173 resultados para Furo concêntrico


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A modelagem de um depósito mineral é realizada por meio da combinação de diversas fontes de informações. Dentre estas fontes pode-se citar a sísmica de reflexão. A sísmica de reflexão fornece dados de tempos de propagação de ondas sísmicas até essas serem refletidas pelas estruturas dos depósitos minerais. As profundidades dessas estruturas podem ser obtidas multiplicando-se os tempos pelas velocidades de propagação das ondas sísmicas. Normalmente, a velocidade de uma onda sísmica é determinada indiretamente por meio do processamento dos próprios dados sísmicos, o que pode gerar erros na interpretação de seções geológicas. A perfilagem geofísica é uma alternativa na determinação dessa velocidade, uma vez que a velocidade de onda acústica é obtida ao longo do furo perfilado e a velocidade de onda acústica pode ser relacionada com a velocidade de onda sísmica. As estimativas de valores de velocidade na região entre os furos perfilados permite as estimativas de valores de profundidade nessa região. Neste estudo, foram analisadas possibilidades de se estimar, em um grid, valores de velocidade e incertezas associadas a esses valores, utilizando-se ferramentas geoestatísticas. A simulação seqüencial Gaussiana, dentre as ferramentas analisadas, pareceu ser a mais adequada para obtenção de velocidades e incerteza dos valores estimados em cada nó do grid considerado. Para o caso abordado, alguns valores de profundidade da estrutura de interesse apresentaram variações significativas em função da incerteza de velocidade. Essas variações são muito importantes na execução de certos métodos de lavra subterrânea, o que enfatiza a importância da determinação da incerteza das velocidades estimadas. A metodologia é apresentada e ilustrada em um importante depósito de carvão em Queensland, Austrália.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a transferência de calor em tubos capilares cilíndricos utilizados na técnica de separação de moléculas denominada Eletroforese Capilar. Esta técnica é usada, por exemplo, na análise de biomoléculas e no sequenciamento de DNA, onde o controle da temperatura está diretamente ligado ao desempenho destes métodos e à qualidade dos resultados. Para empregar esta técnica, tensões elétricas da ordem de 20 kV são aplicadas entre as extremidades dos tubos capilares, que possuem normalmente 50 cm de comprimento, 350 µm de diâmetro externo e 50 µm de diâmetro interno, preenchidos por uma solução aquosa. Tais tensões geram uma corrente elétrica na solução, provocando aquecimento distribuído por Efeito Joule. Os tubos capilares são construídos em quartzo amorfo e protegidos por uma camada de material polimérico (poliimida). Para implementar o controle da temperatura, os tubos capilares são colocados em contato com um fluido de resfriamento. Num primeiro momento, os estudos são realizados por simulação numérica, empregando o Método dos Volumes Finitos em rotinas escritas em FORTRAN. São simulados casos onde os tubos são recobertos por camadas cilíndricas de materiais com uma condutividade térmica relativamente boa, com o objetivo de aumentar a superfície de troca de calor com o fluido de resfriamento. Como resultado, obtêm-se curvas da temperatura no centro dos tubos capilares em função do coeficiente de transferência de calor por convecção. Um caso de interesse é quando os tubos capilares são posicionados excentricamente ao recobrimento cilíndrico Num segundo momento, é utilizado o software de simulação numérica ANSYS CFX®, onde é simulado o resfriamento dos mesmos tubos capilares expostos a um escoamento transversal de ar a 15°C. Neste caso, também são aplicados os recobrimentos cilíndricos e, além disso, opta-se por simular o resfriamento de um arranjo de vários tubos (sistema multicapilar) dispostos entre placas de vidro, no formato de um sanduíche. Como resultados mais importantes salientam-se: a) o aumento do raio do recobrimento resulta no aumento da transferência de calor, fazendo com que a temperatura no núcleo do capilar fique estacionada em valores baixos que não comprometem as separações/análises; b) chegou-se a um valor de raio crítico da ordem de 10 mm para a condição de operação mais típicas na área da Eletroforese Capilar; c) as montagens com o tubo capilar concêntrico e excêntrico ao recobrimento não apresentam diferenças significativas no perfil de temperatura da solução tampão; e finalmente d) observa-se que o uso de duas placas de material dielétrico com os capilares posicionados em forma de sanduíche entre elas permite uma eficiente dissipação do calor gerado na solução tampão.


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Este trabalho apresenta o estudo da efetividade de barreiras de amortecimento para atenuar a vibração causada pela propagação de ondas sísmicas oriundas de detonações. A barreira consta de uma porção do terreno cujas características de propagação são modificadas artificialmente pela detonação de uma linha de furos com parâmetros idênticos aos dos furos de produção. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a efetividade deste recurso, evidenciado pelo coeficiente de redução entre os valores de vibração gerados em situações com e sem o uso de barreira (0,41) e também através da mudança dos coeficientes da equação de previsão via Distância Escalonada, possibilitando em escala de produção o aumento na carga máxima por tempo de retardo ( 4,9 % à 118,9% ), com redução de custos devido ao menor consumo de retardos por furo ( -5,7 % à - 40,7 % ).


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Titanium nitride films were grown on glass using the Cathodic Cage Plasma Deposition technique in order to verify the influence of process parameters in optical and structural properties of the films. The plasma atmosphere used was a mixture of Ar, N2 and H2, setting the Ar and N2 gas flows at 4 and 3 sccm, respectively and H2 gas flow varied from 0, 1 to 2 sccm. The deposition process was monitored by Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) to investigate the influence of the active species in plasma. It was observed that increasing the H2 gas flow into the plasma the luminescent intensities associated to the species changed. In this case, the luminescence of N2 (391,4nm) species was not proportional to the increasing of the H2 gas into the reactor. Other parameters investigated were diameter and number of holes in the cage. The analysis by Grazing Incidence X-Ray Diffraction (GIXRD) confirmed that the obtained films are composed by TiN and they may have variations in the nitrogen amount into the crystal and in the crystallite size. The optical microscopy images provided information about the homogeneity of the films. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) results revealed some microstructural characteristics and surface roughness. The thickness was measured by ellipsometry. The optical properties such as transmittance and reflectance (they were measured by spectrophotometry) are very sensitive to changes in the crystal lattice of the material, chemical composition and film thicknesses. Therefore, such properties are appropriate tools for verification of this process control. In general, films obtained at 0 sccm of H2 gas flow present a higher transmittance. It can be attributed to the smaller crystalline size due to a higher amount of nitrogen in the TiN lattice. The films obtained at 1 and 2 sccm of H2 gas flow have a golden appearance and XRD pattern showed peaks characteristics of TiN with higher intensity and smaller FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) parameter. It suggests that the hydrogen presence in the plasma makes the films more stoichiometric and becomes it more crystalline. It was observed that with higher number of holes in the lid of the cage, close to the region between the lid and the sample and the smaller diameter of the hole, the deposited film is thicker, which is justified by the most probability of plasma species reach effectively the sample and it promotes the growth of the film


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Composite laminates with plies in different directions finely dispersed are classified as homogenized. The expected benefits of homogenization include increased mechanical strength, toughness and resistance to delamination. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of stacking sequence on the tensile strength of laminates. Composite plates were fabricated using unidirectional layers of carbon/epoxy prepreg with configurations [903/303/-303]S and [90/30/-30]3S. Specimens were subjected to tensile and open hole tension (OHT) tests. According to the experimental results, the mean values of strength for the homogenized laminates [90/30/-30]3S were 140% and 120% greater for tensile and OHT tests, respectively, as compared to laminates with configuration [903/303/-303]S. The increase in tensile strength for more homogenized laminates was associated with the increment in interlaminar interfaces, which requires more energy to produce delamination, and the more complicated crack propagation through plies with different orientations. OHT strength was not affected by the presence of the hole due to the predominance of the interlaminar shear stress in relation to the stress concentration produced by the hole


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Composite materials have a wide application in various sectors, such as the medical field in the manufacture of prostheses, in automotive and aerospace. Thus it is essential to the development of new composite and a better understanding in the face of various loading conditions and service. Several structural elements are manufactured in the presence of geometric discontinuity (notch, hole, etc ) in their longitudinal sections and/or cross-cutting, and these affect the mechanical response of these elements. The objective is to study the mechanical response of laminated polymer matrix hybrid composites reinforced with glass fiber/jute in a uniaxial tensile test. The mechanical response takes in account both the influence of the presence of a geometric discontinuity (semicircular notches) and the orientation of fibers in the layers (anisotropy). The semicircular notches are located in longitudinal section (with a reduction in cross section) of the same. In this analysis, the anisotropy is characterized by types of configurations (with different orientations of fibers in the outer layers). A comparative study of mechanical properties with and without the presence of notches is developed. Both configurations consist of four layers of woven jute fiber bidirectional and a central layer of bidirectional woven glass fibers. In addition to the mechanical properties was also studied the characteristics of the fracture developed in each composite laminate. The results showed that in the comparative study, the anisotropy and the presence of semicircular notches directly influences the mechanical behavior of laminates composites, mainly in reducing the tensile strength, and well as the final characteristics of the fracture


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The growing demand in the use of hybrid composite materials makes it essential a better understanding of their behavior face of various design conditions, such as the presence of geometric discontinuities in the cross section of structural elements. This way, the purpose of this dissertation is a study of the mechanical response (strength and stiffness), modes (characteristics) of fracture and Residual Strength of an hybrid polymeric composite with and without a geometric discontinuity in its longitudinal section (with a reduction in the cross section) loaded by uniaxial tension. This geometric discontinuity is characterized by central holes of different diameters. The hybrid composite was fabricated as laminate (plate) and consisting of ortho-tereftalic polyester matrix reinforced by 04 outer layers of Jute fibers bidirectional fabrics and 01 central layer of E-glass bidirectional fabric. The laminate was industrially manufactured (Tecniplas Nordeste Indústria e Comércio Ltda.), obtained by the hand lay-up technique. Initially, a study of the volumetric density of the laminate was made in order to verify its use in lightweight structures. Also were performed comparative studies on the mechanical properties and fracture modes under the conditions of the specimens without the central hole and with the different holes. For evaluating the possible influence of the holes in the structural stability of the laminate, the Residual Strength of the composite was determined for each case of variation in hole diameter. As a complementary study, analyses of the macroscopic final fracture characteristic of the laminates were developed. The presence of the central hole of any sizes, negatively changed the ultimate tensile strength. Regarding the elastic modulus, moreover, the difference found between the specimens was within the range of tests displacement, showing the laminate stability related to the stiffness


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In machining of internal threads, dedicated tools, known as taps, are needed for each profile type, diameter, and low cutting speed values are used when compared to main machining processes. This restriction in the cutting speed is associated with the difficulty of synchronizing the tool s rotation speed and feed velocity in the process. This fact restricts the flexibility and makes machining lead times longer when manufacturing of components with threads is required. An alternative to the constraints imposed by the tap is the thread milling with helical interpolation technique. The technique is the fusion of two movements: rotation and helical interpolation. The tools may have different configurations: a single edge or multiple edges (axial, radial or both). However, thread milling with helical interpolation technique is relatively new and there are limited studies on the subject, a fact which promotes challenges to its wide application in the manufacturing shop floor. The objective of this research is determine the performance of different types of tools in the thread milling with helical interpolation technique using hardened steel workpieces. In this sense, four tool configurations were used for threading milling in AISI 4340 quenched and tempered steel (40 HRC). The results showed that climb cut promoted a greater number of machined threads, regardless of tool configuration. The upcut milling causes chippings in cutting edge, while the climb cutting promotes abrasive wear. Another important point is that increase in hole diameter by tool diameter ratio increases tool lifetime


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Background: Several studies emphasize the importance of assessing the knee function after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. The influence of several variables on the function of these patients has been analyzed, but there is no consensus in the science literature. Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between the torque and balance on the knee function after ACL reconstruction. Methods: 23 males patients with ACL reconstruction were tested. The procedures of the study included analysis of concentric peak torque at 60o/s and 180o/s of quadriceps femoris and hamstring muscle with a isokinetic dynamometer. The balance in single-limb stance was measured with stabilometry. The functional performance were performed by two hop tests. To estimate the subjective function of the patients was applied Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale and a Global Rating scale. Results: The analysis of data showed a moderate positive correlation between knee extensor torque and functional performance tests (r= 0,48; p=0,02). A moderate negative correlation was found between the two variables of the stabilometry center of pressure and average speed of centre of pressure and the Global Rating scale (r = -0.4, p = 0,04 and r = -0,49, p = 0 ,02, respectively). No correlation was found between peak torque and balance in single-limb stance. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that knee extensor strength and postural balance have some influence on knee function in patients after ACL reconstruction


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PURPOSE: To examine the acute effects caused by three techniques for stretching the hamstrings muscle on the active concentric peak torque (PT), passive PT and electromyographic activity (EMG). METHODS: Sixty volunteers (mean ± SD age, 22.6 ± 3 years), height 1.64 ± 0.07m and body weight of 58 ± 8.6kg, were randomly allocated into 4 groups of 15 subjects: Control Group (CG) - 5 minutes at rest, Static Stretching Group (SG) - 2 x 30s; Hold-Relax Group (HRG) - 3 x 6s of isometric contraction of hamstrings interspersed by 10s of hamstrings stretching and agonist Hold-Relax Group (AHRG) - 3 x 6s of isometric contraction of the quadriceps interspersed by 10s of hamstrings stretching. Evaluation has been conducted preand post-intervention, which verified the active concentric PT, passive PT EMG activity of IT. The statistical inference was performed by testing intra and inter, significance level at 5%. RESULTS: After intervention, there was a reduction in passive PT on CG, accompanied by a reduction of EMG activity, and an increase in passive PT on SG and AHRG. There was no change in the active concentric PT, or change in EMG activity. CG showed an increase in angle of the PT active, while the other groups showed no change. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the shortterm stretching: 1) causes acute increase in passive torque, since the muscle does not perform sub-maximal contraction, 2) does not change in electromyographic activity and active torque, ind ependent of the technique


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Objective:To analyze the immediate effects of the Kinesio Taping® application on the quadriceps neuromuscular performance, postural balance and lower limb function in healthy subjects. Materials andmethods:This is a randomized, controlled, blinded clinical trial. Sixtyfemale volunteers(age: 23.3±2.5 years old, BMI: 22.2±2.1kg/m2)wererandomly assigned intothreegroups with20memberseach,and performedone of these threeprotocols: control -10 minutesof rest,experimental 1- patch application ontherectusfemoris (RF), vastuslateralis(VL) and vastusmedialis(VM) and experimental 2-KT application on the same muscles. Allunderwent an evaluationfor singleand triple hop distance, postural balance (baropodometry), joint position sense(JPS), peak torque (concentric and eccentricevaluation at 60°/s)and electromyographic activityof VL,before andafter intervention.Results: There wasasignificant increasein the jump distanceof thethreestudied groups,with no differencebetween groups.There were nosignificant changesin postural balance,JPS, concentricpeak torqueand RMSof the VLin none of the groups. There was a reduction ineccentricpeak torquein all groups, without differencesbetween groups.Conclusion:The KT application on the RF, VL and VMmusclesis not able tosignificantly improvelower limbfunction and postural balance, as well as the kneeextensor peaktorque, JPSand the VL muscleactivation amplitudeof healthy women.


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Among placental mammals, primates are the only ones to present trichromatic color vision. However, the distribution of trichromacy among primates is not homogeneous: Old World primates shows an uniform trichromacy (with all individuals being trichromats) and New World primates exhibit a color vision polymorphism (with dichromatic males and dichromatic or trichromatic females). Visual ecology studies have investigated which selective pressures may have been responsible for the evolution of trichromacy in primates, diverging from the dichromat standard found in other mammals. Cues associated with foraging and the socio-reproductive status were analyzed, indicating a trichromatic advantage for the rapid detection of visually conspicuous objects against a green background. However, dichromats are characterized by an efficient capture of cryptic and camouflaged stimuli. These advantages regarding phenotype may be responsible for the maintenance of the visual polymorphism in New World primates and for the high incidence of color blindness in humans (standing around 8% in Caucasian men). An important factor that has not yet been experimentally taken into account is the predation risk and its effect on the evolution of trichromacy in primates. To answer this question, we prepared and edited pictures of animals with different coats: oncillas (Leopardus spp.), puma (Puma concolor) and ferret (Galictis cuja). The specimens were taxidermized and the photographs were taken in three different vegetation scenarios (dense forest, cerrado and grassland). The images of the predators were manipulated so that they fit into two categories of stimulus size (small or large). After color calibration and photo editing, these were presented to 40 humans (20 dichromats and 20 trichromats) by a computer program, which presented a set of four photos at a time (one picture containing the taxidermized animal amid the background vegetation and three depicting only the background vegetation) and recorded the response latency and success rate of the subjects. The results show a trichromatic advantage in detecting potential predators. The predator detection was influenced by the background, the predator species, the dimension of the stimulus and the observer s visual phenotype. As humans have a high rate of dyschromatopsias, when compared to wild Catarrhini or human tribal populations, it is possible that the increased rate of dichromats is a result of reduced pressure for rapid predator detection. Since our species came to live in more cohesive groups and resistant to attack by predators, with the advent of agriculture and the formation of villages, it is possible that the lower risk of predation has reduced the selection in favor of trichromats


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FUNDAMENTO: A relevância do padrão de remodelação no modelo de ratos expostos à fumaça do cigarro não é conhecida. OBJETIVO: Analisar a presença de diferentes padrões de remodelação nesse modelo e sua relação com a função ventricular. MÉTODOS: Ratos fumantes (n=47) foram divididos de acordo com o padrão de geometria, analisado pelo ecocardiograma: normal (índice de massa normal e espessura relativa normal), remodelação concêntrica (índice de massa normal e espessura relativa aumentada), hipertrofia concêntrica (índice de massa aumentado e espessura relativa aumentada) e hipertrofia excêntrica (índice de massa aumentado e espessura relativa normal). RESULTADOS: Os ratos fumantes apresentaram um dos quatro padrões de geometria: padrão normal, 51%; hipertrofia excêntrica:,32%; hipertrofia concêntrica, 13% e remodelação concêntrica, 4%. Os grupos normal e hipertrofia excêntrica apresentaram menores valores de fração de ejeção e porcentagem de encurtamento que o grupo hipertrofia concêntrica. Treze animais (28%) apresentaram disfunção sistólica, detectada pela fração de ejeção e pela porcentagem de encurtamento. Na análise de regressão univariada, os padrões de geometria e o índice de massa não foram fator de predição de disfunção ventricular (p>0,05). Por outro lado, o aumento da espessura relativa da parede foi fator de predição de disfunção ventricular na análise univariada (p<0,001) e na análise multivariada, após ajuste para o índice de massa (p=0,003). CONCLUSÃO: Ratos expostos à fumaça do cigarro apresentam um dos quatro diferentes padrões de remodelação. Entre as variáveis geométricas analisadas, somente o aumento da espessura relativa da parede do ventrículo esquerdo foi fator de predição de disfunção ventricular nesse modelo.


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Doenças infecciosas em animais selvagens têm aumentado devido às alterações em seu habitat e ao maior contato com animais domésticos. A cinomose já foi descrita em diversas espécies de carnívoros selvagens, representando uma ameaça à conservação da vida selvagem. Nesse estudo é descrito o primeiro caso de infecção pelo vírus da cinomose em um furão (Galictis cuja). Um indivíduo de vida livre, sem sinais clínicos aparentes, apresentou morte súbita após um dia em cativeiro. Foi realizado o diagnóstico molecular para detecção do vírus da cinomose canina, sendo o resultado positivo. A filogenia do vírus indicou que cães domésticos foram a provável fonte de infecção.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)