279 resultados para Garritzen, Elise


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Summary: Photosensitivity and its etiology in cattle in Finland


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L'article a été réalisé en collaboration avec Marie-Elise Verga, infirmière de recherche au DMCP, il a été publié dans les Archives de Pédiatrie, une revue française d'importance pour la profession en novembre 2013. L'impact factor de la revue est de 0.36. Ce travail est centré sur l'évaluation de l'impact d'une école de l'asthme chez l'enfant. L'asthme est la maladie chronique la plus fréquente chez l'enfant, sa prévalence est en augmentation dans le monde depuis plusieurs années. Son impact sur la vie des enfants atteints et de leur famille est important en termes d'absentéisme et de limitation dans les activités de la vie quotidienne. Selon différentes études, la connaissance de la maladie serait un pilier pour l'amélioration de son contrôle. Associée à des compétences personnelles et une médication optimale, elle diminuerait les absences scolaires, la survenue des crises et augmenterait la compliance au traitement. L'Ecole de l'Asthme de l'Hôpital de l'Enfance à Lausanne a été mise en place dans ce but, afin d'offrir, par une équipe pluridisciplinaire, des séances d'éducation thérapeutique tant aux enfants qu'à leur famille. Notre étude exploratoire a pour but d'évaluer l'effet de l'Ecole de l'Asthme sur la consommation en soins et la qualité de vie des enfants de 4 à 12 ans et de leurs parents. 27 enfants ont été inclus durant une année. La qualité de vie a été évaluée chez les enfants et leurs parents au moyen du Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire à l'inclusion et 6 mois plus tard. La consommation en soins a été évaluée sur une période d'un an avant et après l'Ecole de l'asthme par un questionnaire envoyé aux pédiatres. Il s'agit de la première étude de ce genre en Suisse et il y en a très peu à l'étranger. Elle démontre clairement une diminution de la consommation en soins que ce soit les rendez- vous chez le pédiatre, les consultations aux urgences et les hospitalisations. Une amélioration de la qualité de vie retrouvée tant chez les enfants que leurs parents a aussi été observée lors de notre étude. En donnant aux enfants et à leur famille des moyens de mieux gérer la maladie à domicile, l'Ecole de l'Asthme contribue à un meilleur contrôle de cette maladie. Ces premières conclusions valident l'importance d'évaluer cette prise en charge par des études prospectives randomisées. Il existe plusieurs perspectives à développer dans le prolongement de cette étude par exemple inclure des patients non francophones, sachant que les migrants représentent une part importante des consultations en urgences et que leur maladie asthmatique est souvent mal contrôlée. Il faudrait affiner les résultats en comparant nos résultats à ceux d'un groupe contrôle ou d'un groupe avec un enseignement individualisé. Un suivi sur 5 ans permettrait de voir l'impact à long terme. Le côté financier devrait être évalué afin de vérifier la diminution des coûts supposée en rapport à la diminution de la consommation en soins.


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OBJETIVO: Propor um método reprodutível, de fácil utilização e de baixo custo para a digitalização de filmes radiográficos de todos os tamanhos padrões, concentrando nossos esforços em filmes radiográficos de tórax. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: O objetivo de baixo custo ditou o uso de um escâner A4 com adaptador de transparência, bem como um software de costura de imagens otimizado, que tira proveito da geometria do escâner e área de captura constante, bem como o conhecimento das dimensões dos filmes radiográficos padrões. RESULTADOS: O resultado final do método proposto é uma imagem de alta resolução com bom contraste e sem artefatos de costura perceptíveis. CONCLUSÃO: O método de digitalização proposto usando um escâner A4 possibilita reprodutibilidade, excelente qualidade de imagem e alto grau de certeza na identificação de lesões.


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Lipopolysacharide (LPS) present on the outer leaflet of Gram-negative bacteria is important for the adaptation of the bacteria to the environment. Structurally, LPS can be divided into three parts: lipid A, core and O-polysaccharide (OPS). OPS is the outermost and also the most diverse moiety. When OPS is composed of identical sugar residues it is called homopolymeric and when it is composed of repeating units of oligosaccharides it is called heteropolymeric. Bacteria synthesize LPS at the inner membrane via two separate pathways, Lipid A-core via one and OPS via the other. These are ligated together in the periplasmic space and the completed LPS molecule is translocated to the surface of the bacteria. The genes directing the OPS biosynthesis are often clustered and the clusters directing the biosynthesis of heteropolymeric OPS often contain genes for i) the biosynthesis of required NDP-sugar precursors, ii) glycosyltransferases needed to build up the repeating unit, iii) translocation of the completed O-unit to the periplasmic side of the inner membrane (flippase) and iv) polymerization of the repeating units to complete OPS. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the biosynthesis of the outer core (OC) of Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:3 (YeO3). Y. enterocolitica is a member of the Gram-negative Yersinia genus and it causes diarrhea followed sometimes by reactive arthritis. The chemical structure of the OC and the nucleotide sequence of the gene cluster directing its biosynthesis were already known; however, no experimental evidence had been provided for the predicted functions of the gene products. The hypothesis was that the OC biosynthesis would follow the pathway described for heteropolymeric OPS, i.e. a Wzy-dependent pathway. In this work the biochemical activities of two enzymes involved in the NDP-sugar biosynthesis was established. Gne was determined to be a UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-4-epimerase catalyzing the conversion of UDP-GlcNAc to UDP-GalNAc and WbcP was shown to be a UDP-GlcNAc- 4,6-dehydratase catalyzing the reaction that converts UDP-GlcNAc to a rare UDP-2-acetamido- 2,6-dideoxy-d-xylo-hex-4-ulopyranose (UDP-Sugp). In this work, the linkage specificities and the order in which the different glycosyltransferases build up the OC onto the lipid carrier were also investigated. In addition, by using a site-directed mutagenesis approach the catalytically important amino acids of Gne and two of the characterized glycosyltranferases were identified. Also evidence to show the enzymes involved in the ligations of OC and OPS to the lipid A inner core was provided. The importance of the OC to the physiology of Y. enterocolitica O:3 was defined by determining the minimum requirements for the OC to be recognized by a bacteriophage, bacteriocin and monoclonal antibody. The biological importance of the rare keto sugar (Sugp) was also shown. As a conclusion this work provides an extensive overview of the biosynthesis of YeO3 OC as it provides a substantial amount of information of the stepwise and coordinated synthesis of the Ye O:3 OC hexasaccharide and detailed information of its properties as a receptor.


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Two Lettuce mosaic virus isolates capable of overcoming the resistance afforded by the resistance gene mo1² in lettuce, LMV-AF199 from Brazil, and LMV-E, an European isolate, were evaluated for the rapidity and severity of symptoms induced on the lettuce variety Salinas 88 (mo1²). The mosaic symptoms on Salinas 88 plants inoculated with LMV-AF199 appeared 7 days post-inoculation (dpi) and 15 dpi for LMV-E. The symptoms induced by LMV-AF199 in this cultivar were also more severe than those induced by LMV-E. In order to identify the region of the viral genome responsible for this phenotype, recombinant viruses were constructed between these isolates and the phenotype of each recombinant was analysed. The region encoding proteins P1 and HcPro from LMV-AF199 was associated with the increased virulence in Salinas 88.


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This article discusses the current requirement for scientific research to be published in the English language and the problems arising from this requirement not only for authors whose first language is not English but also for society and for the world's scientific community. The assistance which is and should be available to authors is considered as well as a future looking towards multilingual publication.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a incorporação de telas de poliéster revestido em uma de suas faces por colágeno (Parietex, Covidien) e polipropileno recoberto por ácido poliglicólico (Optilene Mesh Elastic e Safil, BBD Aesculap) no reparo de defeitos da parede ventral de coelhos avaliando a cicatrização no aspecto macroscópico, o depósito de colágeno e a imunomarcação tecidual pelos anticorpos MMP-1, MMP-8 e MMP-13. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se 16 coelhos, divididos em dois grupos de oito animais, avaliados após eutanásia após 30 e 60 dias de pós-operatório. Os animais foram submetidos à realização de dois defeitos simétricos na parede ventral do abdome, à direita e esquerda da linha alba, que compreendendo todos os folhetos musculares e o peritônio. O reparo dos defeitos foi realizado mediante implante intraperitoneal de dois modelos diferentes de telas. Utilizou-se a tela de poliéster revestido com camada protetora de colágeno (grupo controle) e a tela de polipropilene revestido com malha de ácido poliglicólico (manufaturacao própria, grupo de experimentacao). A avaliacao constou de aspectos clínicos, achados macroscópicos, análise dos colágenos tipos I/III e avaliação imunoistoquímica de metaloproteinases. RESULTADOS: Os resultados da avaliacao clínica e os parâmetros macroscópicos foram semelhantes entre os grupos. 50% dos animais do grupo Parietex tiveram ausência de aderencias intraperitoneais a no 30° dia de pós-operatrório. Em ambos os grupos observou-se reducao das aderências entre o 30° e o 60° dias de pós-operatório, contudo sem diferenca estatística. As aderências observadas foram classificadas principalmente de frouxas. Nao se observou a ocorrencia de complicacoes envolvendo vísceras intraabdominais. No Grupo Parietex houve a ocorrência de formacao de ulceracao da pele que recobria a tela em quatro animais, em comparacao com um no grupo de experimentacao. No Grupo Parietex foi observada uma insuficiencia de reparo após 60 dias. Quanto ao depósito do colágeno tipos I e III, nao houve diferenca significativa entre os grupos. Os resultados da imunoistoquímica referentes aos anticorpos MMP-1 e MMP-8 também não demonstraram diferença significativa entre as telas. CONCLUSÃO: As duas telas pesquisadas obtiveram resultados semelhantes tanto nos aspectos macro como nos microscópicos, podendo ser consideradas semelhantes quanto ao reparo de defeitos cirúrgicos da parede ventral do abdome em coelhos.