260 resultados para GERMLINE


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O cancro da mama e o cancro colorretal constituem duas das principais causas de morte a nível mundial. Entre 5 a 10% destes casos estão associados a variantes germinais/hereditárias em genes de suscetibilidade para cancro. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em validar a utilização da sequenciação de nova geração (NGS) para identificar variantes previamente detetadas pelo método de Sanger em diversos genes de suscetibilidade para cancro da mama e colorretal. Foram sequenciadas por NGS 64 amostras de DNA de utentes com suspeita clínica de predisposição hereditária para cancro da mama ou colorretal, utilizando o painel de sequenciação TruSight Cancer e a plataforma MiSeq (Illumina). Estas amostras tinham sido previamente sequenciadas pelo método de Sanger para os genes BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, APC, MUTYH, MLH1, MSH2 e STK11. A análise bioinformática dos resultados foi realizada com os softwares MiSeq Reporter, VariantStudio, Isaac Enrichment (Illumina) e Integrative Genomics Viewer (Broad Institute). A NGS demonstrou elevada sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas para a deteção de variantes de sequência em 8 genes de suscetibilidade para cancro colorretal e da mama, uma vez que permitiu identificar a totalidade das 412 variantes (93 únicas, incluindo 27 variantes patogénicas) previamente detetadas pelo método de Sanger. A utilização de painéis de sequenciação de genes de predisposição para cancro por NGS vem possibilitar um diagnóstico molecular mais abrangente, rápido e custo-eficiente, relativamente às metodologias convencionais.


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The distinction between primary melanoma and melanoma metastatic to the skin has major prognostic implications. We report a case of a 67-year-old male with a diagnosis of a superficial spreading melanoma (stage IB) rendered 6 years earlier who presented clinically with an atypical nevus on his left thigh. Histopathological examination showed an intraepidermal melanocytic proliferation that was interpreted as melanoma in situ. Subsequently, 45 additional pigmented macules appeared in crops over a 9-month period. Clinically and dermoscopically, these lesions were extremely polymorphic. Histopathological findings were compatible with melanoma in situ, as each lesion consisted of a wholly intraepidermal proliferation of markedly atypical melanocytes arranged singly and in nests. A complete gastrointestinal study showed multiple pigmented metastatic lesions throughout the stomach and small bowel, which supported a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma with gastrointestinal and epidermotropic skin involvement. Monosomy of chromosome 9 and a BRAF V600E mutation were detected in the primary tumor sample and in macro-dissected secondary lesions. No CDKN2A or CDK4 germline mutations were found. Intraepidermal epidermotropic metastases of melanoma have been rarely described in literature. In this case, histopathology alone was insufficient to distinguish metastatic melanoma from multiple in situ melanomas. The recognition of epidermotropic metastases should be based on the correlation between clinical, dermoscopic, histopathological and molecular findings.


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OBJECTIVE: Mutations of the PROP1 gene lead to combined pituitary hormone deficiency (CPHD), which is characterized by a deficiency of GH, TSH, LH/FSH, PRL and, less frequently, ACTH. This study was undertaken to investigate the molecular defect in a cohort of patients with CPHD. DESIGN, PATIENTS AND MEASUREMENTS: A multicentric study involving 46 cases of CPHD (17 familial cases belonging to seven kindreds and 29 sporadic cases) selected on the basis of clinical and hormonal evidence of GH deficiency, central hypothyroidism and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, in the absence of an identified cause of hypopituitarism. Mutations of PROP1 were investigated by DNA sequencing. Clinical, hormonal and neuroradiological data were collected at each centre. RESULTS: PROP1 mutations were identified in all familial cases: five kindreds presented a c. 301-302delAG mutation, one kindred presented a c. 358C --> T (R120C) mutation and one presented a previously unreported initiation codon mutation, c. 2T --> C. Of the 29 sporadic cases, only two (6.9%) presented PROP1 germline mutations (c. 301-302delAG, in both). Phenotypic variability was observed among patients with the same mutations, particularly the presence and age of onset of hypocortisolism, the levels of PRL and the results of pituitary imaging. One patient presented a sellar mass that persisted into adulthood. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report of a mutation in the initiation codon of the PROP1 gene and this further expands the spectrum of known mutations responsible for CPHD. The low mutation frequency observed in sporadic cases may be due to the involvement of other unidentified acquired or genetic causes.


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Rare germline mutations in TP53 (17p13.1) cause a highly penetrant predisposition to a specific spectrum of early cancers, defining the Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS). A germline mutation at codon 337 (p.Arg337His, c1010G>A) is found in about 0.3% of the population of Southern Brazil. This mutation is associated with partially penetrant LFS traits and is found in the germline of patients with early cancers of the LFS spectrum unselected for familial his- tory. To characterize the extended haplotypes carrying the mutation, we have genotyped 9 short tandem repeats on chromosome 17p in 12 trios of Brazilian p.Arg337His carriers. Results confirm that all share a common ancestor haplotype of Caucasian/Portuguese-Ibe- ric origin, distant in about 72–84 generations (2000 years assuming a 25 years intergenera- tional distance) and thus pre-dating European migration to Brazil. So far, the founder p. Arg337His haplotype has not been detected outside Brazil, with the exception of two resi- dents of Portugal, one of them of Brazilian origin. On the other hand, increased meiotic recombination in p.Arg337His carriers may account for higher than expected haplotype diversity. Further studies comparing haplotypes in populations of Brazil and of other areas of Portuguese migration are needed to understand the historical context of this mutation in Brazil.


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The present study investigated promoter hypermethylation of TP53 regulatory pathways providing a potential link between epigenetic changes and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) alterations in breast cancer patients lacking a TP53 mutation. The possibility of using the cancer-specific alterations in serum samples as a blood-based test was also explored. Triple-matched samples (cancerous tissues, matched adjacent normal tissues and serum samples) from breast cancer patients were screened for TP53 mutations, and the promoter methylation profile of P14(ARF), MDM2, TP53 and PTEN genes was analyzed as well as mtDNA alterations, including D-loop mutations and mtDNA content. In the studied cohort, no mutation was found in TP53 (DNA-binding domain). Comparison of P14(ARF) and PTEN methylation patterns showed significant hypermethylation levels in tumor tissues (P < 0.05 and <0.01, respectively) whereas the TP53 tumor suppressor gene was not hypermethylated (P < 0.511). The proportion of PTEN methylation was significantly higher in serum than in the normal tissues and it has a significant correlation to tumor tissues (P < 0.05). mtDNA analysis revealed 36.36% somatic and 90.91% germline mutations in the D-loop region and also significant mtDNA depletion in tumor tissues (P < 0.01). In addition, the mtDNA content in matched serum was significantly lower than in the normal tissues (P < 0.05). These data can provide an insight into the management of a therapeutic approach based on the reversal of epigenetic silencing of the crucial genes involved in regulatory pathways of the tumor suppressor TP53. Additionally, release of significant aberrant methylated PTEN in matched serum samples might represent a promising biomarker for breast cancer.


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Differences between genomes can be due to single nucleotide variants, translocations, inversions, and copy number variants (CNVs, gain or loss of DNA). The latter can range from sub-microscopic events to complete chromosomal aneuploidies. Small CNVs are often benign but those larger than 500 kb are strongly associated with morbid consequences such as developmental disorders and cancer. Detecting CNVs within and between populations is essential to better understand the plasticity of our genome and to elucidate its possible contribution to disease. Hence there is a need for better-tailored and more robust tools for the detection and genome-wide analyses of CNVs. While a link between a given CNV and a disease may have often been established, the relative CNV contribution to disease progression and impact on drug response is not necessarily understood. In this review we discuss the progress, challenges, and limitations that occur at different stages of CNV analysis from the detection (using DNA microarrays and next-generation sequencing) and identification of recurrent CNVs to the association with phenotypes. We emphasize the importance of germline CNVs and propose strategies to aid clinicians to better interpret structural variations and assess their clinical implications.


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Purpose/Objective: Histone deacetylases (HDACs) deacetylate histones and transcriptional regulators thereby affecting numerous biological functions. Seven mammalian sirtuins (SIRT1-7) constitute the NAD-dependent class III subfamily of HDACs. Sirtuins are the center of great interest due to their regulatory role in the control of metabolism, ageing and age-related diseases. Up to now, little is known about the influence of sirtuins on immune responses, and nothing about the role of SIRT2. The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of SIRT2 knockout on immune cell development and innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Materials and methods: SIRT2 germline knockout were produced on a C57BL/6J background. The cellularity of thymus and spleen was assessed by flow cytometry (n = 3). Bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDMs) and dendritic cells (BMDCs) and splenocytes were stimulated with LPS, Pam3CSK4 lipopeptide, CpG ODN, E. coli, S. aureus, TSST-1, SEB, anti-CD3+ CD28 and concanavalin A (n = 3_8). TNF, IL-2, IL-6, IL-12p40 and IFNc production, SIRT1_7 and CD40 expression, and proliferation were quantified by real time-PCR, ELISA, flow cytometry and H3-thymidine incorporation. Mice (n = 6_16) were challenged with LPS, TNF/D-galactosamine, E. coli and K. pneumonia titrated to cause either mild or severe infections or shock. Blood was collected to quantify cytokines and bacteria. Mortality was checked regularly. Results: SIRT2 is the most expressed sirtuin in macrophages and myeloid DCs. To test whether SIRT2 impacts on innate immune responses, we generated SIRT2 germline knockout mice. SIRT2-/- mice born at the expected Mendelian ratio and develop normally. The proportions and absolute numbers of DN1-4, DP and SP thymocytes, and of T-cells (DN and SP, naı¨ve and memory), B-cells (immature and mature), DCs (cDCs and pDCs) and granulocytes in the spleen are similar in SIRT2+/+ and SIRT2-/- mice. SIRT2+/+ and SIRT2-/- BMDMs, BMDCs and splenocytes produce cytokines (RNA and protein), upregulate CD40, and proliferate to the same extent. SIRT2+/+ and SIRT2-/- mice respond similarly (cytokine blood levels, bacterial counts and mortality) to non-severe and lethal endotoxemia, E. coli peritonitis, K. pneumonia pneumonia and TNF-induced shock. Conclusions: SIRT2 knockout has no dramatic impact on the development of immune cells and on innate immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Considering that SIRT2 may participate to control metabolic homeostasis, we are currently assessing the impact of SIRT2 deficiency on innate immune responses under metabolic stress.


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CONTEXT: Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), a rare cause of corticotropin-independent Cushing syndrome, can be part of Carney complex (CNC), an autosomal dominant multiple neoplasia syndrome characterized by spotty skin pigmentation, cardiac myxomas, and endocrine tumors or be isolated (i). Germline PRKAR1A-inactivating mutations have been observed in both CNC and iPPNAD, but with no apparent genotype-phenotype correlation. OBJECTIVE:The objectives of the study were a detailed phenotyping for CNC manifestations in 12 kindreds bearing the same PRKAR1A mutation and a study of the consequences of the mutation and a potential founder effect. DESIGN: The study consisted of descriptive case reports. SETTING: The study was conducted at two referral centers. PATIENTS: The patients described in this study were referred for PRKAR1A gene mutation analysis because of a diagnosis of apparently iPPNAD. RESULTS: We describe a 6-bp polypyrimidine tract deletion [exon 7 IVS del (-7-->-2)] in 12 unrelated kindreds that were referred for Cushing syndrome due to PPNAD. Nine of the patients had no family history; in two, there was a family history of iPPNAD. Only one patient met the criteria for CNC. Relatives carrying the same mutation had no manifestations of CNC or PPNAD, suggesting a low penetrance of this PRKAR1A defect. A founder effect was excluded by extensive genotyping of chromosome 17 markers. CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, a small intronic deletion of the PRKAR1A gene is a low-penetrance cause of mainly iPPNAD; it is the first PRKAR1A genetic defect to have an association with a specific phenotype.


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Reduced reproduction is associated with increased fat storage and prolonged life span in multiple organisms, but the underlying regulatory mechanisms remain poorly understood. Recent studies in several species provide evidence that reproduction, fat metabolism, and longevity are directly coupled. For instance, germline removal in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans promotes longevity in part by modulating lipid metabolism through effects on fatty acid desaturation, lipolysis, and autophagy. Here, we review these recent studies and discuss the mechanisms by which reproduction modulates fat metabolism and life span. Elucidating the relationship between these processes could contribute to our understanding of age-related diseases including metabolic disorders.


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The evolution of senescence (the physiological decline of organisms with age) poses an apparent paradox because it represents a failure of natural selection to increase the survival and reproductive performance of organisms. The paradox can be resolved if natural selection becomes less effective with age, because the death of postreproductive individuals should have diminished effects on Darwinian fitness [1, 2]. A substantial body of empirical work is consistent with this prediction for animals, which transmit their genes to progeny via an immortal germline. However, such evidence is still lacking in plants, which lack a germline and whose reproduction is diffuse and modular across the soma. Here, we provide experimental evidence for a genetic basis of senescence in the short-lived perennial plant Silene latifolia. Our pedigree-based analysis revealed a marked increase with age in the additive genetic variance of traits closely associated with fitness. This result thus extends to plants the quantitative genetic support for the evolutionary theory of senescence.


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The origin of new genes through gene duplication is fundamental to the evolution of lineage- or species-specific phenotypic traits. In this report, we estimate the number of functional retrogenes on the lineage leading to humans generated by the high rate of retroposition (retroduplication) in primates. Extensive comparative sequencing and expression studies coupled with evolutionary analyses and simulations suggest that a significant proportion of recent retrocopies represent bona fide human genes. We estimate that at least one new retrogene per million years emerged on the human lineage during the past approximately 63 million years of primate evolution. Detailed analysis of a subset of the data shows that the majority of retrogenes are specifically expressed in testis, whereas their parental genes show broad expression patterns. Consistently, most retrogenes evolved functional roles in spermatogenesis. Proteins encoded by X chromosome-derived retrogenes were strongly preserved by purifying selection following the duplication event, supporting the view that they may act as functional autosomal substitutes during X-inactivation of late spermatogenesis genes. Also, some retrogenes acquired a new or more adapted function driven by positive selection. We conclude that retroduplication significantly contributed to the formation of recent human genes and that most new retrogenes were progressively recruited during primate evolution by natural and/or sexual selection to enhance male germline function.


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About 2% of all paragangliomas are located in the chest, and a few have been described to be found in the heart. Primary cardiac paragangliomas are extremely uncommon tumors and surgical experience with this neoplasm is limited. Treatment strategies described in the literature have included simple excision, excision with reconstruction, autotransplantation after excision of the tumor and even orthotopic cardiac transplantation, depending on the extent of disease. A primary retrocardiac paraganglioma catecholamine-productive was identified in an asymptomatic 49-year old female associated to familial pheochromocytoma-paraganglioma syndrome caused by germline mutation of the gen which codifies for the subunit B of succinate dehydrogenase enzyme (SDHB). The neoplasm was surgically excised from the posterior surface of the left atrium via median sternotomy using cardiopulmonary bypass. Direct ligation of feeding vessels of the tumor along with left atrial reinforcement using a pericardial patch was performed. The post-operative course was uneventful, with normalization of catecholamine secretion and no recurrence at three-month follow-up. We review the current literature about this exceptional cardiac tumor, pathophysiological conditions and options for surgical management.


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Two candidate genes for controlling thymocyte differentiation, T-cell factor-1 (Tcf-1) and lymphoid enhancer-binding factor (Lef-1), encode closely related DNA-binding HMG-box proteins. Their expression pattern is complex and largely overlapping during embryogenesis, yet restricted to lymphocytes postnatally. Here we generate two independent germline mutations in Tcf-1 and find that thymocyte development in (otherwise normal) mutant mice is blocked at the transition from the CD8+, immature single-positive to the CD4+/CD8+ double-positive stage. In contrast to wild-type mice, most of the immature single-positive cells in the mutants are not in the cell cycle and the number of immunocompetent T cells in peripheral lymphoid organs is reduced. We conclude that Tcf-1 controls an essential step in thymocyte differentiation.


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Le rétinoblastome (Rb) est une tumeur provenant des cellules rétiniennes progénitrices des photorécepteurs. C'est la tumeur pédiatrique maligne la plus fréquente avec une incidence par naissance évaluée entre 1/15Ό00 et 1/20Ό00. Les enfants atteints de Rb sont diagnostiqué dans leur grande majorité avant l'âge de 4 ans, soit le temps nécessaire à la différentiation et à la maturation des photorécepteurs et donc à la disparition de la cellule d'origine du Rb. La survie du patient, la sauvegarde oculaire et le pronostic visuel restent excellents pour autant que le traitement ne soit pas différé. Dans sa variante non héréditaire (60%) le Rb est toujours unilatéral et sporadique. Le Rb héréditaire de transmission dominante autosomique (40%), se décline sous toutes les formes, familiale (10%) ou sporadique (30%), que l'atteinte soit unilatérale ou bilatérale. La majorité des mutations causales sont uniques et distribuées de façon aléatoire sur la totalité du gène RB1 sans région prédisposante. La détection de ces mutations est couteuse et chronophage, tout en présentant un taux de détection relativement bas; surtout dans les cas de Rb sporadiques unilatéraux. Dans le but d'identifier les patients présentant un risque réel de développer un Rb, et de réduire le nombre d'examens sous narcose requis pour le dépistage de la maladie chez les sujets à risque, nous avons développé une stratégie sensible, rapide, efficace et peu couteuse basée sur une analyse de l'haplotype intragénique. Cet algorithme prend en compte a) la perte d'hétérozygotie intratumorale du gène RB1, b) l'origine paternelle préférentielle des nouvelles mutations germinales et c) un risque a priori dérivé des données empiriques de Vogel. Pendant la période allant de janvier 1994 à décembre 2006, nous avons comparé l'apparition de nouveau Rb parmi la fratrie et la descendance de patient atteints au nombre de nouveaux cas attendus calculé par notre algorithme. 134 familles ont été étudiées. L'analyse moléculaire a été effectuée chez 570 personnes dont 99 patients âgés de moins de 4 ans et donc à risque de développer un Rb. Parmi cette cohorte, nous avons observé l'apparition d'un cas de Rb, alors que les risques cumulés a posteriori calculé par notre algorithme prédisait l'apparition de 1.77 nouveau cas. Dans cette étude, nous avons pu valider notre algorithme prédisant la récurrence de Rb chez les parents de 1er degré de patients atteints. Cet outil devrait grandement faciliter le conseil génétique ainsi que le suivi des patients à risque de développer un Rb, surtout dans les cas ou le séquençage direct du gène RB1 n'est pas disponible ou est resté non informatif. - Purpose: Most RBI mutations are unique and distributed throughout the RBI gene. Their detection can be time-consuming and the yield especially low in cases of conservatively-treated sporadic unilateral retinoblas-toma (Rb) patients. In order to identify patients with true risk of developing Rb, and to reduce the number of unnecessary examinations under anesthesia in all other cases, we developed a universal sensitive, efficient and cost-effective strategy based on intragenic haplotype analysis. Methods: This algorithm allows the calculation of the a posteriori risk of developing Rb and takes into account (a) RBI loss of heterozygosity in tumors, (b) preferential paternal origin of new germline mutations, (c) a priori risk derived from empirical data by Vogel, and (d) disease penetrance of 90% in most cases. We report the occurrence of Rb in first degree relatives of patients with sporadic Rb who visited the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, from January 1994 to December 2006 compared to expected new cases of Rb using our algorithm. Results: A total of 134 families with sporadic Rb were enrolled; testing was performed in 570 individuals and 99 patients younger than 4 years old were identified. We observed one new case of Rb. Using our algorithm, the cumulated total a posteriori risk of recurrence was 1.77. Conclusions: This is the first time that linkage analysis has been validated to monitor the risk of recurrence in sporadic Rb. This should be a useful tool in genetic counseling, especially when direct RBI screening for mutations leaves a negative result or is unavailable.


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The clinical success of adoptive immunotherapy of cancer relies on the selection of target antigens that are highly expressed in tumor cells but absent in essential normal tissues. A group of genes that encode the cancer/testis or cancer germline antigens have been proposed as ideal targets for immunotherapy due to their high expression in multiple cancer types and their restricted expression in immunoprivileged normal tissues. In the present work we report the isolation and characterization of human T cell receptors (TCRs) with specificity for synovial sarcoma X breakpoint 2 (SSX2), a cancer/testis antigen expressed in melanoma, prostate cancer, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and pancreatic cancer, among other tumors. We isolated seven HLA-A2 restricted T cell receptors from natural T cell clones derived from tumor-infiltrated lymph nodes of two SSX2-seropositive melanoma patients, and selected four TCRs for cloning into retroviral vectors. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) transduced with three of four SSX2 TCRs showed SSX241-49 (KASEKIFYV) peptide specific reactivity, tumor cell recognition and tetramer binding. One of these, TCR-5, exhibited tetramer binding in both CD4 and CD8 cells and was selected for further studies. Antigen-specific and HLA-A*0201-restricted interferon-γ release, cell lysis and lymphocyte proliferation was observed following culture of TCR engineered human PBL with relevant tumor cell lines. Codon optimization was found to increase TCR-5 expression in transduced T cells, and this construct has been selected for development of clinical grade viral vector producing cells. The tumor-specific pattern of expression of SSX2, along with the potent and selective activity of TCR-5, makes this TCR an attractive candidate for potential TCR gene therapy to treat multiple cancer histologies.