopy, optical microscopy and EDS indicate a good densification, and homogeneous microstructure in their full extent. Additionally, the EDS analyzes indicate no significant changes in chemical composition in the process steps. Therefore, it is concluded that recycling of chips, from the processed ferritic steel is feasible by the powder metallurgy. It makes possible rationalize raw material and energy by manufacture of known properties components from chips generated by the machining process, being benefits to the environment
This Thesis presents the elaboration of a methodological propose for the development of an intelligent system, able to automatically achieve the effective porosity, in sedimentary layers, from a data bank built with information from the Ground Penetrating Radar GPR. The intelligent system was built to model the relation between the porosity (response variable) and the electromagnetic attribute from the GPR (explicative variables). Using it, the porosity was estimated using the artificial neural network (Multilayer Perceptron MLP) and the multiple linear regression. The data from the response variable and from the explicative variables were achieved in laboratory and in GPR surveys outlined in controlled sites, on site and in laboratory. The proposed intelligent system has the capacity of estimating the porosity from any available data bank, which has the same variables used in this Thesis. The architecture of the neural network used can be modified according to the existing necessity, adapting to the available data bank. The use of the multiple linear regression model allowed the identification and quantification of the influence (level of effect) from each explicative variable in the estimation of the porosity. The proposed methodology can revolutionize the use of the GPR, not only for the imaging of the sedimentary geometry and faces, but mainly for the automatically achievement of the porosity one of the most important parameters for the characterization of reservoir rocks (from petroleum or water)
This study aims to propose a computing device mechanism which is capable to permit a tactile communication between individuals with visual impairment (blindness or low vision) through the Internet or through a local area network (LAN - Local Network Address). The work was developed under the research projects that currently are realized in the LAI (Laboratory of Integrated Accessibility) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. This way, the research was done in order to involve a prototype capable to recognize geometries by students considered blind from the Institute of Education and Rehabilitation of Blind of Rio Grande do Norte (IERC-RN), located in Alecrim neighborhood, Natal/RN. Besides this research, another prototype was developed to test the communication via a local network and Internet. To analyze the data, a qualitative and quantitative approach was used through simple statistical techniques, such as percentages and averages, to support subjective interpretations. The results offer an analysis of the extent to which the implementation can contribute to the socialization and learning of the visually impaired. Finally, some recommendations are suggested for the development of future researches in order to facilitate the proposed mechanism.
The bidimensional periodic structures called frequency selective surfaces have been well investigated because of their filtering properties. Similar to the filters that work at the traditional radiofrequency band, such structures can behave as band-stop or pass-band filters, depending on the elements of the array (patch or aperture, respectively) and can be used for a variety of applications, such as: radomes, dichroic reflectors, waveguide filters, artificial magnetic conductors, microwave absorbers etc. To provide high-performance filtering properties at microwave bands, electromagnetic engineers have investigated various types of periodic structures: reconfigurable frequency selective screens, multilayered selective filters, as well as periodic arrays printed on anisotropic dielectric substrates and composed by fractal elements. In general, there is no closed form solution directly from a given desired frequency response to a corresponding device; thus, the analysis of its scattering characteristics requires the application of rigorous full-wave techniques. Besides that, due to the computational complexity of using a full-wave simulator to evaluate the frequency selective surface scattering variables, many electromagnetic engineers still use trial-and-error process until to achieve a given design criterion. As this procedure is very laborious and human dependent, optimization techniques are required to design practical periodic structures with desired filter specifications. Some authors have been employed neural networks and natural optimization algorithms, such as the genetic algorithms and the particle swarm optimization for the frequency selective surface design and optimization. This work has as objective the accomplishment of a rigorous study about the electromagnetic behavior of the periodic structures, enabling the design of efficient devices applied to microwave band. For this, artificial neural networks are used together with natural optimization techniques, allowing the accurate and efficient investigation of various types of frequency selective surfaces, in a simple and fast manner, becoming a powerful tool for the design and optimization of such structures
In general, the materials used as substrates in the project of microstrip antennas are: isotropic, anisotropic dielectrics and ferrimagnetic materials (magnetic anisotropy). The use of ferrimagnetic materials as substrates in microstrip patch antennas has been concentrated on the analysis of antennas with circular and rectangular patches. However, a new class of materials, called metamaterials, has been currently the focus of a great deal of interest. These materials exhibit bianisotropic characteristics, with permittivity and permeability tensors. The main objective of this work is to develop a theoretical and numerical analysis for the radiation characteristics of annular ring microstrip antennas, using ferrites and metamaterials as substrates. The full wave analysis is performed in the Hankel transform domain through the application of the Hertz vector potentials. Considering the definition of the Hertz potentials and imposing the boundary conditions, the dyadic Green s function components are obtained relating the surface current density components at the plane of the patch to the electric field tangential components. Then, Galerkin s method is used to obtain a system of matrix equations, whose solution gives the antenna resonant frequency. From this modeling, it is possible to obtain numerical results for the resonant frequency, radiation pattern, return loss, and antenna bandwidth as a function of the annular ring physical parameters, for different configurations and substrates. The theoretical analysis was developed for annular ring microstrip antennas on a double ferrimagnetic/isotropic dielectric substrate or metamaterial/isotropic dielectric substrate. Also, the analysis for annular ring microstrip antennas on a single ferrimagnetic or metamaterial layer and for suspended antennas can be performed as particular cases
The frequency selective surfaces, or FSS (Frequency Selective Surfaces), are structures consisting of periodic arrays of conductive elements, called patches, which are usually very thin and they are printed on dielectric layers, or by openings perforated on very thin metallic surfaces, for applications in bands of microwave and millimeter waves. These structures are often used in aircraft, missiles, satellites, radomes, antennae reflector, high gain antennas and microwave ovens, for example. The use of these structures has as main objective filter frequency bands that can be broadcast or rejection, depending on the specificity of the required application. In turn, the modern communication systems such as GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications), RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and WiMAX, whose services are highly demanded by society, have required the development of antennas having, as its main features, and low cost profile, and reduced dimensions and weight. In this context, the microstrip antenna is presented as an excellent choice for communications systems today, because (in addition to meeting the requirements mentioned intrinsically) planar structures are easy to manufacture and integration with other components in microwave circuits. Consequently, the analysis and synthesis of these devices mainly, due to the high possibility of shapes, size and frequency of its elements has been carried out by full-wave models, such as the finite element method, the method of moments and finite difference time domain. However, these methods require an accurate despite great computational effort. In this context, computational intelligence (CI) has been used successfully in the design and optimization of microwave planar structures, as an auxiliary tool and very appropriate, given the complexity of the geometry of the antennas and the FSS considered. The computational intelligence is inspired by natural phenomena such as learning, perception and decision, using techniques such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, fractal geometry and evolutionary computation. This work makes a study of application of computational intelligence using meta-heuristics such as genetic algorithms and swarm intelligence optimization of antennas and frequency selective surfaces. Genetic algorithms are computational search methods based on the theory of natural selection proposed by Darwin and genetics used to solve complex problems, eg, problems where the search space grows with the size of the problem. The particle swarm optimization characteristics including the use of intelligence collectively being applied to optimization problems in many areas of research. The main objective of this work is the use of computational intelligence, the analysis and synthesis of antennas and FSS. We considered the structures of a microstrip planar monopole, ring type, and a cross-dipole FSS. We developed algorithms and optimization results obtained for optimized geometries of antennas and FSS considered. To validate results were designed, constructed and measured several prototypes. The measured results showed excellent agreement with the simulated. Moreover, the results obtained in this study were compared to those simulated using a commercial software has been also observed an excellent agreement. Specifically, the efficiency of techniques used were CI evidenced by simulated and measured, aiming at optimizing the bandwidth of an antenna for wideband operation or UWB (Ultra Wideband), using a genetic algorithm and optimizing the bandwidth, by specifying the length of the air gap between two frequency selective surfaces, using an optimization algorithm particle swarm
In this thesis, a frequency selective surface (FSS) consists of a two-dimensional periodic structure mounted on a dielectric substrate, which is capable of selecting signals in one or more frequency bands of interest. In search of better performance, more compact dimensions, low cost manufacturing, among other characteristics, these periodic structures have been continually optimized over time. Due to its spectral characteristics, which are similar to band-stop or band-pass filters, the FSSs have been studied and used in several applications for more than four decades. The design of an FSS with a periodic structure composed by pre-fractal elements facilitates the tuning of these spatial filters and the adjustment of its electromagnetic parameters, enabling a compact design which generally has a stable frequency response and superior performance relative to its euclidean counterpart. The unique properties of geometric fractals have shown to be useful, mainly in the production of antennas and frequency selective surfaces, enabling innovative solutions and commercial applications in microwave range. In recent applications, the FSSs modify the indoor propagation environments (emerging concept called wireless building ). In this context, the use of pre-fractal elements has also shown promising results, allowing a more effective filtering of more than one frequency band with a single-layer structure. This thesis approaches the design of FSSs using pre-fractal elements based on Vicsek, Peano and teragons geometries, which act as band-stop spatial filters. The transmission properties of the periodic surfaces are analyzed to design compact and efficient devices with stable frequency responses, applicable to microwave frequency range and suitable for use in indoor communications. The results are discussed in terms of the electromagnetic effect resulting from the variation of parameters such as: fractal iteration number (or fractal level), scale factor, fractal dimension and periodicity of FSS, according the pre-fractal element applied on the surface. The analysis of the fractal dimension s influence on the resonant properties of a FSS is a new contribution in relation to researches about microwave devices that use fractal geometry. Due to its own characteristics and the geometric shape of the Peano pre-fractal elements, the reconfiguration possibility of these structures is also investigated and discussed. This thesis also approaches, the construction of efficient selective filters with new configurations of teragons pre-fractal patches, proposed to control the WLAN coverage in indoor environments by rejecting the signals in the bands of 2.4~2.5 GHz (IEEE 802.11 b) and 5.0~6.0 GHz (IEEE 802.11a). The FSSs are initially analyzed through simulations performed by commercial software s: Ansoft DesignerTM and HFSSTM. The fractal design methodology is validated by experimental characterization of the built prototypes, using alternatively, different measurement setups, with commercial horn antennas and microstrip monopoles fabricated for low cost measurements
In the globalized world modern telecommunications have assumed key role within the company, causing a large increase in demand for the wireless technology of communication, which has been happening in recent years have greatly increased the number of applications using this technology. Due to this demand, new materials are developed to enable new control mechanisms and propagation of electromagnetic waves. The research to develop new technologies for wireless communication presents a multidisciplinary study that covers from the new geometries for passive antennas, active up to the development of materials for devices that improve the performance at the frequency range of operation. Recently, planar antennas have attracted interest due to their characteristics and advantages when compared with other types of antennas. In the area of mobile communications the need for antennas of this type has become increasingly used, due to intensive development, which needs to operate in multifrequency antennas and broadband. The microstrip antennas have narrow bandwidth due to the dielectric losses generated by irradiation. Another limitation is the degradation of the radiation pattern due to the generation of surface waves in the substrate. Some techniques have been developed to minimize this limitation of bandwidth, such as the study of type materials PBG - Photonic Band Gap, to form the dielectric material. This work has as main objective the development project of a slot resonator with multiple layers and use the type PBG substrate, which carried out the optimization from the numerical analysis and then designed the device initially proposed for the band electromagnetic spectrum between 3-9 GHz, which basically includes the band S to X. Was used as the dielectric material RT/Duroid 5870 and RT/Duroid 6010.LM where both are laminated ceramic-filled PTFE dielectric constants 2.33 and 10.2, respectively. Through an experimental investigation was conducted an analysis of the simulated versus measured by observing the behavior of the radiation characteristics from the height variation of the dielectric multilayer substrates. We also used the LTT method resonators structures rectangular slot with multiple layers of material photonic PBG in order to obtain the resonance frequency and the entire theory involving the electromagnetic parameters of the structure under consideration. xviii The analysis developed in this work was performed using the method LTT - Transverse Transmission Line, in the field of Fourier transform that uses a component propagating in the y direction (transverse to the real direction of propagation z), thus treating the general equations of the fields electric and magnetic and function. The PBG theory is applied to obtain the relative permittivity of the polarizations for the sep photonic composite substrates material. The results are obtained with the commercial software Ansoft HFSS, used for accurate analysis of the electromagnetic behavior of the planar device under study through the Finite Element Method (FEM). Numerical computational results are presented in graphical form in two and three dimensions, playing in the parameters of return loss, frequency of radiation and radiation diagram, radiation efficiency and surface current for the device under study, and have as substrates, photonic materials and had been simulated in an appropriate computational tool. With respect to the planar device design study are presented in the simulated and measured results that show good agreement with measurements made. These results are mainly in the identification of resonance modes and determining the characteristics of the designed device, such as resonant frequency, return loss and radiation pattern