946 resultados para GROWTH, FISH
In the present study we determined the effect of chronic diet supplementation with n-3 PUFA on renal function of healthy and cachectic subjects by providing fish oil (1 g/kg body weight) to female rats throughout pregnancy and lactation and then to their offspring post-weaning and examined its effect on renal function parameters during their adulthood. The animals were divided into four groups of 5-10 rats in each group: control, control supplemented with fish oil (P), cachectic Walker 256 tumor-bearing (W), and W supplemented with fish oil (WP). Food intake was significantly lower in the W group compared to control (12.66 ± 4.24 vs 25.30 ± 1.07 g/day). Treatment with fish oil significantly reversed this reduction (22.70 ± 2.94 g/day). Tumor growth rate was markedly reduced in the P group (16.41 ± 2.09 for WP vs 24.06 ± 2.64 g for W). WP group showed a significant increase in mean glomerular filtration rate compared to P and control (1.520 ± 0.214 ml min-1 kg body weight-1; P < 0.05). Tumor-bearing groups had low urine osmolality compared to control rats. The fractional sodium excretion decreased in the W group compared to control (0.43 ± 0.16 vs 2.99 ± 0.87%; P < 0.05), and partially recovered in the WP group (0.90 ± 0.20%). In summary, the chronic supplementation with fish oil used in this study increased the amount of fat in the diet by only 0.1%, but caused remarkable changes in tumor growth rate and cachexia, also showing a renoprotective function.
Restructuring by adding Sodium Alginate or Microbial Transglutaminase (MTGase) using cold gelation technology make it possible to obtain many different raw products from minced and/or chopped fish muscle that are suitable for being used as the basis of new restructured products with different physicochemical properties and even different compositions. Special consideration must be given to their shelf-life and the changes that may take place during chilling, both in visual appearance and physicochemical properties. After chilled storage, the restructured models made with different muscular particle size and composition at low temperature (5 °C), it was observed that microbial growth limited the shelf-life to 7-14 days. Mechanical properties increased (p < 0.05) during that time, and higher values were observed in samples elaborated by joining small muscle particle size than in those elaborated by homogenization. There was no clear increase in the cooking yield and purge loss, and no significant colour change (p > 0.05) was detected during storage.
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In this study, an attempt has been made to gather enough information regarding lactic acid bacteria from fish and shellfish of tropical regions. The occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen marine fish and shellfish, farmed fish and shellfish, cured and pickled fish and shellfish have been investigated. Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) have for centuries been responsible for the fermentative preservation of many foods. They are used to retard spoilage and preserve foods through natural fermentations. They have found commercial applications as starter cultures in the dairy, baking, meat, fish, and vegetable and alcoholic beverage industries. They are industrially important organisms recognized for their fermentative ability as well as their nutritional benefits. These organisms produce various compounds such as organic acids, diacetyl, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins or bactericidal proteins during lactic fermentations.Biopreservation of foods using bacteriocin producing LAB cultures is becoming widely used. The antimicrobial effect of bacteriocins and other compounds produced during fermentation of carbohydrates are well known to inhibit the growth of certain food spoiling bacteria as well as a limited group of food poisoning and pathogenic bacteria LAB like Lactobacillus plantarum are widely used as starter cultures for the Production of fish ensilage. The present study is the first quantitative and qualitative study on the occurrence and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in fresh and frozen fish and prawn. It is concluded that Lactobacillus plantaruni was the predominant lactobacillus species in fresh and frozen fish and shellfish. The ability of selected Lactobacillus cultures to grow at low temperatures, high salt content, produce bacteriocins, rapidly ferment sugars and decrease the pH make them potential candidates for biopreservation of fish and shellfish.
This thesis entitled Fish habitats and species assemblage in the selected rivers of kerala and investigation on life history traits of puntius carnaticus (JERDON,1849). Ecology is a new and exceedingly complex field of study, even though its concept was recognized by the Apostles in their use of the phrase ‘all flesh is grass.central role to play both in order to understand better the biodiversity phenomenon and to be able to draw up clear guidelines for careful resource management. In a review by WWF, IUCN and UNEP on the ways of conserving genetic diversity of freshwater fish it was recommended that the best way to conserve species diversity is to conserve habitat.The habitat studies in freshwater ecosystems are very essential for the proper understanding and management of human impact on fish diversity, to study the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure, quantification of ecosystem degradation, habitat quality and biotic integrity of the ecosystems, development of habitat suitability index (I-ISI) models and classification of river reaches based on their physico-chemical properties. Therefore in the present study an attempt was made to assess the biodiversity potential and the relationship between habitat variables and fish species assemblage structure in six major river systems of Kerala which would be very useful in impressing upon the seriousness of habitat degradIn the present study, in Kabbini river system 15 locations encompassing between 721 946m above MSL were surveyed.ation and biotic devastation undergone in the major river systems of Kerala.During the present study the Habitat Quality Score (HQ) developed by the Ohio EPA was applied for the first time in India.The result of the present study revealed that, among various variables analysed, altitude has a very significant influence in deciding the fish diversity in six major river systems of Kerala. The fish diversity studied on the basis of Shanon-Weiner and Simpson diversity indices revealed that even though some minor variations occur with the suitability and complexity of habitats, the altitude showed inverse relationship with fish diversity.The present study revealed that the National Policy on the interlinking of rivers would permanently alter the HSI indices of the above mentioned fish species, which are now solely protected by the individuality of the rivers where their limited occurrence was notice.
A general introduction to the problems faced in the shrimp culture due to waste formation and its consequent environmental hazards and production problems of Giant tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon is highlighted by the author in this thesis. The objective of the present work was to assess the potential of brackish water finfish to improve bottom soil conditions and thereby increase the growth and production of Penaeus monodon. The salient findings of the present study are summarized in chapter 7. This is followed by the references cited in the thesis and list ofpublications originated from the present study.
Frozen storage characteristics and shelflife vary considerably among species as well as within the species (Powrie, 1973; Fennema. 1973). This can be attributed to the variation in the composition of fish among various species. In certain species like sardines and mackerel. wide seasonal variation in chemical composition occur within the species. These variations affect the quality and shelflife. The nutritional level of water. spawning, method of catching, struggling etc. are found to have profound influence on the condition of the fresh fish. Soon after death the deteriorative changes in fish start due to autolysis and bacterial growth. The rate of these changes depends mainly on temperature. The handling methods have great influence on bacterial contamination. Thus the type oi'handling. temperature control. period of chill storage. processing methods. type of freezing, condition of frozen storage and period of storage affect the quality and shelflife Of the fisho In the present study extensive investigations were carried out on various factors affecting the quality of fish as well as their effect on the physical. chemical and sensory qualities of fish during frozen storage and the shelflife
In the present study we address the issue on gut associated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from the intestine of estuarine fish Mugil cephalus using de Man Rogossa and Sharpe (MRS) agar. LAB isolates were identified biochemically and screened for their ability to inhibit in vitro growth of various fish, shrimp and human pathogens. Most of the LAB isolates displayed an improved antagonism against fish pathogens compared to shrimp and human pathogens. Selected representative strains displaying high antibacterial activity were identified using 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. Of the selected strains Lactobacillus brevis was the most predominant. Four other species of Lactobacillus, Enterobacter hormaechei and Enterobacter ludwigii were also identified. It was also observed that even among same species, considerable diversity with respect to substrate utilization persisted. Considering the euryhaline nature of grey mullet (Mugil cephalus), the LAB isolated from the gut possessed good tolerance to varying salt concentrations. This finding merits further investigation to evaluate whether the isolated LAB could be used as probiotics in various fresh and sea water aquaculture
A continuous cell line (SISK) from kidney of sea bass, Lates calcarifer, has been established and characterized. The cell line was maintained in Leibovitz' L-15 supplemented with 15% fetal bovine serum. This cell line has been subcultured more than 100 times over a period of 2 years. The SISK cell line consists of predominantly of epithelial-like cells. These cells showed strong positive for epithelial markers such as cytokeratin 19 and pancytokeratin. The cells were able to grow at temperature between 25 and 32 °C with optimum temperature of 28 °C. The growth rate of sea bass kidney cells increased as the FBS proportion increased from 2% to 20% at 28 °C with optimum growth at the concentrations of 15% or 20% FBS. The distribution of chromosome number was 30 to 56 with a modal peak at 48 chromosomes. Polymerase chain reaction products were obtained from SISK cells and tissues of sea bass with primer sets of microsatellite markers of sea bass. Five fish viruses were tested on this cell line to determine its susceptibility to these viruses and this was found to be susceptible to MABV NC1 and nodavirus, and the infection was confirmed by RT-PCR and CPE. This suggests that the SISK cell line has good potential for the isolation of various fish viruses. This cell line has been shown to be susceptible to bacterial extracellular products. The SISK cell line is the India's first marine fish cell line.
Inspite of having two hotspots of biodiversity India is way long back in the ornamental fish trade. Large number of species can only foster the needs of the industry. The study aims to (1) to find the various indigenous, exotic ornamental fish species and ornamental shrimp species being exported from India, (2) to provide an overview of the trends in the Indian ornamental fish export industry. 287 indigenous fish species, 92 exotic fish species and 44 ornamental shrimps have been found to get exported from India. The export trend of the industry for the past ten years shows a declining state which is also reflected in the annual and compound annual growth rate. Ornamental fish industry has enormous potential in tropical countries like India. To expand trade, new technologies and policies will have to be developed which will help in attaining a sustainable industry.
A lucrative export market and high domestic demand has made ornamental fish industry in West Bengal a potential source for income generation. The study aimed to identify: (i) the commercially important size groups of main ornamental fish varieties available in the state; (ii) the existing supply chain; (iii) major constraints for development of the industry; (iv) and to anlayse price spread of commercially important varieties; and (v) to evaluate the profitability of operation at different stakeholder levels in the marketing chain. Export market of ornamental fishes in the state followed a single supply channel while three different distribution channels existed in the domestic market. High electricity charges was the major problem faced by breeders (producers/rearers) whereas lack of technical knowledge regarding transportation was the major constraint for wholesalers. Lack of knowledge on proper health management inhibited the growth of retail industry. The fresh water catfish, angel, molly, arowana, gold fish, tetras, and gouramis showed comparatively higher breeders’ share in consumers’ rupee. Wholesalers were earning comparatively higher annual profit than the other stakeholders due to moderate initial investment and also due to the comparatively lower risk involved.
The spoilage characteristics of bacterial strains were studied by growing them at 28 _+ 2 °C in agar and broth media prepared with sterile fish and prawn flesh homogenates. The percentage of spoilers found among the bacterial isolates tested, as shown by odour production and halo zone formation, was independent of the source of flesh used. Indole and fluorescent pigment production were also observed in the broth. Pseudomonas, Vibrio and Acinetobacter exhibited faster growth in flesh media than in the usual artificial media. Decrease of protein and lipid concentration in the clear zone of agar media suggests the utilization of the available substrate by spoilage bacteria.
One of the major problems facing aquaculture is the inadequate supply of fish oil mostly used for fish feed manufacturing. The continued growth in aquaculture production cannot depend on this finite feed resources, therefore, it is imperative that cheap and readily available substitutes that do not compromise fish growth and fillet quality be found. To achieve this, a 12-week feeding trial with Heterobranchus longifilis fed diets differing in lipid source was conducted. Diets were supplemented with 6% lipid as fish oil, soybean oil, palm oil, coconut oil, groundnut oil and melon seed oil. Triplicate groups of 20 H. longifilis were fed the experimental diets two times a day to apparent satiation, over 84 days. Growth, digestibility, and muscle fatty acid profile were measured to assess diet effects. At the end of the study, survival, feed intake and hepatosomatic index were similar for fish fed experimental diets. However, weight gain, SGR and FCR of fish fed soybean oil-based diet was significantly reduced. Apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients were significantly lower in fish fed soybean, coconut and groundnut oil-based diets. Fillet and hepatic fatty acid compositions differed and reflected the fatty acid compositions of the diets. Docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3), 20:5n-3 and 20:4n-6 were conserved in vegetable oils-based diets fed fish possibly due to synthesis of HUFA from 18:3n-3 and 18:4n-6. Palm oil diet was the least expensive, and had the best economic conversion ratio. The use of vegetable oils in the diets had positive effect on growth and fillet composition of H. longifilis.
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és aportar les primeres dades sobre l'ecologia del silur (Silurus glanis) introduït a la Península Ibèrica i estimar els seu impacte ecològic sobre la biota nativa. Es van mostrejar les comunitats de peixos de 14 embassaments catalans. El silur es troba actualment introduït a quatre conques Ibèriques: a la de l'Ebre fa uns 30 anys, a les del Ter i Tajo fa uns pocs anys i recentment al Llobregat. Hem demostrat la utilitat de comparar estadis d'invasió recents i avançats per mirar d'entendre els canvis ecològics causats per espècies invasores: les introduccions recents presenten silurs més joves, de menor mida i amb taxes de creixement superiors a les de les poblacions introduïdes anteriorment i també respecte les poblacions natives; a més, depreden majoritàriament sobre peixos, en contra de les poblacions més antigues que s'alimenten sobretot de cranc. Finalment, aportem les primeres dades publicades de telemetria del silur.
Eighty-eight multiparous sows were used to evaluate whether type and timing of oil supplementation during gestation influences the incidence of low birth weight (LBW). Sows were allocated (eight per treatment) commercial sow pellets (3 kg/d; control diet) or an experimental diet consisting of control diet plus 10 % extra energy in the form of excess pellets, palm oil, olive oil (OO), sunflower oil (SO) or fish oil; experimental diets were fed during either the first half (G1) or second half (G2) of gestation. Growth performance and endocrine profile of LBW ( < 1·09 kg) and normal birth weight (NBW; 1·46–1·64 kg) offspring were compared. Maternal dietary supplementation altered the distribution curve for piglet birth weight. SOG1 sows had a greater proportion of LBW piglets (P < 0·05), whilst it was reduced in the OOG1 group (P < 0·05). Growth rate of LBW piglets was lower compared with their NBW siblings (P < 0·05) when dietary supplementation was offered in G2 but were similar for G1. At birth, LBW offspring of supplemented animals possessed more fat compared with the control group (P < 0·05); LBW offspring of control animals exhibited a more rapid decline in fat free mass/kg prior to weaning. Plasma metabolites and insulin concentrations were influenced by maternal diet and birth weight. In conclusion, maternal dietary supplementation altered the distribution of piglet birth weights and improved the energy status of LBW piglets. Supplementation with MUFA during G1 reduced the incidence of LBW, whereas PUFA had the reverse effect.