966 resultados para GRANULE, SECRETORY
Les muqueuses sont les membranes tapissant les cavités du corps, tel que le tube digestif, et sont en contact direct avec l'environnement extérieur. Ces surfaces subissent de nombreuses agressions pouvant être provoquées par des agents pathogènes (bactéries, toxines ou virus). Cela étant, les muqueuses sont munies de divers mécanismes de protection dont notamment deux protéines-clés permettant de neutraliser les agents pathogènes : les anticorps ou immunoglobulines sécrétoires A (SIgA) et M (SIgM). Ces anticorps sont, d'une part, fabriqués au niveau de la muqueuse sous forme d'IgA et IgM. Lorsqu'ils sont sécrétés dans l'intestin, ils se lient à une protéine appelée pièce sécrétoire et deviennent ainsi SIgA et SïgM. La présence de la pièce sécrétoire est essentielle pour que les anticorps puissent fonctionner au niveau de la muqueuse. D'autre part, ces anticorps sont également fabriqués dans d'autres parties du corps en général et se retrouvent dans le sang sous forme d'IgA et IgM Chez l'homme, des thérapies basées sur l'injection d'anticorps donnent de bons résultats depuis de nombreuses années notamment dans le traitement des infections. Bien qu'un certain nombre d'études ont montré le rôle protecteur des anticorps de type IgA et IgM, ceux-ci ne sont que rarement utilisés dans les thérapies actuelles. La principale raison de cette faible utilisation réside dans la production ou la purification des IgA/IgM ou SIgA/SIgM (la forme active au niveau des muqueuses) qui est difficile à réaliser à large échelle. Ainsi, le but de la thèse était (1) d'étudier la possibilité d'employer des IgA et des IgM provenant du sang humain pour générer des SIgA et SIgM et (2) de voir si ces anticorps reconstitués pouvaient neutraliser certains agents pathogènes au niveau des muqueuses. Tout d'abord, une analyse biochimique des IgA et des IgM issues du sang a été effectuée. Nous avons observé que ces anticorps avaient des caractéristiques similaires aux anticorps naturellement présents au niveau des muqueuses. De plus, nous avons confirmé que ces anticorps pouvaient être associés à une pièce sécrétoire produite en laboratoire pour ainsi donner des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées. Ensuite, la fonctionnalité des anticorps reconstitués a été testée grâce à un modèle de couche unique de cellules intestinales différenciées (monocouches) en laboratoire imitant la paroi de l'intestin. Ces monocouches ont été infectées par une bactérie pathogène, Shigella flexneri, responsable de la shigellose, une maladie qui provoque des diarrhées sanglantes chez l'homme. L'infection des monocouches par les bactéries seules ou combinées aux SIgA et SIgM reconstituées a été analysée. Nous avons observé que les dommages des cellules étaient moins importants lorsque les SIgA étaient présentes. Il apparaît que les SIgA neutralisent les bactéries en se fixant dessus, ce qui provoque leur agrégation, et diminuent l'inflammation des cellules. La protection s'est montrée encore plus efficace avec les SIgM. De plus, nous avons vu que les SIgA et SIgM pouvaient diminuer la sécrétion de facteurs nocifs produits par les bactéries. Utilisant le même modèle des monocouches, la fonctionnalité des IgA issues du sang humain a aussi été testée contre une toxine sécrétée par une bactérie appelée Clostridium diffìcile. Cette bactérie peut être présente naturellement dans l'intestin de personnes saines, cependant elle peut devenir pathogène dans certaines conditions et être à l'origine de diarrhées et d'inflammations de l'intestin via la sécrétion de toxines. Des préparations d'anticorps contenant une certaine proportion de SIgA reconstituées ont amené à une diminution des dommages et de l'inflammation des monocouches causés par la toxine. L'ensemble de ces résultats prometteurs, montrant que des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées peuvent protéger la paroi de l'intestin des infections bactériennes, nous conduisent à approfondir la recherche sur ces anticorps dans des modèles animaux. L'aboutissement de ce type de recherche permettrait de tester, par la suite, l'efficacité sur l'homme de traitements des infections des muqueuses par injection d'anticorps de type SIgA et SIgM reconstituées. Les muqueuses, telle que la muqueuse gastrointestinale, sont des surfaces constamment exposées à l'environnement et leur protection est garantie par une combinaison de barrières mécaniques, physicochimiques et immunologiques. Parmi les divers mécanismes de protection immunologiques, la réponse humorale spécifique joue un rôle prépondérant et est assurée par les immunoglobulines sécrétoires de type A (SIgA) et M (SIgM). Les thérapies basées sur l'administration d'IgG apportent d'importants bénéfices dans le domaine de la santé. Bien que des études sur les animaux aient montré que l'administration par voie muqueuse d'IgA polymérique (plgA) ou SIgA pouvaient protéger des infections, des IgA/SIgA n'ont été utilisées qu'occasionnellement dans les thérapies. De plus, des études précliniques et cliniques ont démontré que l'administration par voie systémique de préparations enrichies en IgM pouvait aussi protéger des infections. Cependant, l'administration par voie muqueuse d'IgM/SIgM purifiées n'a pas été examinée jusqu'à présent. La principale raison est que la purification ou là production des IgA/SIgA et IgM/SIgM est difficile à réaliser à large échelle. Le but de ce travail de thèse était d'examiner la possibilité d'associer des IgA et IgM polyclonals purifiées à partir du plasma humain avec une pièce sécrétoire recombinante humaine afin de générer des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées fonctionnelles. Tout d'abord, une analyse biochimique des IgA et IgM issues du plasma humain a été effectuée par buvardage de western et Chromatographie. Ces molécules avaient des caractéristiques biochimiques similaires à celles des immunoglobulines issues de la muqueuse. L'association entre plgA ou IgM issues du plasma humain et la pièce sécrétoire recombinante humaine a été confirmée, ainsi que la stoechiométrie 1:1 de l'association. Comme dans les conditions physiologiques, cette association permettait de retarder la dégradation des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées exposées à des protéases intestinales. Ensuite, la fonctionnalité et le mode d'action des IgA et IgM issues du plasma humain, ainsi que des SIgA et SIgM reconstituées, ont été explorés grâce à un modèle in vitro de monocouches de cellules intestinales épithéliales polarisées de type Caco-2, qui imite l'épithélium intestinal. Les monocouches ont été infectées par un pathogène entérique, Shigella flexneri, seul ou combiné aux immunoglobulines issues du plasma humain ou aux immunoglobulines sécrétoires reconstituées. Bien que les dommages des monocouches aient été retardés par les plgA et SIgA reconstituées, les IgM et SIgM reconstituées se sont montrées supérieures dans le maintien de l'intégrité des cellules. Une agrégation bactérienne et une diminution de l'inflammation des monocouches ont été observées avec les plgA et SIgA reconstituées. Ces effets étaient augmentés avec les IgM et SIgM reconstituées. De plus, il s'est révélé que les deux types d'immunoglobulines de type sécrétoire reconstituées agissaient directement sur la virulence des bactéries en réduisant leur sécrétion de facteurs de virulence. La fonctionnalité des IgA issues du plasma humain a aussi été testée contre la toxine A de Clostridium difficile grâce au même modèle de monocouches de cellules épithéliales. Nous avons démontré que des préparations enrichies en IgA provenant du plasma humain pouvaient diminuer les dommages et l'inflammation des monocouches induits par la toxine. L'ensemble de ces résultats démontrent que des IgA et IgM de type sécrétoire peuvent être générées à partir d'IgA et IgM issues du plasma humain en les associant à la pièce sécrétoire et que ces molécules protègent l'épithélium intestinal contre des bactéries pathogènes. Ces molécules pourraient dès lors être testées dans des modèles in vivo. Le but final serait de les utiliser chez l'homme à des fins d'immunisation passive dans le traitement de pathologies associées à la muqueuse telles que les infections. - Mucosal surfaces, such as gastrointestinal mucosa, are constantly exposed to the external environment and their protection is ensured by a combination of mechanical, physicochemical and immunological barriers. Among the various immunological defense mechanisms, specific humoral mucosal response plays a crucial role and is mediated by secretory immunoglobulins A (SIgA) and M (SIgM). Immunoglobulin therapy based on the administration of IgG molecules leads important health benefits. Even though animal studies have shown that mucosal application of polymeric IgA (plgA) or SIgA provided protection against infections, IgA/SIgA have been only used occasionally for therapeutic application. Moreover, preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated that systemic administration of IgM-enriched preparations could also afford protection against infections. Nevertheless, mucosal application of purified IgM/SIgM has not been examined. The main reason is that the purification or production of IgA/SIgA and IgM/SIgM at large scale is difficult to achieve. The aim of this PhD project was to examine the possibility to associate polyclonal human plasma-derived IgA and IgM with recombinant human secretory component (SC) to generate functional secretoiy-like IgA and IgM. First, biochemical analysis of human plasma IgA and IgM was performed by western blotting and chromatography. These molecules exhibited the same biochemical features as mucosa-derived antibodies (Abs). The association between human plasma plgA or IgM and recombinant human SC was confirmed, as well as the 1:1 stoichiometry of association. Similarly to physiological conditions, this association delayed the degradation of secretory-like IgA or IgM by intestinal proteases. Secondly, the function activity and the mode of action of human plasma IgA and IgM, as well as secretory-like IgA and IgM were explored using an in vitro model of polarized intestinal epithelial Caco-2 cell monolayers mimicking intestinal epithelium. Cell monolayers were infected with an enteropathogen, Shigella flexneri, alone or in combination to plasma Abs or secretory-like Abs. Even though plasma plgA and secretoiy-like IgA resulted in a delay of bacteria-induced damages of cell monolayers, plasma IgM and secretory-like IgM were shown to be superior in maintenance of cell integrity. Polymeric IgA and secretory-like IgA induced bacterial aggregation and decreased cell monolayer inflammation, effects further amplified with IgM and secretory-like IgM. In addition, both secretory-like Abs directly impacted on bacterial virulence leading to a reduction in secretion of virulence factors by bacteria. The functionality of human plasma IgA was also tested against Clostridium difficile toxin A using Caco-2 cell monolayers. Human plasma IgA- enriched preparations led to a diminution of cell monolayer damages and a decrease of cellular inflammation induced by the toxin. The sum of these results demonstrates that secretory-like IgA and IgM can be generated from purified human plasma IgA and IgM associated to SC and that these molecules are functional to protect intestinal epithelium from bacterial infections. These molecules could be now tested using in vivo models. The final goal would be to use them by passive immunization in the treatment of mucosa-associated pathologies like infections in humans.
BACKGROUND: RalA and RalB are multifuntional GTPases involved in a variety of cellular processes including proliferation, oncogenic transformation and membrane trafficking. Here we investigated the mechanisms leading to activation of Ral proteins in pancreatic beta-cells and analyzed the impact on different steps of the insulin-secretory process. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We found that RalA is the predominant isoform expressed in pancreatic islets and insulin-secreting cell lines. Silencing of this GTPase in INS-1E cells by RNA interference led to a decrease in secretagogue-induced insulin release. Real-time measurements by fluorescence resonance energy transfer revealed that RalA activation in response to secretagogues occurs within 3-5 min and reaches a plateau after 10-15 min. The activation of the GTPase is triggered by increases in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP and is prevented by the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel blocker Nifedipine and by the protein kinase A inhibitor H89. Defective insulin release in cells lacking RalA is associated with a decrease in the secretory granules docked at the plasma membrane detected by Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence microscopy and with a strong impairment in Phospholipase D1 activation in response to secretagogues. RalA was found to be activated by RalGDS and to be severely hampered upon silencing of this GDP/GTP exchange factor. Accordingly, INS-1E cells lacking RalGDS displayed a reduction in hormone secretion induced by secretagogues and in the number of insulin-containing granules docked at the plasma membrane. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our data indicate that RalA activation elicited by the exchange factor RalGDS in response to a rise in intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP controls hormone release from pancreatic beta-cell by coordinating the execution of different events in the secretory pathway.
Oral administration of rabbit secretory IgA (sIgA) to adult BALB/c mice induced IgA+, IgM+, and IgG+ lymphoblasts in the Peyer's patches, whose fusion with myeloma cells resulted in hybridomas producing IgA, IgM, and IgG1 antibodies to the secretory component (SC). This suggests that SC could serve as a vector to target protective epitopes into mucosal lymphoid tissue and elicit an immune response. We tested this concept by inserting a Shigella flexneri invasin B epitope into SC, which, following reassociation with IgA, was delivered orally to mice. To identify potential insertion sites at the surface of SC, we constructed a molecular model of the first and second Ig-like domains of rabbit SC. A surface epitope recognized by an SC-specific antibody was mapped to the loop connecting the E and F beta strands of domain I. This 8-amino acid sequence was replaced by a 9-amino acid linear epitope from S. flexneri invasin B. We found that cellular trafficking of recombinant SC produced in mammalian CV-1 cells was drastically altered and resulted in a 50-fold lower rate of secretion. However, purification of chimeric SC could be achieved by Ni2+-chelate affinity chromatoraphy. Both wild-type and chimeric SC bound to dimeric IgA, but not to monomeric IgA. Reconstituted sIgA carrying the invasin B epitope within the SC moiety triggers the appearance of seric and salivary invasin B-specific antibodies. Thus, neo-antigenized sIgA can serve as a mucosal vaccine delivery system inducing systemic and mucosal immune responses.
Secretory IgA (SIgA) plays an important role in the protection and homeostatic regulation of intestinal, respiratory, and urogenital mucosal epithelia separating the outside environment from the inside of the body. This primary function of SIgA is referred to as immune exclusion, a process that limits the access of numerous microorganisms and mucosal antigens to these thin and vulnerable mucosal barriers. SIgA has been shown to be involved in avoiding opportunistic pathogens to enter and disseminate in the systemic compartment, as well as tightly controlling the necessary symbiotic relationship existing between commensals and the host. Clearance by peristalsis appears thus as one of the numerous mechanisms whereby SIgA fulfills its function at mucosal surfaces. Sampling of antigen-SIgA complexes by microfold (M) cells, intimate contact occurring with Peyer's patch dendritic cells (DC), down-regulation of inflammatory processes, modulation of epithelial, and DC responsiveness are some of the recently identified processes to which the contribution of SIgA has been underscored. This review aims at presenting, with emphasis at the biochemical level, how the molecular complexity of SIgA can serve these multiple and non-redundant modes of action.
The role of PIP(2) in pancreatic beta cell function was examined here using the beta cell line MIN6B1. Blocking PIP(2) with PH-PLC-GFP or PIP5KIgamma RNAi did not impact on glucose-stimulated secretion although susceptibility to apoptosis was increased. Over-expression of PIP5KIgamma improved cell survival and inhibited secretion with accumulation of endocytic vacuoles containing F-actin, PIP(2), transferrin receptor, caveolin 1, Arf6 and the insulin granule membrane protein phogrin but not insulin. Expression of constitutively active Arf6 Q67L also resulted in vacuole formation and inhibition of secretion, which was reversed by PH-PLC-GFP co-expression. PIP(2) co-localized with gelsolin and F-actin, and gelsolin co-expression partially reversed the secretory defect of PIP5KIgamma-over-expressing cells. RhoA/ROCK inhibition increased actin depolymerization and secretion, which was prevented by over-expressing PIP5KIgamma, while blocking PIP(2) reduced constitutively active RhoA V14-induced F-actin polymerization. In conclusion, although PIP(2) plays a pro-survival role in MIN6B1 cells, excessive PIP(2) production because of PIP5KIgamma over-expression inhibits secretion because of both a defective Arf6/PIP5KIgamma-dependent endocytic recycling of secretory membrane and secretory membrane components such as phogrin and the RhoA/ROCK/PIP5KIgamma-dependent perturbation of F-actin cytoskeleton remodelling.
Secretory component (SC) represents the soluble ectodomain of the polymeric Ig receptor, a membrane protein that transports mucosal Abs across epithelial cells. In the protease-rich environment of the intestine, SC is thought to stabilize the associated IgA by unestablished molecular mechanisms. To address this question, we reconstituted SC-IgA complexes in vitro by incubating dimeric IgA (IgAd) with either recombinant human SC (rSC) or SC isolated from human colostral milk (SCm). Both complexes exhibited an identical degree of covalency when exposed to redox agents, peptidyl disulfide isomerase, and temperature changes. In cross-competition experiments, 50% inhibition of binding to IgAd was achieved at approximately 10 nM SC competitor. Western blot analysis of IgAd digested with intestinal washes indicated that the alpha-chain in IgAd was primarily split into a 40-kDa species, a phenomenon delayed in rSC- or SCm-IgAd complexes. In the same assay, either of the SCs was resistant to degradation only if complexed with IgAd. In contrast, the kappa light chain was not digested at all, suggesting that the F(ab')2 region was left intact. Accordingly, IgAd and SC-IgAd digestion products retained functionality as indicated by Ag reactivity in ELISA. Size exclusion chromatography under native conditions of digested IgAd and rSC-IgAd demonstrates that SC exerts its protective role in secretory IgA by delaying cleavage in the hinge/Fc region of the alpha-chain, not by holding together degraded fragments. The function of integral secretory IgA and F(ab')2 is discussed in terms of mucosal immune defenses.
Immunity and hormonal responses in the reproductive tissues of postmenopausal women are poorly understood. Secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), a multifunctional antimicrobial protein expressed at mucosal surfaces, is thought to play a key role in infectious and inflammatory contexts. The aim of this study was to measure SLPI production along the female reproductive tract in postmenopausal women with and without hormonal treatment. We additionally quantified estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and progesterone receptor A (PRA) in these tissues. Expression of SLPI was decreased in the vagina and ectocervix of women under hormonal treatment. Endocervical ERα mRNA expression was increased while this did not reach significance at the protein level. SLPI expression in the endometrium was not influenced by hormonal treatment. We observed attenuated ERα expression in the cervix and endometrium of hormonally treated women, whereas vaginal expression was increased. PRA expression was augmented in the cervix and endometrium and unchanged in the vagina. Taken together, our results indicate that hormonal responses and receptor expression are differentially regulated in vaginal tissue compared with the cervix and endometrium.
Secretory immunoglobulin (Ig) A (SIgA) is essential in protecting mucosal surfaces. It is composed of at least two monomeric IgA molecules, covalently linked through the J chain, and secretory component (SC). We show here that a dimeric/polymeric IgA (IgA(d/p)) is more efficient when bound to SC in protecting mice against bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. We demonstrate that SC ensures, through its carbohydrate residues, the appropriate tissue localization of SIgA by anchoring the antibody to mucus lining the epithelial surface. This in turn impacts the localization and the subsequent clearance of bacteria. Thus, SC is directly involved in the SIgA function in vivo. Therefore, binding of IgA(d/p) to SC during the course of SIgA-mediated mucosal response constitutes a crucial step in achieving efficient protection of the epithelial barrier by immune exclusion.
The hybridoma cell line ZAC3 expresses Vibrio cholerae lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific mouse IgA molecules as a heterogeneous population of monomeric (IgAm), dimeric (IgAd), and polymeric (IgAp) forms. We describe a gentle method combining ultrafiltration, ion-exchange chromatography, and size exclusion chromatography for the simultaneous and qualitative separation of the three molecular forms. Milligram quantities of purified IgA molecules were recovered allowing for direct comparison of the biological properties of the three forms. LPS binding specificity was tested after purification; IgAd and IgAp were found to bind strongly to LPS whereas IgAm did not. Secretory IgA (sIgA) could be reconstituted in vitro by combining recombinant secretory component (rSC) and purified IgAd or IgAp, but not IgAm. Surface plasmon resonance-based binding experiments using LPS monolayers indicated that purified reconstituted sIgA and IgA molecules recognize LPS with identical affinity (KA 1.0 x 10(8)M-1). Thus, this very sensitive assay provides the first evidence that the function of SC in sIgA complex is not to modify the affinity for the antigen. KA falls to 6.6 x 10(5) M-1 when measured by calorimetry using detergent-solubilized LPS and IgA, suggesting that the LPS environment is critical for recognition by the antibody.
Recombinant secretory immunoglobulin A containing a bacterial epitope in domain I of the secretory component (SC) moiety can serve as a mucosal delivery vehicle triggering both mucosal and systemic responses (Corthésy, B., Kaufmann, M., Phalipon, A., Peitsch, M., Neutra, M. R., and Kraehenbuhl, J.-P. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 33670-33677). To load recombinant secretory IgA with multiple B and T epitopes and extend its biological functions, we selected, based on molecular modeling, five surface-exposed sites in domains II and III of murine SC. Loops predicted to be exposed at the surface of SC domains were replaced with the DYKDDDDK octapeptide (FLAG). Another two mutants were obtained with the FLAG inserted in between domains II and III or at the carboxyl terminus of SC. As shown by mass spectrometry, internal substitution of the FLAG into four of the mutants induced the formation of disulfide-linked homodimers. Three of the dimers and two of the monomers from SC mutants could be affinity-purified using an antibody to the FLAG, mapping them as candidates for insertion. FLAG-induced dimerization also occurred with the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) and might reflect the so-far nondemonstrated capacity of the receptor to oligomerize. By co-expressing in COS-7 cells and epithelial Caco-2 cells two pIgR constructs tagged at the carboxyl terminus with hexahistidine or FLAG, we provide the strongest evidence reported to date that the pIgR dimerizes noncovalently in the plasma membrane in the absence of polymeric IgA ligand. The implication of this finding is discussed in terms of IgA transport and specific antibody response at mucosal surfaces.
Caprine and ovine IgA were identified by cross-reaction with anti-human and anti-bovine IgA sera in colostrum, mature milk, saliva, urine and serum. Secretory component (SC) was shown in the free form and associated with polymeric serum IgA in secretions. Mean molecular weights were determined for the IgA and the free secretory components. The high IgA content of saliva suggested that it was a major secretory immunoglobulin in these species. Traces of secretory IgA were also found in normal sera but most of the serum IgA had no secretory determinant. Secretory IgA, serum IgA and free secretory component were purified. Levels of the sheep and goat immunoglobulins were measured in various fluids.
Plants constantly adjust their repertoire of plasma membrane proteins that mediates transduction of environmental and developmental signals as well as transport of ions, nutrients, and hormones. The importance of regulated secretory and endocytic trafficking is becoming increasingly clear; however, our knowledge of the compartments and molecular machinery involved is still fragmentary. We used immunogold electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy to trace the route of cargo molecules, including the BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 receptor and the REQUIRES HIGH BORON1 boron exporter, throughout the plant endomembrane system. Our results provide evidence that both endocytic and secretory cargo pass through the trans-Golgi network/early endosome (TGN/EE) and demonstrate that cargo in late endosomes/multivesicular bodies is destined for vacuolar degradation. Moreover, using spinning disc microscopy, we show that TGN/EEs move independently and are only transiently associated with an individual Golgi stack.